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Philly RUST

#skywatch PPD TacAir arriving over CC

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Philly RUST

#OTG Civil Affairs chatting a bunch with CC District Teams (teal jackets)

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Philly RUST

#scanner Civil Affairs estimating 30 people at City Hall now

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Philly RUST

#scanner TacAir (helicopter) on standby if needed.

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Philly RUST

#admin Remember you can share OTG updates in the Public Relay, or securely through the Rust Contact Bot! Knowledge is Power, if you see cops or fash mobilized in your area, let us know!

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Philly RUST

today at Noon, city hall!!


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Philly RUST

#scanner TacAir (helicopter) heading back to NE Philly Airport to be on standby if needed

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Philly RUST

#skywatch PPD, as well as all three of the major news networks' helicopters are active right now.

CBS3 and PPD are over City Hall. NBC10 and 6ABC flying back towards NE Philly, currently above Castor Ave and Levick Street

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Philly RUST

This is Sunday! https://facebook.com/events/s/how-to-defeat-the-right-under-/2780066142310862/?ti=as

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Philly RUST

#ground Police are apparently staging at Penn's Landing because.... Well, we're not sure.

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Philly RUST

As we watch the US Capitol building being stormed and trashed by Right Wing militia, Refuse Fascism was arrested doing a banner drop that took 7 cop cars to respond to. https://www.instagram.com/p/CJtyLCjj8qs/

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Philly RUST


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Philly RUST

PhilaOEM: Update to food distribution locations and schedules: http://bit.ly/2XdbOD7 nixle.us/CFAWY

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Philly RUST

How to join this channel's public relay chat

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Philly RUST

#ground Debt protest is winding down. Stay safe comrades don't let comrades walk alone.

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Philly RUST

#OTG White shirt on scene talking with Civil Affairs

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Philly RUST

#scanner Two bike teams mobilized, one on North Broad between City Hall and 6th district (Broad and Vine) and one at Juniper.

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Philly RUST

#scanner Two more Civil Affairs units arriving at City Hall

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Philly RUST

#scanner Two bike units on scene at City Hall, group is still small.

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Philly RUST

#scanner Bike team on standby (possibly on location at city hall), there's a small group gathering there now. Civil Affairs on scene.

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Philly RUST


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Philly RUST

#scanner Civil Affairs is on scene at City Hall, about 25 people gathering there

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Philly RUST

#ground Update- PPD still staged at Delilah's. No one knows why really, unless they're just trying to make enough overtime to pay off their holiday debts.

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Philly RUST

Penn's Landing today.

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Philly RUST

#ground There's a huge police presence around City Hall, despite nothing being planned.

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Philly RUST

Follow @DouglassRUST for our updates today

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Philly RUST

PA Legislators took our votes away!


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Philly RUST

Even the chuds are impressed by Remote Uprising Support Teams.

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Philly RUST

telegram clean up time!!
• DO NOT share your phone number on Telegram (Settings / Privacy and Security / Phone Number > Nobody). This is the single most important step you can take to secure your Telegram account.

• DO NOT use your real name, photograph or a user-name used on other platforms. Bad-actors will use this information to help dox you. Telegram allows you to change both.

• DO enable PIN lock for all messaging applications (Settings / Privacy and Security / Passcode Lock > Enable). If your phone is taken by the police, this can help protect your messages.

• DO enable two-factor-authentication for all messaging applications (Settings / Privacy and Security / Two-Step Verification > Enable). This will require a second code or password to login to your account. Alt-right groups have hacked activist-owned accounts before.

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Philly RUST

Picture of unmarked vehicles from earlier

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