Daily morale boost thread for frens. 🐸
Post your best keks, memes, positive news stories for people to read in the comments below. 👇 👇👇
Morning News Update
Hidden censorship
Squad member down
UK being corrupt af.
Um wtf?
Bring back Biden. At least he was funny. Kamala is physically hurting me.
Financial systems
Should be dasting
Basement kamala
Trump interview
Happy Birthday to Brenda @PfcPeanut an amazing admin for the channel
Latest thoughts
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Sum up today's Democrat party in one word:
Читать полностью…What year is it? The weirdos attending the Kamala rally are wearing face masks.
Why am I subjected myself to torture by watching this rally right now?
I'm starting to long for Putin to nuke us. That's what watching Kamala Harris does to me.
(This is a joke for the frens lol)
Can the world even handle this level of cringe at this point. I'm starting to physically hurt watching clips of Kamala.
What do I even do with this. Do I write a caption for this. My brain is malfunctioning just looking at this.
Tucker wonders how Thomas Crook was such a good shot given the fact that he had no formal training with firearms whatsoever.
So if you're lying on the roof of a building and all of a sudden a cop comes up, an armed police officer comes up and you somehow force him back, your adrenaline is pumping like never before in your life and then you turn and reset the shot out a hundred and forty yards with iron sights and you hit the man in the ear. That's pretty good. That's ridiculous.
"The assassination attempt on Trump, twenty-year-old kid. No training formal training at all with firearms. He's on the roof with a two two three. And a cop comes up behind him. They have some kind of altercation the cop backs off. The kid turns with iron sights and makes a hundred-and-forty-yard shot and grazes Trump's ear. How would you assess that? Oh, that's a long shot with an open sight. That's what I'm saying... So if you're lying on the roof of a building and all of a sudden a cop comes up an armed police officer comes up and you somehow force him back, your adrenaline is pumping like never before in your life and then you turn and reset the shot out a hundred and forty yards with iron sights and you hit the man in the ear. That's pretty good. That's ridiculous. Right. If that guy had a scope Trump would be dead right now. If the scope was sighted in it was sighted in but also hundred thirty yards is you know they got the all these guys will come on TV... Oh, that's an easy shot ...Oh it is? That's a boot camp shot... Really... okay but the kid never was in boot camp so.."
Tim Walz signed an executive order protecting the "rights of trans children" to receive gender-affirming care. He called protecting children's rights to permanently damage their genitals "empathy."
"You do not need your elected officials to give sermons, but you darn sure should expect them try and live one. And in Minnesota, we're gonna try and live that decency that kindness that inclusion. So as pens were raised in sign and brought fear…and hatred…and nothing positive. We're gonna put pen to paper today that say, this state will protect you."
"The order will direct state agencies to ensure people seeking gender-affirming care in Minnesota will not face legal repercussions. That includes out-of-state people seeking care — state agencies will not be allowed to cooperate with other states where gender-affirming care is criminalized.
The order also directs state agencies to refuse approval of health plans that do not cover gender-affirming care and to investigate any complaints about denial of gender-affirming care."
The chances of a Kamala Harris/Tim Walz ticket winning in a fair election is essentially zero percent.
The only question is, how much do they plan to cheat and can we stop it?
So the dems picked a literal commie to be the Vice President of the least liked Vice President in the history of this country?
So the Democrats pick the guy whose one claim to find was presiding over and stoking the mostly peaceful riots in Minnesota to be Kamala Harris' VP?
I'm going to be honest, I barely remembered who Tim Walz was and I've watched politics intensely for for years.
Am I the only who barely even knew who this guy was?
How long have you been serving in the great 5g warfare meme wars?
Do you get fatigued?
What do you do to keep yourself anchored in peace?
Raising the Standard of Faith:
I just got fired up and went on a faith rant. We are almost there, anons! We need to raise our level of faith for these next few months! Do not let the enemy get you down or cause your faith to waver after coming this far!
Since 2020, Trump's list of allies has grown on a near daily basis.
He has now gained famous young streamers who garner millions of viewers, Democrat tech overlords, Elon Musk, and the majority of the population who is not retarded or pedophiles.
The economy is threatening to collapse and World War 3 looms with Trump's optics astronomically higher than anyone could have imagined after he was nearly killed for his country.
All we need to do now is finish this journey, push through the insane roller coaster we've been subjected to, and come out the other end with victory.
Because the world needed a great awakening to spark support for Trump against the globalists like never before.
And that's exactly where we are.
God has a plan.
Daily morale boost thread for frens. 🐸
Post your best keks, memes, positive news stories for people to read in the comments below. 👇 👇👇
Morning News Update
Trump to speak later today
Looks like we are in for a wild ending
Anthony weiner says Trump getting back is life or death. He would say this.
Libs now getting confused about their immigration policies
Stolen valor from Kamalas vp pick. All this is mute because Trump is going to win in a fair election huge. We need to increase our majority but also a focus on stopping the cheating must be implemented
Japan earthquake
The retarded ss woman is guarding Vance.
Biden "wants back in"
UK run by authoritarian tyrants
Fetterman malfunctioning for Trump
It's weird to drink horse semen.
I don't have the words
Latest thoughts
Sorry I've been trying to recover so i havent gotten as much done lately. I got sick for a week it's super annoying but almost better.
Working on another thread as well.
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Daily morale boost thread for frens. 🐸
Post your best keks, memes, positive news stories for people to read in the comments below. 👇 👇👇
The 2024 Democrat platform:
Vote for us so you can sacrifice your babies to Moloch more efficiently, have open borders for human trafficking, so your child can freely mutilate their genitals, and so you can have woke gender diversity in your nuclear Apocalypse.
But at least there's no orange man!
Would you rather be subjected to the torture room on Guantanamo Bay for a week or have to watch every single minute of Kamala Harris' campaign?
Читать полностью…Daily morale boost thread for frens. 🐸
Post your best keks, memes, positive news stories for people to read in the comments below. 👇 👇👇
(Will keep digging on this Tim commie for a bit. Happy Tuesday frens)
Tim Walz in 2020: The Covid virus is racist.
I'm not making this up. 🤣🤣🤣
"No one thinks that this is easy, and no one thinks that this is fair in how it's hitting. This virus is not fair. This virus disproportionately hits people of color. Our black communities are twice as likely to get sick and be in the hospital."
Tim Walz set up a communist snitch hotline designed to intimidate the masses into wearing ineffective masks for a disease with an over 99% survival rate and a cure.
Tim Walz during the mostly peaceful "riots" of the 2020 election season.
We saw beautiful interactions and peaceful protests.
"For the peace and the generosity the kindness and the love that's been showing on our streets of uh of Minneapolis Saint Paul and across Minnesota over the last several days. And last evening was another example of that we uh, we saw peaceful protests across the city. We saw memorials continue to grow for George Floyd. Down on thirty eighth in Chicago. We saw beautiful interactions on the state capital. Where out of respect the National Guard troops there pulled the protesters. Ot of respect tey would go back away to the building and just take care of those vehicles that were out front which of course they did…Um uh not protesters…at that point. Uh certainly uh, neighbors and friends and agents of change." Retweet
Social media operates off of fear in many ways. Politics uses fear as a weapon against the opposing side. For those seasoned in the great meme wars of 2016-2024, you know this all too well.
Peace and tranquility are not monikers you’d give to political gamesmanship or 5G narrative warfare. It’s quite the opposite actually. Waking up the populace is more akin to guerilla warfare.
It’s ugly.
It’s fought tooth and nail in the shadows.
There is a time and place for all of this. But might I suggest employing a much-needed spiritual component into it all? Clickbait and fear rule social media. Sometimes this stuff is amusing to look at. When Nancy Pelosi says Biden should be on Mount Rushmore. It’s a good time with friends to all point and laugh at how drunk she is.
It’s like a good candy to share. But this should likely not be our main source of food. Candy eaten incessantly as a main dish will make us unhealthy and sick.
The enemy knows no peace. This is their weak point.
This is what hurts them the most.
The fact that we have made it this far despite all situations that could have caused our faith to waver is outstanding. We lifted each other when things got as rough as they did. When morale needed boosting, we found a way. And think about how close this next election is at this point. We are staring down the barrel of a potentially combustible situation in nearly every facet of this country but guess what? I personally have zero fear.
I know that mystery Babylon is falling.
I know that God is guiding us through this peril. This needs to be our anchor.
We need to be elevating our faith. We don't have time to wallow in self-pity or always focus on the pathetic schemes of the enemy. We need to meet this flood of resistance and tower above it like never before with a vision coming from God. The enemy is attempting to scare us when we all know that chaos is always part of the plan. Chaos ensues when Babylon falls. The very system itself quakes before God because it knows its time is short. This is nothing to be afraid of. We should not be cowering in our homes, living in fear, and packing our bags to be raptured away.
We should get a vision from God for our specific callings, each and every one of us, and begin to walk it out like never before. Fly above the storm like eagles.
Don't let the fear porn drive you down. Meet the enemy and rise far above him where he cannot reach you.
Heaven is peace. They know nothing of this. Peace is your Trump card. Vision from God is your map, your atlas.
So when all the world around us is proclaiming fear, we observe and assess the situation. But then we also should be the calm during that storm. And implement God’s visions in our own life and within the world. In our conversations, we should be talking about that vision and lifting each other up during the next few months. We are so close now to another major shift.
The flood of the enemy rises so we must raise our faith to that standard and beyond.
If you haven’t become more spiritual, closer to God, and hungry to see revival in this world after witnessing the COVID pandemic, the stolen election, Satanists and pedophiles embedded within our government, globalists scheming to create a new world order, the instability of our financial system, the looming threat of war, and the reality of evil in this world being exposed at unprecedented levels then you are truly blind.
God is shaking people awake.
Seismic happenings are occurring and He's on a mission.
Get on board, if you aren't already.
We're on the winning team.
Nothing can stop it.
What do you think God's plans are for the world in the next five years?
Читать полностью…🚨Rep Jamie Raskin says Congress will stop Donald Trump on J6 using the 14th Amendment and create “civil
war conditions”
These uniparty snakes are the greatest threat to our country that’s ever existed
And they won’t give up power without a fight
- DC Draino
Morning News Update
Stock Market Scare. Trump looks great in hindsight.
Keep crying slopanopolos
Pure blood winning let's go
Kamalas husband cheated on his wife with his nanny apparently. Super classy.
Alleged possible Kamala vp pick confusing libs
Chaos in the UK
Central bank may step in
Imagine if our elections were free from fraud and cheating. Trump would have "won 2020"in a landslide.
Trump exposed how corrupt our system is. It means a lot.
Oh no, poor Jeff
Beautiful nature
Will hopefully get some clips put out later today for everyone. Writing a little something as well.
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