Prayer to Jesus Christ
by Eldress Galactia of Crete
Lord, grant me only humility and silence. I ask nothing else from You. Humility births love for all Your creations. I know that I am the greatest sinner, and no one else in the universe has embittered You as much as I, the despicable one, have. Help me to live with this every day. Do not let the devil fool me into thinking I am something when I am nothing. Grant me only to feel how sinner I am and help me to follow Your commandments to find mercy from Your countless love. Do not let me despair because of my sins but let me rejoice every day because You have mercy on me and will save me because You are compassionate. Do not let me have evil thoughts or judge my fellow human beings. I am to blame for them, and since I am the cause of their sin, I must only judge myself. Lord, Lord, do not deprive me of the river of Your divine mercy. Amen!
The above picture is of the church of St. Macrina the Younger in Axo (Hasakoy), Cappadocia. (Photo credit to my cousin who was there last month.) My Grandmother's parents (on my Dad's side) came from the town of Axo. My Great-Grandfather fled the area just before the start of WWI. He did not want to fight for the Turkish army. As far as can be told, Axo was the ancestral home for many generations (on that side of my family). The church at current is abandoned and in great disarray. Interestingly, a small side chapel still contains the sarcophagus of St. Macrina.
Читать полностью…Дегенерација, пијанчење, дрогирање, содомија, блудничење, зар ова и друга зла не долазе од ђавола лично који људе куша на грех да би их одвојио од Бога и спречио спасење душа? Да ли имамо довољно памети да то спознамо? Ако имамо, зашто онда идемо на концерте дегенима и наркоманима? Зашто подржавамо њихову лудост и разврат?
Читать полностью…Quoted from “Should We Be Set Apart From Others?”—one of the five booklets from the long awaited “Booklet Series” now available from Uncut Mountain Press 👇
📚 Available in both softcover and digital formats.
Having furnished thy mind with wings of divine knowledge, O ever-glorious Olga, pray for thy spiritual descendants in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus, that Christ our God grant them lasting peace from above!
The first female ruler of Rus was Equal-to-the-Apostles, St. Olga (July 11/ July 24), in baptism, Helen, is known also as “Viking-Russian Princess," “Missionary to Ukraine,” and “Scourge of the Drevlians.”
"Do not separate from the Church, because there is nothing stronger than the Church. Your hope is the Church, your salvation is the Church, your refuge is the Church. It is higher than the sky, larger than the earth. It never gets old, but always blooms."
+ St John Chrysostom
Attracted to Orthodoxy because of beautiful churches and liturgies? The gold in the church is already refined. But is your heart open to daily refining?
Читать полностью…She stayed when the others fled.
At the the Lord’s Crucifixion, Mary Magdalene (July 22) stayed at the cross with the Mother of God and the Apostle John. She was a witness to Christ's burial and first to see the risen Lord (Mark 16:1-10)
"Holy Myrrhbearer and Apostle to the Apostles, now that you have passed into heaven, never cease to intercede for the world!"
I don't know why Orthodox Christians like him. He's a brat and acts like a man child all of the time. He's like a "based" Ben Shapiro who's just annoying.
Читать полностью…"Our Lord is a Lord of manifold powers manifested upon us, and our God is the God of mercy and salvation. In like manner the ever-Virgin Mother of the incarnate God-the-Word, imitating the love to mankind of her Son and God, prays for us, and continually manifests her powers to believers. Feeling the continual all-saving powers revealed to us by the Mother of God, we call upon her: "At no time will we unworthy ones be silent, God-bearing One, to tell of thy mighty acts; for hadst thou not prayerfully interceded for us, who would have delivered us out of so many dangers?" ...Or: " Show us thy power, as thou hast ever done. ..." And we turn to Her in every affliction, need, and misfortune."
+ St John of Kronstadt
"You will give a heavy answer before God for every scandal that your children will see in you, for all the quarrels, blasphemies, idle talk, fights that happen before their eyes. If you act like that yourself, what will you teach your children? You are directing them towards actions for which Jesus Christ determined inevitable destruction; you do not worry about their soul as something unnecessary, but you worry about what is really superfluous as something necessary and essential.
The faith of parents cannot remain fruitless for children, when they, in the face of poverty and problems, say with tears in their eyes: "what to do? May God's will be done"; in danger: "God is merciful"; in difficult circumstances: "God will help"; with success and joy: "glory to God, God has given".
Here God's grace, God's providence, God's justice are always confessed in everything.
Saint Luke of Crimea (Vojno-Jasenetsk)
I don’t know anything more wretched than the soul which refuses to honor priests. That soul is full of demonic frenzy.
✝️Saint John Chrysostom
‼️ As with all things Talmudic and occult, they love ‘dates’ and numerical symbolism.
Coincidentally, on the 25th of July this year, Russian Orthodox Christians celebrate the memory of Saints Theodore and his son John - sacrificed on this very place by a mob of demonic cultists over 1000 years ago.
This ‘neo-pagan celebration’ setup by the Talmudic Kahal of Kiev, sanctioned by Zelenskyy and the kosher Mayor of Kiev, Klitschko, is a direct affront to the Christian faith.
When they cannot defeat, they persecute and they mock. Their behavior is predictable.
Saints Theodore & John, the first-martyrs of Rus, pray and intercede for us ☦️
Degeneracy, drunkenness, drug addiction, sodomy, fornication, don't these and other evils come from the devil himself who tempts people to sin in order to separate them from God and prevent the salvation of souls? Are we smart enough to realize that? If we have, then why do we go to concerts for junkies and drug addicts? Why do we support their folly and debauchery?
Читать полностью…After the death of their father, Prince Vladimir, the baptizer of the Russian people, the power-hungry brother of the Holy Passionbearers Boris and Gleb (July 24 / Aug 6), sent assassins to kill them. Boris already knew of his brother the Prince of Kiev’s intentions but vowed not to lift a hand against him. He prayed to the Lord to strengthen him for the suffering to come, and that God would not count Sviatopolk's sin against him. Before stabbing him, St Boris' assassins found him chanting psalms and praying before an icon of Christ.
St Gleb was lamenting the deaths of his father and brother when his assassins arrived. However, it was Gleb's cook who killed him with a knife.
Righteous passion-bearers, pray that those who honour your memory may be pleasing to God.
"Pray to Christ Our God, O Lady Mary, Queen and Theotokos, that all cities and lands be protected from our enemies, and that they will be saved who in faith venerate your most pure icon."
The miracle-working Sitka Icon of the Mother of God (July 8 ), painted in the style of the Kazan Mother of God Icon, is a “pearl of Russian ecclesiastical art of ineffable gentleness, purity and harmony.” The Sitka icon is located at the Cathedral of St Michael the Archangel in Sitka, Alaska. It is attributed to famed iconographer Vladimir Lukich Borovikovsky (1758-1826), a protégé of the Empress Catherine II who was instructed at the Academy of Arts in Saint Petersburg.
‼️☦️🇷🇺 On 22 of July 1596 the future Tsar of Russia, Michael Romanov was born.
At the age of 17, the virgin, innocent and pure youth, his hands not stained by the blood of the civil war, was chosen by God and anointed as per the Byzantine Roman tradition. His anointing ceremony took place on the 11th of July 1613, and coincidentally he passed away on the 23rd of July in 1645 after a long and prosperous reign.
The Romanov dynasty, linked by blood and sainthood to the previous Dynasty of Rurik, Svyatoslav and Saint Vladimir, would rule Russia for over 300 years until the Talmudic regicide of St Nicholas ii in 1918.
Tsar Michael’s reign was primarily focused on economic and border stabilization, further adventurous expansion into the ‘Wild East’ (Siberia), and recovery from the decades of wars against the Roman Catholics and Muslims. It set up the future technological, strategic and volatile movement of the Empire under his grandson Tsar Peter the Great.
Quoted from “Helmet of Salvation”—one of the five booklets from the long awaited “Booklet Series” now available from Uncut Mountain Press 👇
📚 Available in both softcover and digital formats.
Helmet of Salvation 📖 One of the five booklets from the long awaited “Booklet Series” now available from Uncut Mountain Press 👇
📚 Available in both softcover and digital formats.
„Муж је бранич жене и ђетета,
народ бранич цркве и племена‼️"
То је тако било и тако ће бити, јер то и не може другачије ☦️🇷🇸
#муж #жена #црква #племе #народ
St. George the Great-Martyr Church in Nyíregyháza, Hungary. Founded in 1943, it is a parish of the Diocese of Budapest and all Hungary under the Moscow Patriarchate. The parish was founded by Fr. Sergiosz, a former White Army officer who fled to Hungary after the Russian Revolution and was ordained to the clergy once there. The building had first been built decades prior as a private residence, and its ownership wasn't fully settled until the 1980s. The building was renovated in 2012, and the church recently welcomed pilgrims from the Life-Giving Spring Church in Hévíz, the newest parish of the diocese. The Orthodox Church is integrating itself into Hungarian culture, and the parish today has Hungarian priests and maintains a fully Hungarian social media presence.
Читать полностью…Када су питали светог Гаврила Грузијског како ће доћи антихрист, он им је рекао „Преко полиције и преко власти ће доћи ђаво!”
From the archives. I wrote this early on in the covid situation, when it was exploding in spring of 2020.
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