“During the end times, there will be no demons in hell, they will all be here on earth and inside of people.”
☦️Saint Lawrence of Chernigov
Candice Owens is primed for Orthodoxy 👏🏼
“Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.”
☦️Revelation 3:9
BOOM 💥!!!
The sooner that many of you accept the fact that you’ve been tricked into supporting them, the sooner we can remove this cancer that covertly imprisons us.
Читать полностью…The Jews are wise only in doing evil, and are thus unable to know the hidden plan of God.
☦️Saint Justin the Martyr (AD 100-165)
Weird and satanic 👎🏼
“I once met a young archimandrite wearing a laymen’s clothing at the airport. He was going abroad and introduced himself, "I am Father so-and-so," he said. "Where is your cassock?" was my answer. Of course, I did not bow to him [to receive his blessing].
☦️Saint Paisios
“I am proud of the cassock I wear and consider it more valuable and seemly than every other kind of garment, even than the royal purple robes of kings. I consider myself unworthy to dress in such a modest, honorable and holy garb, which was honored by numberless monastic Saints, monk-martyrs, confessors and Saints. I am saddened and pity those clerics who reject the cassock and who shave their beards.”
☦️Elder Philotheos (Zervakos)
Distress reminds the wise of God, but crushes those who forget Him.
☦️Saint Mark the Ascetic
Make no mistake and do not be deceived, the “messiah” he speaks of in this video here will be the antichrist:
“Our life would be meaningless if it ended with death. What benefit, then, would there be from virtue or good deeds? They would be right who say, ‘Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!’ But man was created for immortality...”
☦️Saint John Maximovitch
“It is impossible to believe that Christ is Risen, while we are afraid of death…”
☦️Saint Gregory Palamas
“You must not be greatly troubled about many things, but you should care for the main thing: preparing yourself for death.”
☦️Saint Ambrose of Optina
Politicians want us to forget about eternity and the salvation of our soul. They want us to be always preoccupied with endless political squabbles. But in any case, the ed thereof is a disgrace, as in politics they cry 'Hosanna!' to you one day and the next day it is 'Crucify him!' Political systems come and go, whereas God's truth is changeless and eternal. They want the Church to change, but the Church never changes because God's truth is changeless.
☦️Metropolitan Onuphry of Kiev
My child, be careful with this world which is like a theater. For poor and ignoble people on stage in the theater wear the clothes of kings, tycoons, etc..., and appear to be different from what they really are and fool the audience. But when the show is over and they take off their masks, then their true faces are revealed.
☦️Elder Ephraim of Arizona
“People will betray you — Our Christ never will!”
☦️Saint Paisios
«Οι άνθρωποι θα σε προδώσουν — Ο Χριστός μας ποτέ»!
☦️Άγιος Παΐσιος
The Orthodox Church alone is the Body of Christ, and if salvation is difficult enough within the Orthodox Church, how much more difficult must it be outside the Church!
☦️Father Seraphim (Rose)
Accurate 👃
“Must you not turn away from them since they are the common disgrace and infection of the whole world? Have they not come to every form of wickedness? Have not all the prophets spent themselves making many and long speeches of accusation against them? What tragedy, what manner of lawlessness have they not eclipsed by their blood-guiltiness? They sacrificed their own sons and daughters to demons. They refused to recognize nature, they forgot the pangs, of birth, they trod underfoot the rearing of their children, they overturned from their foundations the laws of kingship, they became more savage than any wild beast. What deed of theirs should strike us with greater astonishment? Their ungodliness or their cruelty or their inhumanity? That they sacrificed their children or that they sacrificed them to demons?”
☦️Saint John Chrysostomos
Читать полностью…“Flee from the Papists as you would from serpents.”
☦️Saint Mark of Ephesus
“Those who seek union with the Pope ignore two things. The height of Orthodoxy and the depth of Papal worship.”
☦️Saint Sophronios of Essex
“Say unto the Pope and to the heretics: “You desire union? We also desire it and long for it ardently. Behold, we receive you gladly once you have previously cast off your evil doctrines and errors and cast away all that is against the sacred Canons and patristic Traditions of the Seven Holy Ecumenical Councils.””
☦️Saint Philotheos Zervakos
"We do not have merely 'a group of Orthodox that consider Roman Catholics and Protestants to be heretics' or 'only pronouncements by particular ecclesiastical writers,' as some erroneously contend, but the totality of the Saints of our Church who dealt with this issue unanimously conclude that Papism is heresy. There is not one Saint of our Church — no, not one — who contends that Papism is not a heresy."
☦️Fr. Anastasios Gotsopoulos
"It is impossible to recall peace without dissolving the cause of the schism — the primacy of the Pope exalting himself equal to God."
☦️Saint Mark of Ephesus
"Whoever calls himself universal bishop, or desires this title, is, by his pride, the precursor to the antichrist."
☦️Saint Gregory the Great
"In the history of the human race there have been three principal falls: that of Adam, that of Judas, and that of the pope."
☦️Saint Justin Popovic
"For us, the Pope is as one of the Patriarchs — and only if he is Orthodox; whereas, they proclaim him Vicar of Christ, Father and Teacher of all Christians. Flee from them, O brethren, and from communion with them.
For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder!
For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore, it is no great thing if even his ministers transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works. (2 Cor. IT:13-15).”
☦️Saint Mark of Ephesus
"According to the true Church of Christ, that has existed since the advent of Christ the Theanthropos into this world as His theanthropic Body, the dogma of the infallibility of the Pope is not only a heresy, but the ultimate heresy. No other heresy has so radically and so comprehensively risen against Christ the Theanthropos and His Church as Papism has through the dogma of the infallibility of the Pope, a man. This is undoubtedly the heresy above all heresies.
It is the horror above all horrors. It is an unseen rebellion against Christ the God-Man. It is, alas, the most dreadful banishment of the Lord Christ from the earth. It is the repeated betrayal of Christ, the repeated crucifixion of the Lord Christ, not on a wooden cross this time but on the golden cross of papist humanism. All this is hell thrice over for the wretched earthly being called man."
☦️Saint Justin Popovic
“Pope Francis is an instrument in the hands of anti-church forces building the New World Order.”
-Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller
As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion.
☦️Proverbs 11:22
As the Apostles carried the sacred body of the Theotokos to her tomb, the Jews decided to attack the funeral procession. From St. Maximos the Confessor’s “Life of the Virgin”:
“And at that time the adversary and enemy of truth did not refrain from showing his treachery, but again he stirred up the evil Jews to envy and violence. For when they saw the glorious procession of the Immaculate and All-Praise Mother of Christ, and the multitude of the faithful that was accompanying the Apostles, and the innumerable miracles that they were working by the Grace of the Holy Queen, and they heard the voices of the divinely beautiful singing, wicked envy seized ‘the deranged and unwise people, the nation deliberating on destruction, in whom there is no understanding.’ (Deut. 34:6; 32:28) As before when the crowds of innocent children went forth to meet Christ the King of all things with branches from date palms and said, ‘Hosanna! Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord, the King of Israel!’ (cf. Matt. 21:9; 16), and the godless high priests and the scribes were enraged and fought with wicked envy against the One Who is Gracious and Compassionate to all, to the point that they condemned Him to death by the death of a Cross, so now also they gathered to attack the procession of His Gloriously Immaculate Mother and to obstruct the orderly and adorned Company of the Apostles and the faithful, and with perverse cries they came to destroy the divine assembly.
Continued in comments 👉🏼
“The sole purpose of non-Jeωs is to serve Jeωs. They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. This is what Gentiles were created.”
-Chief Rabbi of Israel, 2010
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”
“Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.”
☦️1 John 2:22
“Jesus Christ is King of Israel. Christians are the Israelite race.”
☦️Saint Justin the Martyr, 90-150 AD
“The devil has three tentacles. For the poor, communism. For the believers, ecumenism. For the rich, masonгу.”
☦️Saint Paisios
“Do not fear. The Masons are devising many plans and want many things, but only if the Lord of all allows them to. Without His will, as He said, neither a hair nor a leaf falls. He shall disperse their counsels. For the time being, this is sufficient for us. As for later, let God, Who keeps us alive, take care of it.”
☦️Saint Joseph the Hesychast
And, you see, people are not at all aware that we are living during the signs of the times, that the sealing is already advancing. It is as if nothing is happening. This is why the Sacred Scripture says that even the elect [meaning Orthodox Christians] will be deceived.
☦️Saint Paisios
Bibi admits that jews come from hell in his speech.
We live in an anarchic world, the entire political class is an enemy of Christ and a servant of evil, that is why even living our simple life without abdicating our Christian principles is a daily confession and martyrdom.
☦️Elder Justin Pavru of Romania
We in America are grateful for our freedom, but we know the dark masonic origins of our American ideology and tremble for the future when the meaning of the occult symbols of our government (visible in our currency, for example — the unfinished pyramid, the all-seeing eye, the number 13 everywhere, the “novus ordo seclorum”) will begin to be fulfilled.
☦️Father Seraphim (Rose), 1976
‼️🚨🇺🇸 The satanic statue called ‘Witness’ dedicated to feminism, has been beheaded at the University of Houston.
Читать полностью…In the future Judgment, the condition of each person will be revealed in an instant, and each person on his own will proceed to where he belongs. Each person will recognize, as if on a television screen, his own wretchedness, as well as the spiritual condition of others. He will reflect himself upon the other, and he will bow his head, and proceed to the place where he belongs. For example, a daughter-in-law who sat comfortably with her legs crossed in front of her mother-in-law, who with a broken leg took care of the grandchild, will not be able to say, “My Christ, why are you putting my mother-in-law into Paradise without including me?” because that scene will come before her to condemn her. She will remember her mother-in-law who stood with her broken leg in order to take care of her grandchild and she will be too ashamed to go into Paradise — but there will be not place for her there, anyway.
☦️Saint Paisios
It is very important to read the Lives of the Saints from childhood. The previous generation read Harry Potter, what do you expect? To be filled from young with these little apprentices and child magicians — There must be a Desire of Christ and spiritual purity must be taught in childhood from the family.
☦️Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou
There was a young couple in Greece in the 1940s. They had only been married for 6 months.
The young man was a miner, and there was a terrible accident in the mine. Everyone got out, except him. Back then they did not have the equipment to be able to excavate quickly.
So the foreman went to the young bride & told her “We are very sorry. But by the time we dig through, it will probably take about a month, and your husband will definitely be dead by then. The area is so small…no food, no light, no water. Nothing to help him survive.”
So she did what a good wife would do. She did the σαράντα-Λειτουργo, where she had the priest serve Liturgies for 40 days for her husband’s soul. And every day she would go to church and she would light a candle for her husband. And she would give a Phosphora and wine to the priest. This went on for 37 days. And the end of the 37th Liturgy, an old woman came to the church from a village about a day and a half away, and said to the priest, “Father, we need you. We don’t have a priest and someone is about to die.”
So the priest turned to the young bride and told her, “I’m sorry. We are going to have to stop at 37 days. There is an emergency I have to attend to & I will need to leave.”
Well, on the 40th day, the mine workers broke through the collapsed mine. And they discovered the young man still alive! Everybody was amazed! “How can you still be living?” The young man said, “Brothers, I cannot explain it. But at a certain time in the morning I received a candle, some wine & some bread. But during the last 3 days none of those things happened & I felt that as if I was going to die.”
The prayers of the Church saved him….The Proskomidia prayers. And that old woman…that was the Devil. He could see what was going on, and he did not want that young man to live.
Prayer has great power.
The most powerful prayer is the Proskomedia. When the priest takes a piece of the offered bread, the Prosforo, puts it on the paten….and that piece represents us.
☦️Papa Demetrios (Carellas)