Morning News Update
Aaron Rodgers seems like a straight up anon
Tik tok in danger of being banned. Let's see if someone buys it.
Excellent point by Biden
He is soft and a baby. We must mock them more.
Everyone please considering giving Nevs a follow she's fantastic
What a smart bird!
They are all gay murderers apparently
Thats ghey
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Rusty Nelson: Photographer Witness
From what we know about Rusty Nelson, it does not look good.
According to his testimony, he had photographs and proof that would have been damning to the Larry King FED operation. This would not do so they confiscated all that they could find by raiding the location of the photos and leaving the place completely ransacked. According to Rusty, they found a way to get him in jail where they tortured him psychologically and got him addicted to certain drugs and pills. Now remember, this is from his own personal experience. You need to make up your mind about whether he's telling the truth or not but I can tell you this: The entire thing stinks to high hell.
DeCamp attempted to obtain these photographs but to no avail. They fought DeCamp tooth and nail at every turn, stopping short of eliminating him from the picture like they "allegedly" did with Gary Caradori.
Rusty also talked about going to the Bohemian Grove where he witnessed occult rituals and heinous deeds being performed. He alleged that there was nowhere he knew to go to blow the whistle considering he saw that the feds, police, and the elites were all in on it.
Where do you turn for justice when the criminals control the very levers of power?
Rusty Nelson, a photographer involved in the Franklin Scandal, had his photographs raided by the FEDs. Claimed he was drugged, abused, and had hidden copies of damning evidence as life insurance:
"There was blackmail. They basically had a honeypot scheme where they would get people in political power to engage in sex with men or underage kids. Either they would be videotaping it secretly or somehow recording it.
There were pictures of Franklin in there. John DeCamp was the only person on my side..."
A respected psychologist told the court that Paul was a victim of severe sexual abuse and had a split personality. For those who research the kind of rabbit holes we delve into around here, MK Ultra experiments with this exact phenomenon. They use sexual abuse to split the child’s personality in order to make a subservient victim.
I’ll warn you that Paul’s testimony in regard to the trafficking ring being run by Larry King is perhaps the most heinous thing you’ve ever heard. Sometimes this kind of evil is important to look at just to get that kind of wake-up call. I posted his horrific testimony here: Gab Link
Bonacci was so credible that he won the civil action lawsuit he levied against King. Court Document
Summed it up succinctly:
“On Feb. 5, 1999, in U.S. District Court in Lincoln, Nebraska, an extraordinary hearing occurred in Paul A. Bonacci v. Lawrence E. King, a civil action in which the plaintiff charged that he had been ritualistically abused by the defendant, as part of a nationwide pedophile ring linked to powerful political figures in Washington and to elements of the U.S. military and intelligence establishment. Three weeks later, on Feb. 27, Judge Warren K. Urbom ordered King, who is currently in Federal prison, to pay $1 million in damages to Bonacci, in what Bonacci’s attorney John DeCamp said was a clear signal that “the evidence presented was credible.”
These claims seem outlandish at first glance but let me remind you that the British Spy, Aleister Crowley, was openly using satanic rituals, the eating of blood and feces, human sacrifice, and occult rituals in his experiments. He literally worshipped Egyptian gods and practiced "Magic" and it's not some kind of conspiracy theory. Crowley openly wrote that child blood was the most powerful and sex gave him the most power in his rituals. He himself is a red pill worthy of writing an entire dig on. It's so dark, the rabbit hole, that you have to rub your eyes when reading about him.
DeCamp believed that King was actually deeply embedded within the CIA once he began to follow the money. An excerpt from his book:
“Former political associates of King, sources on Capitol Hill, and intelligence specialists suggest that Larry King was one of dozens of owners and directors of savings and loans and other financial institutions, used by the CIA to help finance covert operations.” (page 172)
Think about what we know about Jeffrey Epstein and the occult influences and ask yourself how far-fetched is it that our own government had Satanic influences pulling strings behind the scenes. I personally find Bonacci's testimony to be compelling and believe he was earnest.
His testimony on what these people were doing to children is so heinous, that it may have been the worst thing I’ve ever read. I hesitate to post it anywhere.
One has to think seriously about all that the Franklin cover-up really entails. A sobering truth. How many trafficking rings have been set up around the country that have been covered up to protect this system just like what happened in Nebraska? If Paul was telling the truth, he asserted there were other satanic rings in many different states. How could this be? Those of us who study these subjects must live with knowing and that knowledge is a burden in and of itself. But surely we cannot look away if only for the sake of the children.
Despite all of this, Larry King was actually convicted and given a slap on the wrist.
Larry King was convicted but not of running a trafficking ring. All the witnesses were jailed, killed, or silenced. This is akin to Epstein taking the fall yet the client list remains protected.
When I told you that this was the original Epstein, I meant it.
Can it get any more obvious?
How many more rings have been covered up that we haven't heard of?
If you Google the Franklin Scandal guess what kind of information you receive: Little to none.
This tells you all you need to know.
The Grand Jury went on to indict the alleged victim, Alisha Owens, for claiming she was abused by Police Chief Wadman. The same Police chief being protected by the FBI. But listen to this, they didn't even ask her about the abuse that she says occurred and then they charged her with perjury.
"They send me into this Grand Jury, they are calling me a perjurer and they have never even asked me what happened." (Page 120)
Full Alisha Owens Testimony recorded by Caradori
“He violated every single rule that he followed all his life. Walking out at night, canoeing, which he didn’t particularly enjoy, leaving his food on the table, television and computers on. Come on. The man never had a hair out of place. So when they tell me that he goes out under these conditions, falls out of his canoe, then drowns, can’t be found for 10 days, and then days later they found him in the spot they searched a thousand times. I say uh huh. Right. I say what Bill always used to say, ‘If it’s done right, you’ll never know who did it or why’….I believe that for whatever reason, he was a thorn in somebody’s side. He had to be shut up.”
Colby’s eldest son, Jonathan, believed that his father was killed. He pointed out that the coroner's report showed that he was found without shoes, likely the result of kicking the water, which would be inconsistent with suicide.
Because of Colby’s warning, DeCamp proceeded to write down everything he knew in detail so there would be no reason to eliminate him. Not only this but he was set to release a documentary from Discovery Channel that highlighted the scandal in great detail. Conspiracy of Silence, a movie that would awaken the populace to this systematic evil, was scheduled to be a powerful documentary aired on the Discovery Channel in 1994 but was pulled at the last minute due to pressure from the political establishment.
As much truth as he could keep in the public eye, he did so with tact.
DeCamp wrote in his memo:
"I do not fear a lawsuit. I fear, just like any alleged child victims in this bizarre tragedy, that the right and the powerful will use their positions of power and control of institutions of government to shut up those who would speak out and bring things to a head." (Page 93)
Boy, was he correct.
What happened was a veritable blood bath.
Victims silenced.
Plane crashes.
Media wrap-up smear campaigns.
It was during this time that the former CIA director, William Colby, told John DeCamp that the forces surrounding this pedophile ring were too powerful to stop. Just wrap your mind around that for a second. This man knew more than he could probably ever tell anyone and he told DeCamp that the Franklin Cover-Up could not be dealt with.
John DeCamp was advised by William Colby to write down everything he knew as an insurance policy that they might not take his life. Think about where we were as a nation that our own intelligence agencies can assassinate citizens of our country so blatantly.
This is coming from the man who told the Senate committee hearing on intelligence operations that the CIA had a heart attack gun that could kill anyone without it looking like a murder. The gun itself would imitate a heart attack so people would never suspect an assassin. This was in the 1970s and they had this technology. Imagine what they can do now. If you’ve read my JFK assassination breakdown, you know full well that the powers that be eliminate whistleblowers like it’s nothing. They do it in front of your face and it’s so obvious that it’s hidden in plain sight.
Yet never forget that the powers of this world cannot be usurped by God. No matter how ominous the forces we face are, they cannot stop what is coming.
Rusty Nelson, a photographer intimately involved with this case, alleged that Larry King was paying around 50k a week to the police chief in Omaha. The same police chief who the alleged victims claimed were part of the trafficking ring. So the media was in on it AND the police chief (allegedly).
This is akin to when the infamous Peter Nygard bought and paid for the media while he was attempting to attain immortality through the fetuses of the women he was abusing. I'm not making this up.
It's the same playbook occurring in a cycle.
"He basically was able to cover most anything up for Larry. That was a regular thing. It was about once a week-50k a week.
Larry had a daycare center, he took in orphans... He put up the money for it..That was the purpose of it. He was trying to do all these "philanthropic things for people" but that was a ploy.
Larry would go through the Airforce base checkpoint and drive right through...It was like he had diplomatic immunity. It was basically your MK Ultra projects, Monarch, Mind control. Psychological conditioning to make it to where people would be suggestive, similar to hypnosis but where they could use trigger words.
Who do you go tell? If you are going to say something like that?"
Remember that Ghislaine Maxwell herself was extremely "philanthropic." These people know how to deceive and make people think they are the good ones. It's Lucifer coming as an angel of light.
Surely ignorance is bliss in many ways but once you wake up, you cannot go back. And we should not go back, if just for the sake of protecting the children. That is what this is truly all about.
Decamp said this in hindsight:
"When I originally heard all these stories I said if I really believed in any of this stuff, I'd be the first to do anything about it. I realized I had to put my money and actions where my mouth was...
This case turned into the biggest monster I've ever encountered and into a world I did not believe existed, could not believe existed, and even today, strange as this is going to sound..terrible as this is going to sound... I wish I knew nothing about it. I wish I were still kind of sweet and innocent and didn't know any of this."
Paul Bonacci, probably the most important witness in the case, told deposition that the government via Project Monarch was training young children, both boys and girls, to become MK Ultra slaves where they would use them as tools to blackmail politicians and get what they want and that Larry King was an integral part of this operation.
"They have schools where they train girls to be pros**tutes and boys...
They used us to get what they wanted. Let's say a politician liked boys or girls...
They would get them into a position where they would have a boy or girl, they would videotape them and use it later for blackmail."
This is their playbook. Everything that happens in Nebraska is brought forth in this country and the world on an even grander stage, at times.
Once this reality sinks in, you can see it happening all around you. Sexual blackmail is their preferred currency. Once they get you, you are theirs for life. They can control you, and bend you to their will, and if you do not, you are canceled immediately and there is nothing anyone can do about it.
Many of today’s politicians have been branded by this evil. When a politician in the swamp does something you do not expect that aids the corruption rather than fighting it, you can assume they are being bought and paid for or something much worse is occurring. The playbook has been used and they are being puppeteered by blackmail of the worse kind.
Breaking down the Franklin Scandal is no easy feat. I read an entire book, watched hours of interviews, and dug with other anons into the subject fervently. What follows is an alarming rabbit hole that seems to have no end.
Sexual blackmail is the playbook for governments and intelligence agencies. It is not scarce in its appearance, it is the norm. But what makes this so much worse is that these operations use and abuse children, society’s most precious innocent ones.
(Posting the rest of the thread to telegram stand by)
Daily morale boost thread for frens. 🐸
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We need to be questioning the Columbine shooting and how big of a role big pharma plays in mass shootings. The hero who exposed the Franklin Cover Up Scandal, John DeCamp, opened up a lawsuit claiming that the drugs the shooters were on causes suicidal ideation and caused egregious actions.
What impeccable timing because RFJ JR is now asking this same question right after I finished the Franklin Scandal thread. Are the SSRI's partly responsible for the mass shooting epidemic amongst our younger generation?
DeCamp subsequently had two federal officers show up and take copies of depositions. I'm sure it was nothing.
"My lawsuit claimed then that one of the major effects of this particular drug causes teenagers to be suicidal. I had two federal officers show up in my office to take copies of certain depositions I had taken...
My claim that these drugs cause a certain amount of children to be very suicidal. Study the whole picture of what actually happened there in Columbine. What is most interesting, once the lawsuit was dismissed. What has happened since then? The federal government and the drug companies have all reached agreements that on these particular drugs now, these antidepressant drugs they have to put all these notices. That's the first big notice on the drug about how they cause suicide in children. I have no doubt that some day, this is my opinion, the drugs were major major factor in this boy committing suicide and executing his own buddy in (Columbine shooting). You just had to see all these basement tapes they made to know the whole story. And you'd have no doubt that those are the things they won't release or let the public have. I don't know how much has been destroyed now."
"Labels that say known to cause suicidal and homicidal behavior. We are the only country that has this level, 240 million doses a year. After Columbine, it started happening."
H/T @vigilantfox
In my estimation, DeCamp is a hero. He should have a statue put up in honor of his memory. Yet, instead, our society honors those who do the bidding of the very establishment that does these horrendous and vile acts toward children. The more we wake people up to what has been going on in Mystery Babylon, the less power the “media spell” has on the people. This, in turn, will get us pointed in the right direction and begin to honor the real heroes of our society. Those who protect children and who put their lives on the line to do so. DeCamp was one of those heroes.
The heroes of this story are those who refused to back down when the pressure mounted and told the truth to the detriment of their comfort and, to some, their lives.
Ask yourself the question: What would do if you knew the pedophiles were in charge of every facet of society required to bring about justice and if you pushed too hard, you know they can have your plane crash, have you commit suicide. They had a myriad of ways to silence their opposition. Only the strong survive when it comes to government corruption. The fact that the truth has reared its head as much as it has over the course of the last decade is nothing short of a miracle. Light that shines on darkness is the real start to change and one person who moved the needle for this cause was a man named John DeCamp and the victim witnesses that came forward. You've heard of Diddy and Jeffrey Epstein but you may not know of the Franklin Scandal and that's because it was a cover-up with a trail of dead bodies in its wake. How many other blackmail operations are there in the world when they work so hard to cover up even the ones we now know about? All of us must remain diligent, awaken those who can hear these truths, and continue to push the Overton window open as far as we possibly can. Because these red pills are potent indeed. They have the power to change your entire perspective and to hopefully change the world for the better.
In the end, Light overcomes darkness.
Furthermore, Larry King himself had ties to the CIA. A victim claimed that George Bush Senior was actually at one of King’s parties. Bush himself, king of the CIA, is often said to have had his hands in the JFK assassination as he was promoted through the ranks quickly after JFK became a martyr for world peace. Vietnam itself was a CIA-run operation. If you read my JFK substack, you would understand that JFK was stopping this war from happening and not even a week after his death, the Vietnam shit show would be greenlit.
Bonacci’s testimony:
America's Most Wanted worked hand in hand with the FBI on many cases but when they themselves began to uncover the rabbit hole that was the Paul Bonnaci testimony: Guess what the FBI told them? That they should not go any further. What? Why? Why were they not interested in protecting the children at any cost?
In total, there were around 19 dead that could be connected to Franklin Scandal. They silenced anyone who posed a threat and arrested the victims or “allegedly” killed those who might speak out. This is akin to the amount of “people who suddenly” died who knew anything about the JFK assassination.
“By the time everything was said and done. 19 people were dead who were affiliated with this case.”
Not only this, but the FBI refused to interview him even when he confessed to kidnapping Johnny Gosch, a child abducted in an infamous case.
Johnny Gosch's mother is convinced that the case is connected the Nebraska Ring. Bonacci described the exact details of her son and claims that he was the one who kidnapped him for his handlers on that fateful day.
What is especially notable is that Paul remembers the exact details of the kidnapping.
He knew the exact spot where Johnny was kidnapped. Bonacci was able to identify a unique scar that was on Johnny’s tongue, a burn scar on his lower leg, and a stammer he had when upset. Johnny’s mother was absolutely convinced that he was a great lead, but the police refused to follow through.
What adds to his credibility as a witness is that he told reporters about an abandoned secret underground chamber where children were kept in Texas that people knew nothing of and described exact details before going. As he claimed, it was there and the engravings of children’s cries for help were etched into walls. He wept on camera as he stood outside of that place of torture. Not only this but he knew he told the America’s Most Wanted crew that there was a specific brand they gave to children that people had not heard of in the masses. Once the show had aired, anonymous kids came forward and confirmed that the brand was real. Paul Bonacci literally confessed to kidnapping Johnny Gosch but the cops never asked him for an interview. They did not follow up on this lead in any way. Why?
As I said before, Paul Bonacci is likely the most important witness because he actually won a million-dollar lawsuit against Larry King. In his deposition, he claimed that he was inducted into a government program called Project Monarch where they purposely split his personality through trauma, Satanism, and abuse so he could be molded into a puppet for their schemes. If you are well-researched in this area, you will understand that someone like Sirhan Sirhan, the man who they used as a patsy in the Kennedy assassination, was clearly under the effects of a similar program. MK Ultra splits a person's personality so they can be given orders and then never remember what happened. It's the perfect way for them to commit a crime. CIA psychologists actually admitted that they could "create" a lone gunman in six months in declassified documents. Paul Bonacci went into great detail during his deposition. He also claimed that there was high-level Satanism in these projects including blowing the whistle about the Temple of Set.
"Monarch was a program that used children to make multiple personalities, for future use, as spies and as a way to take over the United States government.
When I first got involved I was mo**ested by an airmen at an air force base involved in Monarch. His job was to recruit kids from the local neighborhood who they could make disassociate by doing traumatic things to them at a very young age."
"If one was captured...the person that was captured, would go into a personality that would have no useful information. To seem as if he was indeed crazy....These codes he (a handler) says to me when he calls make it so I will do something in that personality and I will do something in that personality and I will not remember it all in any other personality and I won't even remember it as myself."
The Troy Bonner witness is far more alarming than some of the others for a few specific reasons. Troy originally came forward and asserted that it was all true. They were drugging and rap**g children and using them as commodities in a trafficking ring. But then his brother died in suspicious circumstances and the hero who filmed the victim testimonies had crashed to his death along with his child. The FBI took his evidence and locked it away. Before this had happened they then "allegedly" intimidated Troy to recant his testimony which was the statement they used to declare this entire Franklin scandal an elaborate hoax. If you don't see coordination here, then you must not be seeing clearly. Once Troy witnessed them "allegedly" murder the Investigator he was racked with guilt and gave a sworn affidavit declaring that he was pressured by the FBI to say this was all a hoax and that this DID happen. Why was the FBI so intent on belittling this case instead of hearing the evidence?
Troy Bonner, was then told before his day in court that he would receive over 20 years in prison if he did not denounce once again. He saw what they did to Alisha Owens and Gary Caradori and so he pleaded the Fifth Amendment and sought to escape the FBI's wrath. Remember that the Chief of Police was a suspect in this case and was extremely tight with the FBI. What are the chances?
HIs brother was subsequently murdered via gun shot which he believed was done to intimidate him into silence.
The judge told Decamp something so damning before he left court that day which should be remembered and dwelled upon:
If the system itself is truly this decrepit. What are the people to do?
Reminiscent of that chapter in the book of Revelation when the martyrs killed at the hand of that Babylon system lament: "How long Oh Lord, before you avenge our blood?
They had hired a private investigator, a man named Gary Caradori, to find the truth. And he must have been way too over the target. He had hours of interviews with the child victims, pictures, and proof. But tragedy had struck.
Twelve days after the death of Gary Caradori in an inexplicable plane crash, a grand jury issued a report in the World-Herald (the newspaper containing said suspects) claiming that the abuse stories were a 'Carefully Crafted Hoax.'
So the man with all of the evidence was killed and then less than two weeks after he suddenly died the media who were the suspects claim that it's all a hoax. (Page 106)
I don't even have words sometimes…
Not only this but they indicted two of the witnesses/victims (Alisha Owen and Paul Bonacci) while refusing to subpoena Larry King.
The jury cleared all prominent suspects including Chief Robert Wadman, the one the FBI was protecting, and called him the victim. (Page 111)
They refuted the now-dead investigator’s video testimonies as a carefully crafted hoax. How convenient that he was no longer there to defend the evidence because he died in a plane crash days before!
I almost have to rub my eyes, it's so obviously a cover-up.
Colby in his own words to DeCamp:
"What you have to understand, John [DeCamp], is that sometimes there are forces and events too big, too powerful, with so much at stake for other people or institutions, that you cannot do anything about them, no matter how evil or wrong they are and no matter how dedicated or sincere you are or how much evidence you have. That is simply one of the hard facts of life you have to face. You have done your part. You have tried to expose the evil and wrongdoing. It has hurt you terribly. But it has not killed you up to this point. I am telling you, get out of this before it does. Sometimes things are just too big for us to deal with, and we have to step aside and let history take its course. For you, John, this is one of those times.” - Former CIA Director William Colby
"Colby realizing that he had helped create this monster and had an obligation to correct it. That's why he went in front of the Senate and released what came to be called the family jewels, the violations, the breaking of the law of the CIA. He was fired and shut up. He was the one who inspired me to write the book as a self-defense measure. That's what he was trying to do when he went before the US Senate with that information. The CIA had become like a government unto itself. Following no rules. That's why he went before the Church Committee.
In my own mind, he was killed to shut him up."
Colby was hired to investigate Gary Caradori's death. The same Gary Caradori that had all the evidence needed but his plane just so happened to be shot down.
Colby would go on after retirement to drown after an unexpected “canoe trip.” I don’t have to explain to you what happened to him, do I?
DeCamp himself claimed that he was with Colby just a few weeks before he died. It seemed as if Colby was attempting to make amends for the “Secret CIA government” he had helped create over the decades.
This, of course, was unacceptable to those who had the power to eliminate him.
So Nebraska State Senator Schmit goes to the FBI along with DeCamp where they elaborate on the crimes allegedly being committed and guess what they find out? One of the main suspects, cop Robert Wadman, was best friends with the head FBI agent they were tasked to speak with and guess what he told Schmitt.
He told them that if they took on this suspect, they were taking on the FBI itself.
We are talking about the guardians of the pedophiles people. This is the FBI.
Chapter 9 (Page 86) of DeCamp's book explains this conundrum in detail. How do you investigate crimes if the FBI itself is protecting those who are allegedly committing them?
"In brutal language and with the most somber demeanor possible, Mr. O'Hara (chief of FBI) made it clear that probably his closest friend in the world was Police Chief Robert Wadman, and that anyone who would dare to accuse Robert Wadman of impropriety had better realize that in accusing Wadman, they were effectively taking on Nick O'Hara and the FBI.
I realized instantly, that my advice to Senator Schmit may have been my fault. How could I have known in advance, that the head of the FBI and the former chief were so intimate in their business and personal relationships?"
King was allegedly ascertaining children through a place called Boys Town that was supposed to be about raising and protecting children. Similar to Rachel Chandler, who found children that no one would miss in the modeling industry for Epstein. King had bought and paid for the entire system around him in what could be described as a playbook model for how our entire government works in many ways. He purchased and compromised the media and law enforcement.
DeCamp was smeared by the media. But this is where it gets truly wild. The media that was smearing him, was one of the primary suspects. Yes, one of the editors of the Omaha World-Herald, Harold Andersen, who ran hit pieces on the man speaking out for the children and the suspects themselves, was identified by these children as a rapi**t.
This is the fox guarding the hen house to a tee.
The Kansas City Star came to the defense of Andersen by claiming that he was an icon of journalism who met with President Bush often.
Ah. Not exactly the best company to keep given what we've learned about Mr. Bush, now is it?
It wasn’t just one person in the media either. A man named Peter Citron, from the Omaha World-Herald, was also busted for sexual assault of two boys in 1990.
Four days before Bush was elected, the Franklin Credit Union Scandal had reached the public eye. Larry King, a rising politicial star in the Bush era, was in trouble for embezzling finances. But a closer look tells the full story. This was a cover-up in action. King was merely a loose end that needed to be silenced. Bush was himself involved and connected to the heinous evil being committed in Nebraska so the FBI brought down the hammer on him. But not for his actual crimes against children. No, just for financial sins. This is akin to Epstein facing prison and "suicide" while his clients remain protected and unnamed to public consciousness. I don't think it's a coincidence that King was arrested four days before Bush's ascendancy to the highest office in the land. It reminds me of when all of Obama's "alleged" gay lovers in Chicago suddenly were killed before Barrack began to make a serious jockeying for the White House. For those who have eyes to see: Coordinated assassinations whether political or very real bodily harm.
The Washington Times initially reported alongside the embezzlement bust that:
"A homosexual prostitution ring is under investigation by federal and District authorities and includes among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides and US and foreign businessmen with close social ties to Washington's political elite. Reporters for this newspaper examined hundreds of credit-card vouchers, drawn on both corporate and personal cards and made payable to the escort service operated by the homosexual ring."
-- Washington Times article on the Franklin Affair, 6/29/1989
The Washington Times distinctly leaves out the children aspect of this. Once the victims had come forward asking for help, a man named John DeCamp, a Nebraska State Senator stepped up to the plate in a way that seldom few heroes do.
Once DeCamp realized how legitimate their testimonies were he was alarmed down to his core.
The Franklin Scandal Deep Dive
The Nebraska cover-up contains within it the quintessential playbook the deep state uses to contaminate our society with corruption, pedophilia, blackmail, and unhinged greed.
This is Epstein Island before Epstein Island. The Diddy blackmail operations before you knew this was their playbook.
Suspicious plane crashes, the predators in charge of the media, the mysterious deaths of the whistleblowers, and lawfare implemented to silence the victims.
There is no length to which they will not go to prevent the truth from coming out. Yet, everything that is hidden will come into the light.
Share this with people needing to wake up. This is a potent red pill that I spent hours researching. Thank you to everyone for your support!
Trailer created by TrulyDasting">Truly Dasting.
Full Substack Dig:
Morning News Update
"Excellent description of what President Trump is going through and why he is gaining popularity"
Leader of Israeli military intelligence resigned
Mistrial in case of Arizona rancher accused of murdering migrant
Amazing indeed
"A group of leftist legal commentators has been meeting weekly for about two years to strategize about how to bring down Trump using the media"
Election integrity win
Trump set to receive $1.25 billion worth of Trump Media stock
Meta distancing itself from politics
So surprising... Not
Trump's message to us
Trump standing by Speaker Johnson
A 🔥 new single from Mr Good
Aww just two frens
Will be posting my dig in its entirety on Telegram today. I spent hours and hours on this one. I hope everyone can use it to red pill and enjoys.
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Look at how nervous Newscum is about RFK JR getting on the ballot in key swing states. Not only does he look like a psychopath serial killer as always but he looks legitimately nervous about their precious "swing states" where they have to cheat egregiously to make sure Biden "wins the most votes of all time."
RFK is the wild card in this election. He just might be a wild card that favors the white hats, time will tell.
Who will RFK be sabotaging most?
Trump or Biden?