"We live in an oligarchic society where everyone pretends to be a democrat, but where there is no democracy."
— Alain de Benoist
An interview with Constantin von Hoffmeister of Arktos regarding my latest book, PHILOSOPHY OF THE FUTURE. We cover a lot of ground as Constantin asks complex and far-reaching questions about many aspects of my work. https://www.arktosjournal.com/p/eurosiberia-podcast-17-jason-reza
Читать полностью…"A man who has lived in many places is not likely to be deceived by the local errors of his native village; the scholar has lived in many times and is therefore in some degree immune from the great cataract of nonsense that pours from the press and microphone of his own age."
— C.S. Lewis
"Without knowledge of fear, we cannot know order in personality or society. Fear forms an ineluctable part of the human condition. Fear lacking, hope and aspiration fail. To demand for mankind 'freedom from fear', as politically attainable, was a silly piece of demagogic sophistry. If, per impossible, fear were wiped altogether out of our lives, we would be desperately bored, yearning for old or new terrors; vegetating, we would cease to be human beings. A child's fearful joy in stories of goblins, witches, and ghosts is natural yearning after the challenge of the dreadful: raw head and bloody bones, in one form or another, the imagination demands. From the great instinct to survive, to struggle, to triumph, comes the urge to contend with fear."
— Russell Kirk
Honor is different from most of our principles because it implies the existence of a pact higher than that of a paid contract or a forgettable law that will lose its value and strength with the smallest amount of tension. The trivialization of these higher allegiances is praised by all regardless of status or wealth; it just cannot be allowed or comprehended because it is an issue for those who are accustomed to otherwise, the retention of pleasures, the view of the world being that these materials are an essence rather than a complement.
Читать полностью…"We play upon every cord of the lyre, from violence to religion, from art to politics. We are politicians and we are warriors. We are syndicalists and we also fight battles in the streets and the squares. That is Fascismo as it was conceived at Milan."
— Mussolini
“Say that the universe has no meaning, and no one will be upset, but assert the same about an individual, and they will surely protest and even take action against you.”
— Emil Cioran
“Against the doctrine of influence from the milieu and from extrinsic causes: the inner force is infinitely superior.”
— Nietzsche, ‘The Will to Power’
"We have a very effective reply to those who accuse Syndicalists of being obtuse and ignorant people. We may ask them to consider the economic decadence for which they are working. Let us salute the revolutionaries as the Greeks saluted the Spartan heroes who defended Thermopylae and helped to preserve the civilisation of the ancient world."
— Sorel
If you want to be respected as a leader, realize that you can change people's lives when you choose to step up and lead, even when others are telling you to do what they want you to do.
Nobody will come and ask for your leadership, because everyone already has an idea of how things should go.
But if you step up and carve your own path, you will be valued.
And you will be remembered.
“With or without a weapon, through hunting, I return to my essential sources: the enchanted forest, silence, the mystery of wild blood, the old clan companionship. To me, hunting is not a sport. It is a necessary ritual where each, predator or prey, plays the role imposed by its nature. Along with childbirth, death, and sowing, I believe that hunting, if practiced according to the rules, is the last primordial rite that partially escapes the deadly distortions and manipulations of modernity.”
— Dominique Venner
"I've just finished reading Demigod Mentality. I preface this with saying that in no way was 'Dauntless' badly written, however the improvement in writing quality between the two books is a veritable chasm.
Would you consider compiling and presenting a "Golden Indo-European studies" reading list?. Yes, I do read all of your book reviews and saw many of them were referenced in the footnotes of Demigod Mentality, but thought there must be some books you have read but not reviewed. Furthermore, I consider that Carthage must be destroyed."
Thanks for the kind words, Jaymes! 💪🙏
I will respond at length in a video, but for now I can say that I will indeed make a reading list 📚
And yes, I, too, believe that Carthage must be destroyed!
"The great masses, who have never been, in the history of mankind, more subject to hypnotic suggestion than they are right now, have become the puppets of the 'public opinion' that is engineered by the newspapers in the service, it need hardly be emphasized, of the reigning powers of finance. What is printed in the morning editions of the big city newspapers is the opinion of nine out of ten readers by nightfall. The United States of America, whose more rapid 'progress' enables us to predict the future on a daily basis, has pulled far ahead of the pack when it comes to standardizing thought, work, entertainment, etc."
— Ludwig Klages
1. I will take care of my physical health by exercising, eating properly, and getting the rest I need to recover and rebuild. I will take care of my physical surroundings, keeping them in order.
2. I will develop myself mentally by reading, writing, drawing, building, creating, and engaging in other activities that sharpen and expand my mind.
3. I will not waste time. Time is precious.
4. I will not waste money and I will make prudent financial decisions. Money is hard to earn.
5. I will set goals that I will strive toward.
6. I will excel in my job because work is integral to life.
7. I will be humble and not allow my ego to negatively impact my decisions.
8. I will control my emotions and not allow my emotions to negatively impact my decisions.
9. I will put others before myself. I will help other people and protect those that cannot protect themselves. I will take care of my friends and family and treat other people with respect.
10. I will be ready to protect my friends and family. My gear will be ready. I will train and prepare to defend myself and others.
“A true Prince never desires shadows, puppets, and automatons as subjects, but rather he desires individuals, warriors, living, and strong beings; and in fact, his pride would be to feel himself to be a King of kings.”
— Evola
A boy becomes a man when he stops blaming external factors and starts taking full responsibility for his circumstances.
Читать полностью…Morris van de Camp reviews Joseph Ford Cotto's book What Happened to America? How — and Why — the American Dream Became a Nightmare, on how the United States slowly lost its Anglo-Saxon demographic foundations. https://counter-currents.com/2024/05/how-americas-anglo-saxon-fabric-was-damaged/
Читать полностью…“Anyone who studies present and ancient affairs will easily see how in all cities and all peoples there still exist, and have always existed, the same desires and passions. Thus, it is an easy matter for him who carefully examines past events to foresee future events in a republic and to apply the remedies employed by the ancients, or, if old remedies cannot be found, to devise new ones based upon the similarity of the events. But since these matters are neglected or not understood by those who read, or, if understood, remain unknown to those who govern, the result is that the same problems always exist in every era.”
— Niccolò Machiavelli
"At the twilight of antiquity there were still wholly unchristian figures, which were more beautiful, harmonious, and pure than those of any Christians: e.g., Proclus. ... In comparison with them Christianity looks like some crude brutalisation, organised for the benefit of the mob and the criminal classes."
Friedrich Nietzsche, We Phlilogists 249
I am checking in from a 24-hour fast with a shorter book review! 📚
“As a myth, medieval civilization left its testament in two legends. According to the first legend, every year on the night of the anniversary of the suppression of the order of the Knights Templar, an armed shadow wearing a red cross on its white mantle allegedly appears in the crypt of the Templars to inquire who wants to free the Holy Sepulcher: "No one," is the reply, "since the Temple has been destroyed." According to the second legend, Frederick I still lives with his knights, although asleep, on the Kifhauser heights inside a symbolic mountain. He awaits the appointed time when he will descend to the valleys below at the head of his faithful in order to fight the last battle, whose successful outcome will cause the Dry Tree to bloom again and a new age to begin.”
— Evola, Revolt Against the Modern World
The Mystery of the Grail
Julius Evola
The original version of Julius Evola's Mystery of the Grail formed an appendix to the first edition of his masterpiece, Revolt Against the Modern World (1934). Three years later he reworked that appendix into the present book, which first appeared as part of a series of religious and esoteric studies published by the renowned Laterza Publishers in Bari, Italy.