Almost nobody dances 💃 sober, unless they happen to be insane.
A Damning Study Suggests the COVID Vaccine Is Changing People Now it all makes sense. Have you noticed that someone in your family has changed since getting the COVID-19 shot? Well, a recent Korean study has provided compelling evidence that the vaccine itself may be the culprit. Epidemiologist Nicholas Hulscher reported, “COVID-19 vaccination is associated with a 68.3% increased risk of depression, a 43.9% increased risk of anxiety disorders, and a 93.4% increased risk of sleep disorders,” based on the study’s findings. Going further, Hulscher commented, “Depression rates in the U.S. have risen to record levels since 2020/2021, in part due to draconian pandemic control measures (lockdowns, mask mandates, job losses) and, as Kim et al. [the study’s authors] suggest , COVID-19 vaccination.”
This is not even 1% of what I wrote about Covid ops and it's tikkas. This study is complete shit sponsored by Pfizer.
I don't care if this video is fake or not, yellowjacks are not humans from any perspective
Читать полностью…🤡 💩
I will never speak to any AI chat shit 💯
People who do it are assholes.
🇨🇳 💩
Molotov 🔥 cocktail is too much for it, bottle with cheapest paint 🎨 is enough
Wait, so Greater Israel isn't just another conspiracy theory...?
It's all a lie and wishful thinking 💯 Rockefeller left 🇮🇱 Ltd. after local mafia cheated him and stole all his assets 😆 🤣
Rockefeller shit 💩 on Israel, they don't even know where it is as they're industrialists, slave owners in manufacturing, mining other heavy industries and have enough business in 🇺🇸... they don't even need other countries wealth, because they're a wealth.
That's why Heavenly Jerusalem and 🇮🇱 from the sea to the sea etc. is all old Rothschild project which he promised and was curator of it with some members of his clan.
Now Israel elites puppets won't to implement it alone, but without their owner or will be impossible. But good they try, you never know 😆 😆 👋 🫂
Israel is now solely dependent on Putins (Ru LLC is major player in Syria, do you really think CIA payroll tikkas who never seen a helicopter can take city after city 🤪 😜) because 🇺🇦 is also their plan to make money 💰 🤑 kill goyim.
Elites fight for domination now 💯
In Tbilisi, Georgia, despite the ongoing protests, they started to put up a Christmas tree...
Deja vu, Maidan 2013-2014
The hand of the conductor is the same...
Each pen 🐑 will have its own scenario of the Apocalypse...
Prince 💩 William and Donald 🤡 Trump both claim to be 6ft 3in tall. That's 190cm. Which one is the doppelganger?
Trump is played by an actor 💯 this can be clearly seen by his gestures. This video was created by cabal psyop to make goyim think 🔵🔴 in any direction 🧠 💥 because truth is always the same:
Good government is dead government 💀 🪓
I only believe in beheading, I don't care what is the brand name, what act, scene, etc...
I repeat - beheading government is freedom, peace, prosperity based on real principles and fairness.
If nations will trade between themselves it will create wealth for all and spiritual awakening, culture, architecture, arts and all what's beautiful, because government's only function is oppression and extermination of the people by different methods...
Vanga: “Soon the most ancient teaching will come to the world.
They ask me: "Will this time come soon?" No, not soon. Syria has not yet fallen! Syria will fall at the feet of the winner, but the winner will be wrong!" - this is Vanga's prediction
At the same time as the fall of Syria, a satanic ritual was carried out in Notre Dame.
In the photo: Ceremony
Opening of the main portal
Demons are coming to our World
Syria fell
So who was baba Vanga handler 😆 🤣
Ginzburg situation
An 11-year-old child was riding down a hill and was thrown under a car at high speed 😨 I never watch trailers BTW 😆 🤣
Читать полностью…The enemy is at the gate
USSR, 1941. The investigator Zakhar Myatov, who was unjustly sentenced to death, is being returned to the MUR to organize the fight against criminals, whose number began to grow with the approach of the German nazi scum invaders to Moscow. The hero is assigned to lead an operational group to investigate a chain of mysterious and, at first glance, unrelated crimes. During the investigation, it turns out that all the crimes were committed by a group of fascist saboteurs led by Pavel Tursunov, who dreams of personally avenging Stalin for the death of his parents. Zakhar will have to engage in a deadly battle with Tursunov in order to prevent a grandiose diversion that could turn the tide of the war. The reward for him will be not only an honestly fulfilled duty to the Motherland, but also a chance to see his wife free...
Mathilde Kschessinska, 2 Romanov Windsor khazars fucked this Onlyfans tikka in the ass
Читать полностью…In Syria, a missile killed a militant tikka with rock 🪨 😆 🤣
The munition missed the car with the Islamists, but raised a hail of stones that finished off the operator 📹 💀
Died like piece of shit, for a reason.
Слово «Тора» происходит от древнееврейского слова тора́, которое можно перевести как «учение, наставление», а также как «закон»a (Притчи 1:8; 3:1; 28:4). Слово тора́ часто относится к первым пяти книгам Библии. Это книги Бытие, Исход, Левит, Числа и Второзаконие. Они также известны как Пятикнижие. Тору написал Моисей, поэтому она называется «книгой закона Моисея» (Иисус Навин 8:31; Неемия 8:1). Одно и тоже слово, можно использовать в разных Значениях: ИсТОРия — общий термин, описывающий как события прошлого, так и память о прошлом... ТОРмоз...ТОРт...
Читать полностью…After the pilot period ends and the digital ruble is widely introduced, a social rating can be introduced.
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Читать полностью…Putins goy butter 🧈 👋 🫂
Erefia Inc. is the biggest importer of 🌴 🛢 to feed goyim and make baby food
In a bid to achieve carbon neutrality, the UK Ministry of Defence is set to replace its combat vehicles with fossil fuel-powered ones and electric ones.
This is not a satirical news item!
But how did they forget about the release of gunpowder gases from explosives?! They should also be replaced - with electric shockers and pneumatic firecrackers, otherwise the climate will not be saved 😆 🤣
This chemicals are not ☣️ dangerous. I believe they do it only for weather and 🌞 closure to create hunger and crops to drop. This I believe only.
Читать полностью…I told you, chemtrails is fear 😨 porn, this video is for those who will understand...
Читать полностью…Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi carried the code 666.
Ibrahim Raisi died in a helicopter crash 😆 🤣 on May 19 and was buried on May 23, according to the code 23.
December 8 - 23 days until the end of the year. The interval from the death of the Iranian president to the probable death of Assad is exactly 203 days or the code 23.
The number 2/3 = 0.666
Highly likely 👋 🫂
Bashar al-Assad "with high probability" died in a plane crash, Reuters 😆 🤣 reports, citing two sources. According to 💩 Flightradar24, the plane took off at 05:00 and disappeared 40 minutes later in the vicinity of the city of Homs at an altitude of 495 meters. ❗Everyone, he played his role in the Park, now on a well-deserved comfortable pension 💰 🤑
They're shape-shifting homo capensis elongated skull 💀 matrix 😎 agents, can change appearance a lot without plastic surgery. Will be hard to identify.
Ginzburg situation
In Krasnodar Krai, a young guy did not notice a train
Dig deeper into yourself as much as you can; seek the company of those who can make you better; admit into your company those whom you yourself can make better. Improvement is mutual, and people learn by teaching.
Seneca 🔥
• Moral letters to Lucilius
Читать полностью…On April 7, 1894, the engagement of the Heir to the Tsarevich to Princess Alice of Hesse-Darmstadt was announced. Although I had known for a long time that it was inevitable that sooner or later the Heir would have to marry some foreign princess, my grief knew no bounds.
After the Heir's return from Coburg, after his engagement, he asked to make a last appointment with him, and we agreed to meet on Volkonskoye Highway, near the hay barn, which stood a little to the side.
I came from the city in my carriage, and he came on horseback from the camp. As always happens when you want to say a lot, but tears choke your throat, you say something you didn't mean to say, and much remains unsaid. And what to say to each other as a farewell, when you also know that nothing can be changed, is beyond our power...
When the Heir rode back to the camp, I stood by the barn and watched him until he disappeared into the distance. Until the last minute, he rode looking back. I did not cry, but I felt deeply unhappy, and as he slowly moved away, I felt heavier and heavier.
I returned home to an empty, orphaned house. It seemed to me that my life was over and that there would be no more joys, and that there was much, much grief ahead.
I knew that there would be people who would feel sorry for me, but there would also be those who would rejoice at my grief. I did not want to be pitied, and to meet those who would gloat, I had to prepare myself and be very strong. All these considerations came later, but for now the main thing was grief, boundless grief, that I had lost my Niki. What I experienced later, when I knew that he was already with his fiancée, is difficult to express. The spring of my happy youth was over, a new, difficult life was beginning with a heart broken so early…
Matilda Kshesinskaya, prostitute for elites, ballerina 🩰 , эскортница
Fully vaccinated Dr. Kelly Powers and outspoken vaccine advocate who suffered a heart attack live on 🤡 Fox News ended up dying of "turbo cancer."
Dr. Powers has been a defender of Big Pharma, insisting that these companies "are helping us by making vaccines."
Nobody knows why this nationality died... 📺 fallout was a psyop, all such live TV fails are just that, fails.
Same like in sports.
Even if this whore died, who cares 🦵 на хуй 👋 🫂 😆 🤣
У христиан все просто: был рабский мир полный страданий, в котором царствовала смерть, а исус чтобы все это "исправить" и "искупить грех" - распялся и воскрес за три дня...и ничего не произошло, мир только стал ещё хуже, так как теперь служители исуса лжехриста стали насиловать мир и стали главным ужасом: крестовые походы, инквизиция, гонения на староверов - все это унесло миллионы жизней невинных. Исус вместо того чтобы отменить рабство, его только сделал сильнее: "Послание к Ефесянам
6:5. Рабы, повинуйтесь господам своим по плоти со
страхом и трепетом, в простоте сердца вашего, как Христу" - так говорит бог.
Вас обманули. Раз мир стал ещё хуже, то очевидно же — исус не Христос! Воскресенья Христа ещё не было - это просто придумали фальшивые истории, дабы оправдать паразитов которые поработили человечество от имени Христа.
Истинный же Спаситель есть Змей и Он распят до конца времён и только с Его Воскресением прекратится рабство, зло исчезнет, а пока Он мертв, враги Его лютуют.
Almost everywhere, including the environment...☠☠☠☠magnetic particles..
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