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Be proud of the progress you are making no matter how small
- don't give up
📍learning to love myself
Remember, it is never too late to become the person you have always wanted to be.
📍Who will cry when you die?
you can miss someone
and not want them back
📍searching for my self
Master Your Thoughts
"99% of the harm is caused by your head, by you and your thoughts"
9 sentences to help in times of loneliness
Читать полностью…If you push me away,
I promise you,
you won't find me where you left me.
My heart's big,
but not big enough to deal with people
who decide to love me
when it's convenient for them.
📍I Was Never Broken
This book will make you mentally and emotionally strong.
📍Everything is fucked
did you hear me cry?
I drown myself in loneliness
every time I missed you around
the ghost of you still haunts me
and it makes me fall apart
I have to find a way to hate you
but I can't because
you always be
my favorite lover
📍Me & Coffee
This book is for You if you think you have no control on your Life and want to take charge of Your Mind, Body and Actions.
It has not been hidden that it takes time to get what you want and you will have to be disciplined and determined and only a strong and stable mind can help you.
This book has Everything You need in personality development ✨
📍You Become What You Think
has 100 lessons from different people who have mastered the art of Discipline, Mindset and Focus.
Reading these lessons everyday at commute time will not only utilize your time but will make you more Disciplined amd thoughtful.
📍Book name- 100 lessons that will change your mindset .
"You are the only person who can give yourself what you want."
-Lewis Howes
The most important tasks on your list are the ones that lead to the greatest positive consequences.
📍Hyper focus
"The mystery of buman existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for?
📍Master your mindset
"Day by day, what you think and what you do is who you become.
◦Interviewers ask these questions to evaluate how quickly you can structure your thoughts and give a coherent answer. Avoid giving scripted answers for such questions, or at least make your answer sound more natural and conversational and, if possible, more interesting.
📍The MBA mindset
You don’t have much money??🤨
‼️Look at this guy's income in 5 days ! You'll be shocked
➡️ May 2: + 75 000 rupees
➡️ May 3: + 87,500 rupees
➡️ May 4: + 103,700 rupees
➡️ May 5: + 127,500 rupees
➡️ May 6: + 143,400 rupees
No matter how much wealth is generated in the world, the quality of our lives is determined in the quality of our character, and the quality our character is determined by our relationship to our pain.
📍7 Signs of Personal Growth:
You no longer compare yourself to others.
You no longer worry about being right .
You no longer need to exaggerate your accomplishments.
You no longer resist change.
You no longer seek perfection.
You no longer require external validation from your peers.
You no longer compare yourself to others.
You no longer complain about things outside of your control.
energy doesn't lie
believe in what you receive
and what you give out
📍learning to love my self
Don't Be a Perfectionist
"Perfectionism is a disease.
Procrastination is a disease.
Action is cure."
Discipline Is The Key
Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want the most
Abraham lincoln
did you hear me cry?
I drown myself in loneliness
every time I missed you around
the ghost of you still haunts me
and it makes me fall apart
I have to find a way to hate you
but I can't because
you always be
my favorite lover
📍Me & Coffee
You no longer compare yourself to others.
📍7 Signs of Personal Growth
Just because you mean everything you say Does not mean other people do too
We live in a world
Where people light fires To create something bigger than themselves
Just because they like the look of it Just to see everything that can be swallowed
And just to watch others be destroyed
You know how to achieve S0x growth in a year? By growing 1x every week, Think of growing 1 per cent every day, instead of 100 per cent in one day.
📍Build don't talk
Goals are good for setting a direction, but systems are best for making progress.
📍Atomic Habits
"Once you decide that you want better for yourself, the entire universe begins to shift in your favour."
"Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.
📍Are you a small potato?
There are two kinds of people in this life: Those who walk into a room and say Well, here I am! And those who walk in and says 'Ahh, there you are.
📍How to talk to anyone
If you have to end a connection So you can find happiness again, do it.
-s. mcnutt