MEGALOTHYMIA Revenge. The sweetest morsel to the mouth that ever was cooked in hell. It elevates men to be eloquent, insightful, and sharper than their natural state would allow.
“Don’t be overwise; fling yourself straight into life, without deliberation; don’t be afraid - the flood will bear you to the bank and set you safe on your feet again.”
— Dostoevsky
The Trader and the Hero
Constantin von Hoffmeister juxtaposes the archetypes of trader and hero to reveal the ethical and existential divide that shapes human orientation, focusing on aspects such as material accumulation versus self-sacrifice, imitation versus creation, entitlement versus duty, and the preservation of the past versus the pursuit of an ever-becoming future.
Read the essay here:
Nietzsche on the reactive nature of scholarly readers and people who read in the morning
Читать полностью…“Serve your cause with all your faith and all your devotion, and worry not about the results; for to man belongs the will, and to God belongs the way.”
— Abir Taha, The Epic of Arya
Purchase the book here:
Читать полностью…“A happy life is impossible. The highest to which a man can attain is a heroic course of life.”
— Schopenhauer
"The fascist doctrine establishes the
state as the perfect mirror of man, as the very extension of the individual"
— Plínio Salgado
Today is the last opportunity to get in on this pre-order.
Paleface: The Philosophy of the Melting Pot, by Wyndham Lewis
282 pages, 5.5″x8.5″
Distinguished and highly original, the irrepressible controversialist Wyndham Lewis (1882–1957) is known for his sharp wit and sardonic insight. Though Lewis was a prolific British author, Paleface: The Philosophy of the Melting Pot, ringing perhaps a bit too true and nearly prophetic, remains one of his lesser known works, serving as a lively and provocative exposition of racial problems.
Originally published in 1929, Paleface examines the presence and role of “race-consciousness” in contemporary literature and poetry, providing brilliant commentary on the works of Sherwood Anderson, D. H. Lawrence, Ernest Hemingway, and others. In the work, Lewis contextualizes Western man’s curious modern tendency for self-destruction, particularly in light of the First World War, and considers the “melting pot” model that America aspires to and the resulting amalgamation of the “Palefaces.”
Antelope Hill Publishing is proud to bring Paleface: The Philosophy of the Melting Pot by Wyndham Lewis back into print, just as relevant today as when it was first penned, complete with a foreword by John Chapman.
Purchase it here:
Your soul is like a bullet.
Your trajectory is predestined.
All you can do is increase the intensity or lose it over time.
Great souls simply affirm their path and become an unstoppable force.
"Yes, my friends, believe in the Dionysian life, as I do, and in the rebirth of tragedy. The time of the Socratic man has passed: crown yourselves with ivy, take the thyrsus stick, and do not be surprised if tigers and panthers flatteringly lie at your knees. Dare to be only tragic men, for you shall be redeemed. You will lead the Dionysian march from India to Greece! Prepare for hard battles, but believe in the wonders of your God!"
— Nietzsche
"All concepts in which an entire process is semiotically summarized elude definition; only that which has no history is definable."
“Generally speaking, the Way of the Warrior is resolute acceptance of Death.”
— Musashi
Things never move backwards. The only chess rule that applies to life is the touch move. Decide to explore spirituality you’re fucked until you reach the other end of the bell curve. Enter a field and you can only succeed if you excel, mid-ling performance only gets you crumbs.
You can half-ass projects but you can't half-ass paths.
Читать полностью…"Those who are always weak are not conscious of their own inadequacies or miseries that result from their weakness, and that is why they are able to be satisfied with their current situation."
— Takeo Arishima, 'Love as a Life Credo'
Читать полностью…“Socialists must be convinced that the work to which they are devoting themselves is a serious, formidable and sublime work; it is only on this condition that they will be able to bear the innumerable sacrifices imposed on them by a propaganda which can produce neither honours, profits nor even immediate intellectual satisfaction.”
— Sorel
The disease of victory can kill a winning team.
When a few successes produced overconfidence, a team may underestimate the capabilities of their enemy or competition.
A leader must fight against this victory disease so that the team, despite its success, never gets complacent.
Be aggressive but not reckless.
While being aggressive is a great default attitude to have, it still must be balanced.
Use cautious and careful consideration to ensure it is not a case of excessive risk with limited reward.
If its not us, its no one.
If its not our time, its never.
Luckily, we have an unstoppable Will and we have birthed a generation that will shake the earth to its very foundation.
“We are not engaged in a ‘defense of the West’ but in a global struggle against it — against its democracy, progressiveness, and feminism.”
— Claudio Mutti (1978)
"I have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value."
— Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha
Germanic Mythology: Part 1
Hermann Göll, a noted scholar of Germanic history and mythology, explores the religious beliefs and deities of the early Germanic tribes.
Read the essay here: