Ed Odyssey Confessional
I admit it. Back in 2016 I was on the Trump Train. Please don’t beat me over the head, and skin me alive because of it!
That is all.
The Eternal People
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“You are a member of the chain of life, a drop in the great bloodstream of your people.
There, too, you have duties and obligations before the eternity of the nation. You have the duty to pass on what you received from your parents and ancestors.
I believe that when we tell people once more of the great value of blood, and remind them that they have duties not only for the 60-year span in which they work and serve, but also to the millennia of the past from which we come and to the millennia of the future to which we are heading, then we are giving them higher values than those of yesterday.” — Dr. Walter Groß
[Source: Dr. Groß, Nationalsozialistische Rassenpolitik. Eine Rede an die deutschen Frauen (Dessau, C. Dünnhaupt, 1934).]
* The Third Reich, Odinism and the Occult - Fact and Fiction by Gareth J. Medway, 1998.
* The Secret King: The Myth and Reality of Nazi Occultism by Dr. Stephen E. Flowers, Ph.D. and Michael Moynihan, 2001.
* Rune Might by Dr. Stephen E. Flowers, Ph.D., 1989.
* Revival of the Runes by Dr. Stephen E. Flowers, Ph.D., 2021
* The Occult in National Socialism: The Symbolic, Scientific, and Magical Influences on the Third Reich
by Dr. Stephen E. Flowers, Ph.D., 2022.
* Religion, Mysticism and the Myth of the "Occult Reich"
by Dr. Kerry R. Bolton, 2015
The following are 6 English translated articles by Prof. Dr. Walter Groß. The first 5 are on the topic of Race and the 6th is on the National Socialist way of life.
It's literally Soylent Green. Before they put you down like an old dog you'll be offered visions of the world as it should have, and could have been. Meaning, family, wonder and love will be shown to you as the needle of the ''Sunset Path'' goes into your arm.
''What ever happened to the progress dream? this is it, you're living in it''
People look at lights illuminating the Botanic Garden during Christmas season in Berlin, Germany, November 17, 2022.
Читать полностью…"Have you ever noticed how impossible it was to fuse yourself with the person you thought you loved, even though sleeping in the same bed? There is always something separating you, a thread of air, a different dream. Can the lovers be truly united if each one dreams a different dream? If you ever begin to dream the same dreams as your beloved, then you will be able to create a new star, the Star of Him-Her, the Morning Star."
from The Ultimate Flower, 1969.
art by Adolfo de Carolis
The Sargon Paradox: Being simultaneously based and cucked.
Читать полностью…/channel/nickjfuentes/9403
Groypers in anticipation…..
Eva Hitler
(1 of 2)
I was looking forward to reading the new two-volume biography of Hitler by the German mainstream historian Ullrich Volker, in hopes that it would be better still. Alas, I was disappointed: for the most part, Volker’s biography is inferior to Kershaw’s.
But having said that, Volker does produce a chapter on Eva Hitler that is far more insightful and far kinder than those that have appeared previously. (Nerin Gun’s biography Eva Braun was not too bad.) For the most part, these accounts portray her as a silly, empty-headed bimbo whom the Führer kept around for his amusement or as a decoration. Not so, says Volker.
Читать полностью…Chaos in the Briefing Room!
Scream Covens
‘Scream groups’ are forming across the world, where women gather in parks and public places to release their frustration.
A countdown sets the scream in motion. “Three. Two. One!” Twelve unbridled voices pierce the quiet of the night, roar around the hills and then disappear into the passing traffic below. They scream again. Grasping their knees, some shaking their hair, in a circle and some howling at the moon.
The Eternal People
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“And when…we are no longer alive, our inheritance will live on in our children and our children’s children. When we realize this, we suddenly see clearly that great river of blood that flows to us through the centuries and millennia…
Each individual generation is a wave that rises and falls, replaced by the next one. As individuals, we are as a droplet in this stream, but we no longer see ourselves as the center of the world…
Such an understanding makes us modest, because we see how small we are in comparison to the eternal people.” — Dr. Walter Groß
[Source: Rasse. Eine Rundfunkrede von Dr. Groß (Berlin: Rassenpolitisches Amt der NSDAP, 1934). The translator, Prof. Randall Bytwerk translated this article from his 6th printing of the publication.]
Everything people say about "the coming revolution", the "great collapse of society", even the preposed "impending race war", it is all misunderstood, misrepresented. Is this a controversial take? Possibly.
This is no blackpill, certainly, nor a call to surrender. In fact, this is about what likely is actually going to happen.
Hear me out.
You have to understand: every conceivable aspect of society, each and every facet of sociopolitical struggle, has changed. Computers are everywhere, and video footage can be shared within an instant. Politics has changed. How we fight wars has changed. The art and open frankness of world events has transformed. Economics have become different, and culture itself faces a new radical style of existing. During this time, how populations can be controlled has become revolutionarily scary, with lightspeed effectiveness.
A miraculous, spontaneous event, like that you see in books, comics, movies, and video games—that suddenly changes everything back to normal within a very short time—is not going to happen. Most doomsday prophecies about civilizational collapse, race war, economic turmoil, insurrections, are not only false, but seductive pipeline fantasies that are far out of touch with reality.
Our great struggle is a generational, psychological war of attrition, one that will go on like a slow, gradual development of a virus. Think things can suddenly turn around in a couple years, or decades? Think again. We literally live in the most comfortable, socially-disconnected, information-saturated time period ever in the history of all time.
We are not in it awaiting a blitzkrieg or glorious revolution; those days have long passed. We are in a global race to survive and thrive, a long drawn-out epoch, filled with uncertainties and infrequent chaos. There is no "coming New Dark Age": the New Dark Age has already arrived, and we are actively living in it. There is no "coming Race War": the trials and tribulations are here, for us to endure. There is no single messiah on the way for us, and the battle between apathy and caringness was launched, and relaunched. We live an eternal cycle of conquest and hardship.
If we ever hope to win, then we must acknowledge the long-term future as well as the current conditions. Most people will hear of an insurrection or terrorist attack, or violence in a demonstration, will react accordingly, and then go about their usual routines like something barely even happened. Therefore, to achieve the advantage, we have to get people's routines and habits themselves to change. It is not an overnight thing. It never has been.
We have to dig the trenches like the soldiers of the First Great War did, and outlast our opponents, and change the rules day by day for years. Picture them but in terms of ideology and values. Violence will happen but unless we can actually manage to change how the battles are going to be waged and endured, then there is no hope otherwise for our renaissance. Every lost soul must be enlightened, not threatened, to gain momentum for our side.
We need to stop fantasizing about a shock-troop type of "day of reckoning" that is not going to happen. We need to acknowledge that our struggle is about eternal survival, and not temporary stages of our collective will to live.
''Life is so bad, just put me on the Sunset Path assisted suicide program please, at least I'll have a decent funeral''
''Sorry, but we at Sunset Path have a zero carbon emission policy, your corpse will be turned to slurry and used as fertilizer on Blackrock's sustainable meatless meat crops''
Northern Lights. Study from North Norway
by Anna Boberg
Arthur receives Excalibur from the Lady of the Lake; art by Radu Oltean. 🇷🇴
Perhaps one of the most period-accurate visual representations of the legend of King Arthur, i.e. with characteristic Celtic dress and the weapon being a Germanic-style Migration Period Sword. Most representations of King Arthur, be they movies, paintings, or books, paint him (inaccurately) as an Englishman of the 15th century, or as a Roman, failing to realize that he would have been a Celtic Briton (specifically Cornish) of the 5th and 6th centuries.
Many elements of the Arthur mythos are later additions (and corruptions) by French and English authors. The original Welsh lore has no mention of a Lady of the Lake, or of a Sword in the Stone. The original name of Arthur’s sword was also not Excalibur, but Caledfwlch, being a clear borrowing from Caladbolg, the mythical sword of the Irish hero Fergus, son of Róich.
Celtic Europe - channel link (please share!): /channel/rjOekyqBmgxiZjcx
Alexander the Great with the Eagle of Zeus – Arno Breker (1900 – 1991)
This sculpture was Breker's last major work.
This grifter shit has gone to the level of degenerate entertainment.
Читать полностью…“The Stairway of Light was the Sieg Rune.”
— from Manu: For the Man to Come (1991) by Miguel Serrano
[Wewelsburg Archives Edition, YdF 131, p. 106]
Eva Hitler
(2 of 2)
Volker ends the chapter with this appraisal of her:
The image of Braun as the apolitical, naïve mistress of the Fuehrer has been a deliberate distortion by Speer and other members of the Berghof society in order to claim ignorance after the war of the criminal [sic] nature of Hitler’s dictatorship. Braun was by no means the dumb blonde observers mistook her for. She was a modern young woman who knew quite well what she was getting into with Hitler and who herself helped bolster the mythic aura of the Fuehrer with the photos she gave to Hoffmann and with her home movies, which she made for posterity. Like others who were part of the Berghof circle, she shared Hitler’s racist beliefs [sic] and knew too well about the exclusion and persecution of the Jews. (Hitler: Ascent 1889-1939, page 635)
I imagine that Volker thinks he is impugning her historical reputation with these words, not rehabilitating it. I guess from his perspective, he is.
— Martin Kerr, Chief of Staff of New Order
Please support Ursula Haverbeck, you can write to her in prison:
Ursula Haverbeck
JVA Bielefeld-Brackwede
Umlostraße 100
33649 Bielefeld
[Special Thursday Edition]
Happy Thanksgiving!
“Women, maddened by sexual frustration, fell into unbridled hetaerism, a way of life which always appeared when the Apollonian principle weakened.”
— from Myth of the Twentieth Century (1930) by Alfred Rosenberg
The Snowflake Man
Wilson Alwyn Bentley also known as the Snowflake Man was a native of Jericho, Vermont and was the first man to photograph a snowflake or "Snow Crystal", he did this due to his love of winter and desire to take a picture of the snowflakes he adored. We get the popular idea that no two snowflakes are the same from his quote regarding his over 5000 snowflake photographs:
“Every crystal was a masterpiece of design and no one design was ever repeated. When a snowflake melted, that design was forever lost.”Photo of Bentley and one of his Photos both from 1910