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Aryan Light
The quote for this meme is actually two quotes in one.
“Carry the light of Aryan divinity…”
— from Hitlerism: Die Endlösung (2024), Clemens & Blair Edition, p.11
“…to the heights of history.” — from Hitler Avatāra (2023), Clemens & Blair Edition, p. 36
British "Press baron" Viscount Rothermere on Adolf Hitler
»Great numbers of people in England regard Herr Hitler as an ogre, but I would like to tell them how I have found him. He exudes good-fellowship. He is simple, unaffected and obviously sincere. It is untrue that he habitually addresses private individuals as if they were public meetings.
He is supremely intelligent. There are only two others I have known to whom I could apply this remark— Lord Northcliffe and Mr. Lloyd George. If you ask Herr Hitler a question, he makes an instant reply full of information and eminent good sense. There is no man living whose promise given in regard to something of real moment I would sooner take.
He believes that Germany has a divine mission and that the German people are destined to save Europe from the designs of revolutionary Communism. He has a great sense of the sanctity of the family, to which Communism is antagonistic, and in Germany has stopped the publication of all indecent books, the production of suggestive plays and films, and has thoroughly cleaned up the moral life of the nation.
Herr Hitler has a great liking for the English people. He regards the English and the Germans as being of one race. This liking he cherishes notwithstanding, as he says, that he has been sorely tried by malicious personal comments and cartoons in the English Press.
I was talking with Herr Hitler some eighteen months ago when he said, ‘Certain English circles in Europe speak of me as an adventurer. My reply is that adventurers made the British Empire.’
Herr Hitler is proud to call himself a man of the people, but, notwithstanding, the impression that has remained with me after every meeting with him is that of a great gentleman. He places a guest at his ease immediately. When you have been with him for five minutes, you feel that you have known him for a long time.
His courtesy is beyond words, and men and women alike are captivated by his ready and disarming smile.
He is a man of rare culture. His knowledge of music, painting and architecture is profound.«
~ Harmsworth, Harold (1st Viscount Rothermere), in: Viscount Rothermere: Warnings and Predictions, London: Eyre and Spottiswoode 1939, p. 135 f.
Hitler as Offense, and Pathway to God
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“God is God until God is man; then God is the offense, the precipice of faith. It is not God who changes, but the one facing the offense: faith itself has a dialectical quality — and the receiver is the one who is revealed, whether he will believe or be offended.
From this position, one must choose to see the Godhead for what he is — or be offended.”
— from Hitler Avatāra (2023) by Martin Friedrich, Clemens & Blair Edition, pgs. 66-67
What is the Part of Wisdom?
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“The goal of speculative thinking is none other than to live as much as may be in the eternal, and to absorb and be absorbed in the truth.”
— George Santayana, Spanish-American philosopher
The Heroic Life
“The best that man can attain is a heroic life, such as is lived by one who struggles against overwhelming odds in some way and in some affair that will benefit the whole of mankind, and who, in the end, triumphs — although he obtains a poor reward, or none at all.” — Arthur Schopenhauer
Aryans, you are called to be heroes… it will put you on a path to greatness. Heroes are never forgotten. Their deeds live on. Thus, strive for greatness. Engage in the great battle. You are needed now more than ever.
— Dr. Thomas Dalton, in his Foreword to Hitlerism: Die Endlösung by Matin Friedrich, Clemens & Blair Edition, 2023, p. viii
Phyllis Schlafly
“Over all his enemies…hovers the haunting spectacle of a Hitler whose power defies death, and whose spirit lives on threatening their future.
Theirs is a dying world anyhow, spiritually stricken beyond hope of redemption, and thus incapable of averting cyclic demise. In their frantic fear of Hitler’s spirit, they are well on the way to overreaching themselves through a denigration exceeding the bounds of credibility even for the captive herds of their media; thus causing a reaction in his favour.”
— from Adolf Hitler: The Man Against Time by Colin Jordan
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"Shouldn't we create – shouldn't we become – before we reproduce? Our responsibility in life is to create the superior, not reproduce the inferior. Nothing should interfere with the development of the hero within you. And if lust gets in the way, then it too must be overcome."
— Friedrich Nietzsche
The Hook-Nosed Shadow of Cultural Marxism Takes Dominion Over Ireland
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Hitlerism: Die Endlösung by Martin Friedrich
Hardcover coming soon, PB available now.
166 Pages. 2023, Clemens and Blair.
"Hitlerism is the final solution to Aryan affliction; it describes man’s duty as he confronts a cosmic hostility incarnate in the irreproachable. The Hitlerist is the living affront to Jewish supremacy. In fulfillling his mission to restore divine righteousness to existence, the Hitlerist becomes the Hero.
And the Hero endures."
Silence — Delirium ft. Sarah McLachlan
(Fade’s Sanctuary Remix), 1997
(A Comparison of Texts)
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“The Vîra thus has a heroic strength that acts as a counter-current. This is the power possessed by the Saddhaka, or Tantric Initiate. Synonymous with the Hero, fighting to revert the process of entropy, involution, that is the result of his entrance into the Universe of the Demiurge-Jehovah.
And he will go out from the Cycle of Eternal Return forever. He only returns by choice, like the Avatar, like the Tulku. His combat against the current is called Udhavaretas, and is symbolized by the Leftwards Swastika of Esoteric Hitlerism.”
— from Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar (1984) by Miguel Serrano [Wewelsburg Archives Edition, JdF 131, Vol. II, Part 3, pgs. 321-322]
"Today a new faith is awakening
—the Myth of the Blood. This is the belief that to defend the blood is also to defend the divine nature of humanity in general. It is a belief, radiant with the brightest knowledge, that Nordic blood represents that Mysterium which has overcome and replaced the older sacraments.”
— from The Myth of the 20th Century (1937) by Alfred Rosenberg [Clemens and Blair Edition, 2021, edited by Dr. Thomas Dalton, Book One, p. 85]
Hitler Avatāra by Martin Friedrich
PB, 129 Pages. Clemens & Blair, 2023.
ISBN: 979-8-9877263-4-1
"Even if books and language were to pass into oblivion, the will of Eternal Nature would still be branded in our being - there is no escaping it; that the divine will of Nature should ever be desired to be circumvented or obliterated is only a sign of our darkest of ages, the Kali-Yuga." - Martin Friedrich (Hitler Avatāra, Pg.36, Clemens & Blair, 2023)
Читать полностью…Hitler as Offense, and Pathway to God
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We must be grateful for the existence of Adolf Hitler, for his life compels us to confront ourselves.
His “Archetype is an extra-cosmic poem writing itself on this Earth through the heroes of both sexes, those who deliver their lives like a blank page so that He may write his redemptive immortal poems on them” — Miguel Serrano
“Without the death-struggle which is the birth-throe of faith, without the shudder which is the first experience of worship, without the dread of the possibility of offense, one learns to know directly that which cannot be known directly.” — Søren Kierkegaard
— from Hitler Avatāra (2023) by Martin Friedrich, Clemens & Blair Edition, p. 67
Hitler as Offense, and Pathway to God
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“I am offended that Hitler… — this is the precipice of faith.
The offense forces the individual into a position of authenticity: become attentive through proofs; engage the Paradox — i.e., the limits of understanding; choose to believe and undertake your first authentic act, or choose to remain offended and continue an uninspired existence.
When confronted with the Paradox, one is in a completely solitary position, without any support whatsoever.”
— from Hitler Avatāra (2023) by Martin Friedrich, Clemens & Blair Edition, pgs. 66-67
What is the Part of Wisdom?
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“To dream with one eye open; to be detached from the world without being hostile to it; to welcome fugitive beauties and pity fugitive sufferings, without forgetting for a moment how fugitive they are.”
— George Santayana, Spanish-American philosopher
“Liberalism is moral syphilis, and I’m stepping over it.” — Jonathan Bowden
#ScienceSaturday No. 75
Voyager 1 is in Serious Trouble, NASA says
Over the past few months the probe has been “stuck" transmitting repetitive patterns of ones and zeroes that are the binary equivalent of gobbledygook.
“This past weekend the team tried to restart the FDS and return it to the state it was in before the issue began," NASA said in the statement, "but the spacecraft still isn’t returning useable data."
"In each aeon there are at least a few individuals who understand what man's real task consists of, and keep its tradition for future generations and a time when insight has reaches a Deeper and more general level."
— Carl Jung
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
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The Hook-Nosed Shadow of Cultural Marxism Takes Dominion Over Ireland
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The Callanish Standing Stones, referred to by many as “The Stonehenge of the North” is an enigmatic stone circle setting on the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides.
Photograph by Josh Dury
BeeGees music is forbidden at the Berghoff, because Der Fuhrer thinks disco music is degenerate, and that Barry Gibb’s singing voice sounds like Mickey Mouse.
But Eva never misses a chance to party, and listen to the BeeGees when Der Fuhrer is away on business.
(A Comparison of Texts)
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“Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go out no more…”
— Revelation 3:12 (KJ21)