“Catholic priest Fr. Eric Andrews of the Church of St. Paul the Apostle in New York, hosted a “Pride Mass” on the evening of June 27 at a local federal monument to LGBT. It features sculptures of two same-sex couples and is decorated by dozens of LGBT rainbow flags. The “altar” was a makeshift pile of plastic bins, shrouded with a gay and transgender “pride” flag.”
Читать полностью…Ethiopians literally affirm monophysitism with the name "Tewahedo" meaning one-nature, and they call the 4th Ecumenical council the "council of dogs"
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Читать полностью…☦️🇧🇬 BREAKING: Metropolitan Daniel of Vidin has been elected Patriarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church! Here he gives his first Patriarchal blessing 🙏
Met. Daniel is a staunch supporter of the canonical Church in Ukraine & stands against the tide of NATOdoxy from the US & Ecumenical Patriarchate. The Election went as followed:
In the first round of voting:
64 votes for +Gregory of Vratsa
51 votes for +Daniel of Vidin
19 votes for +Gabriel of Lovech
4 invalid votes
In the second round:
69 votes for +Daniel of Vidin
66 votes for +Gregory of Vratsa
3 invalid votes
Thus +Daniel was elected Patriarch. Axios to the new Shepherd of Bulgaria! 🇧🇬🇷🇺
Читать полностью…Dagestan: Martyred priest laid to rest
The priest and church guard who were brutally murdered in the terrorist attacks in Dagestan over the weekend were prayerfully laid to rest earlier this week.
Baćuška said:
"We often get sick because we don't pray at the table, we don't invoke God's blessing on the food.
Before, we did everything with a prayer on our lips:
we plowed - we prayed, we sowed - we prayed, we gathered the harvest - we prayed.
Now we don't know what kind of people prepared what we eat.
Often the dish is prepared with obscene words, curses, curses...
Everything we eat is a sacrifice of God's love for us humans, through food - all nature and the angelic world serve man.
That is why, before the meal, it is especially necessary to pray fervently.
First of all, we invoke the blessing of the Heavenly Father by reading the Our Father prayer.
And where the Lord is, there is also the Mother of God, there are also Angels...
We do not accidentally say "Angels are at the table", and indeed, the Angels are with us at the table, when we eat food with thanksgiving and prayer.
And where the Angels are, there are all the Saints."
Saint Seraphim Viricki
Before the blessed Augustine was converted to Christ, his debauchery was a constant affliction for his devout mother. St Monica shed countless tears in petitioning God for the salvation of her son.
A bishop to whom she turned in her distress declared to St Monica that it was impossible for the son of so many tears to be lost. Finally, after 26 years of sin and error, her son was baptized.
In St Luke’s Gospel, Jesus calls us to “always pray and not lose heart.” (18:1). St Monica was an untiring warrior in her prayers for her wayward son, who would become St Augustine, bishop of Hippo.
Mother and son are jointly commemorated on June 15/ June 28.
It is easy and beautiful to be Orthodox through the screen, on the Internet, on social networks where everyone can be and share anything. It is too easy to type messages, share pictures and quotes from the Holy Fathers, passages from the Holy Scriptures, advice and sermons of monks and priests...
Have you tried to be Orthodox in real life? Have you ever picked up the New Testament of the Holy Scriptures and read at least one whole Gospel? Have you tried fasting, to spend a day or longer seriously refusing the continuation of sinful habits, and painstakingly establishing some good habits? Do you regularly pray morning and evening, before and after meals, at least in private? If so, do you pray slowly and carefully, or still carelessly and hastily, as if prayer is not an address to the King of kings, a conversation with God himself. How often do you attend Liturgy? Do you treat your neighbors with love and care or do you sow strife and unrest in your own family?
I already know for myself, when I read these words that I typed with my fingers, that I am not worthy of salvation, but life goes on, the battle continues.
Don’t use your bad mood as an excuse to mistreat others.
☦️Saint Nikolai Velimirovich
Freedom doesn't mean that I do what I want, because many times by doing what we want, we do the will of the devil. Freedom is seen in man's discernment, in his ability to choose between good and evil. Man ought to be mindful of the fact that he can live freely only in truth, and that there is much delusion in this world — against which he needs to guard himself.
☦️Elder Justin Pârvu
A Bit About the Reasons Behind Our Parenting Failures
Anna Romashko
And no good assurances from elderly ladies that if you commune an infant for forty days in a row they will later become a bishop will ever work without true love, faith, and natural religious life.
“If your marriage is like this, your perfection will rival the holiest of monks.” ✝️ St John Chrysostom
St John’s advice to husbands :
+ Never speak to your wife in a mundane way but with compliments, with respect and with much love.
+ Tell her that you love her more than your own life, because this present life is nothing, and that your only hope is that the two of you pass through this life in such a way that in the world to come, you will be united in perfect love.
"'[F]or the hearts of this people have grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, so that I should heal them.’ But blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear" + Mt 13:15-16
Читать полностью…The Battle Against the Filioque in the West
Баћушка је говорио :
" Ми често болујемо зато што се не молимо за трпезом, не призивамо Божији благослов на храну.
Раније смо све радили са молитвом на уснама :
орали смо - молили смо се, сејали - молили смо се, збирали летину - молили се.
Сада ми не знамо какви су људи припремали оно што ми једемо.
Често је јело спремано са хулним речима, псовкама, клетвама...
Све што ми једемо је жртва Божије љубави према нама људима, кроз храну - сва природа и анђелски свет служе човеку.
Зато, пре трпезе потребно је нарочито да се усрдно помолимо.
Пре свега, ми призивамо благослов Оца Небескога читајући молитву Оче наш.
А тамо где је Господ, тамо је и Божија Мати, тамо су и Анђели...
Не говоримо ми случајно " Анђели су за трпезом ", и заиста, Анђели су са нама за трпезом, када ми са благодарењем и молитвом једемо храну.
А тамо где су Анђели, тамо су и сви Свети."
Свети Серафим Вирицки
"Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made."
Photo: soviet director (((Sergei Eisenstein))) sitting on the Russian Imperial Throne, 1927.
New Valaam Monastery in Heinävesi, Finland. While the tradition of this monastery goes back to 1717, it has served in its current location since 1940 under the Diocese of Kuopio and Karelia of the Orthodox Church of Finland. Around that time, the monastery temporarily welcomed some 200 monks who were fleeing Old Valaam during the Winter War. Otherwise this monastery has always been much smaller than the older one for which it is named, but it is nevertheless an important light for the faithful and over 100,000 pilgrims visit every year. Orthodoxy is a small minority in Finland, but that number is growing due to a surge in interest in the faith. New Valaam does its part to reflect this and currently hosts a brotherhood of 18 monks, the most that it has housed since the 1960s.
Читать полностью…Лако је и лепо бити Православац преко екрана, на интернету, на друштвеним мрежама где свако може бити и делити свашта. Прелако је куцати поруке, делити слике и цитате Светих Отаца, одломке из Светог Писма, савете и беседе монаха и свештеника...
Да ли сте покушали бити Православац и у правом животу? Да ли сте икада узели у руке Нови Завет Светог Писма и прочитали бар једно цело Јеванђеље? Да ли сте се окушали у посту, да проживите дан или дуже озбиљно одбијати наставак грешних навика, и мукотрпно успостављати неке добре навике? Да ли се редовно молите ујутро и увече, пре и после оброка бар насамо? Ако да, да ли се молите полако и пажљиво, или ипак безбрижно и брзоплето, као да молитва није обраћање Цару над царевима, разговор са самим Богом. Колико често сте на Литургији? Да ли се односите према ближњима са љубављу и бригом или садите свађу и немир у сопствену породицу?
За себе већ знам, када прочитам ове речи које сам својим прстима укуцао, да нисам достојан спасења, али живот иде даље, битка траје.
Fr Kosmas has some good general points about being prepared to receive holy communion in this talk https://youtu.be/Ybl0T_8oUUg?si=L9UlJDyAclfO_w_b
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