Almost nobody dances 💃 sober, unless they happen to be insane.
A huge sinkhole has opened up on a residential street in Merthyr Tydfil, Wales, UK.
The gap appeared earlier this week when neighbours heard a "rumbling" sound before a large void appeared.
Authorities have evacuated 30 families for safety, and the hole continues to grow due to rains from Hurricane Darra 📡 📶
"Avito Fascists-Monopolists.
For two years I posted ads without biometrics, and now they want my face. No way!!!"
This is their plan, 10% will leave and be outsiders in the Brave New World, 90% will obey.
Then, from this 10%, 50% will obey after some time, then 90%...
The rest will die from hunger and will be marginalised.
Scottish wedding 💩
Fauci the Great Maestro 👋 🫂 😆 🤣
Goy blood I smell it 👃 🐽 👋 🫂 😆 🤣
An eighth-grader attacked two students at a school in Krasnodar with a knife. The attack took place in the building of branch school number 94, located in the village of Rossiysky.
Two of the victims are in hospital with stab wounds. Two more received bruises (preliminary, they fell while running away from the school). Doctors and the Russian National Guard are working at the scene.
School 🏫 Skull 💀
РКН (Роскомнадзор) начал отключать россиян от мирового интернета.
▪️В Чечне, Дагестане и Ингушетии полностью перестали работать Telegram, WhatsApp, YouTube и другие сайты.
▪️Власти объясняют это учениями по выключению международного интернета в отдельных регионах. По данным местных провайдеров, учения будут длиться минимум сутки.
Who invented spinner owns all cryptocurrencies you stupid goyim.You will be fucked 💯
I didn't buy even 1 fidget spinner 🪬 even 1 😷
So how I breathe 😆 🤣 🤿
You are 14 and you live in Ukraine...
TCK stopped him on the way to school 🏫 skull 💀 and wanted to take him for organs...
They thought he's older.
For trafficking children there are other PMC involved in 🇺🇦, it's secret NATO FSB operations, very well organized, all "legal"
🇸🇪В столице Швеции Стокгольме активисты устроили реконструкцию ареста премьер-министра Израиля Биньямина Нетаньяху..
Жидовский пёс.
I don't know why goyim hate Netanyahu, Palestinians are being slaughtered because they were a cowards and gave their land to invaders, vassals instead of dying like martyrs...
In Covid-19 ops Bibi 🤡 is insignificant player not worth to be hated. Compared to 🇪🇺 🇷🇺 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 🇨🇦 🇬🇧 etc governments, he's much better than them 😆 🤣
This vaxxies in Sweden 🇸🇪 should rather use their IKEA Ben Mordechai fake surnames dummies dolls, because all 🇸🇪 elites etc are jews ✡️ none of them is local nationality 💯
Vikings were jews if already...
Of course Vikings also hired local yarls from around Scandinavia to serve them, kill for 💰 rape, murder, attack but the core commanders were jews from 🇷🇺 🇱🇹 🇱🇻 🇺🇦 🇵🇱 🇩🇪 🇧🇾...
When you think Vikings existed?
About 300 years ago max
Again, coincidences in the era of coincidences, 🇺🇦 and 🇷🇺 launch digital national money in 2025. But don't think anything, there is no plan here 😁 Crypto will fly to the Moon🚀 from 2025 to 2030
The maximum price for bitcoin is set at 150.000 to 200.000 💵
It's derivative currency pegged to US 💲 so basically it's worth nothing.
How economists don't see that such digital instruments is a way to siphon money from people, steal their savings.
Governments try already for 15 years to somehow take people's savings and such cryptocurrencies is another way to do it. They have a plan after reaching certain amount of exchanging 💵 for bitcoin etc to stop it. It will theoretically give dollar a big boost, because people will have nothing and don't be happy, while deep state will convert it back into their balance sheet 💲
In other words owning cryptocurrency is like storing your valuables on a 🖥 disc 💿 nobody will accept such payment
But we are not there yet, there will be new kind of currency, it will be called New💵 💃 🔥 🕺 😆 🤣
Читать полностью… 25th frame 🔺️✡️ 🇮🇱 😆 🤣
Читать полностью… 🟪
Читать полностью…Авито еще и грех предлагает.
Хоть и я пользуюсь этой площадкой для продаж и получил за 15 лет от Авито признание "Надёжный продавец", но всегда помню, что за Авито стоят те, кто ради выгоды вводит "чёрную пятницу". А верующие знают, что это за день и почему дьявол устраивает развратницу и выгоду по пятницам.
God willing, I'll get some rest.
Leo Tolstoy
October 28, 1879
Nobody wanted a quickie more than Fatjew (Tolstoy)
Die for it.
The media reports that the boy tikka who attacked four students from School No. 94 in the village of Rossiysky in Krasnodar Krai is named Singur. Three children have already been taken to the hospital. The conflict occurred because of a group of boys (2-3 people) - they were loudly listening to rap from a portable speaker. A second group approached them and made a remark. Then Singur took out a knife and hit two boys. The first one had his chest, stomach and left thigh injured, the second one had his leg cut.
They tried to break up the fight, after which two more were injured. One of them had a tooth knocked out and his nose broken.
Putins grandchildren
Not for the faint of heart: Siberian schoolchildren broke a classmate's arm while trying to replicate a TikTok trend. Students from the city of Strezhevoy threw their classmate, but he turned out to be not very dexterous and broke his arm
TikTok and school 🏫 skull 💀
Category: How to become a millionaire...
Remember the Spiner toy that drove the whole world crazy, and even grandmothers in the subway spun it... We turn a blind eye, this is the symbol of the Ripple company, and its crypto coin is XRP 🫡 There is a semantic game at the level of images, whoever understood it, won... 🎉
All the Matrix programs are in your head... In order for the Matrix programs to be supported and executed, Pastukhovs are appointed...
Читать полностью…This barely rolling Chinese 💩 🚔 ball ⚫️ has more rights then the richest vaxxie in the world 💯 😆 🤣
Well, 🤖 is also a patent but at least it doesn't breathe 🤪 😜 😂
"О, витязь! В сонме длинных лет
Мне думать времени хватало;
Не откажи мне в просьбе малой,
Народу передай совет:
«Пока не вникнет Россиянин,
Что враг ему не царь, не барин,
Не вор и не аристократ,
Не зарубежный попечитель,
Не дымный город, не село,
Пока он это не осилит
И на словах, и на делах,
Томиться матери-России
В международных кандалах!.."
Автор неизвестен
The same processes are happening everywhere: In 2025, the National Bank of Ukraine plans to launch large-scale testing of its own digital currency – the e-hryvnia.
This project will be a significant step in the development of the country's financial system and the introduction of innovative technologies into everyday calculations.
However, as always, experiments will first be conducted on public sector employees and pensioners, which raises questions and concerns among part of society.
The e-hryvnia is a central bank digital currency (CBDC) that will become a third form of money alongside cash and non-cash funds.
HLG calls on the EU to develop legal solutions next year that will allow emails and instant messages to be read not only after the recipient receives them, but also before they are sent.
Is this already demoncracy or not yet? 😆 🤣
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