Almost nobody dances 💃 sober, unless they happen to be insane.
Al-Julani: diversity is strength. In the Western media, such a 1984 has begun that Orwell, spinning in his grave, can generate electricity. In the West, they really dressed up a former militant of the banned in Russia "Al Qaeda" as Zelensky and forced him to say the phrase "diversity is strength" in an interview with the media. Now, Al-Julani is promoted as a "moderate jihadist." And this is a direct quote.
Читать полностью…Ginzburg situation
A resident of St. Petersburg was forbidden to sing at a concert. During Leps' concert at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall, one of the spectators got carried away by the atmosphere of the performance and began singing along with the artist so loudly that she drowned out his voice.
As a result, she was carried out of the hall
When Americans see a guy who shot the head of an insurance company
Читать полностью…Erdogan said there are only two leaders left in the world - him and Putin 🤣
Both dead.
Make Kremlin cabal pedophiles buy their ladyboys new diamond 💎 necklace everyday possible.
Russian 🪖 died in 🇸🇾 🇺🇦 for this 🫡
В ЕС осторожно на что-то намекают, но так чтобы стадо не разбежалось...
А ведь сегодня тяжело поверить что такое возможно , я тоже перед началом бойни гнал мысли прочь ...
Да нет , не может быть ...
Trump's face after shaking hands with Georgia's "president"
He knows she's an actor, she knows he's an actor.
German vaxxie whitie tikka about Moskau 🔥
He wanted massage 🍌 💦 and send 💐 to prostitute he met in the night club. Cocaine addict.
Ja. Ja.
How We Are Being Poisoned With Food: A recent study found that 80% of Americans had traces of the pesticide chlormequat.
"Its effects can be significant: delayed puberty, slowed fetal growth, and even fertility problems," Fox News reported.
Why all 📺 💩 🤡 presenters have ugly voices and look like scum shit 🤮
I give them homo capensis and they throw at me homo juluensis 😆 🤣
"Homo juluensis 💩 — the name means 'big head' — thrived in East Asia 😆 🤣 from 300,000 😆 🤣 years ago until about 50,000 😆 🤣 years ago, when the species went extinct. The group likely hunted wild horses, made stone tools and even processed animal skins to survive cold winters, the researchers said."
Scientists have announced the discovery of a new species of human, Homo juluensis, which challenges the previously accepted ideas about the development of the Homo species, of which only Homo Sapiens now exists.
UFOs, DRONES, ALIENS, whatever you call them, are getting wilder and wilder. Why isn't this being discussed in the media 24/7… 🤨
Читать полностью…They live 😎
Smoky Quartz on bishop stick 🔮
All present are demons 😈 sinister entities, cyborgs, pedophiles, clones, possessed, aliens 👽 shape-shifting 🦎 , visitors, NPC...
🪂 What if you jump from a plane without a parachute? Extreme athlete Luke Aikins thought about it — and did it. He jumped from a height of 7,620 meters above the ground, flew in free fall for two minutes, and then... landed on a net.
During the fall, Aikins reached a terminal speed of 193 km/h.
A skating rink opened in Tyumen, which, according to media reports, cost 165 million rubles
Expectation - reality
All Putins government is corruption top down.
Militants reportedly shoot curfew violators on Damascus streets
Читать полностью…The ISS filmed a dance of space fireflies in Earth orbit. The "insects" turned out to be Starlink satellites, which receive momentary sunlight.
So Roskosmos NASA is fake but Syria 🇸🇾 is real 😆 🤣
В Сирии новое руководство - по старой традиции, это человек, которого США называло террористом и обещало награду за голову. Теперь, это борец за свободу и демократию.
Ну да и бог с ними - популярен скорее вопрос, что потеряла Россия с падением режима Башара Асада...
...Да ничего она, собственно, не потеряла и скорей приобрела. Сирия - это имиджевая история, направленная против Барака Обамы, которого почти 10 лет как в Белом Доме нет. Единственное, что в теории можно приплести - это мечту Катара о прямом газопроводе в Европу, который мог бы заменить российский. Его часть должна была пройти через Сирию, и режим Асада этому мешал. В теории можно предположить что с демократически-террористическим правительством, США и ЕС возродят идею чтобы ударить по России. Но верится очень вряд ли. В Сирии есть курды, есть иранские, израильские и турецкие прокси - после ухода Асада, страна станет полем Королевской Битвы и газопровод тут строить решится только сумасшедший.
Ну и отдельно хочется передать привет украинцам и сочувствующим, которые радуются поражению Асада. И напомнить что теперь сирийскому корпусу с серьезной авиацией и боевым опытом нечего делать - его скорее всего направят на Украину.
This I will put in every president's elites mouth
💡👅 💀
One after one, till they stop breathing 👋 🫂
A wildlife center employee teaches a baby bird to drink (camouflage to avoid human contact) 🔥
Читать полностью…Three passengers on a plane from Almaty were arrested in Delhi after they stubbornly refused the flight attendant's offers of food. This aroused her suspicions and she informed the cops. It turned out that the passengers were smugglers and were transporting gold in themselves. They ate before the flight
Читать полностью…Yoghurts with the additive Bovaer, which reduces methane emissions from cows by adding it to their feed, are being given away for free.
What happened?
Biometrics in Kazakhstan in hospitals...
From January 1st, reception will be conducted in clinics using biometrics. The road to hell is paved with good intentions!!