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Eternal Scandinavian Medieval darkness. Anti-krist, death cult, european values and folktales. Thuleansk Poesi🌲 Poetry from Thulêland. Art and tales from northern Scandinavia. Long live the plague

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🌲Nordic Ambient Posting🌲

If the pictures could speak..

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🌲Nordic Ambient Posting🌲

Medbœrgaræn Og Lændsmanna

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🌲Nordic Ambient Posting🌲

Skal presten segja meg kva som er sann guddomsnærvær? Eg trur ikkje det, eg set kniven i kista innanfor kapellet medan han med gudetrui søv i sitt klokketårn.

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🌲Nordic Ambient Posting🌲

Medieval musicians🎼

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🌲Nordic Ambient Posting🌲

Mmmmm jæg må smake desse viner

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🌲Nordic Ambient Posting🌲

Dræpe kristi lekamen

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🌲Nordic Ambient Posting🌲

Må jeg tager sjelfmœrd

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🌲Nordic Ambient Posting🌲

Må jeg peke på disse stjærner og liste ut deres bætyllse.

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🌲Nordic Ambient Posting🌲

Bœrgevattnets præstegaard

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🌲Nordic Ambient Posting🌲

Medeltide hæxedans og hæxekonst.

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🌲Nordic Ambient Posting🌲

Medeltide viner

Medieval wine

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🌲Nordic Ambient Posting🌲

Life in the early Middle Ages.

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🌲Nordic Ambient Posting🌲

Om huru man uppbränner våldsamma fogdars borgar.

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🌲Nordic Ambient Posting🌲

Dödermans hö og månens utlyse

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🌲Nordic Ambient Posting🌲

Ty denne långsamme død, ty du plågas av svält och köld, mager du vandre till dødens rike.

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🌲Nordic Ambient Posting🌲

Mine þegen nunnor oc adelmann, þú skuleð dansa mæð dauðan í þínn hand. Benrangel sang oc likets stank aro nærvarande í þessum øgum.

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🌲Nordic Ambient Posting🌲

Sent by a fan

”mmmuhum yes.. may I smoke my pipe”

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🌲Nordic Ambient Posting🌲

”Man göra sitt för sitt levebröd, ty häxan ska dräpas, bäcken skall rinna, kyrkans män vid ån sjunga. Ty dessa långa klor från judens fingrar, som styra och ställa. Ack vare dig du gamla svenska kyrka. Du må ha dräpt oss, men vi äro väckta, o du gamla jävla präst”….

Lyrics from Pestepigan by Totantanz (from around 2003).

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🌲Nordic Ambient Posting🌲

Medeltide grænsførsvarae trupper af Thulêlann.

Medieval border guards of Thulêland.

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🌲Nordic Ambient Posting🌲

Ask the truth seeking Owl for advice. He will either reject your question or he will help if you are worthy enough.

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🌲Nordic Ambient Posting🌲

Totentanz album cover for ”misteri” ~ 2002

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🌲Nordic Ambient Posting🌲

Må dette vrak ge de nye vandrene en bild av det som engang var.

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🌲Nordic Ambient Posting🌲

Under disse medeltider vændes desse kanoner, mot detta borgafolk som ikke fyljer hirdens lag.

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🌲Nordic Ambient Posting🌲

Админ добрался до гитары, убирайте детей от экрана и берегите уши

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🌲Nordic Ambient Posting🌲

”During medieval times in Northern Europe, men would often communicate their approval or agreement with a hearty “mmmmmmhmmm” sound that resonated through the rugged countryside.”

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🌲Nordic Ambient Posting🌲

Medeltide krigsmakta

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🌲Nordic Ambient Posting🌲

𝔇𝔬𝔡𝔢𝔫 𝔰𝔨𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔰𝔳𝔢𝔭𝔢 𝔡𝔢𝔱𝔱𝔢 𝔭𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔣𝔬𝔩𝔨

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🌲Nordic Ambient Posting🌲

Medieval death musician

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🌲Nordic Ambient Posting🌲

Var ikke redd jeg vakter denne skog.

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🌲Nordic Ambient Posting🌲

Devilry from medieval times.

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