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📣 آغاز ثبتنام دوره کامل فن ترجمه انگلیسی ( پاییز ١٤٠۳)
هفتمین دوره که در نطقیات برگزار میشود.
👤 مدرس: دکتر عبدالرسول کشفی (استاد دانشگاه تهران)
🟢 لینک رزومه دکتر کشفی در سایت دانشگاه تهران
🔺 اهداف این دوره آموزشی:
۱. توانایی درک و ترجمهی متون عمومی و تخصصی انگلیسی
۲. آشنایی با دستور زبان (گرامر) پیشرفتهی انگلیسی
۳. آشنایی با مبانی نوشتن (رایتینگ) آکادمیک به زبان انگلیسی
🗓 زمان: هفتهای دو جلسه: ( یکشنبهها و سهشنبهها )
⏰ ساعت برگزاری کلاس: ۱۷ تا ۱۹
🔴 مجموع جلسات: ۲۰ جلسه (۴۰ ساعت)
🗓 شروع دوره: مهرماه ۱۴۰۳
🌐 کلاسها به صورت برخط (آنلاین) و در اسکای روم برگزار میشود.
نکاتی در خصوصی دوره:
۱) این دوره مفصل ( ۴۰ ساعت ) میتواند شما را به سطح قابل توجهی در مهارت ترجمه برساند.
۲) دوره برای تمام رشتهها مفید است و اصول کلی ترجمه در این دوره تدریس میشود.
❌دوره با تخفیف ویژه پاییزی نطقیات برگزار میشود.
📞 برای ثبتنام و مشاوره در خصوص دوره لطفا با آیدی زیر تماس بگیرید:
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🖼 باغ افلاطون
امروز: دانشکدهٔ ادبیات دانشگاه علامه طباطبائی تهران
🖼 'Plato's Garden' at Allameh Tabatabai University in Tehran.
🔮 t.me/nutqiyyat
📘 Aristotle's Theology: The Primary Texts (The New Hackett Aristotle)
✏️ Aristotle (Author), C. D. C. Reeve (Translator)
💳 Publisher: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. (November 21, 2022)
〰️ Description:
"Even those already familiar with Aristotle may be surprised to learn that discussions of theological topics can be found in so many of his works. Reeve's idea of packaging these texts sequentially along with commentary and notes is brilliant. This book will be essential reading for anyone interested in Aristotle's theology."
—S. Marc Cohen,Professor of Philosophy, Emeritus, University of Washington
✉️ t.me/nutqiyyat
📷 Instagram.com/Nutqiyyat
📹 nutqiyyat" rel="nofollow">https://youtube.com/@nutqiyyat
📘 Nicomachean Ethics (The New Hackett Aristotle)
✏️ Aristotle (Author), C. D. C. Reeve (Translator)
💳 Publisher: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. (February 26, 2014)
〰️ Description:
An excellent new translation and commentary. It will serve newcomers as an informative, accessible introduction to the Nicomachean Ethics and to many issues in Aristotle’s philosophy, but also has much to offer advanced scholars. The commentary is noteworthy for its frequent citations of relevant passages from other works in Aristotle’s corpus, which often shed new light on the texts. Reeve’s translation is meticulous: it hits the virtuous mean--accurate and technical, yet readable--between translation’s vicious extremes of faithlessness and indigestibility.
--Jessica Moss, New York University
✉️ t.me/nutqiyyat
📷 Instagram.com/Nutqiyyat
📹 nutqiyyat" rel="nofollow">https://youtube.com/@nutqiyyat
📘 Eudemian Ethics (The New Hackett Aristotle)
✏️ Aristotle (Author), C. D. C. Reeve (Translator)
💳 Publisher: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. (October 7, 2021
〰️ Description:
This new translation of Aristotle's Eudemian Ethics, noteworthy for its consistency and accuracy, is the latest addition to the New Hackett Aristotle series. Fitting seamlessly with the others in the series, it enables Anglophone readers to read Aristotle’s works in a way previously impossible. Sequentially numbered endnotes provide the information most needed at each juncture, while a detailed Index of Terms guides the reader to places where focused discussion of key notions occurs.
✉️ t.me/nutqiyyat
📷 Instagram.com/Nutqiyyat
📹 nutqiyyat" rel="nofollow">https://youtube.com/@nutqiyyat
📘 Politics: A New Translation (The New Hackett Aristotle)
✏️ Aristotle (Author), C. D. C. Reeve (Introduction)
💳 Publisher: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. (February 14, 2017)
〰️ Description:
This new translation of Aristotle's Politics is a model of accuracy and consistency and fits seamlessly with the translator's Nicomachean Ethics, allowing the two to be read together, as Aristotle intended.
Sequentially numbered endnotes provide the information most needed at each juncture, while a detailed Index of Terms indicates places where focused discussion of key notions occurs. A general Introduction prepares the reader for the work that lies ahead, explaining what sort of work it is and what sort of evidence it relies on.
✉️ t.me/nutqiyyat
📷 Instagram.com/Nutqiyyat
📹 nutqiyyat" rel="nofollow">https://youtube.com/@nutqiyyat
📘 Rhetoric (The New Hackett Aristotle)
✏️ Aristotle (Author), C. D. C. Reeve (Author)
💳 Publisher: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. (September 3, 2018)
〰️ Description:
This new translation of Aristotle's Rhetoric, noteworthy for its consistency and accuracy, is the latest addition to the New Hackett Aristotle series. Fitting seamlessly with the others
in the series, it enables Anglophone readers to read Aristotle's works in a way previously impossible.
Sequentially numbered endnotes provide the information most needed at each juncture, while a detailed Index of Terms guides the reader to places where focused discussion of key notions occurs.
✉️ t.me/nutqiyyat
📷 Instagram.com/Nutqiyyat
📹 nutqiyyat" rel="nofollow">https://youtube.com/@nutqiyyat
📘 Aristotle's Dialectic: Topics, Sophistical Refutations, and Related Texts (The New Hackett Aristotle)
✏️ Aristotle (Author), C. D. C. Reeve (Translator)
💳 Publisher: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. (May 1, 2024)
〰️ Description:
Aristotle's Dialectic fits seamlessly with the other volumes in the New Hackett Aristotle Series, enabling Anglophone readers to study these works in a way previously not possible. The Introduction describes the book that lies ahead, explaining what it is about, what it is trying to do, and how it goes about doing it. Sequentially numbered, cross-referenced endnotes provide the information most needed at each juncture, while a detailed Index indicates the places where focused discussion of key notions occurs.
✉️ t.me/nutqiyyat
📷 Instagram.com/Nutqiyyat
📹 nutqiyyat" rel="nofollow">https://youtube.com/@nutqiyyat
📘 Generation of Animals & History of Animals I, Parts of Animals I (The New Hackett Aristotle)
✏️ Aristotle (Author), C. D. C. Reeve (Translator)
💳 Publisher: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. (January 8, 2020)
〰️ Description:
This edition includes new translations of Aristotle's Generation of Animals along with History of Animals I and Parts of Animals I. The translations are noteworthy for their consistency and accuracy, and fit seamlessly with the other volumes in the series, enabling Anglophone readers to read Aristotle's works in a way previously not possible. Sequentially numbered endnotes provide the information most needed at each juncture, while a detailed Index of Terms guides the reader to places where focused discussion of key notions occurs.
✉️ t.me/nutqiyyat
📷 Instagram.com/Nutqiyyat
📹 nutqiyyat" rel="nofollow">https://youtube.com/@nutqiyyat
📘 De Anima (The New Hackett Aristotle)
✏️ Aristotle (Author), C. D. C. Reeve (Author)
💳 Publisher: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. (September 1, 2017)
〰️ Description:
This richly annotated, scrupulously accurate, and consistent translation of Aristotle's De Anima fits seamlessly with other volumes in the series.
Sequentially numbered endnotes provide the information most needed at each juncture, while a detailed Index of Terms indicates places where focused discussion of key notions occurs. An illuminating general Introduction describes the book that lies ahead, explaining what sort of work it is and what sorts of evidence it relies on.
✉️ t.me/nutqiyyat
📷 Instagram.com/Nutqiyyat
📹 nutqiyyat" rel="nofollow">https://youtube.com/@nutqiyyat
📘 De Caelo (The New Hackett Aristotle)
✏️ Aristotle (Author), C. D. C. Reeve (Translator)
💳 Publisher: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. (May 22, 2020)
〰️ Description:
This new translation of De Caelo (On the Heavens) fits seamlessly with other volumes in the New Hackett Aristotle series, enabling Anglophone readers to study Aristotle’s work in a way previously not possible. The Introduction describes the book that lies ahead, explaining what it is about, what it is trying to do, how it goes about doing it, and what sort of audience it presupposes. Sequentially numbered endnotes provide the information most needed at each juncture, while a detailed Index indicates the places where focused discussion of key notions occurs.
✉️ t.me/nutqiyyat
📷 Instagram.com/Nutqiyyat
📹 nutqiyyat" rel="nofollow">https://youtube.com/@nutqiyyat
🖍 نقد ترجمۀ فارسی نهگانههای افلوطین
Enneads 4.8.6
✍️ دکتر علی نیکزاد
برای نگارش رسالۀ دکتری بارها به نهگانههای افلوطین مراجعه داشتم. ترجمۀ مرحوم محمدحسن لطفی ترجمهای بسیار روان و خواندنی است، اما متاسفانه نیازهای یک پژوهشگر را برطرف نمیکند. در سند زیر، حدود یک صفحه از ترجمۀ ایشان را نقد کردهام، مشخصا بخش 4.8.6 از نهگانهها. به این صورت که بخش مورداشاره را از یونانی به فارسی برگرداندم و سپس اختلافات ترجمۀ مرحوم لطفی با متن یونانی را نشان دادم.
با بررسیِ ترجمۀ ایشان از همین یک صفحه میتوان دریافت که نیازی واقعی به تجربۀ دوبارۀ نهگانههای افلوطین وجود دارد. مشاهده میشود که در کنار ایرادات محتوایی، جملات متعددی اساسا ترجمه نشدهاند. البته مرحوم لطفی نهگانهها را نه از روی اصل یونانی، که از روی ترجمهای آلمانی برگرداندهاند، اما شایان توجه است که شماری از نقصانهای ترجمۀ فارسی در ترجمۀ آلمانی دیده نمیشوند. در سند زیر، یک ترجمۀ انگلیسیِ مورداعتماد از این قطعه را نیز آوردهام.
هدفم از نقد اثرِ مرحوم لطفی ابدا کوچک شمردنِ کار بزرگ و دشوار او در ترجمۀ آثار برجستۀ فلسفۀ یونان نیست. نقد ترجمه در عصر دسترسی گسترده به انواع و اقسام منابع و در زمانۀ بهرهمندی رایگان از ابزارهای هوشمند کار شاقی نیست. غرض یادآوری این نکته است که ترجمۀ آثار بزرگ فلسفی دیر یا زود باید تجدید شوند و یک بار ترجمۀ آنها جوابگوی نیازهای اهل پژوهش نیست.
📱 از پادکست عدم
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▫️ درسگفتار متافیزیک
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🎤 صوت جلسهی چهارم
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▫️ درسگفتار متافیزیک
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🎤 صوت جلسهی دوم
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▫️ درسگفتار متافیزیک
🚮 دکتر غلامرضا اعوانی
🗓 تابستان ۱۳۹۵
🏠 برگزار شده در مؤسسه آموزشی و پژوهشی حکمت و فلسفه ایران
🟢 اهمیت این دوره در روایت متفاوت از تاریخ فلسفه است، این روایت مبتنی بر دیدگاه سنتگرایانه دکتر غلامرضا اعوانی است.
🔴 این درسگفتار به طور کامل در نطقیات پیاده شده و بعد از نهایی شدن فایل مکتوب آن منتشر خواهد شد.
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▫️ نطقیات برگزار میکند: دوره روش نواندیشی دینی
👤 استاد: دکتر علیاکبر احمدی افرمجانی ( دانشیار فلسفه - دانشگاه علامه طباطبائی )
🔮 کانال تلگرامی دکتر علیاکبر احمدی افرمجانی
🔴معرفی دوره:
نواندیشی دینی، در ورای تمام پیوندهای درونی با اندیشهورزی مطرح در سنت، بههرحال بر نو بودنِ دریافتِ خود از مفاهیم، معانی، متون و در یک کلمه میراث دینی تاکید دارد.
اما یک پرسش اساسی این است که:
آیا نواندیشی دینی از روشی نو در فهم و تحلیل دین بهره برده است و آیا از این منظر میتوان مرزی دقیق و تمایزبخش میان نواندیشی و سنتیاندیشی برقرار کرد؟
و آیا نواندیشان در میان خود هم شیوههای متفاوتی در پیش گرفتهاند؟
به طور کلی پرسش این است که نواندیشان تا چه اندازه از روش نوین خود در تحلیل تعالیم و متون دینی، آگاهاند و تا چه اندازه فهم نوین خود را مبتنی و معطوف بر روش کردهاند؟
سلسله گفتارهای روش نواندیشی به چنین مسائلی میپردازد.
⏰ زمان: دوشنبهها ساعت ۱۸/۳۰ تا ۲۰ و به فاصلهٔ دو هفته یکبار (مجموعا ده جلسه)
🗓 دوره ۱ مرداد ۱۴۰۳ شروع شد و امروز جلسه ششم است.
🚲 شرکت در این دوره برای همه علاقهمندان آزاد و رایگان است ولی ثبتنام ضروری است.
🌐 کلاسها آنلاین و در محیط اسکایروم خواهد بود.
❌توجه بفرمایید زمان کلاس به ساعت ۱۸:۳۰ تغییر کرده است.
📞 برای ثبتنام و مشاوره در خصوص دوره لطفا با آیدی زیر تماس بگیرید:
🔮 t.me/nutqiyyat
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📘 Aristotle's Theology: The Primary Texts (The New Hackett Aristotle)
✏️ Aristotle (Author), C. D. C. Reeve (Translator)
💳 Publisher: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. (November 21, 2022)
〰️ Description:
"Even those already familiar with Aristotle may be surprised to learn that discussions of theological topics can be found in so many of his works. Reeve's idea of packaging these texts sequentially along with commentary and notes is brilliant. This book will be essential reading for anyone interested in Aristotle's theology."
—S. Marc Cohen,Professor of Philosophy, Emeritus, University of Washington
✉️ t.me/nutqiyyat
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📹 nutqiyyat" rel="nofollow">https://youtube.com/@nutqiyyat
📘 Nicomachean Ethics (The New Hackett Aristotle)
✏️ Aristotle (Author), C. D. C. Reeve (Translator)
💳 Publisher: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. (February 26, 2014)
〰️ Description:
An excellent new translation and commentary. It will serve newcomers as an informative, accessible introduction to the Nicomachean Ethics and to many issues in Aristotle’s philosophy, but also has much to offer advanced scholars. The commentary is noteworthy for its frequent citations of relevant passages from other works in Aristotle’s corpus, which often shed new light on the texts. Reeve’s translation is meticulous: it hits the virtuous mean--accurate and technical, yet readable--between translation’s vicious extremes of faithlessness and indigestibility.
--Jessica Moss, New York University
✉️ t.me/nutqiyyat
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📹 nutqiyyat" rel="nofollow">https://youtube.com/@nutqiyyat
📘 Eudemian Ethics (The New Hackett Aristotle)
✏️ Aristotle (Author), C. D. C. Reeve (Translator)
💳 Publisher: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. (October 7, 2021)
〰️ Description:
This new translation of Aristotle's Eudemian Ethics, noteworthy for its consistency and accuracy, is the latest addition to the New Hackett Aristotle series. Fitting seamlessly with the others in the series, it enables Anglophone readers to read Aristotle’s works in a way previously impossible. Sequentially numbered endnotes provide the information most needed at each juncture, while a detailed Index of Terms guides the reader to places where focused discussion of key notions occurs.
✉️ t.me/nutqiyyat
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📘 Politics: A New Translation (The New Hackett Aristotle)
✏️ Aristotle (Author), C. D. C. Reeve (Introduction)
💳 Publisher: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. (February 14, 2017)
〰️ Description:
This new translation of Aristotle's Politics is a model of accuracy and consistency and fits seamlessly with the translator's Nicomachean Ethics, allowing the two to be read together, as Aristotle intended.
Sequentially numbered endnotes provide the information most needed at each juncture, while a detailed Index of Terms indicates places where focused discussion of key notions occurs. A general Introduction prepares the reader for the work that lies ahead, explaining what sort of work it is and what sort of evidence it relies on.
✉️ t.me/nutqiyyat
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📘 Rhetoric (The New Hackett Aristotle)
✏️ Aristotle (Author), C. D. C. Reeve (Author)
💳 Publisher: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. (September 3, 2018)
〰️ Description:
This new translation of Aristotle's Rhetoric, noteworthy for its consistency and accuracy, is the latest addition to the New Hackett Aristotle series. Fitting seamlessly with the others
in the series, it enables Anglophone readers to read Aristotle's works in a way previously impossible.
Sequentially numbered endnotes provide the information most needed at each juncture, while a detailed Index of Terms guides the reader to places where focused discussion of key notions occurs.
✉️ t.me/nutqiyyat
📷 Instagram.com/Nutqiyyat
📹 nutqiyyat" rel="nofollow">https://youtube.com/@nutqiyyat
📘 Aristotle's Dialectic: Topics, Sophistical Refutations, and Related Texts (The New Hackett Aristotle)
✏️ Aristotle (Author), C. D. C. Reeve (Translator)
💳 Publisher: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. (May 1, 2024)
〰️ Description:
Aristotle's Dialectic fits seamlessly with the other volumes in the New Hackett Aristotle Series, enabling Anglophone readers to study these works in a way previously not possible. The Introduction describes the book that lies ahead, explaining what it is about, what it is trying to do, and how it goes about doing it. Sequentially numbered, cross-referenced endnotes provide the information most needed at each juncture, while a detailed Index indicates the places where focused discussion of key notions occurs.
✉️ t.me/nutqiyyat
📷 Instagram.com/Nutqiyyat
📹 nutqiyyat" rel="nofollow">https://youtube.com/@nutqiyyat
📘 Generation of Animals & History of Animals I, Parts of Animals I (The New Hackett Aristotle)
✏️ Aristotle (Author), C. D. C. Reeve (Translator)
💳 Publisher: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. (January 8, 2020)
〰️ Description:
This edition includes new translations of Aristotle's Generation of Animals along with History of Animals I and Parts of Animals I. The translations are noteworthy for their consistency and accuracy, and fit seamlessly with the other volumes in the series, enabling Anglophone readers to read Aristotle's works in a way previously not possible. Sequentially numbered endnotes provide the information most needed at each juncture, while a detailed Index of Terms guides the reader to places where focused discussion of key notions occurs.
✉️ t.me/nutqiyyat
📷 Instagram.com/Nutqiyyat
📹 nutqiyyat" rel="nofollow">https://youtube.com/@nutqiyyat
📘 De Anima (The New Hackett Aristotle)
✏️ Aristotle (Author), C. D. C. Reeve (Author)
💳 Publisher: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. (September 1, 2017)
〰️ Description:
This richly annotated, scrupulously accurate, and consistent translation of Aristotle's De Anima fits seamlessly with other volumes in the series.
Sequentially numbered endnotes provide the information most needed at each juncture, while a detailed Index of Terms indicates places where focused discussion of key notions occurs. An illuminating general Introduction describes the book that lies ahead, explaining what sort of work it is and what sorts of evidence it relies on.
✉️ t.me/nutqiyyat
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📘 De Caelo (The New Hackett Aristotle)
✏️ Aristotle (Author), C. D. C. Reeve (Translator)
💳 Publisher: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. (May 22, 2020)
〰️ Description:
This new translation of De Caelo (On the Heavens) fits seamlessly with other volumes in the New Hackett Aristotle series, enabling Anglophone readers to study Aristotle’s work in a way previously not possible. The Introduction describes the book that lies ahead, explaining what it is about, what it is trying to do, how it goes about doing it, and what sort of audience it presupposes. Sequentially numbered endnotes provide the information most needed at each juncture, while a detailed Index indicates the places where focused discussion of key notions occurs.
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