Morning News Update
Fire alarm guy just Lost his election. What a shame
Pretty dumb Supreme Court ruling today in regards to free speech
Classic cia
Wouldn't be surprised if Biden gets replaced
Biden on drugs
Whoa thats quite an animal
Become unpsyoppable
A classic that was hand drawn with love
Stella assange and lawyers speak
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Name something you'd rather do than read Hilary Clinton's new upcoming book.
Wrong answers encouraged.
Morning News Update
Biden is on drugs not Trump. My god the media is stupid
Imagine how terrible this book will be
Interesting timing
They are so classy
Anons know
Cnn humiliation ritual
No one should have handlers at all in DC regardless of country. This shouldn't be controversial.
But I was told the elections were safe ?
They were mossad
Jones bankruptcy
Trump optics are immaculate
New Tucker
Been enjoying art and paintings more lately
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Lady Gaga wants everyone to make the moral choice and vote for Joe Biden. What she won't tell you is the Satanic rituals she performs openly in front of everyone.
Have you actually seen her "spiritual exercises" she practiced with Marina Abromovic? Watch this video and tell me you aren't disturbed down to the core.
These people are wolves in sheep's clothing and they aren't even hiding it.
Why is it that all the pedophile sympathizers, the spirit cooking ritualistic pedowood celebrities are all in support of Biden?
UPDATE: Julian Assange was just released from prison and has left the UK. "Julian Assange is free. He left Belmarsh maximum security prison on the morning of 24 June, after having spent 1901 days there."
Daily morale boost thread for frens. 🐸
Post your best keks, memes, positive news stories for people to read in the comments below. 👇 👇👇
(Clipping stuff for frens today)
Daily morale boost thread for frens. 🐸
Post your best keks, memes, positive news stories for people to read in the comments below. 👇 👇👇
(News Update later. Happy Sunday frens)
Trump is live. Who's watching.
Daily morale boost thread for frens. 🐸
Post your best keks, memes, positive news stories for people to read in the comments below. 👇 👇👇
Candace Owens:
Larry Silverstein took out an insurance policy that covered acts of terrorism just six weeks before the attack and inexplicably broke his routine of having breakfast in the World Trade Center on that specific morning of all times. What an amazing coincidence! In interviews, Larry told the media that they "pulled" building seven. How did they have time to set up the explosives to do such a thing? None of this makes any damn sense.
"Larry was quite lucky. He obtained the lease for the Twin Towers just six weeks prior to 9/11. He also took out an insurance policy which fortunately included coverage for acts of terrorism. When it came time to collect, when the towers went down, Silverstein claimed two incidents of terror, which allowed him to seek double indemnity. He collected 4.5 billion dollars from insurance on the towers that he had invested in just six weeks prior to the 9/11 attacks. I was so shocked looking at that that I wanted to debunk that...Larry was more lucky than that...Unbelievably. Every morning he used to have breakfast meetings at the World Trade Center but at the morning of 9/11, by the way this is according to Larry in his own interview, he just broke his own routine. He fortunately, on the morning of 9/11 had a dermatologist appointment, and that spared his life."
Do you think Larry had prior knowledge of an incoming false flag attack? Because I do.
Daily morale boost thread for frens. 🐸
Post your best keks, memes, positive news stories for people to read in the comments below. 👇 👇👇
Morning Patriots. What's habbening.
That Assange happening was a great energy booster for our movement, I'd say!
Robert Kennedy JR speaking truth on MK Ultra, JFK's assassination, and Manchurian Candidates:
Release the truth to the world. The people need to understand the evil that our CIA has participated in.
"The CIA is allowed to propagandize around the world and it's the biggest funder of journalism today. It owns some of the biggest newspapers and magazines. In 1973 there were congressional hearings that came out of the House Select Assassinations Committee when all the CIA's secrets were revealed. They were called the family jewels... Americans learned for the first time about Operation Mockingbird, MK Ultra....It stands for mind control. The CIA had these programs in 220 universities around our country, Latin America, and Canada experimenting with ways to control he human mind. LSD came out of that program. They were using psychoactive drugs, they were using torture, they were using sensory deprivation... They were figuring out how to develop Manchurian candidates on willing assassins through hypnosis and these other techniques... How do you control whole societies through the destruction of institutions, the provocation of lies...We had a very sophisticated program that violated a lot of American values. There's a lot of things that came out of it. It's hard to tell because a lot of it was top secret. It's a really surprisingly well-documented history... The term conspiracy theorist, there was a memo that went out to all of those journalists who were associated with the CIA in 1964 where they said that anyone who questions the Kennedy assassination, the Warren Report, the commission was essentially told you've got to say this was a single gunmen. Do not let people talk about a conspiracy theory. The real head of the commission was Allen Dulles who had been the head of the CIA who my Uncle had fired. When my uncle died, he told a journalist he thought 'he was a god I'm glad the little shit is dead.' We now know that the CIA was directly involved in my Uncle's assassination in a 60-year cover-up. They are still not releasing the last assassination documents."
Notice how the President of El Salvador highlighted how the MS-13 gang is a Satanic child-sacrificing cult just weeks before Julian Assange gets set free.
MS-13 likely performed the hit job on Seth Rich acting as the hand of the deep state for the Democrat party. In other words, does it not seem like things are coalescing here into a perfect truth storm?
A lot of people should be panicking right about now.
Assange knows where many bodies are buried and he was persecuted for years because of it.
Things could be getting very spicy here soon.
Protect Julian Assange at all costs!
Is it a coincidence that he got the people talking about MS-13 right before Assange was set loose?
It's absolutely fantastic to see Julian Assange free from prison. After exposing pizzagate, American war crimes, and the deep state murder of Seth Rich, I'm ecstatic to see a journalist of his caliber whole and well. He looks remarkably healthy considering all that he's been through.
Imagine what stories he could tell the world in the future.
Protect this man at all costs!!!
Cuomo triples down and refuses to apologize for enforcing misinformation during the Covid shamdemic and says that people wanted to take the vaccine with Trump but not with Biden. This is where he is so wrong. People like us, the so called conspiracy theorists, think for ourselves and were speaking out instantaneously during pandemic.
We have gotten so used to smelling BS that no one can convince us otherwise when we see it for what it is. It doesn't matter who was saying to take the poison, we have ascended past mainstream shills like Cuomo who STILL won't apologize.
What is wrong with this guy?
Yikes. John Podesta was just told by an interviewer that he is known as one of the better "chefs" in DC after Julian Assange's leaked private emails showed that Podesta was attending Satanic spirit cooking dinners with Ukraine's ambassador to children, Marina Abramovic. It's important to remember that Biden has these spirit cookers in his administration. It speaks volumes.
Podesta's brother, who attended with his brother, displayed statues of serial killings in his home so I'm sure it's nothing.
Podesta thinks cooking is an important part of diplomacy. I'm sure he does.
Side note:
WTF is wrong with this guy's teeth?
Podesta Email:
Whatever you are enduring today, your future self will thank you for holding the line and refusing to give up your faith to the pressures you feel surrounding you.
Don't let the enemy steal the joy you can experience even while you cling to your cross.
Think of the future victory that can be ascertained by simply standing on your convictions.
The enemy wants you to feel right now that you need to be doing something else or backing down from a word God gave you to hold on to.
Reject the lies.
Refuse the fatigue.
Know that God will lift you up and give you strength.
He is stretching all of us and giving us enough to move forward.
Once we are done with these seasons, we will look back and see just how much stronger we all got.
Don't look back and have regrets that you gave an inch to the enemy in your mind.
Stand firm. One day at a time.
Let your faith become a fortress in these times.
God is still on the throne, and you are his warrior.
More information is allegedly coming out about Saudi Arabia's connection to 9/11. Did you know that the first country Trump visited on his world tour after defeating Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election was Saudi Arabia? Bin Salman had rounded up criminals and arrested them en masse just months before in an unprecedented clean-up of their country.
May 20th, 2017: Trump visits Saudi Arabia.
October 1, 2017: the Vegas shooting occurs.
The top floors of the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas were owned by the opposing Saudi faction.
This is not a coincidence.
November 2017: Bin Salman arrests over 200 people, including 17 Saudi princes as Trump tweets his support.
When Trump was attending a Saudi-backed golf tournament, he told the world "We still haven't gotten to the bottom of 9/11."
That's because he knows and a lot more went on behind the scenes than people realize.
Trump has reposted this video on Truth Social of his original world tour multiple times, which highlights Saudi Arabia "submitting."
We've been living through a hidden World War and it takes a keen eye to see what has really been going on. Anons know.
Take heart. Good things have happened and will happen along the way despite the growing pains and battles we have endured.
Rocky017/posts/112210571713134592" rel="nofollow">
Wholesome Sunday Thread.
Consider Writing a Bible verse, prayer or encouraging word on your heart in chat.
Morning News Update
Serial killer cuomo says it was a mistake to prosecute Trump
John podesta teams up with Arnold. Must be 2 pedophiles.
Vigano won't attend schism trial. Love vigano we must protect him
The trick is to stay calm through the noise
I mean he's not wrong
Biden out vacationing
Timberlake and the moloch worshipper Travis Scott arrested
Brilliant please bring up the border
Quality work
(Trump rally today)
I've got more research I've been doing. Hopefully I can post it soon. Stand by frens!!!
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