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Path of Totality

"Glaube und Schönheit" - Die Fechterin

“Faith and Beauty" - The Fencer

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Path of Totality


[Late Saturday Edition]


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Path of Totality

Young men must have significants footsteps to follow in. Whether gods or folk heros, they must see the ultimate examples of which to emulate.

For even if they fall short of the example itself; at least they will have climbed to their own honorable heights.

Even Caesar stood in awe of Alexander The Great.

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Path of Totality

Bread and Circuses

Taylor Swift's nosebleed seats cost over $1K, ticket prices skyrocket following Ticketmaster sale cancelation

“Already long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties; for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions — everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses.” — Juvenal, Roman poet

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Path of Totality

It’s a shame for the human race that it had to come to this.

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Path of Totality

This is what I imagine the vote counting looks like in Democrat states in America


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Path of Totality

Adolf Hitler arrives at the main rally in the Lustgarten; in the background is the city palace. 1936


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Path of Totality

Rappers Close A406 For Rap Video #BanCrimeMusic

This is an incredibly busy road which many rely on to get to work and more, it takes an especially selfish mindset to carry out an act like this..

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Path of Totality

Coming to you on November 9th 2022!

Find them globally available and especially at DissidentMinds Book Store (U.S)

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Path of Totality

Sunday State of Mind
Everything in Its Right Place

It’s not how I feel about the state of the world, it’s how I feel about the state of my mind.

— featured is the intro. scene to Vanilla Sky (2001)

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Path of Totality

"You aspire to great things? Begin with little ones."

- St. Augustine of Hippo -


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Path of Totality

There’s more…

Lesbian Velma

“As soon as Velma sees Coco, her glasses fog up and her face turns red. Later she confesses to Daphne that she is “totally crushing” on Coco. Lesbian Velma confirmed!”

Daphne Has Lesbian Moms

“Other voices include "Weird Al" Yankovic, Melissa Fumero, Fortune Feimster, Min-Na Wen, Ken Leung, and Jane Lynch and Wanda Sykes as Daphne's lesbian moms.”

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Path of Totality


Happy Halloween! 👻😱

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Path of Totality

Cat’s Eyes
(5 of 6)

The first drops of cold rain were felt, and rumbling thunder could be heard. I made my way to the girl after she began gathering herself, and recovering from the shock of what just happened.

“I’m sorry you had such a disruptive evening young lady, but everything is ok now.”

“Gee, thanks mister. That guy was trying to kidnap me. He was too strong. I couldn’t get away.”

I gazed upon the young life that it was my mandate to save “Well, you should get back to your friends now, and Happy Halloween.”

“Happy Halloween mister, and thanks for everything!” Then the young girl trotted away back to her group of friends. And cold wind, and the rustle of autumn leaves swept the area.

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Path of Totality

Cat’s Eyes
(3 of 6)

And then it happened! A van pulled up on the side of the street, and stopped abruptly.

A man got out of the van, and quickly made his way towards a lone girl who had lost her party, and gotten left behind. He grabbed her, and she screamed as he latched onto her, and began pulling her towards the van without windows.

It was then that I made my way out of the shadows.

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Path of Totality

I’m Alive (1980) by Electric Light Orchestra


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Path of Totality

Worth Fighting For,
Wholesome and Virtuous


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Path of Totality

''If the Demiurge discovered in time that he was going to lose the war, he would order his Jew golem to destroy the earth, before allowing its transmutation. And he would do the same with his illusory Universe. But that is already of no importance, since he lost that opportunity. The Avatar of the Fuhrer has already won the war. Only the Demiurge and the Jew do not know it. Nor do the sleeping prisoners, the hypnotized Vîras, not even when little time remains and we must only continue fighting for some of them.''
𝗠𝗶𝗴𝘂𝗲𝗹 𝗦𝗲𝗿𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗼: 𝗔𝗱𝗼𝗹𝗳 𝗛𝗶𝘁𝗹𝗲𝗿 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗨𝗹𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗔𝘃𝗮𝘁𝗮𝗿

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Path of Totality

“He was not an initiate…of any order.
He was initiated directly by the Avatar.”

—from Manu: For the Man to Come (1991) by Miguel Serrano

[Wewelsburg Archives Edition, YdF 131, pgs. 52 - 53]

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Path of Totality

September 3, 1940 - Kent, England

"Battle of Britain". Hop pickers' children from the East End of London are hiding in a slit trench at the edge of a field whilst watching a dog fight overhead during the battle of Britain.

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Path of Totality

Rudolf Hess and Adolf Hitler in the residence "Berghof"


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Path of Totality


Dozen of horrified French residents wake up to find vandal attack on their vehicles

The spree of damage took place overnight in Levis district.

Furious residents took to social media to highlight the vandalism caused by migrants and vent their anger.

Residents told local reporters that since the opening of a migrant reception center, this type of incivility have taken place repeatedly.

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Path of Totality

“I shed a tear whenever I hear people talk about how demographic replacement is only a myth.

Demographic replacement is a real phenomenon as old as history itself. My people know better than anyone.” — Iron Eyes Cody

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Path of Totality


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Path of Totality

Thot Girl vs Trad Man


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Path of Totality

1941, today we are preparing for the Great War. We will destroy the poisonous ideology called Bolshevism, and our victory will be great. I will lead this war only for the German people and for the Führer. I swear by God that I will always be true to him. God bless the Führer and the German people. Sieg Heil!


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Path of Totality

So lets list the changes:

*Aesthetic from warm, rounded cartoon style to hard-edged Globohomo PR style

*Fred changed from alpha Chad Aryan to cross-eyed beta weakling

*Velma (the smart one) now black, she'll still be smart

*Shaggy, fan fave cowardly stoner -- extinct, replaced by cynical (probably brave) black man

*Daphne, symbol of white beauty and WASP elitism-- demonic ''Karen'' oozing white privilege.

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Path of Totality

Cat’s Eyes
(6 of 6)

There are many great things done by unsung heroes that no one ever hears about. But rest assured they are all recorded in the Good Book of the Outlaw.

It’s just all in a day’s work.

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Path of Totality

Cat’s Eyes
(4 of 6)

I pounced upon the predator in seconds, and with my fist crashed a death blow upon the back of his skull, and he fell dead in a pool of blood! All the while the young girl continued screaming in terror for not knowing what was happening.

The other perpetrator behind the wheel of the van panicked, and screeched his tires in a vain attempt to get away.

Now, for as long as I’ve been a gunslinger I have never met my match in a duel, and I have never missed a target. I pulled both revolvers from their holsters, and with the keenest of cat’s eyes I opened fire upon the van trying to get away like a rocket, and killed the driver dead on sight, for the van lost control and swerved into a nearby gas station, and exploded!

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Path of Totality

Cat’s Eyes
(2 of 6)

Lightening crashed in the distance! A thunderstorm of the cold rain of misery was approaching. I mustn’t lose my nerve.

I was put here in this place and time for a reason that would defy human understanding. All I can say is that they sent me here for a purpose.

I continued to wait, and observe all the children passing by, especially those who were alone…with the keenest of cat’s eyes.

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