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MEGALOTHYMIA Revenge. The sweetest morsel to the mouth that ever was cooked in hell. It elevates men to be eloquent, insightful, and sharper than their natural state would allow.

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

“Nihilism is that historical process whereby the dominance of the "transcendent" becomes null and void, so that all being loses its worth and meaning.”
— Heidegger

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

Thank your moms, wives or girlfriends today. If they good mothers, let them know they’re doing a good job.

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

“If few can withstand a long war without deterioration of soul, none can withstand a long peace.”

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

Almost everything we call higher culture is based on the spiritualization of cruelty.
— Nietzsche

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

"To embrace suffering is the constant role of physical courage; and physical courage is, as it were, the source of that taste for understanding and appreciating death that, more than anything else, is a prime condition for making true awareness of death possible."
— Mishima

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

The most valuable criticisms we can have as a movement is not of Jews or women or blacks, it is of White men ourselves. Of course we need to discuss these other groups with frank realism, but the final redpill is that if the White man rediscovers himself, we win, and there's nothing anyone else on Earth can do about it.

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

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Diary of an Underground Ronin


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Diary of an Underground Ronin

"No matter how deeply and clearly we examine ourselves, no matter how penetrating the criticism may be, it will never change our ability to live. It is not the force of life."
— Takeo Arishima, 'The Troubles of Modern Man'

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

"Each one of us needs healing in our lives on one level or an-other, and to one degree or another. In addition, our larger society and culture currently needs deep healing. Our mother, the Earth, Herself presently needs to be healed on a cosmic scale from the incessant abuse that corrupt politicians have leveled against Her. The only true healing, however, is that healing that occurs on the deepest of levels, on the spiritual level. To foster true healing, we must access the spiritual. We must live in accordance with Dharma." - Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

“Do not yield to misfortunes, but advance more boldly to meet them, as your fortune permits you.”
— Virgil

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Diary of an Underground Ronin


To generate culture in the service of higher life, one should create it with the intent of championing the following:

- Homeric Virtues (strength, fidelity to friends, honor, intelligence)
- Leadership (emphasizing the ability to overcome material odds by will, ability, and brilliance)
- Agonal Reality (life is not a battle between "muh good or muh evil," its a battle of competing wills where the the strong prevail due to their superior Virtù.)
- Contempt for the Low (to overcome the psychological weapon of slave moralizers (pity), weakness as an eternal bad, dispelling illusions cast by the weak in the form of their myriad dialectics.)
- Self-Overcoming (the pursuit of Excellence through discipline, dedication, purpose, and natural ability)

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

“Truth alone is victorious, not untruth. By truthfulness the path of felicity is opened up, the path which is taken by the sages, freed from cravings, and which leads them to truth’s eternal abode.” (Mundaka Upanishad, 3:1:6)

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Diary of an Underground Ronin


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Diary of an Underground Ronin


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Diary of an Underground Ronin

As a man, you need to be an asset and not a liability to your family. We give more than we have to ensure our families are safe. We never take away from their long term wellbeing for a short term, selfish reason. Being a man, a father, a husband is hard job, and often a thankless job.

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

Caribbean Rhythms Episode 160 Militarism

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

From Chariot to Chassis, Horse to Horsepower V

Not quite everyone in Rome was a fan of chariot racing. Pliny, who thought recitations were entertaining, could not understand the appeal of the circus. In a letter to a friend, he scoffs at the popular appeal of racing and the fickleness of fans who cheer for team or faction colors and not the skill of the drivers.

Roman fans were perhaps the most fanatical sports fans in ancient history. Because Roman chariot racing was a team sport, spectators behaved like modern soccer fans, which favor a team, rather than modern horse racing fans, which favor a horse. In the circus, team and faction supporters often sat together at the races and cheered wildly for their team. All too often they quarreled with the supporters of the other teams, and riots broke out. Green fans trading punches with blue fans for example. Soldiers were stationed at regular intervals to help control unruly crowds.

Pliny again, “The fans care not for the skill of the drivers, but for the team colors. If the team colors were suddenly switched, everyone would immediately transfer interest and support. One cheap tunic has so much power, so much influence and host just with the rabble, which is cheaper than even the tunic."

Successful drivers, like gladiators, won the favor and the hearts of crowds. They were admired by men and adored by women. Champions sometimes wined and dined with the wealthy, and even emperors. They could gain no social acceptance among the upper class in a society that considered entertainment and sport as a degrading occupation. For a young slave who had been brought to Rome from the provinces, hearing of a fellow slave rise to fame brought admiration and a desire to follow the same path. Many drivers showed reckless bravado on the track, hoping to win glory and fame, to become the pet of the circus crowd. One of the most popular drivers in Rome was a man named Scorpus (reminds me of Senna), who lived in the second half of the first century AD. He won 2048 races and had a huge following of fans. The poet Martial mentioned him in a number of poems while he was still alive. He also wrote about his death on the track, when he was only 26 years old.

…Scorpus the pride of the noisy Circus, the darling of Rome, wildly cheered, but short lived. Spiteful Lachesis snatched him away in my twenty sixth year. Alas, what a crime, you were cheated of your youth… Why did the finish line of the race, which you time and time again hastened to cross, quickly covering the distance in your chariot, now become the finish of your life?

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

All self-doubt is weakness of will. All weakness of will is chosen.
Victory is possible. Always.

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

The gym is barely even about muscles.

The gym is about developing your character as much as it is about developing your body.

A man who commits himself to the iron undergoes immense spiritual self-overcoming.

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

"There are no infallible oracles. There are only men of flesh and blood trudging on, braced against the headwinds, shouldering their assigned burdens in various states of strength, determination, and responsibility."
— Quintus Curtius

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

My Own Ten Commandments

1. You shall not shield yourself from raw, unvarnished experience.

2. You shall not hide from the clash, clang, and roar of life. Instead, you shall welcome it.

3. You shall find the nature of that Spirit that resides in you, and that moves you to attempt great deeds.

4. You shall obey the call of that Spirit, wherever it may take you.

5. You shall love passionately, and hate passionately.

6. You shall realize that we are, each of us, alone.

7. You shall not expect your woman to “complete” you, and neither shall you “complete” her.

8. You shall realize that Life is a brutal struggle, and you shall welcome the chance to enter the Great Arena of Life, knowing that the only way to lose is by failing to participate. Pain is good, natural, and desirable. All honor and glory go to those who participate with zeal in the struggle.

9. You shall not expect the other man to be like you, or to “understand” you, on more than a few points. He is he, and I am I.

10. You shall not expect, and shall not seek, a stupefying and illusory “happiness” from the World. You are entitled to nothing except what is in you.

Quintus Curtius

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

"Man does not decide if and how beings appear, if and how God and the gods or history and nature advance towards the cleansing of Being, come into presence and leave. The advent of beings resides in the destiny of Being. But for man it is always about finding what is appropriate in his essence and that corresponds to such destiny; because according to this destiny, man as ex-sistent has to guard the truth of Being. Man is the shepherd of Being." — Heidegger

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

“And life confided the secret to me: behold, it said, l am that which must overcome itself again and again.”

— Nietzsche, ‘Thus Spoke Zarathustra’

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

Back by popular demand!

We are happy to announce that our classic dark roast Italian and our signature house Hagalaz blend are back in stock at! Head on over and grab a bag for yourself today!

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Diary of an Underground Ronin


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Diary of an Underground Ronin


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Diary of an Underground Ronin

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Diary of an Underground Ronin

"Modern man is a terrible decadent. He can no longer wage war, but there are many other things he can no longer do. However, with his passion, his ignorant arrogance, he condemns what he can no longer do, what he can no longer bear. It's like art. He became a scientist because he could no longer be an artist."
— Pierre Drieu la Rochelle

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