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Path of Totality

Emma Watson reading Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler.

Volume I: A Reckoning
Chapter 9: The German Worker’s Party

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Path of Totality

Adolf Hitler on Cultural Decay

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Siegfried's Funeral March
by Richard Wagner

On April 11th 1945, as the Red Army fast-approached Berlin, the Berlin Philharmonic gave one of its last concerts before the end of the war.

Albert Speer organized the concert, entitled Konzert für Minister Speer in the Berlin Beethoven Haal, still curiously standing amidst the city’s rubble, and music was chosen from Wagner’s Götterdämmerung as part of the programme.

Speer engineered a move for the musicians of the Berlin Philharmonic to the relative peace of Bayreuth, but they chose to remain with their Berliner audiences until the end of the war. Legend has it that the orchestra’s final concerts were given in candlelight, sometimes under Allied bombing…

This performance, many years later, is by the London Philharmonic, and conducted by Klaus Tennstedt.

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Path of Totality

Tactic of the Lügenpresse

The epidemic of black-on-White violence is suppressed.
The rare White-on-black violence is amplified beyond belief!

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Path of Totality

Happy Autumn Equinox!

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Path of Totality

“This isn’t happening Dale, we’re not here. It’s just a bad dream.”

— dialogue from the movie Flash Gordon (1980)

Original post by…

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Path of Totality


🔸Invisible Empire Publishing Update

Available Stock (LIMITED)

🔸27 copies of Hitler Youth LINK
🔸24 copies of White Power LINK
🔸44 copies of Racial Policy LINK
🔸46 copies of International Jew V1 LINK

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Path of Totality

Time to Move On

Ex-Finnish PM Sanna Marin quitting politics after ‘hot girl’ summer

Marin, 37, has joined the nonprofit organization headed by former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair as a “strategic counselor” in a career twist.

“The task will be to be an adviser to different countries, governments and leaders on policy issues that are familiar to me, such as good governance, technology, climate, gender equality and other issues that I have had to work with," Marin said.

There's got to be a morning after
If we can hold on through the night
We have a chance to find the sunshine
Let's keep on looking for the light

— The Morning After (song from The Poseidon Adventure)

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Path of Totality

"I was born in Santiago del Nuevo Extremo, in the ancient street of Santo Domingo 661, at 3:45am 10th September of 1917. I'm, therefore, Virgo. In Europe the canions of the First World War thundered. I was born with my eyes closed and without being able to breathe, nor cry. Years after, my father told me that they threw me in a jar of cold water. And he showed me the pot of cristal, telling me: "This jar brought you to life". I was on a furniture, in some part. All of this happened to me, if not to this children, that it was me after. Will it leave a mark? The water that gave me life. Will it take me away someday, The Big Wave that submerged Atlantis?"

On this day, let us remember the date that brought the Meister's physical body into the world, which was a bridge to the expression of his soul, his true self. May your legacy echo in our hearts so that we also awaken the true face of ourselves.

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Path of Totality

A Day in the Life of Ed Odyssey

I was at the gas station filling up my tank, and some guy walked up to me with a sad story about how his truck got broken into, and all his credit cards were stolen (no one leaves credit cards in their vehicle), and then he asked me for cash.

I told him I would buy $5 of gas for him, but he wasn’t interested in that.

Then, as he was walking away he paused for the briefest of moments and asked me “Why are you so happy?”

Surprised by his question I simply told him “I’m happy to be alive.”

I didn’t see any visible reaction from him, and he just walked away, so I have no idea how he took that.

And he didn’t look like some druggy guy either. He was driving a decent pick-up truck (albeit with a missing window) that looked to be more expensive than my vehicle, and he was clean-cut and looked to be in good shape. It was an interesting, and yet somewhat confusing encounter.

I thought to myself “Maybe he’s just at the beginning stages of drug addiction”. But who knows? 🤷🏼‍♂️

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Path of Totality

Vladimir Putin reunites with one of his childhood school teachers.
The scene is heartwarming, but not epic.

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Path of Totality

Northern Lights over Finland

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Path of Totality

7’3” Jakob Nacken (221 cm), the tallest German soldier of WW2, chatting with 5’7” (170 cm) Eddie Worth, AP photographer.

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Art by Gustav Klimt.

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Adolf Hitler on Cultural Revival

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The Might of Germany! – Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe Troops at Zeppelin Feld in Nuremberg.

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Path of Totality

“National Socialist Germany desires only to redirect the rivalry between the European nations to those fields of endeavor where through the noblest form of competition they gave the entire human race those magnificent gifts of civilization, culture, and art which today enrich and adorn the world.”

— Adolf Hitler, in his radio broadcast to the German people on leaving the League of Nations on October 14, 1933

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Path of Totality

Aryan Autumn has commenced.

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Path of Totality

Hitler’s Solitude

Rochus Misch said accounts of Hitler as an aberrant personality suddenly flying into rages, or plunging into depression never rang true.

Still, Misch on several occasions came across Hitler in what appeared to be moments of intense melancholy. Late one night in the German Leader’s living room, Misch saw him in a trance-like state “staring at an oil painting of Frederick the Great that was flickering in the candlelight,” he told the Express. “I felt like an intruder interrupting someone in the middle of prayer.”

— the testimony of Rochus Misch, the “Last Witness”

— featured photograph is a still from the movie Downfall (2004)

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Path of Totality

Africans Enriching Germany With Vibrant Diversity

Dozens are injured at an Eritrean event in Germany, including 26 police officers

On Saturday, Stuttgart police vice president Carsten Hoefler condemned the protesters' actions, and said in a statement that “neither the extent nor the intensity of the violence was apparent in advance.”

“We must take decisive action against the emergence of conflicts from other states on German soil,” said Stuttgart Mayor Frank Nopper.

Good luck with that Mr. Mayor.
Each of these men are just as delusional as the other.

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Path of Totality

Great Vision of Greatness (1933) by Richard Spritz

“Ideas are eternal; they hang in the stars, and a man must be brave and strong enough to reach up to the stars and fetch down the fire from heaven and to carry the torch among men. In world history such men have always been the great prophets and often, too, the leaders of their people…”

And then for all ardent, expectant Germans it seemed as if the beacon of the hidden Germany had lit up the starless night of hopeless despair. The German heart was found again, and with magic power it drew into itself the noblest blood and poured it out again into the people in countless streams of will and strength."

“…we love Adolf Hitler, because we believe deeply and unswervingly that God has sent him to us to save Germany."

— quotes from Germany Reborn by Hermann Göring

“For this faith in the victory of the beautiful I will struggle for dear life, and nothing in the world will wrench it from me.” — from Either/Or Part II by Søren Kierkegaard

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Path of Totality

Eve of Destruction

A photograph taken on September 10, 2001.

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Path of Totality

“This is our preparation before becoming the lawgivers of the future and lords of the earth; if not we, at least our children.”

— Friedrich Nietzsche, The Will to Power

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Path of Totality

“To study history means to search for and discover the forces that are the causes of those results that appear to us as historical events.

Probably my whole future life was determined by the fact that I had a history professor who understood, as few others understand, how to make this viewpoint prevail in the classroom.

This teacher was Dr. Leopold Pötsch...

He allowed us to be transported into the past, as if by magic. He penetrated through the dim mist of thousands of years and transformed the historical memory of the dead past into a living reality. When we listened to him, we became afire with enthusiasm; sometimes we were even moved to tears.

It was because of him that history became my favorite subject. As a natural consequence, but without my teacher’s deliberate intention, I then and there became a young revolutionary.”

— from Mein Kampf (1925) by Adolf Hitler

(The Dual German-English translation of Dr. Thomas Dalton, 2017, Vol. 1, Chap. 1, pgs. 62-63)

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Path of Totality

What National Socialists Did to Rapists

Video provided by…

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Path of Totality

The answer to 1984…. is 1933.

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Path of Totality

#ScienceSaturday No. 67
(Special Monday Labor Day Edition)

Comet Nishimura

A comet recently discovered by Japanese amateur astronomer Hideo Nishimura is garnering attention from NASA and skywatchers alike.

Though currently not visible to the naked eye, this status may soon change. NASA has noted the comet’s steady increase in brightness since its discovery. Furthermore, astronomers have now charted the comet’s future trajectory through the inner solar system.

A significant event for the comet is on the horizon; its perihelion, or the point of closest approach to the Sun, is predicted for September 17.

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Path of Totality

Love Tames the Force, by Angelo Graf

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Path of Totality

Sunday State of Mind
Everything in Its Right Place

It’s not how I feel about the state of the world, it’s how I feel about the state of my mind.

— featured is the intro. scene to Vanilla Sky (2001)

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