Synthetic mRNA Suppresses Immune System, Possibly Leads to Cancer, Blood Clots, Fertility Issues, Spontaneous Abortions: Dr. Malone
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Karma is a ...
Yair Netanyahu, the son of Benjamin Netanyahu, the ex-prime minister or Israel who volunteered the citizens of Israel without their consent to become a lab rats for Prizer's COVID19 experimental gene therapy, seems to have a problem because of the vaccines...
"I am in favor of corona vaccines and think they are life savers and call on anyone who has not had enough, to go get vaccinated. I myself have been vaccinated 3 times. There is but a strange phenomenon since I did the first vaccine that I can not decipher and I wanted to know if anyone else is experiencing it. Since the vaccine my skin has really changed and matured. Before the vaccine I could be in the sun for hours without sunscreen, and since the vaccine I have been burned and turned red after 5 minutes in the sun. Also my facial skin is getting oily all the time. Has anyone else experienced strange side effects on the skin following the vaccine?"
link to the post:
When is mRNA not really mRNA?
What is pseudouridine, why is it being injected into you, and why should you care.
"If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the mighty one." "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds”.
J. Robert Oppenheimer, Scientific director of the Manhattan Project (quoting from the Bhagavad Gita)
Last January, Stew Peters decided to roll out the thesis that I have personal responsibility for the morbidity and mortality associated with the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines consequent to my pioneering work in developing the ideas and reduction to practice of using synthetic mRNA as a transient “gene therapy” method, with the entry level application being for vaccine purposes. This has been echoed by many angry social media detractors seeking to find someone to blame for the lies and adverse events that have been associated with these mRNA vaccines. Mindful of those critics, this Substack essay focuses on some of the differences between what was originally envisioned and the current molecules that are being injected into our bodies. The first section of the essay sets the stage by summarizing (for a general readership) how the whole idea of gene therapy was developed, and then describing how and why this lead to the idea of mRNA as a drug and as a method of generating a vaccine response. The second section gets quite technical, and provides detailed information intended for a scientific audience. The conclusion is written for a general audience.
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Dr. Robert Malone: CDC Got Caught Hiding Data, Vaccination Might Increase Risk of Omicron Infection
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NEW - Large German health insurance company analyzed data from 10.9 million insured individuals regarding vaccination complications.
"According to our calculations, we consider 400,000 visits to the doctor by our policyholders because of vaccination complications to be realistic to this day. Extrapolated to the total population, this value would be three million," says BKK board member Andreas Schöfbeck in a report by WELT.
"The numbers that resulted from our analysis are very far away from the publicly announced numbers. It would be unethical not to talk about it."
The new data is an "alarming signal," adds Schöfbeck.
Dr Roger Hodkinson individual physicians and medical institutions as co-conspirators to MURDER
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Medical Murder: How "Covid Protocols" are Being Used for Eugenics
Scott Schara is sharing the heartbreaking details of how hospital staff mistreated his daughter with Downs Syndrome and ultimately left her to die while he cried out for them to step in. You won't believe all of the rules, regulations, and laws the hospital broke with seemingly impunity because of CARES ACT dictates that give the doctors immunity from liability. Don't miss his warning to others so that no family has to go through what his has.
TODAY at 08:15 PM
Robert Cibis & Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg talk about the current events in society and discuss possible solutions in today's world.
Stay tuned!
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With more and more reports of adverse reactions caused by the COVID-19 vaccines, the medical community is becoming increasingly aware of vaccine-induced autoimmune diseases.
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readers of this repeatedly ask what I mean by “random” insertion of pseudouridine in place of uridine. the “mRNA” is made using an enzyme (T7 RNA polymerase) a mixture of single nucleotides (A, U, G, C and the pseudouridine nucleotide) as well as a DNA template . this happens by base pairing between the DNA template and the appropriate nucleotide. when the T7 gets to an “A” on the DNA template, it can either insert a “U” or a “pseudo-U” the frequency of which will largely depend on the relative concentrations of these two. a bit of an oversimplification, but that is what I mean. hope that made sense.
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In a speech in the German Bundestag, the 23-year-old Member of Parliament Emilia Fester (she/her) from the party "Die Grünen" (The Greens), accuses the unvaccinated and the conservative party "AfD," which is critical of the measures, of still not having got back her fundamental rights.
"And all that I miss so much, that may seem ridiculous to you, but you know what is really ridiculous? If you and your 'friends of freedom' had simply had yourselves vaccinated when most of us had the good sense to take that simple step, THEN I WOULD BE FREE AGAIN NOW."
This perpetrator-victim reversal is the result of two years of PsyOp. This young lady will hopefully one day be ashamed of her statements. I will at least remind her regularly.
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Hypothesis- Based on my knowledge of the tech, Klaus Schwab (WEF), Larry Fink (Blackrock) are overselling gene delivery/gene therapy tech. I suspect intentional equity market shaping and manipulation is a big part of the agenda. I propose that all of this open WEF messaging is not aimed at the likes of you and I, it is aimed at investors. This increasingly looks to me like a big con.
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How the CDC Abandoned Science. Tablet Magazine, by Vinay Prasad. February 14, 2022
This article is an important read. It has real life examples that show just how biased and politicized the CDC has become. Unfortunately, this is also indicative of how the entire Health and Human Services enterprise has been compromised. Although the top level analysis is quoted below, please go read the article - it is mind blowing.
Throughout this pandemic, the CDC has been a poor steward of that balance, pushing a series of scientific results that are severely deficient. This research is plagued with classic errors and biases, and does not support the press-released conclusions that often follow. In all cases, the papers are uniquely timed to further political goals and objectives; as such, these papers appear more as propaganda than as science. The CDC’s use of this technique has severely damaged their reputation and helped lead to a growing divide in trust in science by political party. Science now risks entering a death spiral in which it will increasingly fragment into subsidiary verticals of political parties. As a society, we cannot afford to allow this to occur. Impartial, honest appraisal is needed now more than ever, but it is unclear how we can achieve it…
So why does the supposedly impartial CDC push weak or flawed studies to support the administration’s pandemic policy goals? The cynical answer is that the agency is not in fact impartial (and thus not sufficiently scientific), but captured by the country’s national political system. That answer has become harder to avoid. This is a precarious situation, as it undermines trust in federal agencies and naturally leads to a trust vacuum, in which Americans feel forced to cast about in a confused search for alternative sources of information.
Once that trust is broken, it’s not easily regained. One way out would be to reduce the CDC’s role in deciding policy, even during a pandemic. Expecting the executive agency tasked with conducting the science itself to also help formulate national policy—which must balance both scientific and political concerns and preferences—has proven a failure, because the temptation to produce flawed or misleading analysis is simply too great. In order to firewall policymaking from science, perhaps scientific agency directors shouldn’t be political appointees at all.
Ultimately, science is not a political sport. It is a method to ascertain truth in a chaotic, uncertain universe. Science itself is transcendent, and will outlast our current challenges no matter what we choose to believe. But the more it becomes subordinate to politics—the more it becomes a slogan rather than a method of discovery and understanding—the more impoverished we all become. The next decade will be critical as we face an increasingly existential question: Is science autonomous and sacred, or a branch of politics? I hope we choose wisely, but I fear the die is already cast.
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Is the spike protein mRNA in Moderna & Pfizer vaccines identical to SARS-CoV-2 mRNA?
Kevin McKernan talks to Nick Jikomes about the differences between the mRNA found in the Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines compared to the mRNA found in the SARS-CoV-2. This particular mRNA sequence encodes the virus spike protein.
JUST IN - European Medicines Agency (EMA) investigates reports of "heavy menstrual bleeding and absence of menstruation" after mRNA Covid shots from Pfizer and Moderna.