Oraichain is the world’s first AI-powered data oracle, it aggregates and connects AI APIs to smart contracts and regular applications. orai.io Official group: t.me/oraichain Trading: t.me/oraitrading twitter.com/oraichain
Oraichain #AMA with The GOODFELLAS ™
Dear community,
The Oraichain team will have an AMA with The GOODFELLAS ™.
🔹 More info: https://twitter.com/GF_Cryptopicks/status/1361444518843846662?s=20
🔊 AMA will be held in: t.me/GFCrypto
🗓 Date: February 18th 2021 at 4:00 pm UTC
⏱ Countdown to the AMA
Make sure to join us on Thursday to know the latest for Oraichain!
Announcements | Telegram group | Twitter | Website | Medium
✅ Trusted Validators Staking competition
Dear community, after selecting the community Genesis Validators, it is now the turn for the Trusted Validators on the Oraichain Mainnet.
6 out of the 12 selected Trusted validators have already staked the required 750 ORAI tokens on their node vaults on yai.finance/trusted-validator.
There is no deadline for the remaining validators to stake ORAI and become a Trusted Validator. However, the staking competition starts today.
⚔️ Staking competition
The staking competition for Trusted Validators on the Oraichain Mainnet will start today Feb 13th 5:00pm GMT!
The staking competition will end on February 20th 5:00 pm GMT.
👉🏻 Read more about the Call for Trusted Validators: https://link.medium.com/TM4Q5FqYEdb
Announcements | Telegram group | Twitter | Website | Medium
Dear SamOrai,
We would like to wish all our community members, family, friends and loved ones a Happy Lunar New year!
We thank you for your continued support and relentless passion to keep us going in this journey with you, the best is yet to come!
Happy Lunar New Year
Chúc mừng năm mới
With Love,
Oraichain Team
Announcements | Telegram | Twitter | Website | Medium
Updates on the call for Trusted Validators
Dear node validators on the Lunar-Testnet,
We have decided to improve some of the terms for the Trusted Validators on the Oraichain mainnet.
New Timelines
Feb 6th - Feb 10th: Fill the form to become a Trusted Validator: https://forms.gle/s8Nxhv5zvNSoFbqh9
Feb 10th - Feb 12th: Deposit to the vault for Trusted validators
Feb 12th - Feb 19th: Staking competition
More flexible requirements
❌ We have removed the following requirement: "You must attract at least one testnet validator with 500 ORAI to stake to your node. This means that different validators currently in the Lunar Testnet can team up, where one validator with strong technical skills can run a node, and others delegate to that validator node."
Improved Benefits:
💎 ORAI Rewards pool has increased from 5% to 10% of the staked ORAI for both validators and delegators.
✨ Exclusive NFT
We received some questions regarding the Lunar-Testnet transition, here are some clarifications:
- Current participants of the Lunar-Tesnet who wish to apply to become Trusted validators will still receive 15 ORAI for each round of the Lunar-Testnet (there will be two more reward rounds for the Lunar-testnet: 5th and 6th round). Selected Trusted validators will need to withdraw their ORAI from the current vaults for the Lunar-Testnet and deposit them (from Feb 10th to Feb 12th) on the new vaults that will be launched for the Trusted Validators. Rewards for the Lunar-Testnet 5th and 6th rounds will not be lost when withdrawing and depositing to the new vaults.
Read the updated article Call for Trusted Validators 👉🏻 https://link.medium.com/TM4Q5FqYEdb
Announcements | Telegram group| Twitter | Website | Medium
The Genesis Validators round is now closed and the Trusted Validators round has opened.
Dear community,
The Battle Of The Nodes finished about an hour ago. Deposits and withdrawals for the 3 winning nodes are now disabled and the Oraichain team wants to take the opportunity to congratulate the 3 winners.
Congratulations to @Picklerick1_1, @QuantumSamORAI and @don_salal for becoming part of Oraichain’s history as the 3 Genesis Validators from the Oraichain community!
The launch of the Oraichain mainnet will be a key milestone in the history of Oraichain and we are happy that you are joining us as Genesis validators and delegators to help us create a better world using the power of Artificial Intelligence interconnected with Blockchain.
Thank you!
The Oraichain team
ORAI listing on gate.io
Dear community,
Today, we learned that gate.io, a centralized exchange, has decided to list ORAI with the USDT and ETH pairs.
We wanted to let you know that we haven't been in touch with the gate.io team before, therefore this was a surprise for us and this is not an official listing from Oraichain.
Any centralized exchanges are free to list any tokens they want and we are happy to see Oraichain's awareness is spreading organically.
Announcements | Telegram group | Twitter | Website | Medium
🌕 Lunar Testnet Launch with 92 Validators
Oraichain has launched the Lunar-Testnet, the most important technical milestone before the Oraichain mainnet. The Lunar-Testnet is the new foundation of what will later become the Oraichain Mainnet.
The Lunar-Testnet includes the following key upgrades:
🔶 Overall system optimization: this version will reduce the amount of disk space used for each block, and the sync time will be optimized.
🔶 Smart contracts instead of scripts: we are changing pure scripts to smart contracts, making them more robust and safer to run with strict rules. This is a whole new methodology of writing oracle scripts as smart contracts and sets a new precedent to expand the Oraichain ecosystem without limits.
🔶 Seed nodes: Lunar Testnet makes use of full nodes as seed nodes, helping other nodes to connect to the Oraichain network easily and securely. Meanwhile, genesis nodes connect to each other persistently to keep the network strong and healthy.
🔶 Cosmos-SDK and Tendermint latest versions: we already migrated to the latest version of Cosmos-sdk and Tendermint so all the latest updates are available.
Our partners, community, and the core team are currently running nodes on the Lunar Testnet.
👉🏻 Read more: https://link.medium.com/KoDTWkqFwdb
Check it out: https://testnet.scan.orai.io
Announcements | Telegram group| Twitter | Website | Medium
Dear Oraichain community,
We had a great AMA on the Oraichain main channel: @oraichain and we want to thank all our contenders to become Genesis Validators.
As you have seen since the inception of Oraichain, we always like to surprise and reward our most loyal samorais. Therefore we have some additional surprises for you:
🎁 Surprise #1 : all participants on the Oraichain Mainnet launch will receive an exclusive SamOrai NFT
By participating in the Battle Of The Nodes, you will be part of Oraichain's history and we wanted you to have an exclusively designed NFT to serve as a memory.
All Validators and the Delegators on the Genesis nodes will receive an exclusive NFT: Samorai Genesis Validator/Delegator
💎 Surprise #2: We have decided to increase the ORAI rewards pool by +70% and we are now offering 8,500 ORAI (instead of 5,000) to all validators and delegators staking in the 3 nodes with the biggest amount of ORAI staked in them. We are also increasing the caps slightly.
⚔️ Join the Battle of The Nodes and delegate your ORAI tokens on yAI.finance/staking
The staking competition ends on February 6th 5:00 pm GMT
We will be updating our main article shortly with all this info and more FAQs: https://medium.com/oraichain/call-for-mainnet-validators-oraichain-mainnet-phase-1-9c8dcc881a10
Announcements | Telegram group| Twitter | Website | Medium
⚔️ The Battle Of The Nodes has now begun!
The staking competition amongst all selected contenders to become Genesis Validators on the Oraichain Mainnet has officially started.
🔵 3 contenders will become a Genesis Validator
💎 Rewards pool with 5,000 ORAI (to be shared among validators and delegators)
🛡 Delegators are now able to deposit ORAI to their favorite contenders and help them become a Genesis Validator.
🔊Exclusive AMA for the Community by the contenders to become Genesis Validators on Sunday 31st January at 13:00 GMT in Oriachain's official telegram group: @oraichain
The Battle of the Nodes will end on February 6th 5:00 pm GMT.
Become a Genesis Validator on the Oraichain Mainnet!
✅ 15 validators from the Oraichain Testnet have been promoted and are eligible to become a Genesis Validator.
A confirmation email has been sent. We gave the opportunity to 15 validators instead of the 11 initially planned.
Selected candidates are required to deposit a minimum of 2,000 ORAI to run the node from January 29th 5:00 pm GMT until January 30th 3:00 pm GMT.
Only their whitelisted addresses can deposit on the vaults. Delegators will not be able to deposit yet.
The vaults for each participant will be accessible via yAI.finance with the below information:
- Your validator name
- Your image logo
- Your short introduction (that helps to attract delegators)
- Your website (if available)
Read more 👉🏻 https://link.medium.com/0Es7E3EVmdb
Announcements | Telegram group| Twitter | Website | Medium
Dear Oraichain community,
Last call to become Genesis validators on the Oraichain Mainnet!
▫️Last 2 hours to Complete the application form to become a Genesis Validator! https://forms.gle/sRSCMRYUGgXH9Ptf7
▫️Tomorrow, we will send a confirmation email to the selected applicants that will be eligible to become Genesis validators!
▫️After the confirmation, the staking vaults with their unique name and logo image will be open on yAI.finance/aivaults and all delegators will be able to stake their ORAI tokens on their favorite validator.
Read more 👉🏻 https://link.medium.com/0Es7E3EVmdb
Announcements | Telegram group| Twitter | Website | Medium
Oraichain #AMA with #SPECTREGRP
Dear community,
The Oraichain team will have an AMA with SPECTRE GRP.
AMA will be held in: http://T.ME/SPECTRE_GRP
🗓 Date: January 27th 2021| 3:30 pm GMT
More info: https://twitter.com/SPECTREGRP/status/1353795301467975686?s=20
Make sure not to miss this one!
Announcements | Telegram group| Twitter | Website | Medium
Dear Oraichain community,
Please be aware of 2 FAKE communities below:
1. @oraichat
2. Oraichain Official Channel (FAKE, private group with no sharing link)
Please report these fake groups by taking following actions.
Click 3 dots on the top right > Report > Spam
(3 dots on the top right > Info > Report > Spam)
Tip: Pin Oraichain Official Channel on the top of your list for your own safety since they try to copy our content to their fake community.
Kind regards
Chung Dao
Dear Oraichain Community,
Please beware of fake accounts currently appeared. 🙅🏻♀️
👉 In order to help community to correctly identify the admin, we have compiled the accounts of all admins in ORAI groups below:
Note that we never DM you First.
Thank you!
Dear Oraichain Validators !
👉 Second reward round update:
After the second week running the testnet with a large number of validators participating, we have discovered some major issues from Tendermint and Cosmos SDK that cannot be overlooked. Thank you for helping us, we hadn't been able to know such problems if we didn't have help from you.
Because the testnet was down for almost a day during this round, we assume that it was difficult for you to keep track of your nodes during that day. As a result, we decided to reduce the uptime percentage from 90% to 85% so it is fair for you.
In order to verify you as a validator with a specific ERC-20 address, please create a send transaction (follow this message to do so). You do not need to submit any form this round, just make sure that you successfully create a send transaction with the correct memo. Those who have verified in the first round will not need to verify again. You have two days to finish the verification process. In the meantime, the next reward round will start a day after this announcement, which is Jan 13th, and it lasts for a week.
👉 Click here for the official list of the 2nd round reward.
Please check carefully if you see your information there. If there's a mistake, please report us immediately. This list will be updated until Jan 14th, when the verification process deadline comes.
👉 Click here for the nodes that meet the uptime requirements but do not have a clear transaction memo
NOTE: Those who fail to meet the uptime this round will not be eligible to participate in the validator vault program. Those who miss the verification process will also be removed from the program, so please do it right.
👉 Small testnet update:
We had a small update for the testnet due to a bug to execute oracle script. Please update the node using the following commands:
docker-compose pull orai && docker-compose restart orai
Thank you for your contribution !
Читать полностью…Thank you @SheldonEvans for the thorough review of Oraichain AI-powered #oracle and #AI Ecosystem.
Watch the video (9m38s) to learn more about $ORAI utility, use cases, and roadmap with the #OraichainMainnet launch on Feb 24th.
Announcements | Telegram | Twitter | Website | Medium
Dear community,
On February 8th 2021, the Oraichain team held an #AMA with Crypto Daku Robinhooders where the Oraichain ecosystem and key upcoming developments were discussed, including some news:
✅ ETH/ORAI trading pair will be integrated on the #BinanceSmartChain
✅ New AI-generated #NFT application
✅ Updates on the Oraichain #Mainnet Launch on Feb 24th with #Stargate and #IBC support, and more...
Read the AMA recap on medium here: https://link.medium.com/eniYDvaQJdb
We want to thank the Crypto Daku Robinhooders community for welcoming us!
Announcements | Telegram group | Twitter | Website | Medium
Oraichain #AMA with Crypto Daku Robinhooders
Dear community,
The Oraichain team will have an AMA with Crypto Daku Robinhooders.
AMA will be held in: /channel/cryptodakurobinhooders
🗓 Date: February 8th 2021 at 1:00 pm GMT
⏱ Countdown to the AMA: https://tinyurl.com/32uuqzsx
Make sure to join us tomorrow to know the latest for Oraichain!
Announcements | Telegram group | Twitter | Website | Medium
Call for Trusted Validators
Dear community,
With the call for Genesis Validators now closed, the call for Trusted validators starts now and applications are open for all participants of our Testnet Program that are running a node on the Oraichain Lunar-Testnet. This round starts now and will run until February 19th. The vaults for the selected Trusted Validators will open on Feb 9th.
Register now to become a Trusted Validator by filling this form: https://forms.gle/s8Nxhv5zvNSoFbqh9
🟢 22 participants will be promoted from the Oraichain Testnet and be eligible to become a Trusted Validator
Trusted validators will play a key role keeping the network stable and collecting data from AI providers that will be connected to the blockchain. Trusted validators will be selected based on their contribution and node quality on the Lunar-Testnet.
Read more 👉🏻 https://link.medium.com/TM4Q5FqYEdb
Announcements | Telegram group| Twitter | Website | Medium
Dear Samorais,
Oraichain appoints new CTO and CEO for Vietnam operations
Oraichain is accelerating its growth as it expands operations and development in the AI and Blockchain field. As part of the strategic development, Oraichain is restructuring the leadership team to enable further expansion.
Mr. Thao Nguyen, former CTO of Oraichain, will be the new CEO of Oraichain Vietnam.
We also proudly welcome Mr. Tu Pham as our new CTO. As part of his new role with Oraichain, Mr. Tu will lead the technology development sectors of Oraichain and focus on our technical roadmap. To help him achieve this, our talented pool of developers and AI leads has welcomed 10 additional Rikkeisoft developers.
Oraichain’s total workforce has now been expanded to 25 people with the core team, AI and blockchain specialists, data scientists and developers.
This is an achievement in itself that makes us really proud after just 4 months from the inception of the company.
👉🏻 Read more: https://link.medium.com/VGP8snp9zdb
Announcements | Telegram group | Twitter | Website | Medium
Hello Samorais,
Today is the first day of February, a month which will be marked in Oraichain's history. As you know, we keep tirelessly working with the main goal of launching the Oraichain mainnet on February 24th, that will be the foundation for a wide range of services that will utilize the power of AI and Blockchain.
Oraichain is more than just an oracle, we aim become an AI ecosystem with advanced service modules that help develop multiple applications and platforms on top of a trustful, transparent, and secured blockchain ecosystem. This is why we have launched yAI.finance and the Oraichain AI Marketplace, both of which we hope to become market leaders offering innovative solutions thanks to the AI technology developed by Oraichain. And this is just the start of the journey.
I wanted to give you some updates to bring some perspective and shed some more light into what you can expect for the near future of Oraichain. On top of the mainnet launch, we are planning to announce all of the following in the month of February:
· Leadership restructure and Oraichain total workforce update
· 100+ AI API deployment + Global PR campaign
· yAI.finance: AI-based farming introduction
· Partnership with an AI company
· CEX listing
· A dive deep article into Oraichain Business model and future expansion plans
· More marketing with AMAs, YouTube collaborations, an ambassadors program and more
As always, we want to thank our samorai community, we really appreciate your continued support.
Announcements | Telegram group| Twitter | Website | Medium
🔊Exclusive AMA for the Community by the contenders to become Genesis Validators
When: Sunday 31st January at 13:00 GMT
Where: Oraichain's official telegram group: @oraichain
The Battle of the Nodes will end on February 6th 5:00 pm GMT.
👉🏻 Read more about the Battle Of The Nodes staking competition and the FAQs: https://link.medium.com/0Es7E3EVmdb
⚔️ Oraichain Mainnet - Battle Of The Nodes!
A staking competition amongst all selected participants will take place to select the 3 winners that will become Genesis Validators. The winners and their delegators will share a rewards pool of 5,000 ORAI tokens and more benefits!
The staking competition will start tomorrow January 30th at 5:00 pm GMT and will end on February 6th 5:00 pm GMT.
Candidates to become Genesis Validators can already start depositing their minimum 2,000 required ORAI Tokens, delegators will be able to stake their tokens tomorrow at the cut off date for potential Genesis Validators, at 5:00 pm GMT.
All community members holding ORAI tokens will be able to take part of the Oraichain Mainnet launch acting as delegators.
Delegators will be able to deposit to their favorite candidates and help them become a Genesis Validator.
🔊Exclusive AMA for the Community by our Genesis Validators
When: Sunday 31st January at 13:00 GMT
Where: /channel/oraichain
👉🏻 Read more about our Call for Mainnet Validators and the Battle Of The Nodes staking competition and the FAQs: https://link.medium.com/0Es7E3EVmdb
#AMA recap - SPECTRE GRP & Oraichain | Jan 27th 2021
Dear community,
On January 27th 2021, the Oraichain team held an AMA with Spectre GRP, one of the most influential communities in the cryptocurrency space, where the Oraichain ecosystem and key upcoming developments were discussed.
Please find the AMA recap on medium here: https://link.medium.com/zOnkEktprdb
We want to thank the Spectre GRP team for welcoming us! Make sure to join their telegram community: http://T.ME/SPECTRE_GRP
Announcements | Telegram group| Twitter | Website | Medium
Dear Oraichain community,
Call for Mainnet Validators. Oraichain Mainnet Phase 1
Genesis and Trusted validators will be part of Oraichain’s history as the first validators on the Oraichain mainnet. These validators will play a key role keeping the network stable and collecting data from AI providers that will be connected to the blockchain.
The Oraichain mainnet will launch on February 24th 2021 and we are calling our community members currently part of the Oraichain Testnet to become Genesis and Trusted validators.
🟢 11 participants will be promoted from the Oraichain Testnet and be eligible to become a Genesis Validator
⚔️ Battle of nodes! A staking competition will take place to select the 3 winners that will become Genesis Validators
💎 Rewards pool of 5,000 ORAI and more benefits!
✅ 22 participants will be eligible to become Trusted Validators
The launch of the Oraichain mainnet will be a key milestone in the history of Oraichain and we welcome you to join our journey as Genesis and Trusted validators to create a better world using the power of Artificial Intelligence interconnected with Blockchain.
Read more 👉🏻 https://link.medium.com/0Es7E3EVmdb
Announcements | Telegram group| Twitter | Website | Medium
Dear Oraichain community,
Oraichain Mainnet Launch Roadmap
Oraichain mainnet will launch on February 24th 2021 setting up the foundation for a wide range of services that will utilize the power of AI and Blockchain. With the mainnet as the cornerstone, Oraichain aims to become an AI ecosystem with advanced service modules that help develop multiple applications and platforms on top of a trustful, transparent, and secured blockchain ecosystem.
▫️Phase 1. Call for Mainnet Validators (Jan 25th ~ Feb 14th)
- Staking competition for Genesis and Trusted validators
- Lunar-Testnet
▫️Phase 2. Mainnet Bootstrapping (Feb 15th ~ Feb 21st)
- Genesis Validators (community and partners)
- Trusted validators
- 100+ AI API deployment
- Mainnet audit
- yAI.finance: AI-based farming introduction
▫️Phase 3. Mainnet Launch (Feb 22nd ~ Feb 28th)
- Oraichain Mainnet Launch on February 24th
- Oraichain Mainnet Staking
- AI Marketplace with 100+ AI API
- Oraichain Native Wallet
▫️Phase 4. Post Mainnet (March 1st ~ April 30th)
- Oraichain Oracle Bridge: Ethereum
- yAI.finance: Farming strategies using Oraichain oracle bridges
- End-user applications
- Oraichain Oracle Bridge: Polkadot Introduction
- Sub-network of Oraichain Keepers
- Oraichain smart contract (oracle script) hackathon.
- Rewards Program for AI providers, Testcase providers
The launch of the Oraichain mainnet will mark a very special moment in the history of Oraichain and we are beyond excited for what’s ahead of us. We want to welcome you to join our journey to create a better world using the power of Artificial Intelligence interconnected with Blockchain.
Read more 👉🏻 https://link.medium.com/GGzpLOQ8fdb
Announcements | Telegram group| Twitter | Website | Medium
Dear Oraichain community,
Please report this fake community
@oraichat by taking following actions.
Click 3 dots on the top right > Report > Spam
(3 dots on the top right > Info > Report > Spam)
Tip: Pin Oraichain Official Channel on the top of your list for your own safety since they try to copy our content to their fake community.
Kind regards
Chung Dao
Dear Oraichain community,
In order to prepare for the launch of the Oraichain Mainnet, we would like to extend the cap to 100 nodes for the Testnet Validator Program. Note that only rewarded testnet validators are eligible to become genesis validators.
If you are not in the list of testnet validator yet and want to become a genesis validator for the Oraichain mainnet and be part of Oraichain's history, please join our validator program. The 3rd round snapshot will be captured tomorrow at 14:00 PM UTC.
🧑🏻💻Read more on the Oraichain Testnet Validator Program
👉 Check FAQ: https://link.medium.com/M0ZPMgx2tcb
👉 Check the Step-by-step technical guide: https://link.medium.com/l6kSgbw2tcb
👉 Deposits for the Testnet Validator vault on yAI.finance: The first 100 node validators (according to the timestamps of the deposits) will be eligible.
Note that new node validators on the program will get rewards as per the program terms (every 7 days accruing period: 70% unlocked rewards, 30% locked until after Oraichain mainnet launch)
Join the Oraichain Technical support group on Telegram and our team will be able to assist you and answer your questions.
Announcements | Telegram group| Twitter | Website | Medium
Dear Oraichain Validators !
We are glad to announce the list of participants that will be considered in the second reward round of the validator program. If you can maintain the nodes up and running >= 90% within one week, then you will be able to claim the 2nd round rewards.
👉🏻 Click here to see the official list that receives the 1st round reward, and the participant list for the 2nd round. The snapshot for the 2nd round starts from Jan 5th until Jan 12th
Another news that we would like to share is that, there has been a small testnet update, and you are required to update your node accordingly. The steps are simple:
1. Type: docker-compose pull orai
2. Type: docker-compose up -d —force-recreate
3. Type: docker-compose logs -f orai to see the logs. Wait until the log reaches the latest block
4. Create a new send transaction (you can redo the verification process)
5. After receiving the transaction hash, check the logs again in your node. If you see something like this below:
:delivery_truck: event collected: message
Attribute key: action
Attribute value: send
Attribute key: sender
Attribute value: orai1ztn27z6grm7x8wkp4znmp8q3jfszuu8m3awnyj
Attribute key: module
Attribute value: bank
:delivery_truck: event collected: transfer
I[2021-01-07|17:35:01.323] ⭐️ message type: send
Then you are good to go !
If you do not see it, don't worry. Please report back to us if that's the case, and we will dig deep to fix it. Your node uptime will not be affected. Note that the output above can only be seen after your node has been a validator. Hence, if you reset your node, make sure to follow the this post first.
Thank you for your contribution !