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Path of Totality

#ScienceSaturday No. 66
(Late Sunday Edition)

Pismis 24, the core cluster of the War & Peace Nebula in the Scorpius constellation.

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Path of Totality

A Road to the Stars

Somewhere in Arizona, southwest United States.

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Path of Totality

What Adolf Hitler Said About The Outbreak of WW2

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Path of Totality

Blue Supermoon

This year's blue supermoon will officially turn full at 9:36 p.m. EST on Aug. 30, but to the naked eye, it'll look just as full from Tuesday night to Friday morning, with the shaded strip appearing so narrow as to be virtually imperceptible.

The blue supermoon is rare. The last blue supermoon was in December 2009, and the next one won't be until January 2037.

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Path of Totality

A thorough study of history destroys the lie that Germany was an “aggressor nation” in the the Second World War.

Before the Polish invasion, Hitler never invaded any country that wasn’t a part of the German Reich from before WW1.

His whole emphasis was on reuniting the German people.

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Path of Totality

Adolf Hitler on Joining the DAP (German Worker’s Party)
(1 of 2)

“This was no idle game,” the Führer solemnly affirmed before joining Drexler’s Deutsche Arbiter Partei, “but rather a serious and ardent cause…. Fate itself now seemed to point the way.”

This decision Hitler knew, “would bind me forever, and that there could be no turning back.”

— from Hitler Avatāra (2023) by Martin Friedrich

[Clemens & Blair Edition, p. 38]

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Path of Totality

The Origin of Christian Knighthood and Crusade (1 of 2)

“The moral precepts that accompanied [the Germanic people] from their Pagan past were completely orientated to war, focusing on heroism, famous deeds on the part of the leader, loyalty on the part of the followers, courage unto death…

All this stood at the opposite pole from Christian morality, which is based on love and readiness for peace…”


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Path of Totality

(1 of 2)

“The Maestro did not say: ‘We will concentrate now, we will meditate’ as is common in yoga and other initiation schools.

He would say: ‘We are going to enter into combat’ which is much more appropriate, since to fight is to submerge into the interior world, to fight there with the forces and obstacles that oppose us, with our own weaknesses and fears, with the ‘I’ itself, with unknown currents and even beings from another world.”

— from Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar (1984) by Miguel Serrano

[Wewelsburg Archives Edition, JdF 131, Vol. 1, Part 1, pgs. 194-195]

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#ScienceSaturday No. 65

The Miracle of the Wolf

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‘We All Look Alike to Them’: Former Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms Says She Was Mistaken for Fani Willis By Trump Supporters Who Yelled ‘Lock Her Up’ Outside of Jail Where He Was Booked

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The World According to Nikki Haley

“It’s not that Israel needs America; America needs Israel.” — Nikki Haley

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The famous German Figure Skater Maxie Herber in the Service of the Reichsarbeitsdienst, 1940

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Goodbye Western Civilization,
Goodbye American Dream

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Flying Is My Life by Hanna Reitsch (1954)

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Path of Totality


First published 1955

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“Better to die of passion… than to die of boredom.” — quote attributed to Émile Zola

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Most superior body-builder pose of the post-1945 era.

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Path of Totality

Hitler Orders the Invasion of Poland

“Hitler summoned General Keitel at 9:00 p.m. The directive he gave him began, ‘Now that all political possibilities for relieving the intolerable conditions for Germany on her eastern border by peaceful means are exhausted, I have decided for a solution by force.’

Among the most important issues was the welfare of the ethnic German colony beyond the Reich’s borders, though to wage war for the sake of people related by blood, but no longer by nationality, may today seem unjustified. The present-day ‘global community’ concept rejects the notion that a nation can be defined more by its race than by geographical boundaries. During the 1930’s, however, pride of ethnic heritage was a powerful force in the consciousness of the European peoples.” — from Hitler’s Revolution (2014) by Richard Tedor

“In war, the real aggressor is he who forces the enemy to fire the first shot.” — quote attributed to Friedrich the Great

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Path of Totality

“Most people are so incapable of fathoming the absolute epitome of the true motivations of life, and of those who can move heaven and earth.” — Ed Odyssey

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Path of Totality

Adolf Hitler on Joining the DAP (German Worker’s Party)
(2 of 2)

“After two days of careful brooding and reflection, I became convinced that I must take the step. It was the most fateful decision of my life.

Thus I registered as a member of the German Worker’s Party, and received a provisional membership card, with the number: seven.”

— from Mein Kampf (1925) by Adolf Hitler

[Clemens & Blair Edition, The dual German-English translation by Dr. Thomas Dalton, 2017, Vol. 1, Chap. 9, p. 425]

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Path of Totality

The Origin of Christian Knighthood and Crusade (2 of 2)

“The Church was therefore confronted with a massive barrier of Pagan ways, which for centuries were beyond its power to master…

When the Church encountered Pagan elements that it could not suppress, it tended to give them a Christian dimension, thereby assimilating them. This happened to the ethics of [Germanic] heroism. The whole crusading movement may justifiably be seen from this perspective; Christian knighthood cannot otherwise be understood.”

— Carl Erdmann, from The Origin of the Idea of Crusade


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Path of Totality

(2 of 2)

“Combat is necessary in God’s creation, because God wills it. Life is struggle; therefore, life is participation in the Divine.

More precisely, combat is necessary because the Demiurge-Jehovah, who stands against God and seeks to usurp creation, has dominion over our earthly outpost; in this way, earth is the provenance for the Cosmic Struggle wherein God realizes itself, the truth reveals itself, and man communes with God.”

— from the introduction to Hitler Avatāra (2023) by Martin Friedrich

[Clemens & Blair Edition, pgs. 1-2]

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Path of Totality

“The difference between God and man is potency: How much truth is present?

In this way man is a vessel for God. But God chooses his form; he chooses when and where he appears; and his message is always tailored to the understanding of the people amongst whom he manifests.”

— from the introduction to Hitler Avatāra (2023) by Martin Friedrich

[Clemens & Blair Edition, p. 1]

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Path of Totality

Night Luminescence
by Mikko Lagerstedt

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Nikki Haley’s Foreign Policy

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Ilse Schulz, recipient of the Iron Cross 2nd Class in April of ‘43

The photo was taken during a speech Dr. Goebbels held at Heidelberg University on July 9th, 1943. According to the photo caption Schulz was a student there at the time.

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Path of Totality

You save memes on your phone for your own personal enrichment.

I use memes against Leftists on social media to save Western Civilization.

We are not the same.

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Path of Totality

Barbie Unleashed!

Nearly two-thirds of ‘Barbie’ viewers say they’re now aware of Patriarchy at work.

If you thought Feminism was bad before, then prepare yourselves for Barbie Unleashed!, because it’s going to get a whole lot worse!

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Hitler's Heroine: Hanna Reitsch by Sophia Jackson (2014)

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“And what have we now in Germany? A country of bankers and car-makers. Even our great army has gone soft. Soldiers wear beards and question orders.

I am not ashamed to say I believed in National Socialism. I still wear the Iron Cross with diamonds Hitler gave me. But today in all of Germany you can't find a single person who voted Adolf Hitler into power.”

Then she uttered the words that for so long kept her out of the history books:

“Many Germans feel guilty about the war. But they don't explain the real guilt we share — that we lost.”

— Hanna Reitsch, in an interview with Jewish-American photojournalist Ron Laytner in the late 1970s

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