MEGALOTHYMIA Revenge. The sweetest morsel to the mouth that ever was cooked in hell. It elevates men to be eloquent, insightful, and sharper than their natural state would allow.
Cavalier culture (that which we call "Southern Culture") is the true America. They are the only ones in the US that will hold the essence of what is to come. For reference, I hail from deep Yankee culture, which is to say gay ass Puritan bourgeoise culture (which is the dominant culture of today/ also are the OG "American" MARXISTS). The Warrior Ethos is the only one that can give rise to ascendant life, and for us Americans, the key is in the heart of a Southern Gentleman like Lee and Stonewall.
Be a Cavalier!
I obey the inscrutable exhortations of my soul.
Читать полностью…“Heroes, lovers and believers don't extinguish: they are rediscovered in every age, and in this sense myth always emerges.”
Читать полностью…"Our task: to lead humankind back to nature; To see ourselves and Nature in the exact same way."
— Friedrich Nietzsche
Читать полностью…The warrior aristocracy of Bronze Age Europe were buried in warrior graves with personal weaponry - like daggers, swords, and spears.
But there were other objects in these graves like hair combs, bronze razors and tweezers, cloak pins, and awls for tattooing the skin, that all speak to a profound interest in clothing, personal grooming and in adorning the warrior.
So what can this all tell us about this aristocracy, the beliefs and practices of these elite men, and the nature of masculinity in prehistory?
Find out by watching this video!
• “Questo cuoio nell'aria sta ufficializzando la danza, solo la casta guerriera pratica cinghiamattanza”. Un rituale che richiama, per tornare ai paralleli cinematografici, alla filosofia del Fight Club, in cui il recupero della fisicità, la nuova carne che rifonda l'identità, inizia dai marciapiedi e dai bassifondi, dalla fragilità e dal coraggio che si riscoprono a vicenda nell'allenamento alla zuffa.
• Siamo pervasi dal dubbio che sia sciocco avere in sé una spinta ideale e che soprattutto sia da ottusi perseguirla fino in fondo. Che sia saggio il compromesso, la negoziazione, la moderazione, la tolleranza, l'accettazione. E se invece non fosse così? E se ci si dovesse vergognare proprio di questo dubbio morboso? Forse è proprio qui l'uscita: clonare la malattia sociale che succhia via il midollo spirituale dagli individui, dubitare del dubbio, per riappropriarsi della libertà di potersi lanciare all'attacco.
✍🏼 Dottore
"There are no neutral objectives, they all fall either on the side of strength or weakness. I am here to show you that strength can be your every choice. Forever."
Читать полностью…“The only intelligent tactical response to life's horror is to laugh defiantly at it.”
— Kierkegaard
The people who are successful decide they are going to be successful.
They decide to study hard.
They decide to work hard.
They decide to be the first person to get to work and the last to go home. They decide to take on the hard jobs.
They decide to lead when no one else will.
“The price of loving someone very much is never loving anyone again.”
Читать полностью…“Lightning and thunder require time, the light of the stars requires time, deeds require time even after they are done, before they can be seen and heard.”
— Nietzsche
"Great men are the deeds of their nations. Great men come only from great folk, and vice-versa. All the greatness of great men lay originally in the nation and the race to which they belonged."
— Arthur Moeller van den Bruck
"The best fortress which a prince can possess is the affection of his people."
— Machiavelli
Come now, brethren! Toss aside what belongs to yesterday, for it is dead, and you are the children of life.
Haven't you heard that the cosmic Will, the all-father of mankind wields the mighty thunderbolt? And so will you be also, you who possess the divine spark.
Cast aside today what holds you down, lest you remain earth-bound, unable to seize the heavens.
Destiny awaits and tomorrow belongs to the strong. The blood calls on the bold to advance through the corridors of time, for only they shall implement the Will of Nature.
Do not hesitate, give purpose to your stride, march on, and remember always that virtue demands the offering of pain.
A Practical Plan for Mass Remigration
Zander presents a framework of practical steps and considerations for enacting a humane programme of mass repatriation, broken into three distinct phases: groundwork, voluntary removal, and involuntary removal.
Read the essay here:
“If you still experience the stars as something 'over you,' you still don’t have the eyes of a knower.”
"Our task: to lead humankind back to nature;
To see ourselves and Nature in the exact same way"
The Communist couches its violence in the language of justice so that they may commit political terrorism with impunity (and ascertain the passive support of those sympathetic in positions of power).
Читать полностью…“To will is liberating: that is the true teaching concerning will and freedom — thus Zarathustra teaches it to you.”
Читать полностью…“History is the record of fulfilled destinies - of Cultures, nations, religions, philosophies, sciences, mathematics, art-forms, great men. Only the feeling of empathy can understand these once-living souls from the bare records left.
Causality is helpless here, for at every second a new fact is cast into the pool of Life, and from its point of impact, ever-widening circles of changes spread out. The subterranean facts are never written down, but every fact changes the course of the history of facts.
The true understanding of any organism, whether a High Culture, a nation, or a man, is to see behind and underneath the facts of that existence the soul which is expressing itself by means of, and often in opposition to, the external happenings. Only so can one separate what is significant from what is unimportant.”
— Yockey, Imperium
“The highest interest of life, of ascending life, demands that degenerate life should be shoved aside and with no mercy whatsoever”
Читать полностью…"A declaration of war on the masses by higher men is needed!
Everything that makes soft and effeminate, that serves the ends of the 'people' or the 'feminine,' works in favor of suffrage universel, i.e., the dominion of inferior men."
— Nietzsche, "The Will to Power"
The shortcut is a lie.
The hack doesn’t get you there.
And if you want to take the easy road, it won’t take you to where you want to be:
Stronger. Smarter. Faster. Healthier. Better. FREE.
All courses of action are risky, so prudence is not in avoiding danger, but calculating risk and acting decisively.
Make mistakes of ambition and not mistakes of sloth.
Develop the strength to do bold things, not the strength to suffer.