What is normal range for infant vital signs ?
1- Pulse
2- Respiration
3- Blood pressure
3- Temperature
واجبات الاطفال اربعه لا تنسون واحد لان مهمات كلهن
هذا واجب محاضره الاولى ما موجود بالملف
حل واجب محاضره اولى اطفال عملي
Question/Human life cycle(Child development stages)
The first stage of human life is a fetus, which is a fertilized egg that is implanted in the uterus for nine months until it becomes a birthing device.
Second stage: Youth
1_Boby starts from the birth of a child until the age of one years
2_Childhood stage from the age of 2-11 years
3_ Adolescence stage from the age of 12-18 years
Adult stage:
1- Middle age stage 30-50 years 2- Old age stage 60 years and above
الي ما فاهم هذا منين
هذا واجب من محاضره الاولى و اجه بالمد لصباحي
الأرقام بيه مهمه .
اربع واجبات