MEGALOTHYMIA Revenge. The sweetest morsel to the mouth that ever was cooked in hell. It elevates men to be eloquent, insightful, and sharper than their natural state would allow.
"One must make one's own life as one would make a work of art. The life of an intelligent man must be created by himself. True superiority consists of nothing else."
— D'Annunzio
What are we fighting for? The easier question to answer would be: What aren't we fighting for? Life is an orgy of collisions, after all, and every step we take wreaks havoc whether our sensibilities appreciate it or not. So, may every moment be punctuated by another fusillade, in honor of nature and its infinite beauty, a dedication to the processes we ourselves cannot help but choose. Fight more and apologize less, brothers, for God forgives.
Читать полностью…“Their bodies were a source of pleasure to them, their minds a burden. In the case of such people, I asses their life and death alike, since silence surrounds each.”
— Sallust
Greg Johnson's series of lectures on Plato's Alcibiades I continues by showing how Socrates finally convinces Alcbiades that he is in need of his philosophical instruction if he wants to dominate Athenian politics.
Читать полностью…"Everything changes; nothing dies; the soul
Roams to and fro, now here, now there, and takes
What frame it will, passing from beast to man,
From our own form to beast and never dies.
As yielding wax is stamped with new designs
And changes shape and seems not still the same,
Yet is indeed the same, even so our souls,
Are still the same for ever, but adopt
In their migrations ever-varying forms."
Ovid, Metamorphoses 15.164-172
Oswald Spengler, The Decline of the West
The first volume of Oswald Spengler's The Decline of the West is a milestone in historiography. It is not a standard history book. Instead, it tries to explain the mechanisms that make different cultures tick. While classical culture had no concept of the past or future and was only fixated on the present, Western culture is focused on the past as memory and the future as unconquered territory.
Like organisms that are born, mature, and die, cultures are the blossoming youth while civilizations usher in senility, decay, and demise. When a culture becomes a civilization, decadence sets in and the ensuing downward spiral becomes an inevitable whirlwind of self-destruction.
The West is in terminal decline, desperately trying to revive the dead forms and traditions that animated the Faustian spirit in its exuberant heyday. It is all in vain as the West has become tired of itself and is unable to innovate in either the arts or philosophy. The West is on its way to the grave and what will see the light next must be something completely new and not just a corpse reanimated.
Order Volume 1 now:
"The Greeks offer us the model of a race and culture that has become pure: and hopefully we shall one day also achieve a pure European race and culture."
Friedrich Nietzsche
Where the family fortune is concerned, it is desirable that one ensures it be increased, or at least one should see to it that it is not decreased.
Naturally, societal factors can present a more or less beneficial impact, and oftentimes very little can be done to mend a befallen mischance.
That being said, a decrease should not be the consequence of careless expenditure.
“If you find yourself alone, riding in the green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled. For you are in Elysium, and you're already dead!”
Читать полностью…“The concept of the 'sociopath' is vulgar moralism with a medical-psychological mask.”
— Bronze Age Pervert
We try to conquer many things - even empires - but if we fail to conquer the mind, we are failures even if we manage to conquer an empire.
Srila Prabhupada
It is the will of all things measured to seek longevity. But sometimes longevity finds itself nestled in the bloodied expanse between bitter rivalries. Must we ourselves not die so that we may live forever? For as long as that question remains, we have not ceased living.
Читать полностью…“The nerve cells of splendid feminines and resolute warriors vibrate in rhythmic unison.”
— Ragnar Redbeard
“You are not today and you are not tomorrow. You are a thousand years ahead of you and a thousand years after you.”
— Reinhard Heydrich
Little consideration should be given to the opinion of a man or woman whose physique is not on point.
One must establish oneself within natural order for one's words to have potential value.
What weight can words hold if the man who speaks them is a stranger to the lifelong initiation of pain and struggle?
What thing of value to share, what wisdom can such a fool proclaim to possess, he who has never stepped into the brutal reality of life?
"The gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment may be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again."
— Homer, The Illiad
"He argued that when the truth is not known, we desire to know it, but once we do know it, there are not a few cases in which we repent our knowing and envy that earlier time in which we lived blissfully ignorant."
— Sōseki, 'To the Spring Equinox and Beyond'
Life isn’t life when it’s dominated by the concerns of the old. Life becomes a disease this way. Instead of adventure, war, making art and babies, from early on the young are forced to participate in façade of life designed to keep the old going well beyond their expiration date.
Читать полностью…“Young men nowadays behave differently from when I was young. Then, they were eager to do something for their own renown, either by going a-viking, or gaining goods and honor elsewhere in dangerous undertakings. Now they care only to sit with their backs to the fire and cool themselves with ale, and there is little manliness or hardihood to be looked for that way. You have certainly nothing much either of strength or height, and the inner part answers no doubt to the outer, so you will hardly come to tread in your father's footsteps.
In olden time, it was the custom for folk of our sort to go out on warlike expeditions, gaining wealth and honor, and that wealth was not handed down from father to son. No, they took it with them to the barrow, wherefore their sons must need find theirs by the same road.”
old Ketil Raum the boomer Viking to his son in Vatnsdæla saga
“The anti-financial heroic attitude of The South gave it an immense advantage in the field against the Yankee armies, who were inoculated with a war propaganda of jealousy of the superior life in The South.”
— Francis Parker Yockey
“[There are] signs of an internal reconquest. To again become master of oneself and in one’s home, that is the hope. To look at one’s children without blanching with shame, and, when the day comes, to leave life knowing that the legacy is safe.”
— Venner
Today's offering on MAN'S WORLD is really tremendous. It's 2045 and Attorney General John A. Bellicus writes a memorandum to President Barron Trump, providing his legal advice on a radical new programme of national renewal...
"You shall seek your enemy, you shall wage your war—and for your own thoughts! And should your thought be defeated, your honesty shall still proclaim its triumph in that!
You shall love peace as a means to new wars—and the short peace more than the long."
— Nietzsche