You cannot show people that their actions ‘negatively affect you,
even if they do.
Especially if they do.
You’re giving them power over you.
You’re revealing your trigger keys.
God has a very unique yet evident way of operating.
(Higher power/universe whatever you want to call that FORCE)
When you say something,
you are immediately given a test to prove it.
You said you won’t chill with your loser friends for a while?
—> The very next moment you will receive a call or text by those same people
You said you will stay locked in and work?
—> The girl that got away is back in town and texts you out of nowhere to meet
You said you will train your body regularly?
—> The very next moment you will see cheat food in your refrigerator.
If you say something, you better mean it.
Because life will break you down even more if you did not mean it.
🚨 Frame Control and Tonality breakdown: 🚨
The scene opens with a daddy’s princess walking in.
Our man here doesn’t eagerly say Hi. He checks her out head to toe, UNASHAMED.
And he lets out a polite “morning.” in the breaking rapport tonality.
He doesn’t tell her: “Morningggg!” (Seeking rapport tonality)
Key piece of information there.
The bratty girl doesn’t respond to that, but instead throws a HUGE shittest saying “You’re not very tall are you”
Now here I disagree with what our guy said.
He BREAKS his frame and tonality. “I try to be”
Notice how his voice goes high pitched at the end and he leans forward. ❌
A more charming misogynistic response would’ve been—
“Doesn’t matter, you’re too young for me anyway”
Not playing her game, being unfazed by it, and instead disqualifying her (and also accusing her of trying to hit on me)
Then she hits him with a backhanded compliment, and he simply replies “Thank you”
Now, this is NOT charming misogyny, but it’s certainly frame control. Our guy here is not trying to impress her, he’s simply focused on the bigger reason why he is here. And that is attractive.
She doesn’t stop with her shit tests, she says his name is “funny” to which he simply responds: “You think so?”
He is again, not trying to impress her, letting her work for his attention.
Also, notice how he hasn’t even moved an inch. His frame is STRONG: it is the bratty chick who is walking towards him the entire time.
Even when she starts walking away after he says he is a private detective, notice how he DOESNT TRY TO STOP HER. He simply holds his GROUND. This is a strong frame control and this beautifully allows her to be feminine and she falls into his lap.
This is the harmony of the masculine and feminine frame. The feminine falls into the masculine frame.
The major lesson is this: As a man, you MUST have a strong frame. Like a rock amidst the crashing waves of the feminine.
Become a Charming Misogynist 🥂❤️🔥
Attraction and Love are two different beasts.
The problem is, most men confuse them to be the same.
She loves her dog. But she wouldn’t fuck him (I hope)
She loves her male best friend. But he’s kicked to the curb the minute you call her.
She loves the nice guy, but she doesn’t feel any attraction for him.
Charming misogyny is the solution.
Save up your nice guy for later, show her your sexual masculine asshole FIRST.
Make her feel attraction first- and attraction is NOT a choice. (law 1 of my free guide)
Once she feels attracted to you, THAT is when you slowly start showing her your “nice side”
Because she’s already attracted to you,
Now that nice guy side of you makes her fall in love with you.
Attraction + Love = Connection.
This is Charming Misogyny in a simple sentence.
How to turn a woman into a wife:
If you’re in a serious relationship or if your girl wants to get into something serious and long term with you,
here’s a test/trick to turn her into a wife
(and check if she’s capable of it in the first place)
Step 1) Find out who she idolizes
Now, if she idolizes the kardashians or some celebrity like that, just focus on yourself bro.
But if she’s the right kind of girl who idolizes her mother/ feminine woman,
Then here’s how you program her to serve you.
*“Does your mother make coffee and cook food for your father?”*
Her- “Yes”
*“And your father takes her seriously, gives her the beautiful life she desires, he gave her children, he gave her love and a family”*
Her- “Yes”
*“Then if you want those things from me, how can you expect me to be able to take you seriously if you can’t do those things for me?”*
Her- “…”
Trust me, the right girl will ALWAYS want to cook for her man.
You just need to change her mental frame and reframe her reference point.
Nowadays, the reference point of girls is Instagram and mainstream media where women who take care of their family are “victims”
You need to bring her back to reality.
This will happen over time but the key idea is to give her examples in her own life to train her to be your perfect compliment.
It’s important to make a woman feel special.
But there is a time to do it.
And it’s not right in the beginning.
Because she wants to feel special FROM A MAN SHE FEELS FOR.
You have to make her FEEL first!
That is why the basics of game are :
• Teasing
• Disqualifying
• Challenging
If you master these you can make ANY woman feel the spark of attraction for you.
Make her feel for you first,
And THEN make her feel special.
The problem is most guys do it the other way around and end up in the friendzone.
Go for all you want, badasses.
If it takes your life?
So be it.
It would be a life well lived.
I would rather die fulfilling my purpose than simply exist as part of the herd.
Fuck mediocrity.
This doesn’t work btw. It screams to women “tryhard” and it’s obvious you didn’t have any plans
Читать полностью…Hint:
First of all, trying to convince her to change her mind isn’t going to work.
Second, if she actually wanted to meet you, she would have suggested another date.
Third, you feel like destroying her for wasting your time, BUT before you do that, ask yourself:
“Why is this chick able to affect me emotionally?”
You were ready. Looking forward. Thinking of all you that was going to happen.
You gave TOO MUCH IMPORTANCE to HER. You gave all the power TO HER.
Now ask yourself: “How would I react if I already had 10 other girls I could meet tonight, I had 5 guys I could chill with, and I had this incredible book on my nightstand that I wanted to read ANYWAY”
How would you respond now?
I know everyone loves the witty lines
But there is great wisdom in LISTENING as well.
A man who talks all the time around a woman comes across nervous.
It’s like you are trying to overcompensate for something.
It’s better to do this:
• ask her charismatic questions (it’s a whole guide on this inside Seduction Bible)
• lean back into your chair (and gaze deeply into her left eye)
• Let her open up about herself (she’s also in a way qualifying herself to you)
• Whenever you hear something fun you can tease her about it, or thread off into your own life instances.
This is the blueprint for attractive male-female communication.
Get inside the Seduction Bible for the tools to plug and play this blueprint into your own life.
There are guys who try to win in every argument.
But winning an argument is not the ultimate goal.
You can make someone nod to what you’re saying but that doesn’t mean he believes what you’re saying to be true.
The greatest orators make people SEE THEIR POINT.
Most people on the internet are jaded.
They have become jaded, they did not start out this way.
They joined the internet when they were young, naive, but believed in the abundant and infinite possibilities of the world.
They believed that women were beautiful.
They believed that money was abundant.
They believed that life was getting better and better with every passing day.
There was magic in their eyes.
But then… they got exposed to the wrong kind of women which are the vocal majority on the internet.
But then… they got exposed to influencers showcasing their riches and telling them if they’re broke at 18 they have issues and are destined for slavery.
But then… they got exposed to the attention-sucking negative news by the elite to make them believe the world is getting worse and worse and there is nothing they can do about it.
Of course, even before they become a fully functioning adult- they have LOST THE PASSION FOR LIFE.
This is why I created “Charming Misogyny”
The biggest sign of a healthy relationship:
Lots of sex.
If she can’t wait to get fucked by you every night when you come home, your relationship is HEALTHY.
And if her desire is starting to wane away,
and she has those days where she’s “not in the mood” or “I had a long day”,
Something is wrong.
If anything, a woman wants nothing but to get fucked by her man after a long, tiring day.
Sex is not an effort, it’s an otherworldly escape for her.
Advice when you reach this point:
Disconnect from your woman for a few days and get in touch with your primal self.
Go all in on your purpose,
don’t fall in her frame by arguing with her.
Become a man AGAIN.
Rediscover your inner charming misogynist.
When you come back, she will ask why you were unavailable for the past few days.
Don’t say anything.
Simply pick her up, kiss her, take her to bed, and fuck her brains out.
And hey, being a superhuman between the sheets sure doesn’t hurt 😉
Check out—
The thing about networking is,
It quickly turns into “not-working”
You don’t realize when your crusade to become the most connected man turns into the man who has nothing to offer.
Don’t be fooled by the idea that just because you are in the same room as someone, he will help you.
You still need to bring something to the table.
Networking is a positive sum game but it is still a transaction.
The best networkers I know are always
freely without expecting anything in return.
Because their “Well of abundance” is overflowing.
Everyone wants to be around them, introduce them to their friends, give them first dibs on the secret opportunities BECAUSE they never ask for it.
The problem right now is that everyone is trying to network to GET something.
That is not networking, that is BEGGING.
You are not networking, you are not working.
Everything will stem from YOUR OWN SELF.
The entire goal of networking as a charming misogynist should be to NEVER NEED TO LEVERAGE your network.
You don’t actively do it,
It just “sort of happens” on your path of living your incredible lifestyle.
Balancing life isn’t real.
The whole “work-life” balance thing,
It’s all brought about but motivational speakers who wanted to make people feel better for being losers.
If you try to balance things, you’ll never be known for anything in particular.
Balance doesn’t exist.
Even a rope walker is constantly trying his hardest to balance—but isn’t actually balanced completely at any point of the walk.
Life is exactly the same.
There are trade offs, and you have accept it.
If you’re going all into your growth and self-development then your relationships will suffer. ACCEPT IT.
If you’re improving your relationships then your work will suffer. ACCEPT IT.
if you’re going all into improving work then your health will suffer. ACCEPT IT.
Take the short term hit, make massive moves up, and fix it in the next cycle.
What is the point of trying to balance if you’ll be a loser?
The day you start talking about how far you've come is the day your downfall begins.
Stay silent.
Keep moving.
You ain't shit yet.
Unpopular opinion:
You need to EARN The Monk Life.
Simply Leaving Everything and Settling in the Woods with an average wife is EASY.
Everybody can do it.
You’ll feel happy for a while,
“What If?”
What if you had chosen a different path?
All the things you wanted to do but never did?
Every Man is Deep Down Plagued by the Thought Of WANTING TO TRY EVERYTHING.
People Say a Luxury Lifestyle Should be Earned.
I think a Luxury Lifestyle is PRETTY EASY TO ACHIEVE.
Learn Game and Master Life Setup.
In a world filled with misery, become a beacon of badassery.
Surround Yourself With Beauty.
I’ve met onlyfans dudes with no magic in their eyes, who look at the world with a jaded lens, and who have money and nothing else to show for it.
I’ve also met dudes struggling in the movie industry for 10 years, not a single dollar to their name, but who are so FULL OF LIFE, so full of passion, get the love of beautiful women everywhere they go, and who I deeply respect.
Choose what you optimize for in life very carefully,
Do you want to enjoy the process of the beautiful struggle?
or do you want to put your arms back and kick your feet up at the top?
The decision is yours.
The importance of going back to places which gave you a start in life is underrated.
It’s not even about reminiscing the memories.
It’s about paying homage.
It’s about character.
You go back to a place BECAUSE you want to pay your respects for giving you a foundation in life- no matter how small.
The places you grew up in,
The places that trained you into a badass
The places that gave you shelter and comfort when it was war all around.
I really believe your body KNOWS when it’s at a certain place- it has a lot of healing benefits.
Few do this.
The world is still as incredible as it has always been.
Surround Yourself with Beauty.
“No worries”
“That’s cool”
No it’s not.
She cancelled at the last minute, did not apologize, did not suggest another day.
She’s taking you for granted, she’s taking your time for granted and she needs to know that is not acceptable in your life.
You cannot be “stoic” in these moments.
You must be ASSERTIVE.
Dispassionately STERN.
Like a professor scolding a student.
Women respond to boldness.
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Instagram ===> TAP HERE
There is a saying-
“Standards always get met”
If you decide to only associate with fun, fine, and feminine women, Life will “magically” throw ONLY fun, fine, and feminine women into your life.
Of course, you can’t just decide it and do nothing.
Decision = intention.
Intention = massive action towards attaining your standards.
If you decide to cut off your loser friends and only hang out with High Value Men, and Learn New skills to *increase your value*, life will Magically throw High Value Friends into your Life.
Try this out.
Set a standard right now, and
The rising tide raises all ships.
Raise the tide (your standards) and it will raise all ships (results in all areas of life)
This is a law of the universe.
Enjoy every second of this gift called Life.
Enjoy the challenges,
Enjoy the twists and turns that come along on this journey towards becoming your best self.
Enjoy the hours you put in every day, the moments of struggle, elation, joy, and constant DOMINATION forever.
There is no magical d*estination* where you reach and all this ends.
The journey IS the destination.
Some people think it’s “cringe” to say this.
Fuck them.
We’ll keep our “cringe” belief and DOMINATE life.
Let them keep their “cool” belief of “it’s all about the destination”
We’ll see where life takes us.
Anyway, back on the topic:
Isn’t that so relieving-The fact that this never ends?
The fact that you get to be a charming misogynist every fucking day of your life.
The fact that you get to seduce, sleep, and date beautiful women everywhere you go.
The fact you live true to your core, never seling your soul.
Stop rushing this process to *“just be done with it”*
Speed is important, but overspeeding is fatal.
The incredible journey started the day you were born and it will end the day you die.
Keep fucking going.
Keep fucking growing.
And above all,
Keep fucking LIVIN’
**“how to balance socializing, going out with women etc while still staying in excellent shape and still performing at a high level in business/career?**
My Response:
In my experience,
You must prioritize.
You cannot be an ACE at everything.Not in a fulfilling way.
You find it harder to focus when you went out the night before.
There is a Cost to Everything.
You’re either Depositing or Withdrawing from your Future Success Account at all times.
What I like to do is set up my evenings in a way that doesn’t take a huge toll on tomorrow while still getting me what I want today.
My “usual” place where I know everyone and everyone knows me, music as per my taste: Jazz. Pretty girls and close brothers.
What I’ve found to help me function at Elite Levels in all Fields is Having ANCHORS.
different Scents for different tasks:-
When I’m sitting down to work, I apply a certain scent, every single time.
When I’m going out to party, I apply a certain scent, every single time.
When I’m winding down and meditating, I apply a certain scent every single time.
To go the extra level, play a certain kind of music every time for each different occasion.
In fact, having a “Uniform” works superb as well.
I’m not telling you to wear the exact same thing when you go out (or do any thing)
I’m telling you to have a piece of clothing or an accessory that “Activates” your spectacular self.
The key is to remember to NEVER do anything else when you wear that uniform.
If you’re partying? Party like crazy.
Working? Tunnel vision.
Use this.
It works.
Nobody will tell you about this secret.
🚨 New Thread 🚨
🚨 New Thread 🚨
Quick Dating Hack:
Whenever she does something or she says something that’s sorta silly.
Just say “Why do all girls do that”
For example, let’s say she has a nighttime skincare routine.
If she ever mentions it, drop that comment right there and then.
All she listens “wow, he must be fucking other girls”
Success changes people who never saw themselves as a successful person.
You have to BE first.
you BECOME after.
Do you understand?