Tonight’s session will begin at 8 PM EST
(in Farsi with live simultaneous English translation.)
Zoom Link to the Programs:
Meeting ID: 316 797 733 One tap mobile +19294362866 Password: 351023
برنامه تفسير موضوعي قرآن
يك هفته در ميان روزهاي شنبه
Saturday, January 2, 2021 @ 8PM
Speaker: H.I.. Hasan Doagoo
عنوان:«اوصاف و ویژگی های مؤمنین در قرآن:
مدیریت زمان و پرهیز از اتلاف وقت»
Omid Islamic Center of Boston
🏴Weekly Dua Komail Program with an English Lecture 🏴
Joint with Al-Mahdi Center of El Paso Texas
Thursday, January 7, 2021 at 8:00 PM EST
Title: Lessons from Fadak Sermon.
(in English)
Speaker: Hojjat al-Islam Sayyid Abbas Razavian
8:00-8:05 Quran Recitation
8:05-8:35 Dhikr and Dua Komail
8:35-9:05 Lecture
9:05-9:15 Question and Answer
9:15-9:30 Ziarat Warith
About the Speaker:
Zoom Link to the Programs:
Meeting ID: 316 797 733 One tap mobile +19294362866 Password: 351023
WhatsApp Group Invite:
سلسله سخنراني هاي ايام فاطميه در ٣ جلسه آينده در مركز اميد بوستن (آنلاين)
٨ بعد ازظهر يكشنبه ها در تاريخ هاي، ٣، ١٠ و ١٧ ژانويه ٢٠٢١ به وقت شرق آمريكا
سخنران: دكتر محمد جاودان
مدير گروه تاريخ شيعه
دانشگاه اديان ، قم
سخنان فاطمی؛
سيره فاطمی؛
معنویت فاطمی.
برنامه هر هفته:
قرائت قرآن، سخنراني، سوال و جواب ، عزاداري، زيارت حضرت زهرا و دعا
🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴Special Online Lecture Series (in the next 3 Sessions) During Fatemiah on Sundays at 8 PM EST January 3, 10, 17, 2021
(in Farsi with Live English translation)
Speaker: Dr Mohamad Javdan
About the Speaker:
Dr Mohamad Javdan has pursued advanced studies at the Islamic Seminary of Qom and holds a PhD in Philosophy of Religion. His current research is focused on Shia Philosophy and scholastic theology, and he has published several books, articles, and translations on these topics. Dr Javdan currently serves as the head of Shia History department at Religions University in Qom.
Upcoming Topics:
Fatima’s Speeches
Fatima’s Life/Biography
Fatima’s Spirituality
Program for each week will include:
Quran Recitation, Lecture, Q&A, Mourning Rituals, Ziarat and Dua
Zoom Link to the Programs:
Meeting ID: 316 797 733
One tap mobile +19294362866
Password: 351023
WhatsApp Group Invite:
Biweekly English (Online) Quran Circle at MIT
Friday, January 1, 2021 @ 8 PM EST
Speaker: Dr Zahra Al-Dawood
About the speaker:
Dr Al-Dawood is an Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology Resident at Harvard school of Dental Medicine.
Title: Presentation of Tafsir of verses 199 to the end of Chapter 7 (Al-A’raaf)
8:00-8:05 Qur’an Recitation
8:05-9:05 Lecture 9:05-9:15 Question and Answer 9:15-9:20 Dua
Zoom Link to the programs:
Meeting ID: 316 797 733 One tap mobile +19294362866 Password: 351023
WhatsApp Group Invite:
همه هفته پنجشنبه ها در برنامه دعاي كميل ياد رفتگان هستيم و براي آنها طلب مغفرت ميكنيم.
برنامه امشب ساعت ٨ بعد ازظهر شروع خواهد شد. سخنراني امشب در مورد درسهايي از خطبه فدك خواهد بود.
Each Thursday we remember the deceased during the Dua Komail program and pray for their forgiveness.
The program will start at 8 PM EST tonight. The lecture will be about lessons of Fadak sermon.
Zoom Link to the Programs:
Meeting ID: 316 797 733 One tap mobile +19294362866 Password: 351023
🏴Upcoming Online Programs at the Omid Center and MIT🏴
1️⃣🏴Weekly Dua Komail Program
Thursday, December 31 @ 8 PM EST
Speaker: H.I. Sayyid Abbas Razavian. (in English)
Title: Lessons from Fadak Sermon.
2️⃣🏴Biweekly English (Online) Quran Circle at MIT
Friday, January 1, 2021 @ 8 PM EST
Speaker: Dr Zahra Al-Dawood
About the speaker:
Dr Al-Dawood is an Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology Resident at Harvard school of Dental Medicine.
Title: Presentation of Tafsir of verses 199 to the end of Chapter 7 (Al-A’raaf)
3️⃣🏴Biweekly Topical Tafsir of Quran (in Farsi)
Saturday, January 2, 2021 @ 8 PM EST
Speaker: H.I.. Hasan Doagoo
عنوان:«اوصاف و ویژگی های مؤمنین در قرآن:
مدیریت زمان و پرهیز از اتلاف وقت»
4️⃣🏴Sunday, January 3@ 8 PM : The second session of the Fatemiah (4 Sundays) Lecture Series.
(in Farsi with Live English translation)
Speaker: Dr Mohamad Javdan
Title: Fatima’s Speeches
عنوان اين هفته:سخنان فاطمي
Zoom Link to the Programs:
Meeting ID: 316 797 733
One tap mobile +19294362866
Password: 351023
WhatsApp Group Invite:
Reminder of Tonight’s Program at 8:00 PM EST
🏴Special Program for the First Fatemiah ( in English)🏴
Saturday, December 26 @ 8 PM EST
Title:The Choices that Lady Fatima (as) Made.
Speaker: Hojjat al-Islam Sayyid Abbas Razavian
8:00-8:05 Quran Recitation
8:05-8:45 Lecture
8:45-8:55 Question and Answer
8:55-9:30 Mourning ritual, Ziarat Hazrat Zahra and Dua
About the Speaker:
Zoom Link to the Programs:
Meeting ID: 316 797 733 One tap mobile +19294362866 Password: 351023
WhatsApp Group Invite:
Weekly Dua Komail Program with an English Lecture at the Omid Center of Boston
Joint with Al-Mahdi Center of El Paso, Texas
Thursday, December 24, 2020 at 8:00 PM EST
Title: Lesson2 of the Reflections on Imam Ali’s Letter to Imam Hasan Mujtaba: Letter 31 of Nahjul Balaghah.
(in English)
Speaker: Hojjat al-Islam Sayyid Abbas Razavian
8:00-8:05 Quran Recitation
8:05-8:35 Dhikr and Dua Komail
8:35-9:05 Lecture
9:05-9:15 Question and Answer
9:15-9:30 Ziarat Warith
About the Speaker:
Zoom Link to the Programs:
Meeting ID: 316 797 733 One tap mobile +19294362866 Password: 351023
WhatsApp Group Invite:
🏴Special Program for the First Fatemiah ( in English)🏴
Saturday, December 26 @ 8 PM EST
About the Speaker:
Zoom Link to the Programs:
Meeting ID: 316 797 733 One tap mobile +19294362866 Password: 351023
WhatsApp Group Invite:
💠Imam Sajjad (pbuh) said:
🔸عمتی زینب أنتِ بِحَمدِ اللّه عالِمَةٌ غَیرُمُعَلَّمَةٍ، فَهِمَةٌ غَیرُ مُفهَّمَةٍ
🔹All praise is due to Allah that you know the truths and possess the knowledge of the different states of people of the earth, and you do not need to be taught or helped to understand✨
📗Al-Iḥtijāj of Ṭabrisī, vol. 2, pg. 303
On the Birth Anniversary of Hazrat Zaynab (as) we offer our congratulations to Imam Mahdi (AJ) and his followers around the globe.
Biweekly Quran Circle at MIT
Friday, December 18@ 8:00 PM EST
8:00-8:05 Qur’an Recitation
8:05-9:05 Lecture
9:05-9:15 Question and Answer
9:15-9:20 Dua
Zoom Link to the programs:
Meeting ID: 316 797 733 One tap mobile +19294362866 Password: 351023
WhatsApp Group Invite:
Upcoming Virtual Programs December 17-19 at the Omid Center of Boston and MIT
1️⃣✅🌷Weekly Dua Komail and Lecture Dedicated to the Birth Anniversary of Hazrat Zaynab
(In English)
Thursday, December 17@ 8:00 PM EST
Speaker: Hojjat Al-Islam Sayyid Abbas Razavian
Topic:The Magnificence of Lady Zaynab (a)
2️⃣✅Biweekly Quran Circle at MIT (Online)
Friday December 18@ 8:00 PM EST
(in English)
Topic: Continuation of Tafsir of verses 185-198 of Chapter 7 (Al-A’raaf)
Speaker: Dr Sadik Kassim
About the Speaker:
Dr Kassim is a scientist specialized in cancer research.
3️⃣✅ 🌷Birth Celebration of Hazrat Zaynab and Topical Tafsir of Quran (in Farsi)
Saturday, December 19@7:30 PM EST
Speaker: Hojjat Al-Islam Hasan Doagoo
عنوان: "صبردر قرآن: نگاهی به جایگاه و مراتب صبر با بهره گیری از الگوهای قرآنی"
Zoom Link to the programs:
Meeting ID: 316 797 733 One tap mobile +19294362866 Password: 351023
WhatsApp Group Invite:
سلسله سخنراني هاي ايام فاطميه در ٢ جلسه آينده در مركز اميد بوستن (آنلاين)
٨ بعد ازظهر يكشنبه ها در تاريخ هاي، ١٠ و ١٧ ژانويه ٢٠٢١ به وقت شرق آمريكا
سخنران: دكتر محمد جاودان
مدير گروه تاريخ شيعه
دانشگاه اديان ، قم
سيره فاطمی؛ ١٠ ژانويه ٢١
معنویت فاطمی. ١٧ ژانويه ٢١
برنامه هر هفته:
قرائت قرآن، سخنراني، سوال و جواب ، عزاداري، زيارت حضرت زهرا و دعا
🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴Special Online Lecture Series (in the next 3 Sessions) During Fatemiah on Sundays at 8 PM EST January 10, 17, 2021
(in Farsi with Live English translation)
Speaker: Dr Mohamad Javdan
About the Speaker:
Dr Mohamad Javdan has pursued advanced studies at the Islamic Seminary of Qom and holds a PhD in Philosophy of Religion. His current research is focused on Shia Philosophy and scholastic theology, and he has published several books, articles, and translations on these topics. Dr Javdan currently serves as the head of Shia History department at Religions University in Qom.
Upcoming Topics:
Fatima’s Life/Biography 1/10/21
Fatima’s Spirituality 1/17/21
Program for each week will include:
Quran Recitation, Lecture, Q&A, Mourning Rituals, Ziarat and Dua
Zoom Link to the Programs:
Meeting ID: 316 797 733
One tap mobile +19294362866
Password: 351023
WhatsApp Group Invite:
همه هفته پنجشنبه ها در برنامه دعاي كميل مركز اميد ياد رفتگان هستيم و براي آنها طلب مغفرت ميكنيم.
برنامه امشب ساعت ٨ بعد ازظهر به وقت شرق آمريكا شروع خواهد شد.
Zoom Link to the Programs:
Meeting ID: 316 797 733 One tap mobile +19294362866 Password: 351023
🏴Upcoming Online Fatemiah Programs at the Omid Center 🏴
1️⃣🏴Weekly Dua Komail Program
Thursday, January 7@ 8 PM EST
Speaker: H.I. Sayyid Abbas Razavian. (in English)
Title: Lessons from Fadak Sermon.
2️⃣🏴Sunday, January 10@ 8 PM : The third session of the Fatemiah Lecture Series.
(in Farsi with Live English translation)
Speaker: Dr Mohamad Javdan
Title: Fatima’s Life/Biography
عنوان اين هفته:سيره فاطمي
Zoom Link to the Programs:
Meeting ID: 316 797 733
One tap mobile +19294362866
Password: 351023
WhatsApp Group Invite:
Biweekly Topical Tafsir of Quran
Dedicated to Ayyam Fatemiah Awwal
Saturday, January 2, 2021 at 8:00 PM EST
Speaker:Hojjat al-Islam Doagoo
(in Farsi)
عنوان: “اوصاف و ویژگی های مومنین در قرآن : مدیریت زمان و پرهیز از اتلاف وقت”
8:00-8:05 Quran Recitation
8:05-8:50 Lecture
8:50-9:00 Question and Answer
9:00-9:20 Poem, Ziarat Hazrat Zahra and Dua
Zoom Link to the Programs:
Meeting ID: 316 797 733
One tap mobile +19294362866 Password: 351023
ان شاءالله سال جدید میلادی ۲۰۲۱ سالی سرشار از برکت و شادمانی براي همه امت اسلامي باشد.
May Allah keep you and your family in the best health and iman in the coming year 2021.
الهم عجل لولیک الفرج 🙏
🏴Weekly Dua Komail Program with an English Lecture at the Omid Center of Boston🏴
Joint with Al-Mahdi Center of El Paso Texas
Thursday, December 31, 2020 at 8:00 PM EST
Title: Lessons from Fadak Sermon.
(in English)
Speaker: Hojjat al-Islam Sayyid Abbas Razavian
8:00-8:05 Quran Recitation
8:05-8:35 Dhikr and Dua Komail
8:35-9:05 Lecture
9:05-9:15 Question and Answer
9:15-9:30 Ziarat Warith
About the Speaker:
Zoom Link to the Programs:
Meeting ID: 316 797 733 One tap mobile +19294362866 Password: 351023
WhatsApp Group Invite:
سلسله سخنراني هاي ايام فاطميه در ٤ جلسه در مركز اميد بوستن (آنلاين)
٨ بعد ازظهر يكشنبه ها از تاريخ ٢٧ دسامبر ٢٠٢٠ تا ١٧ ژانويه ٢٠٢١ به وقت شرق آمريكا
سخنران: دكتر محمد جاودان
مدير گروه تاريخ شيعه
دانشگاه اديان ، قم
۱. سیمای فاطمی؛
۲. سخنان فاطمی؛
۳. سيره فاطمی؛
۴. معنویت فاطمی.
برنامه هر هفته:
قرائت قرآن، سخنراني، سوال و جواب ، عزاداري، زيارت حضرت زهرا و دعا
🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴Special Online Lecture Series (in 4 Sessions) During Fatemiah on 4 Sundays at 8 PM EST starting from December 27, 2020 to January 17, 2021
(in Farsi with Live English translation)
Speaker: Dr Mohamad Javdan
About the Speaker:
Dr Mohamad Javdan has pursued advanced studies at the Islamic Seminary of Qom and holds a PhD in Philosophy of Religion. His current research is focused on Shia Philosophy and scholastic theology, and he has published several books, articles, and translations on these topics. Dr Javdan currently serves as the head of Shia History department at Religions University in Qom.
1. Fatima’s Depiction
2. Fatima’s Speeches
3. Fatima’s Life/Biography
4. Fatima’s Spirituality
Program for each week will include:
Quran Recitation, Lecture, Q&A, Mourning Rituals, Ziarat and Dua
Zoom Link to the Programs:
Meeting ID: 316 797 733
One tap mobile +19294362866
Password: 351023
WhatsApp Group Invite:
4 Sessions on Sundays at 8 PM EST on various aspects of Hazrat Fatima (as) starting December 27, 2020 with live simultaneous English translation.
Zoom Link to the Programs:
Meeting ID: 316 797 733 One tap mobile +19294362866 Password: 351023
Online Fatemiah Programs on Saturday and Sunday, December 26-27 @ 8:00 PM
🏴1️⃣ Saturday, December 26@ 8 PM EST ( In English)
Speaker: H.I. Sayyid Abbas Razavian
Title: The Choices that Lady Fatima (as) Made.
🏴2️⃣Sunday, December 27@ 8 PM : The first session of a 4 Sundays Lecture Series.
(in Farsi with Live English translation)
Speaker: Dr Mohamad Javdan
Title: Fatimah’s Depiction
عنوان اين هفته:سيماي فاطمي
Programs for each week will include:
Quran Recitation, Lecture, Q&A, Mourning Rituals, Ziarat and Dua
Zoom Link to the Programs:
Meeting ID: 316 797 733 One tap mobile +19294362866 Password: 351023
سلسله سخنراني هاي ايام فاطميه در ٤ جلسه در مركز اميد بوستن (آنلاين)
٨ بعد ازظهر يكشنبه ها از تاريخ ٢٧ دسامبر ٢٠٢٠ تا ١٧ ژانويه ٢٠٢١ به وقت شرق آمريكا
سخنران: دكتر محمد جاودان
مدير گروه تاريخ شيعه
دانشگاه اديان ، قم
۱. سیمای فاطمی؛
۲. سخنان فاطمی؛
۳. سيره فاطمی؛
۴. معنویت فاطمی.
برنامه هر هفته:
قرائت قرآن، سخنراني، سوال و جواب ، عزاداري، زيارت حضرت زهرا و دعا
🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴Special Online Lecture Series (in 4 Sessions) During Fatemiah on 4 Sundays at 8 PM EST starting from December 27, 2020 to January 17, 2021
(in Farsi with Live English translation)
Speaker: Dr Mohamad Javdan
About the Speaker:
Dr Mohamad Javdan has pursued advanced studies at the Islamic Seminary of Qom and holds a PhD in Philosophy of Religion. His current research is focused on Shia Philosophy and scholastic theology, and he has published several books, articles, and translations on these topics. Dr Javdan currently serves as the head of Shia History department at Religions University in Qom.
1. Fatima’s Depiction
2. Fatima’s Speeches
3. Fatima’s Life/Biography
4. Fatima’s Spirituality
Program for each week will include:
Quran Recitation, Lecture, Q&A, Mourning Rituals, Ziarat and Dua
Zoom Link to the Programs:
Meeting ID: 316 797 733
One tap mobile +19294362866
Password: 351023
WhatsApp Group Invite:
Weekly Dua Komail Program with an English Lecture at the Omid Center of Boston
Joint with Al-Mahdi Center of El Paso, Texas
Thursday, December 24, 2020 at 8:00 PM EST
Title: Lesson2 of the Reflections on Imam Ali’s Letter to Imam Hasan Mujtaba: Letter 31 of Nahjul Balaghah.
(in English)
Speaker: Hojjat al-Islam Sayyid Abbas Razavian
8:00-8:05 Quran Recitation
8:05-8:35 Dhikr and Dua Komail
8:35-9:05 Lecture
9:05-9:15 Question and Answer
9:15-9:30 Ziarat Warith
About the Speaker:
Zoom Link to the Programs:
Meeting ID: 316 797 733 One tap mobile +19294362866 Password: 351023
WhatsApp Group Invite:
Lecture by H.I.Razavian at the Omid Center’s Weekly Dua Komail Program.
Thursday, December 17, 2020
Occasion: Birth Anniversary of Sayyedah Zaynab (as)
Birth Celebration of Hazrat Zaynab (as) With Special Lecture at the Biweekly Topical Tafsir of Quran
Saturday, December 19, 2020 at 7:30 PM EST
Speaker:Hojjat al-Islam Doagoo
(in Farsi)
عنوان: “صبر در قرآن: نگاهی به جایگاه و مراتب صبر با بهره گیری از الگوهای قرآنی”
7:30-7:35 Quran Recitation
By Dr Sadraey
7:35-7:40 Poem
By Br. Amini
7:40-8:25 Lecture
8:25-8:35 Question and Answer
8:35-8:50 Poem, Ziarat and Dua
By Dr Mallahzadeh
About the Speaker:
Zoom Link to the programs:
Meeting ID: 316 797 733
One tap mobile +19294362866 Password: 351023
Dua Komail Program Dedicated to the Birth Anniversary of Hazrat Zaynab (as)
Thursday, December 17, 2020 at 8:00 PM EST
Title:The Magnificence of Lady Zaynab (a) (in English)
Speaker: Hojjat al-Islam Sayyid Abbas Razavian
8:00-8:05 Quran Recitation
8:05-8:35 Dhikr and Dua Komail
8:35-9:05 Lecture
9:05-9:25 Question and Answer
9:25-9:40 Poem and Ziarat Warith
Zoom Link to the programs:
Meeting ID: 316 797 733 One tap mobile +19294362866 Password: 351023
WhatsApp Group Invite:
Next Week’s Programs December 17-19 will be dedicated to the birth anniversary of Hazrat Zaynab (as)
WhatsApp Group invite: