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Path of Totality

Adolf Hitler — An Autodidact

An autodidact is someone who critically and willingly seeks out knowledge. Autodidacticism is by definition the informal, private, self-teaching process during which the self-educator gathers, processes, absorbs, and uses new knowledge.

“I read a great deal then, and I thought deeply about what I read. All my free time after work was devoted exclusively to study. Thus within a few years I was able to acquire a stock of knowledge that I find useful even to this day.

But even more than that:
During those years a view of life and a definite worldview took shape in my mind. These became the granite foundation of my conduct at that time. Since then, I have extended that foundation only very little, and I have changed nothing in it.”

— from Mein Kampf (1925) by Adolf Hitler

(The Dual German-English translation of Dr. Thomas Dalton, 2017, Vol. 1, Chap. 2, pgs. 76-77)

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Path of Totality

Hellstorm (2015)

90 min | Documentary, History, War

A documentary that tells the truth that the victors still do not want you to know. Learn the terrible truth about the rape, torture, slavery, and mass murder inflicted upon the German people by the Allied forces in World War II.

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Path of Totality

A Contrast in Fates

A photograph of Lizzie van Zyl, an unfortunate Boer child in a British run concentration camp called Bloemfontein during the Second Anglo-Boer War.

She was visited shortly before her death in 1901 by advocate Emily Hobhouse, a stunning Edwardian Era beauty!

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Path of Totality

I am proud to announce the launch of the NS21 website.

The name „NS21“ stands for „Nationalsocialism in the 21st century“.
NS21 wishes to provide content in the form of books and articles which will help the reader to understand various issues regarding the nature of the world as it is today, as it was in the past and what our vision is for the future through the lens of the 21st Century Nationalsocialist.

Our overall goal is to induce change in the world by displaying, through commitment to Nationalsocialism, the way in which others can get involved by forming traditions they can implement in their everyday lives and the knowledge they can gain about the lives they live.

Our website is hosted safely abroad and as such it is immune to most varieties of censorship.


We currently have a two articles up, which I would be delighted if you read them:

🇬🇧JEM decoded #1: Yahweh as Saturn

🇩🇪JEM entschlüsselt #1: Jahwe ist Saturn

🇬🇧No More Elections

Feel free to comment and share!

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Path of Totality

The Hill We Climb by Amanda Gordon

A poem read at the Inauguration of President Joe Biden.
These are aggressive words by a well-trained African Marxist!

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Path of Totality

National Socialism Ideology Part 2

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Path of Totality

There is no doubt that the greatest man who lived in the 20th century was none other than our Führer Adolf Hitler. He turned back the tides of the evil, degenerative forces plaguing the earth and gave our people a brief taste of freedom from the Jewish menace. It is our conviction that on that fateful morning of April 30th 1945, he did not fade into the ether; He yet endures even today as an inspiration to us all. He is still alive and well, biding time until his inevitable reincarnation as Kalki, an avatar of Vishnu. It is said that He shall come to earth upon a white horse, flaming weapon in hand (Srimad-Bhagavatam & Vishnu Purana). He shall not be merciful as he once was, he shall end the Kali Yuga and usher in the Golden Age of Aryans (Satya Yuga) else a Golden Age within the Kali Yuga & begin 10,000 year Reich where Europeans are once again able to live in equilibrium according to Natural Law. Revelation 19:11-21 also speaks of such a Judge who comes welding flames upon a White horse.

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Path of Totality

"We Are National Socialists, Not 'Nazis'"
by Matthias Koehl

In the ideological discourse of our time, no term is more emotionally charged than the epithet “Nazi.” Is it an accurate descriptive label for the National Socialist philosophy and those who embrace it, or does it suggest something else—something quite different, in fact. In the following editorial, which appeared in the November 1980 issue of White Power, NEW ORDER Commander Matt Koehl discusses this question.


Are We ‘Nazis’?

Is a "Nazi" the same as a National Socialist?

The news media, our opponents and an uninformed public would all say so. But are they correct?

This is more than a mere academic question. On the proper answer hinge certain significant implications for us as National Socialists.

It is true, of course, that in its early phase our Movement was referred to as the "American Nazi Party." This designation was consciously and deliberately exploited for its publicity value.

Some have questioned the feasibility of this approach, arguing that it would have been better if the term, National Socialist, had been employed exclusively and consistently since the very beginning. Whether or not this argument is correct is rather moot at this point. Whatever utility the name "Nazi" may or may not have had in the past, the important point is that for our present and future work as National Socialists it is useless.

It is a fact that the label "Nazi" was originally used by a hostile press during the Weimar period as a term of contempt and derision against Adolf Hitler and his Movement. Nowhere did the Leader himself use this designation, either in his speeches or in Mein Kampf.

Not only is the expression a distortion of our real name, but it connotes a certain lack of substance or seriousness, which in turn makes it difficult for anyone to take our message seriously. Indeed, if the public is to gain a credible perception and conception of us, then we must present ourselves honestly and forthrightly as exactly what we are—National Socialists—and not some sort of political caricature. Otherwise we can expect to have as must credibility as dedicated Marxist-Leninist revolutionaries would have if they were to go around referring to themselves as "Commies."

There is perhaps a more important reason, however, why we National Socialists must reject the use of the term "Nazi." If this label was originally used to belittle the National Socialist cause, subsequent wartime propaganda introduced sinister new connotations. Conjured up was the monstrous image of hate and evil, an image which every decent person must find repulsive.

But if the "Nazi" image has repelled good people, too often has it had another unfortunate effect: it has attracted the very ones who fit the "Nazi" stereotype--the unstable, the unsavory, the mentally sick and spiritually defective—marginal types—who may make good Hollywood props, but who have absolutely no place in a true National Socialist movement.

Therefore we can only conclude that at best, continued use of the term "Nazi" is self-defeating. At worst, it is nothing but an opportunistic gimmick by misfits and mini-führers craving lots of personal attention--little boys who don't have the slightest idea what real National Socialism is all about.

We, of course, have no control over what our enemies may decide to call us. But what we choose to call ourselves is quite another matter.

The truth is that we don't need any nicknames. We are National Socialists, not "Nazis." There's a big difference.

Source: White Power: The Revolutionary Voice of National Socialism, number 96 (November-December 1980), p. 8. Corrections: N. Lawrence.

Neo-Nutzism/Nazism is a Jewish caricature of Aryan National Socialism; a Jewish distortion and corruption sold to the sheeple and adopted by the gullible and naive.

See False Salvation: The Hollywood Nazi from The Fall of Western Man by Mark Collett & Hollywood Nazis from Colin Jordan's National Socialism: World Creed for the Future. Rockwell also expressed wishes to discontinue use of the term Nazi.

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Path of Totality

Aurora — 5

Video credit: Gabriele Corno
Featuring the song Jellyfish in the Sky by Jo Blankenburg with vocals by Sunday Lane

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Path of Totality

Aurora — 3

Video credit: Unknown

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Path of Totality

Aurora — 1

Video credit: Unknown

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Path of Totality


“Adolf Hitler remained, in his dealings with the outer world, after his rise to power, before and during the war, as he had during his struggle against the rotten Weimar Republic, 'within legality unto the bitter end'."

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Path of Totality


“ breed from the best Germans a nation of supermen in the Nietzschean sense of the word; a nation of "heroes like unto the gods," to repeat the words of Homer."

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Path of Totality


“For, invisible in the blue sky above the little frontier town, the stars formed on that spring afternoon in 1889 a definite pattern marking the return to earth of He Who Comes Back; of the divine man against time, Who, again and again, and every time more heroically stands alone against the ever-accelerated current of universal decay, and prepares, in hard, bloody struggle, the dawning of the following time cycle, even if He be, for some years or decades, apparently bound to fail.”

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Path of Totality

The Vile Nature of the Left

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Path of Totality


Documenting the degeneracy and deterioration of the human spirit in the Weimar Republic.

And then, For no reason at all...

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Path of Totality

Going Underground

“Sometimes you can see more clearly in the darkness.” — Robert Macfarlane

“Once well underground, you know exactly where you are. Nothing can happen to you, and nothing can get to you. You’re entirely your own master, and you don’t have to consult anybody or mind what they say.” — Kenneth Grahame

Featured is the ending scene from an episode of the TV series Person of Interest (Panopticon, Season 4, Episode 1, 2014)

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Path of Totality

No. 5

This video shows how the planets would look if they were halfway between the moon and earth.

Video courtesy of...
Camengat: Astronomia Creativa

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Path of Totality

O’ Aryan,
Seed of the celestial sire, harken ye to the drums. Arise with the eternal fire, O’ Cult of the Hidden Sun. Feel the pulse and rhythm run, thine blood is gilded wine. Reprise the composition sung through prisms of the mind. Bind thy runes to wisdom in alignment with the Moon and listen to the visions that are silent in the tune.

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Path of Totality

They got a black girl who is in the top .1% of the African American community in terms of intelligence, class, and articulation to deliver a poem about the usual stuff, equality and blacks acheiving their dreams. Whites across America will applaud, believing that's what the average black person is like, having never encountered any beyond the 'talented tenth' that make it into white neighborhoods and on TV. These whites, while praising her and her poem, have never and will never set foot in a >75% black neighborhood to catch a glimpse of the average black American, due to instinctive fear of being robbed or murdered. These violent no-go zones are deliberately hidden from whites to maintain the illusion that all blacks are as intelligent and articulate as Amanda Gordon. But any black intelligent enough to make it out of those neighborhoods abandon their community for white suburbs as soon as they can. Why doesn't Amanda stop lecturing white Americans and read her poems of peace and unity to the hood instead?

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Path of Totality

National Socialism Ideology Part 1

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Path of Totality

“All roads lead to Hitler, or they lead nowhere.” — Matt Koehl

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Path of Totality

The lady sleeps! Oh, may her sleep,
Which is enduring, be so deep!
Heaven have her in its sacred keep!
This chamber changed for one more holy,
This bed for one more melancholy,
I pray to God that she may lie
Forever with unopened eye,
While the pale sheeted ghosts go by!

— from The Sleeper (1831) by Edgar Allan Poe

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Path of Totality

Aurora — 4

Video credit: Aurora Borealis Observatory

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Path of Totality

Aurora — 2

Video credit: Unknown

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Path of Totality


“Adolf of those men against time, both sun and lightning, who have in their makeup too little lightning in proportion to their enormous amount of sun."

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Path of Totality


“Not only had Adolf Hitler done all he possibly could to avoid war...he did everything he possibly could to stop it...first in October 1939 after the victorious end of the Polish campaign; then in June 1940 after the truce with defeated France, he held out his hand to England"

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Path of Totality


“Nobody wanted peace more than Adolf Hitler. Nobody needed peace more than he. He needed it in order to consolidate and to extend his great work..."

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Path of Totality

The Lightning and the Sun
by Savitri Devi


Selected quotations from an essay about a man against time, and the greatest European of all-time.

"For me, as for every true National Socialist, there is only one doctrine: people and fatherland." — Adolf Hitler

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Path of Totality

Like Ziegler before me I have been given the great opportunity to work with Daniel Zakal of @NationalSocialistThoughts in creating cover art for his upcoming THIRD EDITION of National-Socialism: Our Struggle. It's a pleasure to work on a project I believe in and I am very proud of the product I have to show you today.

For updates on the third edition visit the books main page! /channel/NationalSocialismOurStruggle

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