A channel dedicated to the propagation, defense and glory of the Orthodox Faith
Father Peter makes some great points here…..it’s worth a listen 👂🏼
The elder (referring to Saint Gabriel of Georgia) always paid great attention to the dress of female believers. He wouldn't stand revealing clothing and would often say:
“In the End Times the laity will be distinguished by their dress and the clergy by their works.”
He would get disturbed when he saw women in pants, myself included. One morning when reading prayers and wearing pants, I got ready to go to Mtskheta, putting on a dress. Elder Gabrieli wouldn't be Elder Gabrieli if he hadn't intuitively known about this and confronted me about it in front of other women with a harsh word. He said, "Do not forget that:
'The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.'"
“Suffering, no matter how difficult it may be, has no other meaning than the cleansing of souls thirsting for salvation.”-Valeriu Gafencu
Читать полностью…Dr Goebbels visits an Orthodox Christian church in Norway, where he greets members of the Russian Liberation Army.
The original video was of terrible quality, with broken audio and no subtitles. I've added the subtitles for those who cannot understand German, fixed the audio and done my best to salvage what remained of the film quality.
"The search for truth is the main thread of life of the Russian people, and it is no coincidence that the first written code of laws, which was supposed to regulate life, was called “Russian Truth”. But not only those who left the world and people thought about heaven, about the Kingdom of God. All Russian believers understood the meaning of life. All those who truly built Russia as a state, living in the world and fulfilling their duties, also considered that the most important thing was to be faithful to the Divine Kingdom and Divine Truth."-Saint John Maximovitch
Читать полностью…"Continue along your path. The devil will come with his tempting thoughts & will tug at your sleeve, so as to disorient you. Don't turn to him, don't start a conversation with him, & don't oppose him. In this way the devil will get bored & will leave you alone." -St. Porphyrios
Читать полностью…Chief Rabbi of Ukraine Yakov Dov Bleich said that the law banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church “makes sense”, which is why he is promoting it at meetings with US government officials.
"I will defend my sacred banner, for the life of a Legionary. All my struggle and my sacrifice will be for the Fatherland, and if my courage shall wed death; it will be the death of a Legionary!"
-Il Capo Di Cuib
"In our times we hear many various answers such as: “To be a Christian means to recognize Christ’s teaching, to try to fulfill His commandments.”This, of course, is the best of such answers. The first Christians, however, answered the question in a completely different way. From the very first pages of its history, Christianity appears before us in the form of a harmonious and unanimous community. Outside of this community there were no Christians. To come to believe in Christ, to become a Christian – this meant uniting with the Church." -Saint Ilarion Troitsky
Читать полностью…Brothers,
The next Stand With Ukrainian Christians initiative will take place on last weekend of November the 24th-26th. Everyone should take this opportunity to stand with our Orthodox brothers by spreading our flyers, and use other legal means of activism to call our people to solidarity with our friends in the East.
When Christ employed the phrase 'I Am,' it elicited a fervent response from the Jewish community, who perceived it as an unequivocal proclamation of his divinity, ultimately leading to their intent to eliminate him. The act of appropriating this phrase, irrespective of the surrounding context, Joel Osteen inadvertently exposes an aspect of his religious doctrine that some might perceive as bearing Luciferian characteristics. This interpretation fundamentally characterizes his doctrine as a distorted gospel, advocating a version of Christ that deviates significantly from traditional Christian orthodoxy, and consequently, shaping a distinctive sect of believers.
Читать полностью…Fr. Seraphim Rose in his discourse on “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”:
“It is interesting here to note that, of all the groups in the world, the Jews are the ones who are strongest in [media control], because it is not possible to mention the Jews in even a slightly critical tone without having a representative of the Anti-Defamation League come to visit you. That is why Orthodox publishers are very careful not to say anything about the Jews because they know that someone will come around and begin checking up on them, and if there is something they don’t like, they’ll start conducting a campaign of slanders and arousing public opinion and all sorts of things against you.”
-Orthodox Survival Course, Lecture IX “Revolution”
Hamas is butchering thousands of babies every day. And by "Hamas," I mean Planned Parenthood.
Читать полностью…"They will ask for your rifles. Retain two. Give one and keep the other. A single rifle will save a hundred souls."
- St. Kosmas Aitolos
I.M. Andreyev in his book Russia's Catacomb Saints writes about the penalty for simply praying for White Army soldiers-
"In 1919, when the red army entered and the White Army left Voronezh, seven nuns of the Protection Convent were boiled in a cauldron with tar because they had a moleben served for members of the White Army."
On Aug 13 1922 Met Bishop Benjamin was killed. At trial the Petrograd Provincial Revolutionary Tribunal announced that he and nine other clergy would be shot. And when the judge asked if he wanted to say something, he said: Glory to Thee, O Lord, glory to Thee for all things!
Читать полностью…Some people have faith, but they rarely act upon it. True lovers of Christ will put their faith into action. They will act while others listen. We please Christ by doing His will.
Holy Passion-bearer Alexandra Feodorovna
Pray for Thomas Rousseau and all Patriots behind the wire. MANY will lament the destruction of our Nation and the wrecking of morality in the public sphere. FEW will really do something about it. Thomas Rousseau and his brothers in Patriot Front are those few
Читать полностью…"And who can expel this evil spirit from Europe? No one, except the One Whose name has been marked in red in the history of the human race as the only One who expels demons from people. You already know Who I mean. I mean the Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah, and Savior of the world, Who was born of the Virgin, killed by the Jews, resurrected by God, witnessed by the centuries, justified by heaven, glorified by the Angels, confessed by the Saints, and accepted by our forefathers." -Saint Justin Popovich
Читать полностью…"When I came to the monastery, Mother, I was also in the choir; and I was so jolly, my joy! It used to happen that whenever I went to the choir, the brethren would get tired, and they'd get gloomy, and they'd sing differently, and some wouldn't sing at all. Everyone gathers, and I cheer them up; they don't feel tired at all! It is not good to say or do anything bad in the temple of God. But it is not a sin at all, Mother, to say an affectionate, friendly and cheerful word, so that everyone's spirit is always cheerful in the sight of God, and not depressed.”-Saint Seraphim of Sarov
Читать полностью…From the memoirs of an officer of the Life Guards Cossack Regiment EI Balabin during the visit of Emperor Nicholas II festive dinner in Dunkirk in 1901:
"The billionaire Rothschild offered Emperor Nicholas to repay the Russian debt to France in exchange for equal rights for Jews in Russia. The Emperor refused, saying that the Russian people are very gullible and with equal rights would immediately fall into bondage to the Jews. Moving away from Rothschild, the Emperor said: "I have now signed my own death warrant.""
Bound together in Christ's name, the Apostolic Guard gathered together to mark the beginning of a new Christian Movement for the preservation of the Apostolic Traditions and Teachings of the Church in an ever evil growing society.
Читать полностью…Canon 46 of the Apostles: We ordain that a bishop, or presbyter, who has admitted the baptism or sacrifice of heretics, be deposed. For what concord has Christ with Belial
Читать полностью…"They say, that a message can be more powerful when you stand alone, opposed to a crowd; but the most powerful messages always come when you recognize that with Jesus Christ, you're never standing alone."
📍Columbus, OH 2023
At the Ohio State House
"Who is your foe?" - Anyone, who forges shackles for us!
Anyone, who encroaches on our Holy Relics!
We will go, as one, we will prevail or perish,
As it has always been!"
Christians in the Holy Land are subjected to Assaults, Spitting, desecration of Holy Places Sexual Abuse, Verbal Harassment, being left stranded in unfamiliar locations, and Martyrdom by the occupying Jewish force, not to say that this is an exhaustive list. Anyone who commits war crimes will answer to God for their sins, as will those who attempt to force Western Values onto every last square inch of this planet. Let us pray for a Free, Christian Palestine from the River to the Sea.
Читать полностью…Interviewer: Peace, both in the hearts of men and in the world, seems to be totally unstable
Valeriu Gafencu: Peace among men depends upon the measure in which they are found in the Spirit of Truth, and is therefore a spiritual problem, even though it manifests itself on the political, social, economic, cultural, educational and moral planes of life. All problems of mankind are problems of conscience, while the conscience does not find peace except in the religous domain. Religion is fundamental in history
Читать полностью…“Naturally, one will love one's own family and the relatives he grew up with, most of all, and secondly, the whole country, the people to which one belongs. One is tied to this people both by state and civil obligations and by culture and customs. One is bound to one's people, to one's own homeland, and one loves them. This love for homeland is that Christian patriotism which cosmopolitanists so strongly struggle against.”-Metropolitan Philaret of ROCOR
Читать полностью…“Deep faith in the Lord and the unanimous desire of truly Russian people to break and expel the enemy from the borders of Russia give me firm confidence to look calmly at the future”-Saint Tsar Nicholas the Second
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