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It's not what you are that holds you back, it's what you think you are not
📍The Psychology Of Winning
Every single person in this world has a purpose in their life. Most of the people don't know what's their purpose. They live a clueless life and blame their unhappiness on someone else
📍 - Master Your Mindset.
energy doesn't lie
believe in what you receive
and what you give out
📍learning to love my self
Remember, it is never too late to become the person you have always wanted to be.
📍Who will cry when you die?
You never really know the strength of your character until it has been tested in a crisis.
📍21 great leaders
It's not a loss anymore,
to me,
when someone decides
to walk out of my life.
It's a loss to them,
having to remember me
for everything I am,
Knowing they chose to let me go.
📍 I was never broken
has 100 lessons from different people who have mastered the art of Discipline, Mindset and Focus.
Reading these lessons everyday at commute time will not only utilize your time but will make you more Disciplined amd thoughtful.
📍Book name- 100 lessons that will change your mindset .
Sometimes those who don't socialize much aren't anti-social, they just have no tolerance for drama and fake people
📍7 things to realise before it's too late.
i must apologize to my self
for placing a hand
Over my mouth
while my voice patiently
waited to be heard.
📍Changing with the tides
A guide for a man to understand the other half.
📍100 lessons that will change your mindset.
Читать полностью…"Stupid is the man who always remains the same."
Believing that your qualities are carved in stone is the sign of a fixed mindset that creates an urgency to prove yourself repeatedly.
When you respond to painful emotions with negative self-talk, you train your brain to be ashamed of feeling bad. True emotional strength comes from gentleness, not criticism.
📍You become what you think
"When setting out on a journey, do not seek advice from those who have never left home."
you can miss someone
and not want them back
📍searching for my self
Human beings tend to
blindly trust their
perception, to the point
of considering it to be
shared by everyone.
Habits are the compound interest of self improvement"
📍Master your mindset
If you push me away,
I promise you,
you won't find me where you left me.
My heart's big,
but not big enough to deal with people
who decide to love me
when it's convenient for them.
📍I Was Never Broken
Matter how much wealth is generated in the world, the quality of our lives is determined by the quality of our character, and the quality of our character is determined by our relationship to our Pain
📍Everything is fucked
You no longer compare yourself to others.
📍7 Signs of Personal Growth
did you hear me cry?
I drown myself in loneliness
every time I missed you around
the ghost of you still haunts me
and it makes me fall apart
I have to find a way to hate you
but I can't because
you always be
my favorite lover
📍Me & Coffee
The secret of happiness is to count your blessings while others are adding up their troubles.
This book is for You if you think you have no control on your Life and want to take charge of Your Mind, Body and Actions.
It has not been hidden that it takes time to get what you want and you will have to be disciplined and determined and only a strong and stable mind can help you.
This book has Everything You need in personality development ✨
📍You Become What You Think
It's not a loss anymore,
to me,
when someone decides
to walk out of my life.
It's a loss to them,
having to remember me
for everything I am,
Knowing they chose to let me go.
📍 I was never broken
Real growth requires genuine exploration, a period of trial and error. It requires you to first admit that you might not know what you want.
📍This is how you heal.
When you pray for guidance and the right action, take what comes. Realize it is perfect. Then there is no cause for self- pity, criticism, or hatred.
📍The power of your subconscious mind
"If-you're serious about changing your life, you'll find a way. If not you'll find an excuse."
-Jen Sincero
You can know all the hard skills and business concepts, but if you don't have the rigbt attitude, the rest doesn't matter. A great attitude is key to getting ahead at work and in life.
📍Attitude is your super power.
Embrace the "unavoidable." Accept what you can't control and focus your energy on what
you can.
📍7 Japanese techniques to stop overthinking