“Suffering arises from trying to control what is uncontrollable, or from neglecting what is within our power.”
― Epictetus
"It is not proper, either, to overlook the exercise of the body, but we should send the children to the trainer's and cultivate adequately this side of education with all diligence, not merely for the sake of gracefulness of body but also with an eye to strength; for sturdiness of body in childhood is the foundation of a hale old age. Just as in fair weather, then, one ought to prepare for storm, so also in youth one should store up discipline and self-restraint as a provision for old age."
— Plutarch, The Education of Children
“Human perfection and technical perfection are incompatible. If we strive for one, we must sacrifice the other: there is, in any case, a parting of the ways. Whoever realizes this will do cleaner work one way or the other. Technical perfection strives toward the calculable, human perfection toward the incalculable. Perfect mechanisms—around which, therefore, stands an uncanny but fascinating halo of brilliance evoke both fear and a titanic pride which will be humbled not by insight but only by catastrophe.”
— Ernst Jünger
Men are born for games. Nothing else. Every child knows that play is nobler than work.
He knows too that the worth or merit of a game is not inherent in the game itself but rather in the value of that which is put at hazard.
Games of chance require a wager to have any meaning at all. Games of sport involve the skills and strength of the opponents and the humiliation of defeat and the pride of victory are in themselves sufficient stake because they inhere in the worth of the principals and define them.
But trial of chance or trial of worth all games aspire to the condition of war for here that which is wagered swallows up game, player, all.
Suppose two men at cards with nothing to wager save their lives. Who has not heard such a tale? A turn of the card. The whole universe for such a player had labored clanking to this moment which will tell if he is to die at that man’s hand or that man at his.
What more certain validation of a man’s worth could there be?
This enhancement of the game to its ultimate state admits no argument concerning the notion of fate. The selection of one man over another is a preference absolute and irrevocable and it is a dull man indeed who could reckon so profound a decision without agency or significance either one.
In such games as have for their stake the annihilation of the defeated the decisions are quite clear. This man holding this particular arrangement of cards in his hands is thereby removed from existence.
This is the nature of war, whose stake is at once the game and the authority and the justification. Seen so, war is the truest form of divination.
It is the testing of one’s will and the will of another within that larger will which because it binds them is therefore forced to select.
War is the ultimate game because war is at last a forcing of the unity of existence. War is god.
Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian
The risk in any action must be carefully weighed against the potential rewards of mission success.
And of course, to counter that, the cost of inaction must be weighed as well.
Leaders must be cautious that they are not running to their deaths.
“Our goal is greatness. Greatness is achieved through action. But thought precedes action. Before the intoxication of action, the cold calculations of intelligence, at the behest of will and imagination. We seek the means to greatness."
— George Valois
"I consider life itself instinct for growth, for durability, for accumulation of forces, for power"
"The Art of War in the Middle Ages"
by Sir Charles Oman
"The Art of War in the Middle Ages is a masterly account about every aspect of Medieval martial prowess and art. Charles Oman reveals to the reader the intricacies of Byzantine strategy, their soldiers and prominent formations, Swiss martial preeminence and pike tactics, English campaigns of the 100 Years War, and much else. Oman peels back the mystery of Medieval Warfare through expert research and exposes the reader to the technical nature of Feudal combat and the various advances made therein."
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"With increasing depth, conservatives and revolutionaries become very similar, because they necessarily approach the same ground."
The Reds and Plutocrats stop having power when you, Citizen, stop feeling shame for championing your country and the protecting the future of our family.
These bugs are an existential threat to the whole world.
See past their lies and manipulations.
"When the decay has reached its worst, and likewise the conflict of all sorts of tyrants, there always arises the Cæsar, the final tyrant, who puts an end to the exhausted struggle for sovereignty, by making the exhaustedness work for him. In his time the individual is usually most mature, and consequently the "culture" is highest and most fruitful, but not on his account nor through him: although the men of highest culture love to flatter their Cæsar by pretending that they are his creation. The truth, however, is that they need quietness externally, because internally they have disquietude and labour. In these times bribery and treason are at their height... for the love of the ego, then first discovered, is much more powerful than the love of the old, used-up, hackneyed "fatherland"; and the need to be secure in one way or other against the frightful fluctuations of fortune, opens even the nobler hands to put gold into them."
"Metapolitik handlar helt enkelt om att påverka och forma människors tankar, deras världsbild, deras begrepp. Först när det metapolitiska arbetet rönt framgång och befolkningen känner behovet av skifte som en självklar nödvändighet börjar den politiska makten – som då lösgjorts från allmänhetens konsensus – att vackla, för att slutligen falla, eller helt odramatiskt vissna bort och lämna plats för något annat. Metapolitiken kan därför ses som ett samhällsomvandlande krig på världsåskådningens, tankekonstens och kulturens nivå."
"I welcome all signs that a more virile, warlike age is about to begin, which will restore honor to courage above all!"
— Nietzsche
My feeling of power should not be diminished by outward events, no matter how painful they are.
Читать полностью…“What was silent in the father speaks in the son; and often I found the son the unveiled secret of the father.”
— Nietzsche
"A clever fellow might exhort, 'Rise above the times, by all means'; I, for one, believe that one must rise above life and death as well."
— Sōseki, 'The Wayfarer'
Our first Book Club podcast episode is OUT! Check it out on our Substack, and make sure to subscribe so you're updated about future episodes!
In the first episode, hosts Taylor and Shawn discuss Dr. Joseph Goebbels' novel Michael, about a young soldier, writer, and worker wrestling with the uncertainty of Germany’s future and his own political identity after the First World War, and draw out many of the questions and themes posed by this unique work.
0:00 - Intro and history of Goebbels’ life
3:31 - Impressions of the book
11:52 - Art for art’s sake?
15:52 - Michael and Goebbels’ relationships and the woman question
23:47 - Russia
41:04 - Christianity and National Socialism
48:22 - Class and the workers
1:03:00 - Final thoughts
Get your copy of Michael on our website!
"Conclusion concerning the development of mankind: perfection consists in the production of the most powerful individuals, who turn the great multitude into instruments (albeit into the most intelligent and versatile instruments possible)."
Friedrich Nietzsche, The Will to Power
"Knighthood, instead, appeared as a superterritorial and supernational community in which its members, who were consecrated to military priesthood, no longer had a homeland and thus were bound by faithfulness not to people but, on the one hand, to an ethics that had as its fundamental values honor, truth, courage, and loyalty and, on the other hand, to a spiritual authority of a universal type, which was essentially that of the Empire."
— Julius Evola, Revolt Against the Modern World
What a disgrace they are, those who take from their ancestors' sacred soil and enjoy the fruits and blessings it produces without being willing to bleed and die for it.
To hell with those ingrates and cowards who conceal their impotence under the guise of pacifism, passing on judgment and thinking themselves better men for lacking the virtues of wrath and violence when faced with malevolence.
Living only for their little selves, they are worse than thieves, as they take from their nourishing Mother without giving anything back.
In this life, it's not what you hope for, it's not what you deserve - it's what you take.
Читать полностью…"A Dionysian life task needs the hardness of the hammer and one of its first essentials is without a doubt the joy to be found even in destruction."
— Nietzsche
I exalt, I venerate, I adore Beauty above all else. This account exists as an altar to Aphrodite, with every post a bloodless sacrifice. A handful of incense and a patera of wine for Hebe’s ultimate triumph over Geras!
Читать полностью…"Europe has created a world that in all its parts constitutes an irreparable and complete antithesis to what was the traditional world. There are no possible compromises or reconciliations; the two conceptions stand opposed, separated by an abyss over which every bridge is illusory. Meanwhile, Western civilization, the Christian world, is rapidly progressing toward its logical consequences, and the conclusion, without needing to be prophetic, will not take long to arrive. Those who foresee this conclusion and sense its absurdity and tragedy must therefore summon the courage to say no to everything."
— Julius Evola, Pagan Imperialism