Daily morale boost thread for frens. 🐸
Post your best keks, memes, positive news stories for people to read in the comments below. 👇 👇👇
(News Update later. Editing thread should be done very soon thanks for the patience everyone)
Wholesome Sunday Thread.
Consider Writing a Bible verse, prayer or encouraging word on your heart in chat.
Morning News Update
Another celebrity comes out in support of Trump. Says she's isn't brainwashed anymore. Nice to see
They are losing it
Hmm. Trump calling for mistrial
Trump is an amazing fighter, I agree
Huge crowds for Trump
Elon wants to see fauci tried for crimes against humanity, just as the anons do
Never tested
Two tiered system
Dan did this
Trump rally today
Almost done with my thread! Maybe I can post it today!!
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What's everyone up to on this fine Friday evening
Читать полностью…Daily morale boost thread for frens. 🐸
Post your best keks, memes, positive news stories for people to read in the comments below. 👇 👇👇
Morning News Update
Glorious panic
Bannon reporting to prison July 1st. They don't want him reporting on the election obviously
Biden craps pants
80 years since D Day
We all do
Suicidal ideation
Some good dudes
50 cent likes Trump now
I want them to be arrested
News in Crackhead world
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When did you first realize that God was real and that this was a spiritual war?
Читать полностью…Whoa. The President of El Salvador just told Tucker that MS 13 participates in Satanic child sacrifice rituals after he saved the country from the gang takeover that infected the nation.
But the mainstream media told me that this was supposed to be a conspiracy theory?
This is a battle between good vs evil.
If you're not awake yet, then its time to start realizing that we are in a spiritual war.
"They are Satanic....
They started killing more people..but as the organization grew, they became Satanic. They started doing Satanic rituals...When you interview gang members in prison...when you ask them why they aren't in the gang anymore....
The guy asked how many people have you killed? He didn't remember how many. They asked him what is your position? He explained how he went up in position but he left the gang. He explains I was used to kill people. I killed for territory, extortion...but i came to this house, they were about to kill a baby. He said why are we going to kill that baby?
They told him because "the beast" asked for a baby so we have to give him a baby.
He left the gang so he couldn't tolerate what he was seeing...
So human sacrifice was a part....
There's a spiritual war and there's a physical war. If you win the spiritual war, it will reflect into the physical war. Our impressive victory was because we won the spiritual war...
You said I have a three point plan..And you said the first part of my plan is to seek God's wisdom."
Tucker truly is helping open the Overton window in a major way.
God bless the President of El Salvador for making his country so great and protecting the children.
Daily morale boost thread for frens. 🐸
Post your best keks, memes, positive news stories for people to read in the comments below. 👇 👇👇
Does anyone actually care about the Hunter Biden gun trial?
Читать полностью…Daily morale boost thread for frens. 🐸
Post your best keks, memes, positive news stories for people to read in the comments below. 👇 👇👇
(News Update later frens)
Morning Patriots. What's habbening.
(Hurt my back pretty bad could use some prayers thanks frens)
Trump is live. Who's watching.
(Watch party)
Daily morale boost thread for frens. 🐸
Post your best keks, memes, positive news stories for people to read in the comments below. 👇 👇👇
Daily morale boost thread for frens. 🐸
Post your best keks, memes, positive news stories for people to read in the comments below. 👇 👇👇
(Happy Saturday frens. News Update later)
Do we think Biden will be replaced before the 24 election?
Morning News Update
Trump speech too big to rig
Trump is the choice
Full Trump dr phill interview
Brics could have an interesting effect
Justice is the way to heal
I would not fly Boeing if you want to live lol
Get the men out of women's sports and women's competitions immediately
Criminal Katie
What could possibly go wrong?
Pray for peace
New Tucker Episode
They are beautiful creatures
Hopefully I can post my nephilim thread soon been trying to compile everything frens
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Daily morale boost thread for frens. 🐸
Post your best keks, memes, positive news stories for people to read in the comments below. 👇 👇👇
An example of MS-13 members getting caught performing a Satanic ritual just six years ago:
"She was kidnapped, drugged and sexually assaulted by members of the MS-13 gang. She was moved from one apartment into another, forced into consuming drugs and alcohol. She was held down as they tattooed an image of the grim reaper on her body from her knee down to her foot. Another girl found was dead. The witness told investigators there was a Satanic statue in the apartment and the gang members they wanted to offer the beast a soul. Police say they killed the girl executions style."
Trump in 2022. He knew.
"Two other illegal alien MS-13 gang members were convicted for ra*ing and murdering a 15 year old girl in a satanic ritual."
TRUMP ON HILLARY: “Wouldn't it be terrible to throw the President's wife and the former Secretary of State into jail? Wouldn't that be a terrible thing? But they wanna do it! It's a terrible, terrible, path that they're leading us to & it's very possible that it's going to have to happen to them.”
Morning News Update
Keep them away from the cows
They've ruined star wars
How did Israel have so many intelligence failures?
Hunter just admitted laptop is real so the conspiracy theorists are right again
They've had enough
What could possibly go wrong after all their whistleblowers keep killing themselves?
X wants to know how Jack Smith got Trump's social media Twitter files
Trump tik tok thriving
Hillary Clinton would be proud
Majority growing in precipice
Unvaccinated W
Trump rally on Sunday
Kek as well
Still working on thread today hopefully everyone enjoys it when I finish
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Tucker says that the push for nuclear war, the transhumanism movement, and transgenderism is a suicidal anti human impulse being pushed by outside spiritual forces.
"The core impulse here is suicide. That's what all of this is. I think it's spiritual. The word demonic is being used everywhere because it's real. If you see a human movement that's anti human, the push towards nuclear war is for it's own sake is by definition anti human I would say. A.I. is anti human by definition. Transgenderism is anti human by definition. Transhumanism is anti human. Do people act against their own long term interests? Probably not. So it's probably not human. Any human that
Do dogs act against their own collective interests? Do Caribou? None of them do. No animal does that. Because it's not natural. Animals are part of nature they do natural things. Because People are subject to the supernatural so they do things that are not natural, like kill themselves. That's why we are the only species that kills itself. When you kill yourself whether slowly or all at once, you are being acted on by forces that are outside of you. Spiritual forces."
Tucker questions the building seven 9/11 collapse again. He just brought up the Building Seven BBC media report where they reported that it fell 26 minutes before it actually happened while standing directly in front of the standing building but the government's official stance is to tell us to shut up and not ask questions. He says that most structural engineers will tell you this was an impossible event but the government has gotten so corrupt that the groundwork for a revolution is there, not that he wants it to happen. Free people have the inalienable right to ask whatever questions they want but they refuse to declassify JFK and 9/11 documents because they are lying and it's obvious.
"Why in the world would any 9/11 document be classified? The truth is that secrecy abets dishonesty.
The only reason to keep misdeeds hidden....
People sense there is a lot of lying about it. They are right to be very suspicious of 9/11. We can prove that because there is are many thousands of documents still classified that is proof that there is something amiss. That is true of the Kennedy assassination. It's true of everything that remains hidden from us. If this is a constitutional republic, if the people rule, what possible justification could you have of hiding something from me? Because it's my government. The answer is because it's not your government. It belongs to the people who run it. The organization exists for it's own sake not for yours. You just pay for it. That kind of justifies revolution right there. I'm not rooting for it. A lot of people die, and they rarely improve anything. However, as an academic matter, you have the groundwork for one because the system is based on a lie.And the lie is that the government serves the people. And that, of course, is not true. It oppresses the people and uses them as cannon fodder and has bank accounts for its own sake. And that's not a system that continues very long because it's fundamentally rotten.
I've heard you talk several times on building seven....
So that building got reported as being down 26 minutes before it actually fell.
Totally normal. Shut up, conspiracy theorist!
There's a woman on TV talking on BBC talking about how the building is already collapsed and it's right behind her. 26 minutes the building collapsed. What do you think?
Well, first of all, how dare you for noticing. It's really your fault for noticing that. That's the official position of Washington: Shut up.
A lot of structural engineers say it seems impossible. It seems impossible to me too.
As is the case with NATO and Trump. If your answer to a sincere question is shut up, is to attack me for asking the question... then I know you're rotten. I know you're serving evil. You're asking me for asking an obvious question. Really? I'm not a slave. I don't work for you. I'm a free man in a supposedly free country therefore I have inalienable to ask obvious question or any question I want.
That just tells me that they're bad. They've shown me they are bad. I have a bitterness and intensity." Twitter
Wow. Tucker just said that insiders insinuated to him that in many cases the "aliens" are more than likely Nephilim alluded to in Genesis 6 and every ancient religion. Genesis 6 refers to a spiritual union between angels and humankind that created giants. Every ancient religion has referred to these creatures, including Native American culture and the oldest Mesopotamian civilization. He says that the US government clearly possesses technology that is not publicly known about. He thinks that the government has been attempting to convince the populace that the supernatural is not real for the last eighty years because they are likely in bed with dark spiritual forces.
What timing! I'm literally writing a thread on this topic right now and have been studying this in-depth!
"All creation myths and one of them is that the belief that supernatural beings take physical form. They all believe that. The Greek Myths, Jesus. They aren't just shadows floating around. They are physical. They reproduce with people. Christianity, Jesus. That's what the story is. It's described in Genesis as well, in Genesis 6. It's not just the religion of the ancient Hebrews or the religion of the modern Christians. It's Hinduism as well...The American Indians. All the same. If every culture in the world is reaching the same conclusions about something. Maybe there is something there. Maybe it's not so crazy to think that what everyone else has always thought since the beginning of time which that there is this combination of human beings and the spiritual realm. I don't understand the specifics of it but I know that it has been written about since people have been writing...
I think that's what we are looking at. It sounds out of the realm. It's not a crazy thing to think. I can't prove it..
What was it that led you to believe that?
Talking to a lot of people.. I was really shocked by what credible people told me. I became completely satisfied that they were not lying...
The belief that the real struggles are in the spiritual realm. That has been a constant belief since the beginning of history. Everyone has thought that except us in the West since 1945. I can't say that enough. Once you get perspective on this question. You are like, ok that may sound crazy to someone who thinks buying sh** on Amazon is the meaning of life...The fact that there is a lot of shit going on that we cannot see or measure with our senses. That is absolutely true..
The main thing they want you to believe is that the supernatural is not real. Then you have to ask yourself why? Why is that important to you? Why do you care if I think the supernatural is real? How dare you as my government try to get involved in my spiritual beliefs. Why has that been so important for 80 years? To convince me the supernatural is not real? My gut response is because it is real... They lie for a living. Reverse engineer their lies. Whatever they are telling is not true is the truth.
What is the motive? The obvious answer is they are working for supernatural forces. I think that's probably true.
I can't prove that. I'm suggestion that. I believe it. I believe that because I was told directly by people...
The other reason I think that... When I hear lying..What's so important to them to get all these journalists to repeat these lies? Why? Why are they doing that? Why bother?
Stories debunking claims about UAP's and UFO's. They are conspiracy theorists. Why would you attack someone for that?" Rumble Twitter