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Philly RUST

#skywatch State PD helicopter returning to NE Philadelphia Airport

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Philly RUST

#skywatch State PD helicopter hanging over Market and 22nd

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Philly RUST

#scanner Civil Affairs Captain checking in with 22nd District to see if they need help with the group of jail supporters standing out front

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Philly RUST

#skywatch State Police helicopter returning to monitoring I-95 at the Girard exit, circling back to Center City

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Philly RUST

#skywatch State PD helicopter still over the area of 19th and Spring Garden

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Philly RUST

#scanner 16 protestors spotted at City Hall

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Philly RUST

#scanner Emergency Response Teams on standby at City Hall

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Philly RUST

#scanner Wagons being sent to Susquehanna and Girard to pick up others arrested from I-95 South

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Philly RUST

#scanner Bike Team and Traffic Units moving along with the City Hall group

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Philly RUST

#scanner PPA towing cars from I-95 South, PPD still waiting on additional wagons for those arrested

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Philly RUST

#scanner 13-15 people from I-95 South are being transported by PPD to State PD barracks on Belmont

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Philly RUST

#scanner PPD stating City Hall group is going to Day & Zimmerman, a company who makes arms for Israel. MIRT is being shifted from Broad and Vine to Broad and Spring Garden

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Philly RUST

#scanner Some traffic units returning to City Hall Closure positions

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Philly RUST

#scanner ERT wagons being sent to Delaware and Girard for arrests on I-95 as well as to meet with Civil Affairs Captain

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Philly RUST

#scanner Emergency Response Teams activated to pull more wagons to support arrests

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Philly RUST

#scanner City Hall group has returned to City Hall area

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Philly RUST

#scanner City Hall closures going into effect

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Philly RUST

#scanner Evidence Unit Supervisor directing standby officers at MSB/City Hall

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Philly RUST

#scanner City Hall group still on the move

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Philly RUST

#admin PPA towing cars from I-95 South to PPA Lot 6 at 4701 Bath St

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Philly RUST

#scanner Homeland Security instructing Major Incident Response Team to post up behind the Art Museum for the time being

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Philly RUST

#scanner Two wagons being sent on standby at MSB/City Hall, the current general staging area for any additional police not with a group or transporting those arrested

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Philly RUST

#skywatch State Police helicopter is overhead the City Hall group moving along Spring Garden

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Philly RUST

#scanner All arrested from 30th Street have been picked up to be taken to 22nd District

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Philly RUST

#scanner I-95 Northbound group also has some arrests, are being transported by PA State PD

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Philly RUST

#scanner Day & Zimmerman security has been notified, building is "locked down," parking lot out front is being blocked. PPD is on the case to "Protect their property rights"

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Philly RUST

#scanner PPD wagons moving up the Girard exit the wrong way on I-95 to take those arrested on 95

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Philly RUST

#scanner Some of 30th Street group who wasn't blocking traffic is on the move towards City Hall

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Philly RUST

#scanner City Hall group back on the move

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Philly RUST

#scanner PPD shutting down traffic farther north along Broad at Callowhill and Spring Garden

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