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Path of Totality

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Path of Totality

Winifred Wagner (daughter-in-law of Richard Wagner), and Matt Koehl, Bayreuth, 1975

Winifred Wagner: A Memoir
(2 of 2)

“As we took leave of one another for the last time, she thanked me warmly for having stopped by to see her. She then took my hands and in a soft, steady voice said: ‘I don’t have much time left. At one time, I had great hopes that my sons would carry on the tradition of their grandfather. But it is too late for that now. Bayreuth has been betrayed, and now comes the Götterdämmerung.’

I reminded the good woman that according to ancient tradition, the Twilight of the Gods is but the prelude to a new age, redeeemd and purified. She smiled.
‘You are right. You and your movement are now our only hope.’

— from Winifred Wagner: A Memoir (1980) by Matt Koehl


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Path of Totality

Congratulations to Taylor Swift for winning TIME magazine’s Person of the Year award! 😜


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Path of Totality


“According to an ancient tradition, the angels were glorious beings who inhabited this world coming from elsewhere. Then they mixed and decayed.”

— from Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar (1984) by Miguel Serrano

[Wewelsburg Archives Edition, JdF 131, Vol. 2, Part IV, p. 445]

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Path of Totality

Economy Edition
(2 of 2)

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Path of Totality

The Difference Between the Cathars, and Esoteric Hitlerists
(2 of 2)

“But for the hero of Esoteric Hitlerism, for the Vîra, for the warrior of Wotan, entry here for combat is a duty of honour and loyalty (motto of the SS).

Only thus can he fight against the demonic creation of the Lord of Darkness, coming to transmute it, to transfigure it.

And even sex serves him as a means to snatch some Pasus from the Demiurge, transmuting them into Vîras by means of this Tantric sacrifice, so to speak.

This is the Great War.”

— from Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar (1984) by Miguel Serrano

[Wewelsburg Archives Edition, JdF 131, Vol. II, Part 3, pgs. 322-323]

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Path of Totality

I have to break up with you.
You never want to try anything new, you’re just not exciting to me anymore.

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Path of Totality

“Please God, don’t let me become a spiritual Jew.”

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Path of Totality

Here’s a photograph I took last night of the moon peeking between the clouds over my house.

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Path of Totality

Winter slowly envelops the forests of Sweden, making my Nordic heart sing.

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Path of Totality

A person dressed as a horned evil spirit known as 'Krampus' parades with a torch through the small town of Goricane, Slovenia, November 18, 2023.

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Path of Totality

Dublin, Ireland
November 23, 2023

Chaos in every nation is the consequence of multiculturalism.

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Path of Totality

#ScienceSaturday No. 72
[Early Friday Edition]

The Size of the Universe
(1 of 2)

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Path of Totality

About the ‘Socialism’ in National Socialism
(6 of 6)

In NS Germany there was zero homelessness and zero unemployment. Universal healthcare and education were guaranteed rights.

The core of the socialism in National Socialism is embodied in the NS slogan, “Common interest comes before self-interest.”

It is in this sense, that of providing social justice for every citizen, that we are socialists.

National Socialism is NOT about government ownership and control of the means of production.


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Path of Totality

About the ‘Socialism’ in National Socialism
(4 of 6)

National Socialism, in contrast, is primarily concerned with ensuring social justice. NS defines the state as a racial (or folk) community. Every citizen is a racial comrade. Every racial comrade participates in the life of the community.

In turn, the racial community helps take care of them if they are unable to look out after themselves.

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Path of Totality

#ScienceSaturday No. 74

In 1987, the last male Kauai 'ö'ö bird sang, desperately awaiting a response from a female who would never come.

Regrettably, this bird is now considered extinct, with the last confirmed sighting of a male in 1987. Its extinction is attributed to factors such as habitat loss, introduced predators, and diseases.

The Kauai 'ö'ö was renowned for its melodious and complex songs, adding to its cultural and ecological significance in Hawaii.

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Path of Totality

Adolf Hitler at the opening of the Bayreuth Festival with Winifred, and her son Wieland Wagner in 1938

Winifred Wagner: A Memoir
(1 of 2)

“Awakened as a youth of 17 to a consciousness of his extraordinary mission and destiny by a performance of Rienzi, the Leader himself was later to declare: “Whoever wants to understand National Socialism must first know Wagner.’”

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Path of Totality

“Everything the golem try to do to make the world forget Adolf Hitler and his comrade Rudolf Hess - Prisoner of the Myth, inventing morbid fabrications to destroy them, will not have the desired effect even using hypnotic suggestion on the masses.

Esoteric Hitlerism will win. His return is inevitable. It will prevail helped by the very things the golem do to fight against it. Jehovah and his Golem will annihilate each other within their automatized Universe together with the society of ants they foster. That will be the end of Kali Yuga.”

— from Manu: For the Man to Come (1991) by Miguel Serrano

[Wewelsburg Archives Edition, JdF 131, p. 260]

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Path of Totality


“The Nephilim were on earth in those days — and also afterward — when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.” — Genesis 6:4 (NIV)

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Path of Totality

Economy Edition
(1 of 2)

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Path of Totality

The Difference between the Cathars, and Esoteric Hitlerists
(1 of 2)

“…the Cathar beliefs consider incarnation on the Earth of the Demiurge-Jehovah as a fall, a spell, violence against pure spirits by means of sex that obliges them to that incarnation.

They only see Evil, thus being against all procreation and even attempting suicide in the Endura as a means to be able to escape from the clutches of the Demiurge.”

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Path of Totality

What Would You Do For Love?

— scene from Gattaca (1997)

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Path of Totality

“Please God, don’t let me get Biden Brain.”

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Path of Totality

“In the mystery of the light of the black sun, the divine hero, hanging on the cosmic tree of crucifixion, dies and is reborn. Only when all men, animals, plants and rocks have cried with their last tears, clamouring for his return, with men and the earth dying, poisoned, will the luminous divine face of the God-Man be seen again.” —Miguel Serrano

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Path of Totality

1933 by Victor Tsymbal is a haunting painting which captures the suffering of Ukraine during the Holodomor.

Holodomor Remembrance Day

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Path of Totality

Black Friday brings out “discount-hunters”.

Discount-hunters? I hate discount-hunters.

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Path of Totality

#ScienceSaturday No. 73
[Early Friday Edition]

The Size of the Universe
(2 of 2)

— opening scene from Contact (1997)

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Path of Totality

Praise and Fear After Dutch Populist Geert Wilders' Election Win…

Let the Hunger Games begin!

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Path of Totality

About the ‘Socialism’ in National Socialism
(5 of 6)

By way of example, when Hitler came to power in 1933, Germany was in the midst of the Great Depression. Every year many Germans died because of hunger or cold.

Hitler declared, “No one will starve or freeze this year” – and he made it so! The National Socialist party organized a program known as “Winter Relief,” which coordinated a nationwide effort to help those in the greatest need.

This was Hitlerian socialism in action!

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Path of Totality

About the ‘Socialism’ in National Socialism
(3 of 6)

In most nations, such parties are controlled by the Jews. So the effective result of Marxist socialism is to transfer wealth and financial control to Marxist Jews.

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