MEGALOTHYMIA Revenge. The sweetest morsel to the mouth that ever was cooked in hell. It elevates men to be eloquent, insightful, and sharper than their natural state would allow.
Guillaume Faye — RACIAL CIVIL WAR
(with a foreword by Jared Taylor)
The limited leather-bound edition of Racial Civil War has arrived and pre-sale orders have been shipped. Didn't preorder? You're in luck! We have 15 copies left (US customers only) from our exclusive print run of only 50 copies. This unique edition will not be reprinted, making it a truly exclusive piece. Don't miss this opportunity to own a piece of literary history and support the preservation of important works.
In the last book he completed before his death, the irrepressible Guillaume Faye takes a bold and ruthlessly candid look at Europe's increasingly volatile situation. With the rise of Islamist terrorism and inter-religious violence, coupled with native resistance to demographic changes, Faye argues that Europe is on the brink of a terrible racial civil war, fueled by years of poor immigration policies and political failures. Using troubling developments in French politics, culture, and society, Faye confronts us with the harsh reality of a deeply divided multicultural Europe, aiming to wake up Europeans to their dire situation before it is too late.
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“True beauty is something that attacks, overpowers, robs, and finally destroys.”
— Yukio Mishima
"Make no small plans for they have no power to stir the soul."
— Machiavelli
Constantin von Hoffmeister asserts that, in the spirit of Oswald Spengler, Donald Trump’s potential return to the presidency can be seen as the emergence of a new caesar in the context of Western decline, rising to power amidst the foul decomposition of democratic institutions and heralding a new gloriously authoritarian epoch.
"He who is a hero in life does not need religion. He himself assumes destiny."
— Spengler
Modern times, unlike natural times, lets the weak and feeble minded roam the earth. Now safe from nature’s wrath, the frail are free to reproduce in multitude. For what was once ruled by the strong is now freely given to the weak. But weaklings being what they are, incapable of self-sufficiency, require the deeds of the strong to survive. It is hence only until the strong have had enough of the troubles the weak create that an overtaking can occur. And no doubt will it occur, for natural law cannot be overruled for long.
Читать полностью…"There was a boy tending the sheep who would continually go up to the embankment and shout, 'Help, there's a wolf!' The farmers would all come running only to find out that what the boy said was not true. Then one day there really was a wolf, but when the boy shouted they didn't believe him and no one came to his aid. The whole flock was eaten by the wolf."
Aesop, The Boy Who Cried Wolf
"All around, vastly and untidily, stretched the country for which he grieved. He was to give his life for it... His was a battlefield without glory, a battlefield where none could display deeds of valor: it was the front line of the spirit."
― Mishima, 'Patriotism'
“The greatest obstacle to living is expectancy, which hangs upon tomorrow and loses today. You are arranging what lies in Fortune’s control, and abandoning what lies in yours... The whole future lies in uncertainty: live immediately.”
― Seneca
"What though the field be lost? All is not lost; the unconquerable will, And study of revenge, immortal hate, And courage never to submit or yield: And what is else not to be overcome? That glory never shall his wrath or might Extort from me."
— Milton, Paradise Lost
Never lose hope; Odysseus himself looked upon the horizon and wept.
But never despair.
The future belongs to us.
“Rage—Goddess, sing the rage of Peleus’ son Achilles, murderous, doomed, that cost the Achaeans countless losses, hurling down to the House of Death so many sturdy souls, great fighters’ bodies shattered, and the will of Zeus was moving toward its end.”
— Homer
The Confederate revolution, Thomas maintains, occurred in two stages.
The first consisted of an external revolution—secession from the Union, war, and the establishment of a new Confederate nation. This “conservative revolution” was spearheaded by classic revolutionaries in the tradition of 1776. The revolutionaries agitated for secession in order to conserve the Southern way of life. These “fire-eaters” or “radicals,” as historians call them, were active from 1820 on.
The second revolution was an “internal” social, economic, and political revolution inadvertently brought about by the demands of total war. It “displaced the basic institutions which had composed the antebellum Southern way of life.”
The partnership arrangement among the Davis administration, manufacturers, and railroads allowed the government to manage substantial segments of the wartime economy and make long strides toward national economic planning [an old Leftist euphemism for state socialism]. . . . The Confederate States moved faster toward economic nationalism than did the United States.
The internal revolution was spearheaded by moderates who assumed control of the Confederate nation from the time of its formation. They displaced the original revolutionaries, who played little role in the new state.
“Each of us bears his own Hell.”
― Virgil
"The commanders of the Red Latvian Riflemen (as well as some other Latvians, not connected to the Riflemen) attained dizzying heights in Soviet Russia and across the USSR. Gustav Bokis, for instance, headed the mechanized forces of the Red Army, Jukums Vācietis served for a while as commander-in-chief, and Jēkabs Alksnis commanded the air force. Having played a key role in the Lockhart affair, Eduards Bērziņš was instrumental in setting up the Gulag system, while his namesake Jānis Bērziņš (real name Pēteris Ķuzis) was the creator and director of Soviet military intelligence."
"He has completely mastered ten or fifteen sciences. He has a penetrating judgment on the whole historical process, as far as history reaches. And he also has something which men of today almost never have, a sound eye for the phenomena of decline in the civilizations of the present day. There is a fundamental difference between Spengler and those who do not grasp the nature of the impulses of decline and who try all kinds of arrangements for extracting from the decayed ideas some appearance of upward motion. Were it not heart-rending it might be humorous to see how people with traditional ideas all riddled with decay meet today in conferences and believe that out of decay they can create progress by means of programs. Such a man as Oswald Spengler, who really knows something, does not yield to such a deception. He calculates like a precise mathematician the rapidity of our decline and comes out with the prediction (which is more than a vague prophecy) that by the year 2200 this Occidental culture will have fallen into complete barbarism."
— Rudolf Steiner, "On Spengler's Decline of the West," lecture in Dornach, 2 July 1920
Don't just say you have read books. Show that through them, you have learned to think better, to be a more discriminating and reflective person. Books are the training weights of the mind. They are very helpful, but it would be a bad mistake to suppose that one has made progress simply by having internalized their contents.
“It is folly for a man to pray to the gods for that which he has the power to obtain by himself.”
― Epicurus
"Because I consider the totalitarianism of consumer capitalism worse than the totalitarianism of the old power."
— Pier Paolo Pasolini
you find what you seek, and you reap what you sow:
if you seek solitude, you'll find peace.
if you seek inspiration, you'll find creativity.
if you seek mindfulness, you'll find awareness.
if you seek challenges, you'll find opportunities.
“If I did not love death
my suffering
my desire for you
would kill me"
— Bataille
Yukio Mishima on ‘Hagakure’: Philosophy of Action
Dmitry Moiseev discusses Yukio Mishima’s notion that an an icy willingness to die is the key to a successful life.
Read the essay here:
“The myths are not descriptions of things but expressions of a determination to act.”
— Sorel
"In Greek city the man of power spent his time in the hunt, at the gymnasium, in the study of military history and strategy, in every way making himself ready for war."
— Bronze Age Pervert