They want you to focus on the current popular thing so that you never notice your current pathetic situation.
Читать полностью…"ITS ALWAYS MY FAULT"
When the political environment fucks up business, it’s my fault.
When the girl walks away, it’s MY FAULT.
When my 6’7 tall opponent beats me, it’s MY FAULT.
When my loved ones are suffering due to lack of money, health, or relationships, ITS MY FAULT.
Is it 100% True? I don’t know.
I could’ve been friends with the President.
I could’ve had so much value that the girl couldn’t have possibly fathomed leaving me.
I could’ve given more blood sweat and tears during my training, put in double shifts.
I could’ve given so much more, done so much more for my loved ones.
The number of celebrities you follow is INDIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL to the number of celebrities you actually meet.
Anyone else noticed this too?
“Hey brother. Big fan of your wisdom. I struggle to disqualify girls when asking them charismatic questions or simply talking to them.
What are some relatable phrases or ways to disqualify women that keeps the attraction high?”
My response:
Thanks for sending in the question.
My favorite ways to disqualify girls in do it in two phases.
Phase 1: Immediately after meeting her, I base a disqualify off of her background. “You’re from San Francisco? Is it true that you guys shit on the streets?” (Extreme example but the idea is to say something really ridiculous yet funny)
Then I balance it out with comfort and charismatic questions like “At what moment did you” and “How did it feel when”
Again, see what she’s about, and open threads based on what she says.
Then, once there is enough comfort built , I hit her with the PHASE 2 of disqualifying.
This one is a bit more sexual, more extreme and direct.
If she said something cute, I would say “you know what they say about cute girls” “they’re always bad kissers”
Or I would just stop her mid sentence and fix her hair and say “ok continue”
Establish your dominance like that.
There are seriously so many ways of going about this, I lay them all out word for word in my program, the Seduction Bible.
Join 2,500+ Men here-
btw, one of my favorite things to do when texting with a girl (pre setting up date) is to use her lines back on her.
Works amazing, especially on “good girls”
The Sweet Spot of the Dark Triad
Like dark triad...
Yeah it is masculine. But a higher degree of them and you attract the wrong kind of girls and/or end up in jail.
The world isn’t what it used to be and you can’t be the extreme outlier alpha that doesn’t maneuver smartly.
The dark triad is naturally used by guys with a lot of money, or/and a broken home, or/and suicidal tendencies.
You will attract the best quality girls at a very mild degree- Where you remove your attention whenever you deem necessary and you give it back as a form of reward.
If you do anything more (psychologically blaming her for everything, emotionally abusing her) then you’re basically telling the girl “I’m a damaged person who will damage you”
Only the girls with extreme daddy issues or a traumatic past will fall for that.
You know why?
They might even be hot, but just remember that A) it won’t last and 😎 your entire lifestyle will be based around women
You already know that women are a product of their patterns.
These women, subconsciously, needs the trauma in order to live a sane life (as fucked up as it may sound)
This is why the GAME that I teach already has SMALL doses of the dark triad mixed into it- to give women that RUSH and EXCITEMENT.
But anything beyond that, I don’t see the point.
We’re NOT pick up artists trying to base our lives around women.
We want TO BUILD AN INCREDIBLE, fulfilling lifestyle that beautiful, feminine women will fall into, and form healthy relationships.
Charisma isn’t displaying your hard work, effort, sweat and tears for the world to see.
Charisma is never showing the work, only showing the results for the world to see.
Charisma is making it look effortless, unbelievable almost.
Let them imagine.
I don’t blame women who don’t keep their word.
I expect her to break it.
But I remember to set the correct consequences to train her.
Do what you said you will do = more attention from me
Don’t do what you said = no attention from me
While fulfilling my purpose, will there be a stage where women are absent?
For a man on a mission, Women will for the most part, ALWAYS come and go.
Because most women won’t be able to keep up with our lifestyle.
there will be phases of nothing but intense focus on a singular goal.
You love her, but you aren’t attached to her.
it’s always-
1. Your Purpose
2. Your mother
3. Your friends
4. Her
Doing a Live Shit Test Thread on Twitter:
Will be giving feedback to your responses 🥂
By the way, The Bible of Spark gets added to The Seduction Bible TOMORROW!
Free for everyone inside the Freedom Edition, of course 🥂
(If you own a lower tier of Seduction Bible and want to upgrade to Freedom Edition by paying the difference, DM me @AskMRNow)
I don’t know exactly what you’re going through, but I know these are EXCITING times for you.
I know that you feel a shift in the power structure.
I know that you can smell OPPORTUNITY.
You will notice a BIG Change in your mindset this week.
Just because you have a girlfriend doesn’t mean you stop flirting with other women.
Nobody’s telling you to cheat on her.
But know that she will love you more knowing that even though you can attract other women, you CHOOSE to be with her.
Flirting is a natural, very primal masculine trait.
High Value Men don’t consciously flirt- it’s just the way they are with EVERY GIRL.
It could be a 5, or it could be a perfect 10- The High-Value Man will still Tease, Disqualify, Push and Pull- Just because it’s his NATURE.
They see how he isn’t attached to the outcome- he doesn’t need anything from them.
he simply loves women and their radiance.
Master Game.
Social Circle Hack:
Understand that everybody wants to be around the source of pleasure.
There’s sick and tired of their lives.
They want an escape, a feel good moment.
Become that source and they will forever flock to you.
You've tried to make girls attracted for hours, days, even years without success.
But once you read the FDC technique inside my FREE Guide, the only problem you'll have, is keeping women at arms length.
Claim your free copy-
How do you manage dating and still date women when it's not the main focus in your life and don't have all the time of the day or focus for that, but still want a great dating life?
That’s a good question.
You meet women via social circle and on your path- the gym, yoga class, the coffeehouse where you’re a regular (IYKYK)
It comes down to defining your boundaries and priorities early and OFTEN.
Not directly (do that once in conversation) but indirectly by telling stories about how people - guys and girls Both- tried to cross them in the past and were punished for it ( out of your life)
It’s a huge turn on for girls to know they’re with a man who has more important things than her.
I would also frame the work as something more sexy and GRAND.
You have to bring her into the vision that you’re building an empire with her and if she wants to be the queen she needs to treat you and respect you as the king.
“ I have had past trauma. I got hurt so now I feel like I can’t be myself around women, I can learn game all I want but I’m struggling to apply it, I feel like a fraud I don’t want to let my guard down show women in case they see me for what am for.”
My Response-
Essentially, your issue is that you “ feel like a fraud”
I don’t know if you guys know Tej Dosa, but he stated a very beautiful line-
“Don’t fake it till you make it. ACT REAL until you REMEMBER”
That is one powerful reframe.
Because that’s the truth.
Deep inside you, there is a VERSION that would get all girls, make all the money, be the social god.
You just don’t KNOW ABOUT HIM YET.
That’s what GAME does.
It makes you REMEMBER.
When you were born, you had unlimited possibilities.
You were only scared of FALLING and the DARK.
Everything else is LEARNED.
So if you feel like a fraud, it’s because you’ve grown too much in love with your current reality which is FAKE because it’s been programmed by the matrix.
How to Read Between the Lines with women
90% of understanding female psychology is learning to read between the lines.
Because women don’t communicate through words.
They say they want X, but when you read between the lines, you realize she wants Y.
They mostly reveal themselves “Between-the-lines”
⁃ What is she not wanting to talk about (Her past? Danger)
⁃ What is talking about when she maintains complete eye contact (She’s passionate about)
⁃ What word does she pause on (It means something to her)
⁃ What’s close and dear to her heart (Her body language will face you completely)
⁃ What does she say she want (opposite is true)
⁃ What or who does she NOT talk about (Ex- her father? Bad relationship)
Of course this comes with practice.
You start to subconsciously note all this down while still being present in the conversation.
Master Game.
I’m curious, what’s one way you have read between the lines in the past? and what did you discover?
DM me @AskMRNow