Serving the Other’s Cause
“The recognition of both material and spiritual realities is central to Hitlerism. As Hitler himself wrote,
‘Once a people no longer appreciates the cultural expression of its own spiritual life conditioned through its blood, or even begins to feel ashamed of it and thereby turns its attention to alien expressions of life, it renounces the strength which lies in the harmony of its blood and the cultural life which sprang from it.’
With this understanding, the Jew can never, as Yockey states, ‘acquire Western race’ — this is impossible. Though it dedicates a life of service to the Aryan cause, a Jew will forever be a Jew and must answer to its god. Contrary to this, if an Aryan abandons his blood in service to the Judeo-system, this Aryan is lost forever to the spiritual-cultural identity of his former folk. This is the Hitlerist view of race.”
— from Hitlerism: Die Endlösung (2024) by Martin Friedrich, Clemens & Blair Edition, p. 20
Voyager 1 is in Trouble
#ScienceSaturday No. 82
It has been several months since the Voyager 1 probe stopped talking to us — and though they remain somewhat hopeful, Voyager mission scientists are preparing for the worst: A goodbye.
For more than 45 years, this boxy machine with a pearly white, conical disk has been sending back stunning data. Not only is it the first craft to enter interstellar space (and therefore the farthest man-made object, ever) but it's also responsible for the identification of new Jovian moons, the discovery of yet another Saturnian ring, and the first and only "family portrait" that includes our eclectic gang of planets.
Alas, fingers crossed that Voyager 1 returns to its healthy self — but even if it doesn't, and is left alone to drift in space, we can be sure its legacy has already been firmly cemented in our books, in our hearts, and in our history.
On this day in 1930, young leader of the Berlin SA Horst Wessel became a martyr of the National Socialist struggle to liberate Berlin from communism.
“Die Fahne Hoch,” or “Raise the Flag” is a song written by Horst Wessel as a fighting song for the SA. After his martyrdom, it was adopted as the official anthem of the NSDAP and later as the national anthem of the Third Reich itself, as the Horst-Wessel-Lied.
The three biographies under the same name in our collection are not so much dry factual recitations as they are passionate eulogies for a young man who laid down his life for his country, driven by idealism and a fanatical love for his people, and serve as an inspiring example of personal courage and devotion as well as a record of history that must be preserved.
Rest in Peace.
The Primacy of Anti-Semitism
by Thomas Dalton, Ph.D
February 21, 2024
I n m e m o r i a m :
David Irving
(1938 – 2024)
[ Pictured with Albert Speer (1905 – 1981) at Frankfurt Book Fair, Oct 11, 1979. ]
Photograph by Isolde Ohlbaum.
Colorized by
Original German Fraktur to English. Translated for Basic Ideas of National Socialist Economic Policy Ed2 - Coming Soon!
Translation of Bernhard Köhler's 1938 speech at the Nuremberg Reichsparteitag, he contrasts the German economy under National Socialism with its previous state, which he states was dominated by Jewish interests. Köhler argues for a shift towards an economy serving German interests, describing a dual struggle against Jewish economic and political tactics. He champions National Socialist policies as a means to reclaim German economic sovereignty and restore national identity. This short summary highlights the speech's ideological context and the economic nationalism that defined the era's political discourse.
An Invisible Empire Publishing Translation by Daniel Zakal
The Hitlerist in Modernity
“If society elevates the farcical ‘We the People’ — the quantity — to the heavens, the Hitlerist fights for the grounding truth of unequivocal character — the quality; if miscegenation is foisted upon the unwitting herd, the Hitlerist holds all the more firmly to his kinfolk; if mass ignorance through media-entertainment-technological distractions is encouraged, the Hitlerist hardens himself through experiential living; if society works to indoctrinate each new generation through depraved educational systems, the Hitlerist seeks to instruct himself through edifying study; if society aims to eradicate God-Nature-family, then the Hitlerist deems these life-givers dearer than life itself.”
— from Hitlerism: Die Endlösung by Martin Friedrich, Clemens & Blair Edition, 2024, p. 17
Featured artwork by Ziegler
Happy Super Bowl Sunday!
I’m cheering for the National Socialists!
Hitler cracks a joke at the Reichstag.
Presented here is “Healthy Woman Healthy Folk,” a short video produced in 1937 by UFA, the German film production company, under the direction of the Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment.
The Fire Rises
AfD leader Alice Weidel vows to campaign for Brexit-style EU exit vote in Germany, and said that before moving to a Dexit referendum an AfD-led government would aim to reform the European Union and do away with its “democratic deficit”, by, among other things, reducing the powers of the European Commission, an “unelected executive”.
The AfD is currently enjoying its highest standing in the polls since its formation in 2013. It is between 20% and 23% on a federal level, ahead of all three of the parties which make up the Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s beleaguered coalition.
Video clip provided by…
Ice Caves atop Mt. Rainier
Elevation: 14,411 ft.
Washington, USA
The caves form as heat rises from the volcano's depths, and melts the base of the ice cap that fills Rainier's twin craters.
Miguel Serrano on the Commercialization of Space Exploration and Tourism
“Today when the technocrats go to the moon, the first thing they think of when stepping on her soil is to play a game of golf! On the next trip, if there is one, they will surely organize a football game. And all transmitted on television (vision at a distance?) and all to the delight of a matriarchal public of cretins that can already have a picnic on the moon, buying advance tickets for so important a tourist event.
These are signs of the times of Great Dissolution in which nothing endures and even the Gods die. Cosmic taxi drivers prepare to travel with their steel or plastic machines to the surfaces of the spheres of the Universe in order to see nothing nor encounter anyone, only emptiness, reflecting solidarity with their own souls.
This is technological civilization of the ant-man, mass-man.”
— from Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar (1984) by Miguel Serrano
[Wewelsburg Archives Edition, JdF 131, Vol. II, Part 3, pgs. 245-246]
“No other way for the survival of the White Race [than National Socialism]”.
— George Lincoln Rockwell
He was way ahead of his time by American socio-political standards.
Today is the 94-th anniversary of the death of SA-Sturmführer Horst Wessel (09.10.1907 – 23.02.1930)!
– Information:
Everyone is posting about the passing of David Irving. Apparently his daughter posted on his website that he hasn’t died. It seems that a lot of channels (my own included) were fooled by a spectacular hoax! lol
Or, most likely someone got the wrong information, and ran with it without confirming it first. But believing in a spectacular hoax sounds more fun. 😁
But in all seriousness, I’m glad Mr. Irving is still alive, and I wish him many more years of life.
Happy SSunday.
A montage of video clips from the 12 years when the sun shone brightest.
I really like all the work Daniel Zakal is doing. Over these passed few years I have been quite impressed with his productivity. He is working harder than most others (including myself) to bring the light of National Socialism to all of us in the English speaking world.
Hail Daniel Zakal! 🙋🏼♂️
The Hitlerist is opposed to modern worldviews.
Communism, Capitalism, liberal Democracy, Egalitarianism, Libertarianism, even Anarchism, etc. All of these outlooks or worldviews (and variations of them), are simply candy-coated poisons. Candy may look alluring and taste good to children, but it cannot sustain them.
And the Hitlerist is oftentimes the lone grown-up in the room.
#ScienceSaturday No. 81
A visual demonstration of the Pythagorean Theorem.
#ScienceSaturday No. 80
(Late Sunday Edition)
Timelapse of every major nuclear explosion from 1945-1998.
Reasons for the Wehrmacht at Stalingrad
The most important reasons are as follows, and in the video Der Führer expounds upon them, and elaborates further…
> To hold what must be held
> Absolutely imperative to attack where an attack is necessary
> Securing the superior position at the Black Sea, and the final clearing of the Crimean Peninsula
> “…not because the town bears Stalin’s name, which is unimportant — but exclusively because it is a strategically important area.” — Adolf Hitler
Video provided by… @impartialtruth
David Irving is seriously ill. Arguably no one else has dedicated more lifetime hours of excellence to telling the historical truth about World War 2.
Supporting his care is up to you. But if you were ever going to buy one of his books (or better yet, send one to a political prisoner) now would be a good time.
You will see, my spirit will arise from the grave and people will see that I was right.
~ Adolf Hitler
Eclipse of the Sun in Venice at Fondamenta Nove
by Ippolito Caffi, 1842
Anything (Gabriel & Dresden E-String Mix) by Lili Haydn — 2003