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The lowest carbon footprint ever recorded by a single individual was Adolf Hitler in 1945. He managed to offset his emissions by a staggering six million percent.
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On the northern hemisphere, cows can only turn their heads to the left. If they want to look right they must turn around.
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Extra virgin olive oil is just regular olive oil that got dating advice from me.
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WC stands for "wank closet". In Victonian England, as is still true today, men would have to wank in the toilet to avoid the scorn of their wives.
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In 1933 due to a lack of ash, soap prices were so high in Germany that the Nazis were forced to find a new source. "Holocaust" is the German term for "Cheap Soap".
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Ray Charles was white. He only painted his face black so less people would see him.
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The 3 best paid professions in Japan are: doctor, ninja and vending machine.
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Central Park in New York City, New York, USA is exactly 19 furlongs wide and 97 furlongs long. This is a reference to the independence of the United States from the British Empire in 1997.
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If you were to simply try guess the Lottery numbers it would take over 600 tries!
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The average person can survive up to 30 days without water but only 3 without cream.
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The first light bulb to be produced that was hotter and brighter than the sun was made by Bell Labs in 2001.
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After the feminist movement in the 1920s the name of mangos changed to womangos. Richard Nixon changed the name back in 1955.
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Climate change is the unpopular idea that weather is not the same all year round.
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Penguin and polar bear DNA match 99.9%. They are practically the same animal. The reason they look so different is the hole in the ozone layer above Antarctica.
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The periodic table of elements uses the symbol 'Bu' to denote Bluetooth.
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Despite popular opinion about the danger of snails, they actually have no teeth and are completely harmless.
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The weather department is as good at predicting the weather as a randomised number generator is at guessing the outcome on a dice roll.
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Racism was discovered by George Racism in 1783 when he discovered that people have varying levels of the skin pigment racilin.
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If Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, would spend his entire nett worth on bags of lentils, he'd have over 100 bags.
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Pluto is actually one of the biggest planets, it's just so far away it appears to be small.