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▫️ Course: Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible)
👤 Professor Christine Hayes
🎓Yale University
🗓 Fall 2006
🎤 Lecture 22 - The Restoration: 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah
🟢 Overview:
This lecture continues the discussion of the psalms, and the genres and forms in which they appear, such as psalms of praise and thanksgiving, divine kingship, lament and petition, blessing and cursing, or wisdom. Another poetic book of the Bible is the Song of Songs, an erotic work the sexually explicit content of which has been piously reinterpreted over the centuries. The second half of the lecture turns to the period of the Restoration when the Judean exiles returned to what was now the province of Yehud under Cyrus, the Persian ruler. The books of 1 and 2 Chronicles refer to some of the events of this time as well as the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. Ezra and Nehemiah are said to renew the Mosaic covenant with the Torah at its center, and to institute a number of social and religious reforms (including a universal ban on intermarriage that will ultimately fail) in order to consolidate the struggling community.
🗂 Lecture Chapters:
- Additional Forms and Genres in the Book of Psalms
- Song of Songs
- The Restoration and the Books of Chronicles I and II, Ezra and Nehemiah
- Ezra's Dissolution of Foreign Marriages and Renewal of the Covenant
- The Calamities as Cautionary Tales in the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah
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▫️ Course: Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible)
👤 Professor Christine Hayes
🎓Yale University
🗓 Fall 2006
🎤 Lecture 20 - Responses to Suffering and Evil: Lamentations and Wisdom Literature
🟢 Overview:
This lecture begins with the Book of Lamentations, a short book of dirges that laments the destruction of Jerusalem and moves on to introduce the third and final section of the Hebrew Bible - the Ketuvim, or “Writings.” This section of the Bible contains three books that exemplify the ancient Near Eastern literary genre of “Wisdom” – Proverbs, Job and Ecclesiastes. Proverbs reinforces the Deuteronomistic idea of divine retributive justice according to which the good prosper and the evil are punished. The conventional assumption of a moral world order is attacked in the Book of Job. The book explores whether people will sustain virtue when suffering and afflicted, and brings charges of negligence and mismanagement against God for failing to punish the wicked and allowing the righteous to suffer.
🗂 Lecture Chapters:
- The Book of Lamentations
- An Introduction to Wisdom Books in the "Ketuvim"
- The Book of Proverbs
- Structure of and Literary Components in The Book of Job
- Prose Prologue in the Book of Job
- Poetic Speech Cycles in the Book of Job
- God's Response in the Book of Job
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▫️ Course: Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible)
👤 Professor Christine Hayes
🎓Yale University
🗓 Fall 2006
🎤 Lecture 18 - Literary Prophecy: Micah, Zephaniah, Nahum and Habbakuk
Micah, eighth-century southern prophet and contemporary of Isaiah, is discussed. Structurally, the book of Micah alternates three prophecies of doom and destruction and three prophecies of hope and restoration. Micah attacks the doctrine of the inviolability of Zion and employs the literary form of a covenant lawsuit (or riv) in his denunciation of the nation. Several short prophetic books are also discussed: Zephaniah; the Book of Nahum, depicting the downfall of Assyria and distinguished for its vivid poetic style; and the book of Habbakuk, which contains philosophical musings on God’s behavior. The final part of the lecture turns to the lengthy book of Jeremiah. A prophet at the time of the destruction and exile, Jeremiah predicted an end to the exile after 70 years and a new covenant that would be inscribed on the hearts of the nati
🗂 Lcteure Chapters:
- Structure of the Book of Micah
- Common Paradoxes in Prophetic Writings
- The Book of Zephaniah
- The Book of Nahum
- The Book of Habakkuk
- Structure and Features of the Book of Jeremiah
- Unique Features of Jeremiah's Message of Consolation
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▫️ Course: Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible)
👤 Professor Christine Hayes
🎓Yale University
🗓 Fall 2006
🎤 Lecture 16 - Literary Prophecy: Amos
🟢 Overview:
This lecture introduces the literary prophets of both the northern and southern kingdoms. The prophetic books are anthologies of oracles the sequence of which is often determined by literary rather than chronological considerations. This lecture studies the literary features and major themes of classical Israelite prophecy as evidenced in particular in the book of the eighth-century northern prophet Amos. The prophets denounced moral decay and false piety as directly responsible for the social injustice that outrages God. While the Deuteronomist blames the nation’s misfortunes on acts of idolatry, the prophets stress that the nation will be punished for everyday incidents of immorality. The literary prophets counterbalance their warnings with messages of great hope and consolation.
🗂 Lecture Chapters:
- An Introduction to the Literary Prophets
- Structure of and Literary Features in the Book of Amos
- Major Themes in the Book of Amos
- Differences between Deuteronomistic and Prophetic Interpretations of Israel's History
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▫️ Course: Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible)
👤 Professor Christine Hayes
🎓Yale University
🗓 Fall 2006
🎤 Lecture 14 - The Deuteronomistic History: Response to Catastrophe (1 and 2 Kings)
🟢 Overview:
The tension between covenant theology, emphasizing the conditional Mosaic convenant from Mt. Sinai, and royal theology emphasizing the unconditional covenant with David in his palace on Mt. Zion, is traced. Following Solomon’s death, the united kingdom separated into a northern and a southern kingdom (named Israel and Judah respectively), the former falling to the Assyrians in 722 and the latter to the Babylonians in 586. Analysis of the Deuteronomistic School’s response to these historical crises and subsequent exile to Babylonia is evidenced through redaction criticism.
🗂 Lecture Chapters:
- The Uncompromising Honesty of the Story of David
- Tensions in Kings I and II
- The Separation of the Kingdom Following Solomon's Death
- Historiosophy of the Deuteronomistic School
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▫️ Course: Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible)
👤 Professor Christine Hayes
🎓Yale University
🗓 Fall 2006
🎤 Lecture 12 - The Deuteronomistic History: Life in the Land (Joshua and Judges)
🟢 Overview:
This lecture concludes the study of Deuteronomy and traces the contribution of the Deuteronomistic School: a historiosophy according to which Israel’s fortunes are dependent upon and an indicator of her fidelity to the covenant. The books of the Former Prophets are introduced with attention to their historical and geographical context. The book of Joshua’s account of Israel’s conquest of Canaan is contrasted with scholarly accounts of Israel’s emergence in Canaan and formation as a nation state.
🗂 Lecture Chapters:
- Deuteronomy: A Capstone to the Pentateuchal Narrative
- Source Theory and the Pentateuch
- Introduction to the Former Prophets
- Geographical Setting and Its Historical Implications
- Structure of Joshua
- Three Scholarly Models for the Emergence of the Nation State of Israel
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▫️ Course: Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible)
👤 Professor Christine Hayes
🎓Yale University
🗓 Fall 2006
🎤 Lecture 10 - Biblical Law: The Three Legal Corpora of JE (Exodus), P (Leviticus and Numbers) and D (Deuteronomy)
🟢 Overview:
This lecture introduces biblical law in a comparative approach that identifies similarities and differences between Israelite law and other Ancient Near Eastern legal traditions, such as the Code of Hammurabi. Distinctive features of Israelite law are explained as flowing from the claim of divine authorship.
🗂 Lecture Chapters:
- The Initiation of God's Laws, Rules and Ordinances at Sinai
- The Decalogues
- Biblical Law in Comparison with Ancient Near East Legal Collections
- Radical, Characteristic Features of Israelite Law
- Reversing the Code: Sanctity of Human Life
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▫️ Course: Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible)
👤 Professor Christine Hayes
🎓Yale University
🗓 Fall 2006
🎤 Lecture 8: Exodus: From Egypt to Sinai (Exodus 5-24, 32; Numbers)
🟢 Overview:
This lecture traces the account of the Exodus (and the origin of the Passover festival as a historicization of older nature festivals) and Israel’s liberation from bondage under Pharaoh. The story reaches its climax with the covenant concluded between God and Israel through Moses at Sinai. Drawing heavily on the work of Jon Levenson, the lecture examines Ancient Near Eastern parallels to the Sinaitic covenant and describes the divine-human relationship (an intersection of law and love) that the covenant seeks to express.
🗂 Lecture Chapters:
- Passover as a Historicization of Earlier Ritual Practices]
- The Exodus as a Paradigm for Collective Salvation
- The Mosaic Covenant between God and Israel at Sinai
- Patience with the Israelites: Towards the Promised Land
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▫️ Course: Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible)
👤 Professor Christine Hayes
🎓Yale University
🗓 Fall 2006
🎤 Lecture 6 - Biblical Narrative: The Stories of the Patriarchs (Genesis 12-36)
🟢 Overview:
This lecture continues with a review of scholarly views on the historical accuracy of the Bible. The narratives of the patriarchs and matriarchs are introduced and the covenant between Abraham and God–which ultimately leads to the formation of a nation–is explained. Central themes of the patriarchal stories include: God’s call to Abraham, God’s promise of a blessed and fruitful nation, threats to this promise (including the story of the binding of Isaac for sacrifice). Finally, after a significant character transformation, the third patriarch Jacob becomes Yisrael (“he who struggles with God”).
🗂 Lecture Chapters:
- Scholarly Opinion on the Historical Accuracy of the Bible
- Divine Command and Divine Promise: Truths Freed from the Burden of Historicity
- The Covenant between God and Abraham
- The Story of Isaac Jacob the Trickster
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▫️ Course: Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible)
👤 Professor Christine Hayes
🎓Yale University
🗓 Fall 2006
🎤Lecture 4 - Doublets and Contradictions, Seams and Sources: Genesis 5-11 and the Historical-Critical Method
🟢 Overview:
This lecture continues the discussion on Genesis, including the familiar accounts of Cain and Abel, the Flood and Noahide covenant. The story of Cain and Abel expresses the notion of the God-endowed sanctity of human life and a “universal moral law” governing the world. Examination of the contradictions and doublets in the flood story leads to a discussion of the complex composition and authorship of the Pentateuch. These features as well as anachronisms challenge traditional religious convictions of Moses as the author of the first five books of the Bible.
🗂Lecture Chapters:
- The Taming of Enkidu in The "Epic of Gilgamesh"
- The Story of Enkidu as Parallel to the Second Story of Creation in Genesis
- Major Themes in the Story of Cain and Abel
- Comparing Mesopotamian, Semitic and Israelite Flood Stories
- Contradictions and Doublets in the Flood Story in Genesis 6-9
- Implications of the Repetitions and Contradictions throughout the Bible
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▫️ Course: Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible)
👤 Professor Christine Hayes
🎓Yale University
🗓 Fall 2006
🎤Lecture 2 - The Hebrew Bible in Its Ancient Near Eastern Setting: Biblical Religion in Context
🟢 Overview:
In this lecture, the Hebrew Bible is understood against the background of Ancient Near Eastern culture. Drawing from and critiquing the work of Yehezkel Kaufmann, the lecture compares the religion of the Hebrew Bible with the cultures of the Ancient Near East. Two models of development are discussed: an evolutionary model of development in which the Hebrew Bible is continuous with Ancient Near Eastern culture and a revolutionary model of development in which the Israelite religion is radically discontinuous with Ancient Near Eastern culture. At stake in this debate is whether the religion of the Hebrew Bible is really the religion of ancient Israel.
🗂Lecture Chapters
The Bible as a Product of Religious and Cultural Revolution
Kaufman's Characterization of "Pagan Religion"
Kaufman's Characterization of One Sovereign God
Continuity or Radical Break?
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▫️ Course: Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible)
👤 Professor Christine Hayes
🎓Yale University
🗓 Fall 2006
🟢About the Course
This course examines the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) as an expression of the religious life and thought of ancient Israel, and a foundational document of Western civilization. A wide range of methodologies, including source criticism and the historical-critical school, tradition criticism, redaction criticism, and literary and canonical approaches are applied to the study and interpretation of the Bible. Special emphasis is placed on the Bible against the backdrop of its historical and cultural setting in the Ancient Near East.
🟢About Professor Christine Hayes
Christine Hayes is the Robert F. and Patricia Ross Weis Professor of Religious Studies at Yale. She received her Ph.D. from University of California, Berkeley in 1993. A specialist in talmudic-midrashic studies, Hayes offers courses on the literature and history of the biblical and talmudic periods. She is the author of two scholarly books:Between the Babylonian and Palestinian Talmuds, recipient of the 1997 Salo Baron prize for a first book in Jewish thought and literature, and Intermarriage and Conversion from the Bible to the Talmud, a 2003 National Jewish Book Award finalist. She has also authored an undergraduate textbook and several journal articles.
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▫️ نطقیات برگزار میکند:
📢 دوره جمهورِ افلاطون (هشت جلسه)
👤 دکتر سیدجمالالدین میرشرفالدین ( عضو هیئت علمی دانشکده فلسفه دانشگاه ادیان و مذاهب )
🗓 شنبهها از ساعت ۱۹ تا ۲۰:۳۰
👤 آشنایی با استاد:
- دکترای فلسفه غرب از دانشگاه تهران، عنوان تز: دانایی عملی در اندیشه ارسطوئی(پیشدرآمدی به فلسفه عملی بر بنیاد فرونسیسِ ارسطوئی)
🔺 درسگفتار فلسفهٔ یونان از دکتر سیدجمالالدین میرشرفالدین در نطقیات
🟢 معرفی اجمالی دوره:
جمهور دیالوگی است دربارهٔ مهمترین ایدههای افلاطونی در هیئت یک کلِ متشکل از اجزای همپیوند. روح کلی فلسفه افلاطون، در جمهور برساخته میشود و مهمترین درونمایههای متکثر اندیشهٔ او در جمهور پدیداری متمرکز مییابند. بدین خاطر انتخاب دیالوگ جمهور برای این دوره، در وهلهی نخست به قصد آشنایی با طرح کلی فلسفهٔ افلاطونی در پیوند با اجزای آن است. هر یک از موضوعات مجزا در محاورات پیش و پس از جمهور، در آن، به گونهای مرتبط با هم اندیشیده میشوند بدانسان که راههای پیشینِ محاوارت اولیه و میانی به جمهور میانجامند و راههای پسین دربازاندیشی تفصیلیِ ایدههای هر یک از محاورات بعدی از این نقطه آغاز میگردند: از این روی جمهور همواره شاهراه افکار و شاهکار آثار افلاطونی قلمداد شده است- جایی که شناخت و هستی، جزء و کل، فرد و جمع، مشروط و مطلق، محسوس و معقول، رئال و ایدهآل، اخلاق و سیاست، انسان و جهان، فلسفه و شعر، و نظر و عمل در پیوند با هم طرح و دنبال میشوند.
سرپرسشِ دیالوگ جمهور این است که چه زندگیای ارزش زیستن دارد؟ این مسئلهای است که برای جستجوی آن، هم نیازمند شناخت ماهیت انسان، زندگی و خیر به نحو مطلق هستیم و هم ناگزیر از بررسی ساختار کلان زیست اجتماعی و سیاسی به نحو انضمامی، زیرا اندیشیدن به انسانِ نیک بدون تفکر به شهرِ نیک ناممکن است و تامل در شهر خوب بدون اندیشه به شهروند خوب نامقدور. اما فراتر از هر دو، انسان و شهر، میبایست به خود نیک یا خیر بیندیشیم چرا که این خیر است که بنیاد برسازندهی هر گونه شناختن و ساختن انسان نیک و جامعه نیک است. تامل در اصل شرایط امکان زندگی خوبِ انسانی، غایت افلاطون در جمهور است و بدین خاطر، هدف نهایی این دوره نیز خوانش جمهور معطوف به فهم شرایط پیشینی در اصل امکان شناختی و وجودی زندگی نیک انسانی است.
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🖼 خبر آمدن سیدحسن تقیزاده به دانشگاه کلمبیا در نیویورک برای تدریس در دانشکدهٔ مطالعات خاورمیانه در سال ۱۹۵۷.
سیّد حسن تقیزاده (۵ مهر ۱۲۵۷ در تبریز – ۸ بهمن ۱۳۴۸ در تهران) متفکر تجددخواه و شخصیت برجستهٔ سیاسی، علمی و فرهنگی ایران معاصر بود.
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▫️ ثبتنام نهمین دورهٔ تعاملی آنلاین ریدینگ و درک مطلب متون آکادمیک
📖 کتاب Inside Reading کتاب intro.
◽️ سطح کتاب: مقدماتی
🟢هدف دوره: کتاب اینساید ریدینگ (چاپ انتشارات آکسفورد) یک کتاب استاندارد برای تقویت مهارت ریدینگ متون آکادمیک است. این مجموعه پنج جلدی از سطح مقدماتی تا پیشرفته را شامل میشود و زبانآموز بعد از یادگیری این کتابها به تسلط بالایی در خواندن متون آکادمیک میرسد.
علاوه بر متون آکادمیک که در این دوره تدریس میشود واژگان آکادمیک گزینش شده توسط آکسفورد (تقریبا ۵۰۰۰ واژه) هم در داخل متون تدریس میشد.
این کتاب به تقویت مهارت ریدینگ و درک مطلب در آزمونهای زبان و برای آزمونهای ارشد و دکتری داخلی مفید است.
نکات گرامری، تصحیح تلفظ واژگان در این مجموعه دنبال خواهد شد.
مخاطب با تسلط بر مجموعهٔ تخصصی Inside Reading ابزارهای لازم برای خواندن انواع متون انگلیسی را میآموزد.
👤 مدرس: محمد توپچی
مجموعا ۱۱ جلسه: در هر جلسه دو ریدینگ از کتاب تدریس و تحلیل میشود.
🕦 زمان: هفتهای دو جلسه ( دوشنبهها و سهشنبهها) از ساعت ۱۶:۳۰ تا ۱۸
🗓 شروع دوره: دوشنبه ۸ بهمن ۱۴۰۳ ( ❌ امروز)
⭕ نحوهٔ برگزاری کلاس:
هر جلسه دو بخش خواهد بود: بخش اول کلاس تدریس ریدینگها و بخش دوم کلاس تصحیح متنخوانی و درک مطلب شرکتکنندگان خواهد بود.
🌐 کلاسها آنلاین و در محیط اسکایروم خواهد بود.
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▫️ Course: Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible)
👤 Professor Christine Hayes
🎓Yale University
🗓 Fall 2006
🎤 Lecture 21 - Biblical Poetry: Psalms and Song of Songs
After a detailed explanation of the requirements for the paper assignment, Professor Hayes turns to the Writings - the third section of the Bible - and considers a recent approach to the study of the Bible, called canonical criticism. The books in this section of the Bible explore various questions associated with suffering and evil. An example is the book of Ecclesiastes which constitutes a second attack on the optimism and piety of conventional religious thinking. The lecture concludes with a discussion of a number of Psalms, their genre, purpose, and language.
🗂 Lecture Chapters:
- Remarks for Final Paper
- The Problem of Dating; Canonical Criticism
- The Book of Ecclesiastes
- Introduction to the Book of Psalms
- Themes and Formal Characteristics in the Book of Psalms
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▫️ Course: Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible)
👤 Professor Christine Hayes
🎓Yale University
🗓 Fall 2006
🎤 Lecture 19 - Literary Prophecy: Perspectives on the Exile (Jeremiah, Ezekiel and 2nd Isaiah)
🟢 Overview:
The destruction of Jerusalem challenged the faith of the nation. What was the meaning of this event and how could such tremendous evil and suffering be reconciled with the nature of God himself? Professor Hayes shows how Israel’s prophets attempted to answer this question, turning the nation’s defeat and despair into an occasion for renewing faith in Israel’s God. The lecture continues with an in-depth study of the book of Ezekiel. Ezekiel’s denunciations of Jerusalem are among the most lurid and violent in the Bible and he concludes that destruction is the only possible remedy. Ezekiel’s visions include God’s withdrawal from Jerusalem to be with his people in exile, and his ultimate return. Ezekiel’s use of dramatic prophetic signs, his rejection of collective divine punishment and assertion of individual responsibility are discussed. The last part of the lecture turns to Second Isaiah and the famous “servant songs” that find a universal significance in Israel’s suffering.
🗂 Lecture Chapters:
- Structure and Tone of the Book of Ezekiel
- Ezekiel's Denunciations of Jerusalem and Rejection of Collective Punishment
- The Sometimes Contradictory Nature of the Biblical Text
- Ezekiel's Interpretation of the Final Destruction of Jerusalem
- Major Themes in Second Isaiah
- Second Isaiah's Servant Songs
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▫️ Course: Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible)
👤 Professor Christine Hayes
🎓Yale University
🗓 Fall 2006
🎤Lecture 17 - Literary Prophecy: Hosea and Isaiah
🟢 Overview:
The lecture focuses on the eighth-century northern prophet Hosea, a linguistically difficult book set against the backdrop of the expansionist Assyrian Empire. Hosea’s marriage symbolizes Israel’s relationship with God and serves to remind Israel of God’s forbearance and Israel’s obligations and pledge to loyalty under the covenant at Sinai. The second half of the lecture shifts to Isaiah and his emphasis on the Davidic Covenant, rather than the Mosaic one, a key distinction between him and Hosea. Themes in Isaiah include the salvation of a remnant, Israel’s election to a mission and an eschatology that centers around a “messiah” (anointed) king of the house of David.
🗂 Lecture Chapters:
- Historical Background for and Major Themes of the Book of Hosea
- Doom and Hope as Two Conceptions of Covenant
- Historical Background for and Structure of the Book of Isaiah
- Emphasis on the Davidic Covenant
- Major Themes in the Book of Isaiah
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▫️ Course: Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible)
👤 Professor Christine Hayes
🎓Yale University
🗓 Fall 2006
🎤 Lecture 15 - Hebrew Prophecy: The Non-Literary Prophets
🟢 Overview:
This lecture concludes the discussion of the Deuteronomistic historian’s efforts to show that idolatry and associated sins lead to God’s wrath and periods of trouble. The remainder of the lecture is an introduction to the phenomenon of Israelite prophecy which included ecstatic prophecy and prophetic guilds. The non-literary prophets of the historical books of the Bible and their various roles (as God’s zealot; as conscience of the king) are examined.
🗂 Lecture Chapters:
Concluding Remarks about the Deuteronomistic Historian
Introduction to the Phenomenon of Israelite Prophecy
Roles Played by Prophets: Yes Men Versus True Prophets
Roles Played by Prophets: God's Zealots, Kingmakers, King-Breakers and Miracle Workers
Roles Played by Prophets: Conscience of the King
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▫️ Course: Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible)
👤 Professor Christine Hayes
🎓Yale University
🗓 Fall 2006
🎤 Lecture 13 - The Deuteronomistic History: Prophets and Kings (1 and 2 Samuel)
🟢 Overview:
The transition from a tribal society under the leadership of elders and eventually charismatic “judges” to a nation under a monarch is traced through the books of Judges and 1 and 2 Samuel. Early stories of local heroes are woven together into a larger history that conforms to the exilic perspectives of the Deuteronomistic School. An extended look at representations of Saul and David (including God’s covenant with David) reveal historical shifts and some ambivalence about monarchy and the ideal form of leadership
🗂 Lecture Chapters:
- Distinguishing between Israelis and Israelites
- An Alliance of Tribes
- The Book of Judges
- Samuel, a Transition Figure and the Last in a Line of Prophet Judges
- Saul and David as Representations of Ambivalence about Monarchy
- The Davidic Covenant
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▫️ Course: Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible)
👤 Professor Christine Hayes
🎓Yale University
🗓 Fall 2006
🎤 Lecture 11 - On the Steps of Moab: Deuteronomy
🟢 Overview:
This lecture, focusing on Moses’s final address to the Israelites and transfer of authority to Joshua, describes Moses as the paradigmatic leader of biblical tradition. The structure of Deuteronomy is then outlined. Attention is given to updated and revised laws within Deuteronomy which exemplify the activity of adaptive interpretation of earlier tradition. The main themes of Deuteronomy are presented and include the notion of God’s chosen people and chosen city, social justice, covenantal love and the centralization of cultic worship.
🗂 Lecture Chapters:
- Moses as the Paradigmatic Leader of Biblical Tradition
- Basic Structure of Deuteronomy
- Updated and Revised Laws According to New Ideas
- Major Themes in Deuteronomy
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▫️ Course: Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible)
👤 Professor Christine Hayes
🎓Yale University
🗓 Fall 2006
🎤 Lecture 9: - The Priestly Legacy: Cult and Sacrifice, Purity and Holiness in Leviticus and Number
🟢 Overview:
In this lecture, the Priestly source (P) found primarily in Leviticus and Numbers is introduced. The symbolism of the sacrificial cult and purity system, the differences between moral and ritual impurity, as well as holiness and purity are explained within the Priestly context. The concept of holiness and imitatio dei, or human imitation of God, is explained.
🗂 Lecture Chapters:
- Introduction to the Israelite Sanctuary
- The Priestly Conceptions of Holiness and Time
- Holiness, Purity, Moral and Ritual Impurity
- Ritual Purification, Sacrifices and Offerings, and "Imitatio Dei"
- Moral Impurity, Defiling the Land and Purification
- Dietary Law and the Holiness Code
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▫️ Course: Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible)
👤 Professor Christine Hayes
🎓Yale University
🗓 Fall 2006
🎤Lecture 7 - Israel in Egypt: Moses and the Beginning of Yahwism (Genesis 37- Exodus 4)
🟢 Overview:
The book of Genesis concludes with the story of Joseph and the descent of the 12 tribes into Egypt, setting the stage for the Exodus in which God is seen as redeemer and liberator. Moses is the first in a line of apostolic (messenger) prophets and Yahwism is initiated. Mark Smith’s thesis describing the emergence of Israelite religion through a process of convergence and divergence is presented as an alternative to the evolutionary-revolutionary dichotomy presented in Lecture 2.
🗂 Lecture Chapters:
- One Who Wrestles: The Significance of Jacob's Name Change
- The 12 Sons of Jacob: Joseph and His Brothers
- Exodus: Sequel to Genesis and Myth of Origins for a Nation
- Moses's Legendary Birth Story and Early Life
- Descriptions of God in the Bible
- Smith's Convergence and Divergence Model
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▫️ Course: Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible)
👤 Professor Christine Hayes
🎓Yale University
🗓 Fall 2006
🎤Lecture 5 - Critical Approaches to the Bible: Introduction to Genesis 12-50
🟢 Overview:
This lecture introduces the modern critical study of the Bible, including source theories and Wellhausen’s Documentary Hypothesis, as well as form criticism and tradition criticism. The main characteristics of each biblical source (J, E, P, and D) according to classic source theory are explained. This lecture also raises the question of the historical accuracy of the Bible and the relation of archaeology to the biblical record.
🗂 Lecture Chapters:
- Wellhausen's Documentary Hypothesis and Characteristics of Biblical Sources
- The Purpose of Literary, Source and Historical Criticism
- The Generations of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs
- Critical Methodology Used in Biblical Scholarship
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▫️ Course: Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible)
👤 Professor Christine Hayes
🎓Yale University
🗓 Fall 2006
🎤Lecture 3 - The Hebrew Bible in Its Ancient Near Eastern Setting: Genesis 1-4 in Context
In the first of a series of lectures on the book of Genesis, the basic elements of biblical monotheism are compared with Ancient Near Eastern texts to show a non-mythological, non-theogonic conception of the deity, a new conception of the purpose and meaning of human life, nature, magic and myth, sin and evil, ethics (including the universal moral law) and history. The two creation stories are explored and the work of Nahum Sarna is introduced.
🗂Lecture Chapters:
- The Creation Story in "Enuma Elish"
- The Creation Stories in Genesis
- Creation as God Imposing Order on the World
- Allusion to and Resonances of Ancient Near Eastern Themes
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▫️ Course: Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible)
👤 Professor Christine Hayes
🎓Yale University
🗓 Fall 2006
🎤Lecture 1: The Parts of the Whole
This lecture provides an introduction to the literature of the Hebrew Bible and its structure and contents. Common misconceptions about the Bible are dispelled: the Bible is a library of books from diverse times and places rather than a single, unified book; biblical narratives contain complex themes and realistic characters and are not “pious parables” about saintly persons; the Bible is a literarily sophisticated narrative not for children; the Bible is an account of the odyssey of a people rather than a book of theology; and finally, the Bible was written by many human contributors with diverse perspectives and viewpoints.
🗂 Lecture Chapters
- Introduction to the Hebrew Bible and Its Radical Ideas
- Common Myths about the Bible
- An Overview of the Structure of the Bible
- Course Organization
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🖍 نطقیات و همنهاد برگزار میکنند:
دورهٔ درسگفتار سنجش نیروی داوری ایمانوئل کانت - بخش سوم:
دربارهی غایتمندی و معناداری
👤 مدرس: دکتر میثم سفیدخوش
( متخصص فلسفه آلمانی )
⭐️ معرفی دوره:
غایتشناسی بهمثابه نوعی زیباشناسی؛ تعجب و ستایش، طبیعت و لطف
فن طبیعت و سیستم: ایدئالیسم و رئالیسم
خوشبختی و فرهنگ؛ فلسفه و امکان نجات جهان معنادار
مناقشهی همهخداانگاری و وجوه سیاسی آن
کانت: جهان انسانی به کجا میرود؟
⏰ زمان: یکشنبهها از ساعت ۱۷ تا ۱۹
🗓 شروع دوره: یکشنبه ۲۱ بهمن ۱۴۰۳
📼 فایلهای ضبطشده دو ترم قبلی بهصورت جداگانه با تخفیف ویژه قابل تهیه است.
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🖍 نطقیات برگزار میکند:
دورهٔ آموزشی «فلسفه و مسیحشناسی»
👤 مدرس: استاد نسیم حسنی ( لینک معرفی استاد)
🟢 آشنایی با دورهٔ آموزشی «فلسفه و مسیحشناسی»:
”مسیحشناسی“ را میتوان یکی از شاخههای الهیات عقلی مسیحیت دانست. در مبحث مسیحشناسی، چگونگیِ تبدیل شدن عیسیمسیح به خدای خالقِ معبود، موضوع اصلی بوده و در این بین پرداختن به زندگی و اعمال او، که منابع آن غالباً محدود و گنگ است، کمتر اهمیت دارد. به زبانی ساده مسیحشناسی را باید مطالعه در شناخت ماهیت یا همان هستیشناختی (Ontology) عیسیمسیح و به ویژه بررسی چگونگی اتحاد طبیعت الوهی و انسانی در او تعریف کرد.
اگرچه اصطلاح ”مسیحشناسی“ نخستینبار از سدۀ هفدهم میلادی در آثار متألهان اروپایی دیده میشود، موضوع آن از همان قرن نخست میلادی ذهن متکلمان مسیحی را به خود مشغول داشته بود. این مسئله در تاریخ مسیحیت به قدری اهمیت پیدا کرد که میتوان گفت برداشتهای گوناگونی که از ماهیت طبیعت عیسیمسیح توسط آبایکلیسا انجام گرفت مهمترین عامل در برپایی نخستین شوراهای عمومی کلیسا و جدایی فرقههای مختلف مسیحی در هفت سدۀ نخست تاریخ مسیحیت بوده است.
سابقۀ مباحث مسیحشناسی در ادبیات مسیحی را میتوان تا زمان نگارش متون عهدجدید پیگرفت. بخش مهمی از مسیحشناسیِ عهدجدید در مقدمۀ انجیل یوحنا یافت میشود. انجیل یوحنا بیش از هر متن دیگری در عهدجدید سعی در ارائۀ مفهومی فلسفی و الوهی از شخصیت عیسی داشته است. اصطلاح لوگوس (λόγος) و اطلاق آن به عیسیمسیح نخستینبار در مقدمۀ همین انجیل ظاهر میشود، اگرچه پیشتر استفاده از این واژه سابقهای طولانی در ادبیات فلسفی یونان و حتی ادبیات یهودی یونانی مآب به خصوص آثار فیلون اسکندرانی داشته است.
دیدگاه مثبت نخستین متألهان برجستۀ مسیحیت به فلسفۀ یونانی عاملی مهم در فرایند تأثیرپذیری این آیین تازه از مباحث فلسفی بود. به عنوان مثال از دیدگاه کلمنت اسکندرانی فلسفه یک فضیلت و موهبت الهی بود که تا پیش از آمدن مسیح، یونانیان را به کسب فضیلت و تقوا ترغیب و به دینداری رهنمود ساخته بود. در نتیجه از دیدگاه او فلسفه برای یونانیان همچون شریعت برای یهودیان بوده است.
از آنجاییکه فهم مباحث مسیحشناسیِ آبای کلیسا بدون در نظر گرفتن تأثیر فلسفۀ یونانی بر اندیشههای آنان امکانپذیر نیست، در این دوره سعی شده است تا تصویری جامع از این پیوند میان فلسفه و الهیات مسیحی ارائه شود. در طی این دوره مراحل مختلف تکوین مسیحشناسی و تأثیر آن در به وجود آمدن شقاق میان فرقههای مختلف مسیحیت مورد بررسی قرار خواهد گرفت.
🗂 فهرست موضوع جلسات:
⭕ پیشزمینهها
۱) لوگوس در فلسفۀ یونانی
(هراکلیتوس افسوسی؛ رواقیون)
۲) لوگوس و کلمۀ خدا در آثار یهودی یونانیمآب
(پیشامسیحی ( דבר (کلمه) در ترجمۀ سبعینی عهدعتیق؛ ادبیات حکمت؛ لوگوس در آثار فیلون اسکندرانی)
⭕ عهد جدید
۳) مسیح شناسی اناجیل همنوا
(مسیحشناسی چیست؟؛ سابقۀ مسیحشناسی؛ مسیحشناسی در اناجیل متی و مرقس و لوقا)
۴) لوگوس در انجیل یوحنا
(بحثی درباب نویسنده و زمان نگارش انجیل یوحنا؛ مفهوم اندیشۀ لوگوس در انجیل یوحنا؛ ریشۀ ظهور واژۀ لوگوس در انجیل یوحنا)
۵) مسیحشناسی در رسالات پولس
(مسیح در رسالات پولس؛ تأثیرات خارج از بنیاسرائیل بر اندیشههای پولس)
⭕فلسفه و آبای کلیسا
۶) مسیحشناسی و فلسفه در آثار یوستین شهید
(ایدۀ "فلسفۀ راستین": ارتباط فلسفه و دین در آثار یوستین؛ نقش یوستین در تبیین مفهوم لوگوس در دین مسیحیت)
⭕ مکتب اسکندریه
۷) کلمنت اسکندرانی
(تعریف مکتب اسکندریه؛ تأثیر فسلفۀ افلاطونی میانه و فیلون اسکندرانی در اندیشههای کلمنت؛ اثبات ازلی بودن لوگوس؛ تجسد لوگوس)
۸) اوریگنس اسکندرانی
(اوریگنس و طرح تثلیث طبقاتی؛ تعریف برخی اصطلاحات یونانی؛ اتحا د دارای عنص ر غالب؛ ایدۀ برتری طبیعت ( φύσις ) الوهی)
⭕ مکتب انطاکیه
۹) دیودوروس طرسوسی
(تعریف مکتب انطاکیه؛ "اخطلاط" دو طبیعت الوهی و انسانی؛ حامل انسان در برابر حامل خدا؛ دو طبیعت در یک شخص)
۱۰) تئودوروس موپسوئستیایی
(نگاهی بر آثار تئودوروس و جایگاه او؛ ایدۀ اتحاد بر اساس ”خشنودی“ ( εὐδοκίαν )؛ وحدت شخص در عیسیمسیح)
⭕ مسیح شناسی و تاریخ کلیسا
۱۱) سیریل اسکندرانی و نسطوریوس
(نگاهی بر آراء مسیحشناسی سیریل؛ مسیح شناسی نسطوریوس؛ تاریخچۀ غائلۀ میان سیریل و نسطوریوس)
۱۲) مسیح شناسی و شقاق کلیساهای مسیحی
(تاریخچۀ شوراهای کلیسایی، کلیسای میافیزیت، کلیسای نسطوری، کلیسای کالسیدونی، کلیسای پاپی)
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