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Path of Totality

Ed Odyssey Confessional

I found this photograph of a healthy, and happy BDM girl frolicking in life, and I think she’s gorgeous!

That is all.

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Path of Totality

The Volkswagen Works cornerstone ceremony, near Wolfsburg, 1938.

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Path of Totality

Reich officials on their way to Fallersleben Volkswagen Works cornerstone ceremony, 1938.

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Path of Totality


One of the most important anniversaries in the National Socialist calendar, after Nov. 9th and April 20th.

Because Hitler was forced to form a cabinet with reactionaries and conservatives, he was only allowed to include two members of the NSDAP in his cabinet. Conservatives thought they could control Hitler in this way.

However, over the next six months, Adolf Hitler was able to consolidate power so swiftly that by July 14th, the National Socialist German Workers Party was made the sole political party in Germany.

The Third Reich was born!

January 30th was often the occasion of a major speech by Hitler, including his last broadcast speech in 1945. The glorious, tragically short example of the Third Reich continues to inspire millions of young Whites today as the eternal model of how great a country can be reborn if stripped of harmful capitalist, communist and Jewish influence.

It also stands as a warning to our enemies. National Socialists cannot be bought off and controlled by conservatives, and cannot be intimidated by communist violence.

National Socialists never give up, and never give in!

There is nothing more terrifying in all the world to this Jew capitalist system of financial exploitation than the National Socialist.

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Path of Totality

The Liberator of Germany

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Path of Totality

"Today a new faith is awakening—the Myth of the blood; the belief that to defend the blood is also to defend the divine nature of man in general. It is a belief, effulgent with the brightest knowledge, that Nordic blood represents that Misterium which has overcome and replaced the older sacraments."

- Dr. Alfred Rosenberg,
The Myth of the Twentieth Century, Book I: The Conflict of Values, Chapter I. Race and Race Soul, 1930 (Der Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts, Erstes Buch: Das Ringen der Werte, I. Rasse und Rassenseele), München: Hoheneichen-Verlag, 1930. Original German: "Heute erwacht aber ein neuer Glaube: der Myrhus des Blutes, der Glaube, mit dem Blute auch das göttliche Wesen des Menschen überhaupt zu verteidigen. Der mit hellstem Wissen verkörperte Glaube, daß das nordische Blut jenes Mysterium darstellt, welches die alten Sakramente ersetzt und überwunden hat."

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Path of Totality

“Perhaps nowhere was Hitler more restrictive than with regard to regulations governing the conduct of public officials.
The opportunity for them to favor certain private commercial interests in exchange for gratuities was particularly troublesome to Hitler.

He enacted laws making it illegal for public servants to possess stock portfolios, or to serve as consultants to private companies.
Even as private citizens, former civil servants were forbidden by Hitler from investing their personal wealth in stock shares.”

— a passage (paraphrased) from Hitler’s Revolution (2014, p.67) by Richard Tedor

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Path of Totality

“The spirit of the whole Programme proves clearly that National Socialism, being a convinced and consistent opponent of Marxism, utterly rejects its ruinous central doctrine of general confiscation, and considers a permanent agricultural class to be the best and surest foundation for the national State.

But being also a determined opponent of the great capitalist whose aim it is to mobilize for themselves all agricultural values, and to oust the farmers by means of taxation and interest on loans, National Socialism demands State protection of the farmers against aggression by big business interests.

We need a strong, healthy class of farmers, free from the thraldom of interest and the tyranny of taxation.”

— The Programme of the NSDAP (1932, p.14) by Gottfried Feder

Translated by E.T.S. Dugdale for B.P. Publications Edition (1980)

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Path of Totality

SS Leadership Guide by Alfred Kotz (1934).pdf

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Art by Danielle Noel

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Path of Totality

♡ 𝕽𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖊 𝓐𝓻𝔂𝓪𝓷 𝓛𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓰 🌬🍃

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Path of Totality

The Valkyrie's Vigil

~Edward Robert Hughes 1906


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Path of Totality

So that’s how they made those crystals on the planet Krypton. 😉😆

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Path of Totality

“Adolf Hitler was an absolute genius. He was years ahead of all his followers. No one could come near him, or understand him.”

— Arno Breker, the great Hitlerist sculptor, to Miguel Serrano in 1984

(A passage from Manú: For The Man To Come by Miguel Serrano)

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Path of Totality

Could it be at last?
I totally froze up before our first kiss!

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Path of Totality

Adolf Hitler with his mistress Eva Braun at the Berg­hof, the Fuhrer’s lux­u­ri­ous Bava­rian re­treat on the Ober­salz­berg, June 14, 1942.

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Path of Totality

The Volkswagen Works cornerstone ceremony, near Wolfsburg, 1938.

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Path of Totality

Our Führer's first proclamation to the German people on the 1st February 1933

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Path of Totality

-88 years ago, 1933-
January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler is appointed Reich Chancellor by President Paul von Hindenburg. 🇩🇪

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Path of Totality

In Communist countries the farming communities get ruined by the government.

In Capitalist countries the farming communities get ruined by the big corporations.

In National Socialist countries the farming communities don’t get ruined, but saved and preserved!

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Path of Totality

“Last month, Paul Pelosi, a wealthy venture capitalist and husband of the California Democrat, bought up to $1 million of Tesla stock when the price was roughly $640.34 a share. The price had shot up to $838 a share by Thursday on the NASDAQ exchange.

Tesla stock has been a darling of Wall Street for years, and the company stands to reap huge profits if the federal government moves to an all-electric fleet.” — from the article

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Path of Totality

“While Gates may be the country’s biggest farmland owner, he by no means is the largest individual landowner.

In its list of 100 top American landowners, The Land Report gives the top spot to Liberty Media Chair John Malone, who owns 2.2 million acres of ranches and forests. CNN founder Ted Turner ranked number three with 2 million acres of ranch land across eight states.

Even Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is investing in land on a large scale, landing the 25th spot with his ownership of 420,000 acres, mainly in west Texas.”

— from the article

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Path of Totality

Gottfried Feder - The Program of the NSDAP - The National Socialist Workers' Party and its General Conceptions.pdf

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Path of Totality

Regardless of what time of the month it rises, January's full moon is often called the Wolf Moon, as people hear wolves howling more often during this time of the year.

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Path of Totality

The Venus Bath in the English Garden of the Caserta Royal Palace and Park, Italy.

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Path of Totality

A handsome SS family

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Path of Totality

“The White Scare” Speech by Mike Peinovich on January 23, 2021

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Path of Totality

Arno Breker, in a famous photograph with Albert Speer and Adolf Hitler in 1940, and standing with one of his most popular sculptures called Die Berufung (The Calling) in 1941.

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Path of Totality

Adolf Hitler on the art of reading...

If we look to Mein Kampf (Dalton translation) Hitler said in volume 1, chapter 1, page 52 that, "The art of reading and studying consists in this: Remember the essentials and forget what is inessential."

Hitler goes on to write a whole section on this very topic of the art of reading in ch. 2, pp. 71-72 (too much to quote here but 100% worth reading this whole section for yourself. I recommend doing so).

On pg. 59 of ch. 2 in the same volume he also states, "I read a great deal then, and I thought deeply about what I read. All my free time after work was devoted exclusively to study. Thus within a few years, I was able to acquire a stock of knowledge that I find useful even to this day."

In the same chapter, p. 73 he writes, "From my earliest youth, I tried to read books in the right way, and I was fortunate to have good memory and intelligence to assist me."

As Dr. Goebbels said, Knowledge is Power.

* The importance of reading & books


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