Есть пaссивное напpавление, признанное лучшим в странах БРИКС, не требующее специальных навыков. Свободный грaфик и дает от 950 дoлларов в неделю. Пишите плюс с в личные сообщения и я ознакомлю
Читать полностью…Всем добрый день
Я врач -косметолог - 💫
Предоставляю услуги :
📌атравматическая чистка лица( ультразвуковая чистка лица на косметике MAD(США)
📌инъекционная трихология (препарат HAIR X MESOPHARM)
📌лифтинговая мезотерапия( clear lynx) от
📌биоревитализация ( препарат nukleoSpire DNA-RNA2%) FILORGA
📌всесезонные пилинги ( пилинг biorepeelcl3 ИТАЛИЯ ) PRX
📌липолитики (light fit )
снятие абстиненции
для записи писать в Директ
КОЛОРИСТ ПАРИКМАХЕР НАТАЛИ , с непрерывным стажем +25 лет в собственных студиях
🌱Мастер - Профессионал.
🐲Без социальной «маски»
🌺Качество и правда .
🍀Спокойствие и результат .
🛵Только на выезд !
• Авторские окрашивания
• Рельефное окрашивание
• Меллирования
• Air touch
• Balayage
• Blond
• Shatush
• Изменение цвета
• Выход из чёрного
• Коррекции техник
• Исправления неудачных окрашиваний .
✅ Что бы записаться ко мне , у вас должен быть :
1. Открытый профиль в соц. сети , с реальным фото вашей Персоны.
2 . Прислать фото волос на Данный момент Описать Историю и состояние Подробно .
3. Желаемый результат фото с
Подробностями ( здесь посветлее ., холоднее , и т.д )
4. Копии своих и чужих работ не повторяю !
Мой 👇 instagram
Всем Благ 💙
Join a new earning platform! Get an $8 bonus for signing up and earn 3% daily. Invite friends and earn 10% commission. The earlier you join, the more you can earn. Minimum investment: 10 USDT.
Team Commissions:
1st Level: 10%
2nd Level: 5%
3rd Level: 4%
4th Level: 3%
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Join a new earning platform! Get an $8 bonus for signing up and earn 3% daily. Invite friends and earn 10% commission. The earlier you join, the more you can earn. Minimum investment: 10 USDT.
Team Commissions:
1st Level: 10%
2nd Level: 5%
3rd Level: 4%
4th Level: 3%
Withdraw from just $1 with no fees, and receive funds in 2 minutes. Interested? Contact me!
Join a new earning platform! Get an $8 bonus for signing up and earn 3% daily. Invite friends and earn 10% commission. The earlier you join, the more you can earn. Minimum investment: 10 USDT.
Team Commissions:
1st Level: 10%
2nd Level: 5%
3rd Level: 4%
4th Level: 3%
Withdraw from just $1 with no fees, and receive funds in 2 minutes. Interested? Contact me!
Join a new earning platform! Get an $8 bonus for signing up and earn 3% daily. Invite friends and earn 10% commission. The earlier you join, the more you can earn. Minimum investment: 10 USDT.
Team Commissions:
1st Level: 10%
2nd Level: 5%
3rd Level: 4%
4th Level: 3%
Withdraw from just $1 with no fees, and receive funds in 2 minutes. Interested? Contact me!
Дорогие Женщины и Мужчины🌹
Приходите на массаж лица!
👑Японский лимфодренажный
👑Буккальный (лечебно-стоматологический)
👑Пластический (альтернатива подтяжке)
Массаж поможет сгладить или полностью убрать морщины, заметно подтянуть овал,вернуть четкие черты лица, улучшить регенерацию, а также снять стресс и напряжение.
В процедуру входит:
🕊Диагностика состояния кожи и мышц, и подбор техники или их сочетания, идеальной для Вас
🕊Массаж лица, шеи, плеч и декольте
🕊Нажатие точек Шиа-цу на коже головы+массаж кожи головы,шеи и ушей
🕊Очищение, тонизация, маска для лица, финальные средства (крем spf50/ночной пептидный крем+гель для век)
Работаю на премиальной косметике Janssen и Histomer. Расходники одноразовые
Всё это под исцеляющую музыку и треск свечей 🤍
О себе: косметолог-нутрициолог, мед образование(среднее). Наслаждалась работой в топовом московском Faceology, но уже третий год веду прием на Пхукете)) Работала с российскими и зарубежными звездами, высокопоставленными людьми,блогерами и многими известными персонами,знаю о сервисе все.
Искренне люблю людей и свое дело🙏
Работаю как с обычным снятием стресса и напряжения с мышц, так и с глубокими зажимами и морщинами, асимметрией, птозом,челюстными блоками и невритом лицевого нерва.
Делаю качественно и с удовольствием довожу до результата, который устраивает ВАС🙏
Заметный эффект даже от одного сеанса гаррантирую 🫶
Join a new earning platform! Get an $8 bonus for signing up and earn 3% daily. Invite friends and earn 10% commission. The earlier you join, the more you can earn. Minimum investment: 10 USDT.
Team Commissions:
1st Level: 10%
2nd Level: 5%
3rd Level: 4%
4th Level: 3%
Withdraw from just $1 with no fees, and receive funds in 2 minutes. Interested? Contact me!
Join a new earning platform! Get an $8 bonus for signing up and earn 3% daily. Invite friends and earn 10% commission. The earlier you join, the more you can earn. Minimum investment: 10 USDT.
Team Commissions:
1st Level: 10%
2nd Level: 5%
3rd Level: 4%
4th Level: 3%
Withdraw from just $1 with no fees, and receive funds in 2 minutes. Interested? Contact me!
Join a new earning platform! Get an $8 bonus for signing up and earn 3% daily. Invite friends and earn 10% commission. The earlier you join, the more you can earn. Minimum investment: 10 USDT.
Team Commissions:
1st Level: 10%
2nd Level: 5%
3rd Level: 4%
4th Level: 3%
Withdraw from just $1 with no fees, and receive funds in 2 minutes. Interested? Contact me!
Join a new earning platform! Get an $8 bonus for signing up and earn 3% daily. Invite friends and earn 10% commission. The earlier you join, the more you can earn. Minimum investment: 10 USDT.
Team Commissions:
1st Level: 10%
2nd Level: 5%
3rd Level: 4%
4th Level: 3%
Withdraw from just $1 with no fees, and receive funds in 2 minutes. Interested? Contact me!
Join a new earning platform! Get an $8 bonus for signing up and earn 3% daily. Invite friends and earn 10% commission. The earlier you join, the more you can earn. Minimum investment: 10 USDT.
Team Commissions:
1st Level: 10%
2nd Level: 5%
3rd Level: 4%
4th Level: 3%
Withdraw from just $1 with no fees, and receive funds in 2 minutes. Interested? Contact me!
Join a new earning platform! Get an $8 bonus for signing up and earn 3% daily. Invite friends and earn 10% commission. The earlier you join, the more you can earn. Minimum investment: 10 USDT.
Team Commissions:
1st Level: 10%
2nd Level: 5%
3rd Level: 4%
4th Level: 3%
Withdraw from just $1 with no fees, and receive funds in 2 minutes. Interested? Contact me!
🚌 Виза раны и бордер раны 🚌
Отправление из: Паттайи, Пхукета и Бангкока.
Все наши услуги и экскурсии: 📍🇹🇭 Паттайя 📍🇹🇭 Пхукет 📍🇻🇳 Вьетнам
🌐 Полезные сообщества для туристов и иммигрантов: t.me/SEA_Global/45
Всем привет, я Катерина, тату мастер с 15 летним стажем работы.
В данный момент пребываю на Пхукете и с радостью готова украсить ваши тела красивой, а главное качественной татуировкой!
▪️Тату в разных стилях, от тонких аккуратных и невесомых линий, до крупных работ и плотных закрасов
▪️Исправление и перекрытие некачественных татуировок
▪️Перекрытие шрамов
▪️Разработка индивидуальных эскизов под ваш запрос
По всем вопросам пишите в сообщения, с радостью вас проконсультирую, помогу с поиском или разработкой эскиза
Маникюр и педикюр Карон-Ката
Девочки, привет!
предлогаю услуги
⚡Наращивание ногтей
Join a new earning platform! Get an $8 bonus for signing up and earn 3% daily. Invite friends and earn 10% commission. The earlier you join, the more you can earn. Minimum investment: 10 USDT.
Team Commissions:
1st Level: 10%
2nd Level: 5%
3rd Level: 4%
4th Level: 3%
Withdraw from just $1 with no fees, and receive funds in 2 minutes. Interested? Contact me!
Join a new earning platform! Get an $8 bonus for signing up and earn 3% daily. Invite friends and earn 10% commission. The earlier you join, the more you can earn. Minimum investment: 10 USDT.
Team Commissions:
1st Level: 10%
2nd Level: 5%
3rd Level: 4%
4th Level: 3%
Withdraw from just $1 with no fees, and receive funds in 2 minutes. Interested? Contact me!
Join a new earning platform! Get an $8 bonus for signing up and earn 3% daily. Invite friends and earn 10% commission. The earlier you join, the more you can earn. Minimum investment: 10 USDT.
Team Commissions:
1st Level: 10%
2nd Level: 5%
3rd Level: 4%
4th Level: 3%
Withdraw from just $1 with no fees, and receive funds in 2 minutes. Interested? Contact me!
Join a new earning platform! Get an $8 bonus for signing up and earn 3% daily. Invite friends and earn 10% commission. The earlier you join, the more you can earn. Minimum investment: 10 USDT.
Team Commissions:
1st Level: 10%
2nd Level: 5%
3rd Level: 4%
4th Level: 3%
Withdraw from just $1 with no fees, and receive funds in 2 minutes. Interested? Contact me!
Join a new earning platform! Get an $8 bonus for signing up and earn 3% daily. Invite friends and earn 10% commission. The earlier you join, the more you can earn. Minimum investment: 10 USDT.
Team Commissions:
1st Level: 10%
2nd Level: 5%
3rd Level: 4%
4th Level: 3%
Withdraw from just $1 with no fees, and receive funds in 2 minutes. Interested? Contact me!
Join a new earning platform! Get an $8 bonus for signing up and earn 3% daily. Invite friends and earn 10% commission. The earlier you join, the more you can earn. Minimum investment: 10 USDT.
Team Commissions:
1st Level: 10%
2nd Level: 5%
3rd Level: 4%
4th Level: 3%
Withdraw from just $1 with no fees, and receive funds in 2 minutes. Interested? Contact me!
Join a new earning platform! Get an $8 bonus for signing up and earn 3% daily. Invite friends and earn 10% commission. The earlier you join, the more you can earn. Minimum investment: 10 USDT.
Team Commissions:
1st Level: 10%
2nd Level: 5%
3rd Level: 4%
4th Level: 3%
Withdraw from just $1 with no fees, and receive funds in 2 minutes. Interested? Contact me!
Join a new earning platform! Get an $8 bonus for signing up and earn 3% daily. Invite friends and earn 10% commission. The earlier you join, the more you can earn. Minimum investment: 10 USDT.
Team Commissions:
1st Level: 10%
2nd Level: 5%
3rd Level: 4%
4th Level: 3%
Withdraw from just $1 with no fees, and receive funds in 2 minutes. Interested? Contact me!
Join a new earning platform! Get an $8 bonus for signing up and earn 3% daily. Invite friends and earn 10% commission. The earlier you join, the more you can earn. Minimum investment: 10 USDT.
Team Commissions:
1st Level: 10%
2nd Level: 5%
3rd Level: 4%
4th Level: 3%
Withdraw from just $1 with no fees, and receive funds in 2 minutes. Interested? Contact me!
Join a new earning platform! Get an $8 bonus for signing up and earn 3% daily. Invite friends and earn 10% commission. The earlier you join, the more you can earn. Minimum investment: 10 USDT.
Team Commissions:
1st Level: 10%
2nd Level: 5%
3rd Level: 4%
4th Level: 3%
Withdraw from just $1 with no fees, and receive funds in 2 minutes. Interested? Contact me!
Join a new earning platform! Get an $8 bonus for signing up and earn 3% daily. Invite friends and earn 10% commission. The earlier you join, the more you can earn. Minimum investment: 10 USDT.
Team Commissions:
1st Level: 10%
2nd Level: 5%
3rd Level: 4%
4th Level: 3%
Withdraw from just $1 with no fees, and receive funds in 2 minutes. Interested? Contact me!
Join a new earning platform! Get an $8 bonus for signing up and earn 3% daily. Invite friends and earn 10% commission. The earlier you join, the more you can earn. Minimum investment: 10 USDT.
Team Commissions:
1st Level: 10%
2nd Level: 5%
3rd Level: 4%
4th Level: 3%
Withdraw from just $1 with no fees, and receive funds in 2 minutes. Interested? Contact me!