أسئلة وأختبارات لقسم التمريض. للأستفسار حسابات المُمثلين : علي هاشم لفته : @d433t جعفر علي عبد : @jlvlf مصطفى حسين بريزل : @MT_s21
حل واجب مادة الأطفال العملي ليوم غدا
1-الجدول حله بالصورة
2-As a nurse, how can you measure the following vital signs?
Observe the infant's abdominal wall and count the rise and fall for one minute. Ensure the infant is calm and there are no signs of respiratory distress.
Heart Rate:
Use an infant-sized stethoscope to measure the apical pulse at the fourth intercostal space along the midclavicular line.
Use a zeroing thermometer, placing it deep under the infant's axilla.
Place the naked infant on a zeroing electronic scale, ensuring accuracy.
Lay the infant flat on a surface, mark the head and heel positions, and measure the distance with a measuring tape.
Head Circumference:
Wrap a measuring tape around the largest diameter of the infant's head, passing above the eyebrows.
Chest Circumference:
Wrap a measuring tape around the
infant's chest under the nipples.
3-By figure, show the detected point in the infant's chest for heart rate measurement?
■Refer to the figure provided in the document that highlights the fourth intercostal space along the midclavicular line.
4-. Respiration rate calculation?
■Given: 112 rises and 112 falls per minute.
1 rise + 1 fall = 1 breath.
Total breaths per minute = 112 breaths/minute.
The respiration rate of 112 breaths/minute is abnormal as it exceeds the normal range of 30-60 breaths/minute.
جوابه B
بالسؤال اكو كلمه مشكله
تستخدم بعد ضهور الأعراض يعني بعد ضهور مشكله
معناه اعاده تأهيل
لو نترجم نقاط كلهم معناهم يدل على اعاده التاهيل
جوابه D
لأن الرعاية الاولية مثل الدايت وتقليل المخاطر والثالثة تقليل المخاطر للمرض
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🖊 14 سؤالًا · ⏱ 5 د
جواب A
Prevention الوقايه
Immunization لقاحات بيه ربط واي وقايه
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اللهم أنصر العراق
اللهم أنصر العراق