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Path of Totality

“When I was released by the Americans, I read historian Trevor Roper's book, 'The Last Days of Hitler'. Throughout the book, like a red line, runs an eyewitness report by Hanna Reitsch about the final days in the bunker. I never said it. I never wrote it. I never signed it. It was something they invented. Hitler died with total dignity.”

— Hanna Reitsch, in an interview with Jewish-American photojournalist Ron Laytner in the late 1970s.

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Path of Totality


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Path of Totality

The Third World Comes to New York City
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Recently arrived migrants outside the Roosevelt Hotel on August 2, 2023.

The majority of them have been bused in from Texas, a political move by Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to force the federal government to tighten border security.


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Path of Totality

“I will not listen to my boyfriend rant about Serrano’s books ever again!”

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Path of Totality

“He’s probably thinking about Serrano’s books again.”

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Path of Totality

“Yes, of course, Hitler did fall in the end, brought down by the combined might of the world’s industrial powers, driven to obscene levels of hatred by world Jewry. He tried to avert great suffering, and to raise up Europe’s Germanic people to unprecedented heights of art, culture, and civility — but he was stopped by the global masters of hatred, vengeance, and debasement.

Fortunately for us, though, his words and his vision have survived. Hitler lost the battle, but the larger war goes on. Hitler’s legacy is still open; the plan has yet to fully play itself out; no one yet knows how it will all end.

Hitler the man is dead. But Hitler Avatāra lives on, inspiring the Germanic people — and indeed all noble Aryans — to rise up, stiffen their spine, shake off the millstone of global Jewry, and strive for greatness. All is in our hands; we need only act.”

— Dr. Thomas Dalton, from the Foreword to Martin Friedrich’s Hitler Avatāra, 2023, Clemens and Blair Edition, pgs. i - ii

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Path of Totality

Space Rocket to Mongo

— scene from Flash Gordon (1980)

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Path of Totality

Adolf Hitler on Mein Kampf

If there is a lot of talk beforehand about some great plan, it is generally flogged to death, and the action never occurs… its success is jeopardized. That is why the Senate is pointless or even dangerous so long as we have not carried out and succeeded in our plans, our program, our goal.”

“But if what you say is true, you should not have written Mein Kampf beforehand,” I objected.

“Quite right. And I frequently regret that I did. But at the time, when I was in Landsberg. I thought everything was over. I was in captivity, I was deprived of my freedom, the party was dissolved — everything seemed at an end…

I wrote Mein Kampf as a kind of report to the German Volk, chiefly in memory of the martyrs of November 9. I wrote it out of the narrowness of my cell.”

— the words of Adolf Hitler, according to the testimony of Otto Wagener

[Hitler: Memoirs of a Confidant (1946) by Otto Wagener, Yale University Press Edition, translated by Ruth Hein, edited by Henry Ashby, Jr., p. 273]

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Path of Totality

The book I ordered has arrived!

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Path of Totality

Today is the 36-th Anniversary of the Murder of Reichsminister Rudolf Hess (26.04.1894 – 17.08.1987) – We do not Forget – We do not Forgive!

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Path of Totality

#ScienceSaturday No. 64


Astronomers have used the James Webb Space Telescope to observe Earendel, the most distant star ever detected.

Earendel is so distant that the starlight glimpsed by the Webb telescope was emitted within the first billion years of the universe. The universe is estimated to be about 13.8 billion years old.

The star’s name derives from Old English words that mean “morning star” or “rising light.”

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Path of Totality

The new Snow White has been downgraded to a multicultural young woman’s stroll down a dark and deserted street full of “stalkers”.

The emotion of love takes a back-seat to an “empowered” woman’s self-actualization that she can beat whatever bad force is out there awaiting her, all by herself with no love or emotion involved, and with no man to help her.

We complain about it, but it’s an accurate reflection of modern society, and how the vast majority of single young women view themselves in it.

Men make things worse.
Women make things better.
And even though I haven’t seen the movie I imagine this is how the story is going to go.

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Path of Totality

Adolf Hitler on Expelling the Jews from Germany
(1 of 2)

Wagener then tells of a visit paid to Hitler by an Arab emissary. The emissary informed Hitler that he and his movement were held in high regard in the Arab world, and expressed the hope that Germany might free itself from the chains of its oppressors.

The Arabs, he reported, were especially impressed that the NSDAP was the first political movement in modern Europe to recognize correctly the dangers of Jewry. His commission was to ask Hitler not to send the Jews of Germany to Palestine, or any other part of the Arabic world if he expelled them from Germany.

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Path of Totality

Everyone in our community needs to support each other.

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Path of Totality

Rich Men North of Richmond (2023) by Oliver Anthony

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Path of Totality

“Sensuality often makes love grow too quickly, so that the root remains weak and is easy to pull out.”

— Friedrich Nietzsche

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Path of Totality

The Third World Comes to New York City
(3 of 3)

Migrants outside the Roosevelt Hotel, New York City’s migrant intake center, on Aug. 3, 2023.

Asylum seekers in NYC say that America is nothing like they imagined. It’s “chaos”.


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Path of Totality

The Third World Comes to New York City
(1 of 3)

Migrants sleep outside the Roosevelt Hotel on July 31, 2023.

City officials say they will not turn their backs on an estimated 57,300 migrants seeking shelter, but limited resources, they contend, are making a strenuous situation dire.


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Path of Totality


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Path of Totality

In Serrano we read…

“Because if Hitler never wanted the war, the Avatar did want it. And if Hitler, as Führer, wanted to win the war quickly, the Avatar never wanted that. The Avatar has always been at war, since the beginning of time.

And forever winning by losing here, on this plane of the representation of the Demiurgic Will. For him, as for the Jew, the Second World War was only a battle in the Great War.” — from Manu: For the Man to Come

“In the whole history of Creation there is no more than one War, one Great War, which is still ongoing.” — from The Golden Thread

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Path of Totality

The book I ordered has arrived!

I have read Dr. Thomas Dalton’s Foreword, and Martin Friedrich’s Introduction to the book.

So far, so good. I have no complaints. The book seems like it’s going to be really good.

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Path of Totality

I trust the testimony of Otto Wagener, and yet although these may have been Der Führer’s opinions at the time, it does not mean that these were his opinions for life.

Adolf Hitler may have not have been any longer annoyed by Rosenberg’s publishing of Mythus by the time of the 1940s, when the war was in full-swing. Also, he may not have regretted publishing Mein Kampf later in his career as Führer.

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Path of Totality

Adolf Hitler on the Publishing of Rosenberg’s Mythus of the Twentieth Century

Once I begged Hitler to let me publish such conversations, but he refused.

“After I’m dead, you can publish anything you want. But any sooner, it can do no good. It would only be pulled to pieces by our political enemies. In the same way, the publication of Rosenberg’s Mythus, which happened without my knowledge, was inadvisable. That is why my notes remain locked in my desk, but they are carefully preserved.”

— the words of Adolf Hitler, according to the testimony of Otto Wagener

[Hitler: Memoirs of a Confidant (1946) by Otto Wagener, Yale University Press Edition, 1985, translated by Ruth Hein, edited by Henry Ashby Turner, Jr., p. 280]

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Path of Totality

This day 1987, we lost one of the most beloved men of the Reich, Rudolf Hess. After flying to Britain, he was intercepted by the jewish forces that was manipulating England and subverting her people, holding her hostage. He was imprisoned for 46 years and eventually murdered in a cell just before his release, for trying to stop the brother’s war between the Saxons in Britain and the Saxons in Continental Europe.

He never faltered and never wavered. He was was loyal unto death. Do not let his death be in vain, never again war between Germanic brethren! 🇩🇪🤍🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

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Path of Totality

“The Devil made me do it.”

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Path of Totality

Ed Odyssey Confessional

I admit it.
My three weaknesses from popular culture are Superman, Star Wars, and the BeeGees.

Please don’t call me a cuck consumerist bastard because of it. I’m trying my best to be an adamant National Socialist, and Esoteric Hitlerist.

That is all.

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Path of Totality

Adolf Hitler on Expelling the Jews from Germany
(2 of 2)

“Strange,” Hitler said to me after the conference. “Until now I never considered the idea of expelling the Jews from Germany. And since our objective is peace, I don’t even think such a move is necessary.

If we were to be entangled in a war, as in the First World War, one would have to make sure of the Jews. Because they were the ones who at that time sharpened the dagger which the elected representatives of the German Volk plunged into the back of the government of the Volk and its fighting men at the front.”

— the words of Adolf Hitler according to the testimony of Otto Wegener, from a conversation that most likely took place in 1931.

[Hitler: Memoirs of a Confidant (1946) by Otto Wagener, Yale University Press Edition, 1985, translated by Ruth Hein, edited by Henry Ashby, Jr., p. 227]

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Path of Totality

That statistic is horrific(!),
even for a country the size of the United States.

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Path of Totality

NEW - Almost 50,000 people took their own lives last year in the United States, the highest number ever recorded.


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Path of Totality

Zarrius Hildabrand is accused of killing Saria Hildabrand in Anchorage.

Meredith Barney, Saria’s mother, told the Anchorage Daily News that she was shocked at the allegations.

“He walked around for hours with me searching for my daughter knowing that she was dead," Barney said. "He lied to me multiple times, and tried to play it off like he was a concerned husband."

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