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Orthodox Christian Catacombs

CHRIST IS RISEN!!! The only news that really matters!!! Truly He is Risen!!!

Νῦν πάντα πεπλήρωται φωτός οὐρανός τε καὶ γῆ καὶ τὰ καταχθόνια...
☦️Άγιος Ιωάννης ο Δαμασκηνός

Now all things have been filled with light, both heaven and earth and those beneath the earth...
☦️Saint John of Damascus

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Orthodox Christian Catacombs

To say that God turns away from the sinful is like saying that the sun hides from the blind.
☦️Saint Anthony the Great

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Orthodox Christian Catacombs

And thus, when from this life I have passed in the hope of life eternal, may I attain to everlasting rest where the sound is unceasing of them that keep festival, and unending the delight of them that behold the ineffable beauty of Thy countenance. For Thou art the true desire and the unutterable gladness of them that love Thee, O Christ our God, and all creation praise Thee unto the ages. Amin.

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Orthodox Christian Catacombs

Father Peter makes some great points here…..it’s worth a listen 👂🏼

The elder (referring to Saint Gabriel of Georgia) always paid great attention to the dress of female believers. He wouldn't stand revealing clothing and would often say:

“In the End Times the laity will be distinguished by their dress and the clergy by their works.”

He would get disturbed when he saw women in pants, myself included. One morning when reading prayers and wearing pants, I got ready to go to Mtskheta, putting on a dress. Elder Gabrieli wouldn't be Elder Gabrieli if he hadn't intuitively known about this and confronted me about it in front of other women with a harsh word. He said, "Do not forget that:

'The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.'"

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Orthodox Christian Catacombs

Those who seek union with the Pope ignore two things. The height of Orthodoxy and the depth of Papal worship.
☦️Saint Sophronios of Essex

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Orthodox Christian Catacombs


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Orthodox Christian Catacombs

The fast of Lent has no advantage to us unless it brings about our spiritual renewal. It is necessary while fasting to change our whole life and practice virtue. Turning away from all wickedness means keeping our tongue in check, restraining our anger, avoiding all gossip, lying and swearing. To abstain from these things — herein is the true value of the fast. Accept the fast as an experienced educator by whom the Church teaches us piety.
☦️Saint John Chrysostomos

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Orthodox Christian Catacombs

Clean Monday (Καθαρή Δευτέρα) is the first day of Great Lent. Second to Holy Friday, it is the saddest and most mournful day in the Liturgical year. This is the day that Adam and Eve were expelled from Paradise on account of eating (another reason why we Orthodox fast). God sent them out of the garden and placed the Cherubim and the fiery sword at the gate. (Genesis 3:24) In the Vespers service of Clean Monday, we chant, “The sun hid its rays, the moon and stars were turned to blood, the mountains were afraid, the hills trembled, when Paradise was shut.” Adam departed, beating his hands upon his face and crying: "I am fallen: merciful Lord, have mercy on me!” Blessed Lent to all! Kali Sarakosti! ☦️🙏🏼

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Orthodox Christian Catacombs

When we are accused, when we are slandered, when we are teased, when we are humiliated, when we are wronged, we must also forgive. With what heart, with what strength, with what disposition do we offer our forgiveness, not a hundredfold, but a millionfold will be the corresponding goods we will receive from God. Here is the road! That's exactly how we can be saved! Behold, the gate from which we will enter the Kingdom of Heaven!
☦️Elder Ephraim of Arizona

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Orthodox Christian Catacombs

It is not the clever, the noble, the polished speakers or the rich who win, but whoever is insulted and forbears, whoever is wronged and forgives, whoever is slandered and endures, whoever becomes a sponge and mops up whatever they might say to him. Such a person is cleansed and polished even more. He reaches great heights. He delights in the theoria of mysteries. And finally, it is he who is already inside paradise, while still in this life.
☦️Saint Joseph the Hesychast

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Orthodox Christian Catacombs

The time is coming when people will be insane, and when they see someone who is not insane, they will attack that person saying: You are insane because you are not like us.
☦️Saint Anthony the Great

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Orthodox Christian Catacombs

Friendly PSA: The idea for “international women’s day” came from Clara Zetkin, a Marxist theorist and communist. Her funeral was attended by Stalin and Lenin’s widow. She was an ardent supporter for the “right” to abortion (infanticide). It doesn’t get much more anti-female than that! Nevertheless, the world today celebrates this day today. Our Geronta Ephraim explains it best:

In our days there is much talk concerning the equality of men and women. However, the struggles for this equality and the so-called feminist movement have appeared quite late. For twenty centuries now, Christianity has resolved the problem. How? It abolished discrimination. It honored the female gender with value equal to that of a man. Furthermore, it honored a particular woman with a claim that no man had, has, or ever will have. This woman is the Most-Holy Theotokos. Christianity, and the church, does not use gender, social status, education, material wealth, or intelligence as criteria to rate and assess people. It grades and evaluates them using a single criteria: holiness. In the eyes of God there is no male and female. There are only people who are sinful and repented, impious and pious, holy and holier.

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Orthodox Christian Catacombs

In order for the soul to be cleansed from within, man must suffer.
☦️Papa Stephanos Anagnostopoulos

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Orthodox Christian Catacombs

A prayer from the heart has more power than a thousand words, especially for someone who won’t listen.
☦️Saint Paisios

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Orthodox Christian Catacombs

The Orthodox Church did not come to travel and journey along with the other religions or to coexist peacefully with them, and to learn to get along. It came to dissolve the false faiths once and for all.
☦️Elder Athanasios Mitilinaios

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Orthodox Christian Catacombs

“Flee from the Papists as you would from serpents.”
☦️Saint Mark of Ephesus

“Those who seek union with the Pope ignore two things. The height of Orthodoxy and the depth of Papal worship.”
☦️Saint Sophronios of Essex


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Orthodox Christian Catacombs

I’m tempted to mess with the Rapturists 🤣

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Orthodox Christian Catacombs

To fall is human; to persist is satanic.
☦️Saint Philotheos Zervakos

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Orthodox Christian Catacombs

Why Women Wear Dresses and Men Wear Pants

WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/Kg9umYP1Aoc

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Orthodox Christian Catacombs

AMIN — AXIOS 💕☦️!!!

This is the faith of the Apostles!
This is the faith of the Fathers!
This is the faith of the Orthodox!
This is the faith which has supported the whole world!

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Orthodox Christian Catacombs

Blessed and fortunate is the man, the Orthodox Christian, who will confess the Divinity of our Christ before tyrants, atheists, materialists, and rationalists. Our Church believes and proclaims that until the end of this present age, the Saints will not cease to exist; rather she will continue giving rise to holy children worthy of crowns and glory. We must wholeheartedly believe that during the end times, which we are now entering and will journey through, holy people will be they who will confess our Jesus and who will proclaim and thunder that our Christ is the true God Who became incarnate for man. With this confession, they will be crowned and become holy. Imagine how beautiful it will be for a Christian of the present age to bear witness to the Divinity of Christ and the Trinity before impious people, to become a confessor, and have his soul taken by angels who will begin chanting heavenly anthems of victory and praise!
☦️Elder Ephraim of Arizona

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Orthodox Christian Catacombs

In our opinion, John 3:16 is the most grossly mistranslated AND misinterpreted Holy Scripture in history. As I know many of you realize, it's mistranslation/misinterpretation has sadly lead to so many heresies (30,000+ sects of Protestantism, by one conservative estimate).

Most Protestants/Evangelicals affirm that by simply "believing" in Jesus, this guarantees them a ticket to Paradise. What an unfortunate trick the evil one has played on our brothers and sisters with this one.

To understand where they went wrong and what many of them are failing to understand, you have to go back to John 3:7: "Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again." From here the name "Born Again Christians" was spawned. But if you dig a bit deeper, you will see that "born again" is a mistranslation. The original Greek reads "γεννηθῆναι ἄνωθεν" which means "born from above." What does it mean to be "born from above?" The answer to that is just a few lines back in John 3:5: "Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." What does it mean to be born of water and of the Spirit? We know this to mean the Holy Sacrament of Orthodox Baptism! So if a "born again Christian" ever asks you if you want to accept Jesus and be "born again," respond that you have already been BORN AGAIN, OF WATER AND OF THE SPIRIT in your Orthodox Baptism!

There are no Sacraments outside of Orthodoxy, regardless of what the shameful ecumenists of our generation say. Now, who God decides to save is entirely His business and not for us to comment on. Nevertheless, we shouldn't downplay the significance and importance of being Baptized of water and of the Spirit in the One True Faith of Christ. We hope and pray that all of our heterodox brothers and sisters one day come to know the fullness of Christ's Church in Holy Orthodoxy. Pretending that their false religion has validity helps them in no way.

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Orthodox Christian Catacombs


In the Lavra monastery of Kiev Caves, in ancient times there were two monks, a priest-monk Titus and a deacon, Evagrius. Having lived for a few years in peace and friendship they, because of some things, have then acquired enmity and hatred toward each other; their mutual malice has lasted for a long time; and they, without having reconciled with each other, even dared to offer the bloodless sacrifice before God. No matter how much the brethren advised them to put away the anger and live with each other in peace and harmony, it was all in vain. Once, the priest-monk Titus became gravely ill. Having lost all hope in life, he started to cry bitterly over his sin and have sent to his enemy to ask for forgiveness; but Evagrius didn’t even want to hear of that and started to curse him harshly. The brethren, regretting such a great delusion, brought him to the dying man by force. Continued in comments 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

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Orthodox Christian Catacombs

At this time, we're entering the great spiritual arena of the blessed Great Lent. Holy and Great Lent is a time of compunction, for repentance, for tears, for a change in ourselves, for a new stage in the spiritual life. Like an affectionate mother caring for her children, us Christians, the Church has designated this time of Lent as dedicated to the struggle, in order to help its children fight harder, to purify themselves, draw closer to God and to be counted worthy of celebrating the great day of the radiant Resurrection.
☦️Geronta Ephraim of Arizona

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Orthodox Christian Catacombs

Rule the thoughts in yourself, that you may become ruler of all things.
☦️Saint Vasilios the Great

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Orthodox Christian Catacombs

1st Saturday of Souls — Memory Eternal to all of our loved ones 🕯️☦️🙏🏼

“Pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from their sins.”
☦️2 Maccabees 12:46

“Memorials serve as the best attorney on behalf of the souls of those fallen asleep. They even have the power to bring a soul out of hell.”
☦️Saint Paisios of Mount Athos

“Protestants generally find the Church's prayer for the dead to be somehow incompatible with the necessity of finding salvation first of all in this life: "If you can be saved by the Church after death, then why bother to struggle or find faith in this Life? Let us eat, drink, and be merry”
— Of course, no one holding such a philosophy has ever attained salvation by the Church's prayer, and it is evident that such an argument is quite artificial and even hypocritical. The Church's prayer cannot save anyone who does not wish salvation, or who never offered any struggle for it himself during his lifetime. In a sense, one might say that the prayer of the Church or of individual Christians for a dead person is but another result of that person's life: he would not be prayed for unless he had done something during his lifetime to inspire such prayer after his death.”
☦️Father Seraphim Rose

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Orthodox Christian Catacombs

“The Orthodox Church is not a denomination, we are pre-denominational. “Denominations” is a heretical concept. It’s based on the modern heresy known as “Branch Theory.” Eastern Orthodox are the only Christians. The others that purportedly follow “Christ” outside of Orthodoxy are heterodox. Remember, there isn’t a single Church outside the Orthodox Church. They are all heretics and schismatics without grace. They cannot be called Churches until they repent of their errors in humility and change their ways.”
☦️Metropolitan Athanasios of Limassol

"Christ is here, in our Orthodox Church, and he is not in any other church. Do not search for Him elsewhere, for you will not find Him. Therefore, if someone from a non-Orthodox assemblage comes to you and begins to suggest that they have Christ — do not believe it.”
☦️Saint Theophan the Recluse

“And others speak with a false kindness, saying: “We mustn’t expose heretics and their delusions, so as to show our love for them.” Today’s people are water-soluble. There’s no leaven in them. But they’re not Christian. They’re simply indifferent. And their joy is only a worldly joy.”
☦️Saint Paisios

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Orthodox Christian Catacombs

A friendly PSA to our fellow Greek Orthodox CHRISTIAN brothers & sisters in Christ: The “marti bracelet” is an ancient Greek PAGAN custom that is worn at the beginning of spring. Its name is derived from the Greek word for the month of March, which is Μάρτιος (Martios). This is a strictly pagan tradition (that resembles the Luciferian-Kabbalah bracelet) & superstition that has no basis in Orthodoxy. The pre-Christian Greeks believed that if you wore a marti bracelet, that it would protect you from the sun this time of year. Pagan traditions such as this and the so called “mati” need to be fully abandoned. All we need is the cross of Christ! As Christ Himself explained, we can’t serve two masters.

“Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars’ hill (adjacent to the Acropolis and Parthenon), and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious. For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you.”
☦️Acts 17:22-23

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Orthodox Christian Catacombs

Christians [referring to Orthodox Christians, of course] are the guardians, protectors, rulers, and teachers of the city; and let the reprobates and libertines learn the same thing, that they should be afraid of God's servants, and that if they want to say anything blasphemous or mocking, they look around and fear even the shadows, fearing that a Christian might overhear.
☦️Saint John Chrysostomos

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Orthodox Christian Catacombs

Today we commemorate the memory of a very special Saint, Papa Nicholas of Athens! May we have his prayers and intercessions!

“Whatever has been done uncanonically cannot stand — it will fall.”
☦️Saint Papa Nicholas (Planas)

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