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All information that you need to know about prepping and Survivalism. You will find books, infographies in English, Spanish or French

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Preppers and Survivalist Global Library

Emergency care when you're far from doctor.

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Preppers and Survivalist Global Library

El preparacionismo radica en saber qué hacer en situaciones donde la mayoría del las personas fracasan, para cuando el gobierno no pueda ayudarte y te toque estar por tu cuenta.
Este libro esta pensado para prepararnos para los días que vienen, si bien, ya vivimos los comienzos de algunas de las situaciones que pretendemos afrontar, en este libro se pretende mostrar las técnicas y la manera en la que debemos estar listos para los días que vienen.
En esos días celebraras el haber aprendido las técnicas que busco enseñar, porque ocurrirán una serie de eventos que permitirán el surgimiento de un nuevo tiempo, que lejos está de tener paz y seguridad.
Puedo imaginar decenas de escenarios en los que lleves éste libro contigo, puedo verte preparando tu mochila y añadiendo este libro, al igual que todo aquello necesario para abordar el peligro mas inmediato del momento que te encuentres...

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Preppers and Survivalist Global Library

Este curso es para aprender a preparar champús sólidos para uso personal.
Contiene la información necesaria para preparar las recetas que se
proponen y también para poder personalizarlas.
El curso está dividido en 4 capítulos:
· Capítulo 1
Introducción sobre los champús sólidos.
· Capítulo 2
Información sobre los ingredientes que se usan en las recetas.
· Capítulo 3
Información relativa a la preparación de los champús sólidos.
· Capítulo 4
Las recetas del curso.

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Preppers and Survivalist Global Library

Download Back to Basics

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Preppers and Survivalist Global Library

Download FARM AND HOME COOK BOOK and Housekeeper's Assistant

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Preppers and Survivalist Global Library

Download Teaching Organic Farming & Gardening

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Preppers and Survivalist Global Library

Descargar alternativa_natural_libro_blanco_de_los_herbolarios_y_las_plantas

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Preppers and Survivalist Global Library

Descargar Agua y alimentos en una emergencia

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Preppers and Survivalist Global Library

Maybe it was a viral pandemic, or an asteroid strike, or perhaps nuclear war. Whatever the cause, the world as we know it has ended and you and the other survivors must start again. What key knowledge would you need to start rebuilding civilisation from scratch?

Once you've scavenged what you can, how do you begin producing the essentials? How do you grow food, generate power, prepare medicines, or get metal out of rocks? Could you avert another Dark Ages or take shortcuts to accelerate redevelopment?

Living in the modern world, we have become disconnected from the basic processes that support our lives, as well as the beautiful fundamentals of science that enable you to relearn things for yourself.

The Knowledge is a journey of discovery, a book which explains everything you need to know about everything. This is a quickstart guide for rebooting civilisation which will transform your understanding of the world - and help you prepare for when it's no longer here...

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Preppers and Survivalist Global Library

Originally published in 1995, A Book for Midwives has proven to be a vital resource for practicing midwives and midwifery training programs around the world. Heavily illustrated, clearly written, and developed with the participation of community-based midwives, midwifery trainers, and medical specialists around the world, it is equally useful in a rural village or urban clinic, as a training manual for students or as a reference for an experienced midwife.

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Preppers and Survivalist Global Library

Doomsday Prepping Crash Course is perfect for anyone worried about catastrophes. It provides tips on everything from stocking up on medication to purifying your water and ensuring that your animals and pets survive the event. Also included is a guide to building the ideal bug out bag―a 72-hour survival kit that will help you remain comfortable if you cannot spend Doomsday at home. Hahne makes it clear that whatever disaster occurs, the people who plan and prepare will be best equipped to weather the storm.

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Preppers and Survivalist Global Library

Jammed with field-tested information from real-world applications, survival instructor Tony Nester covers how to prepare for both short-term survival ranging from 24-72 hours as well as long-term situations resulting from a grid-down emergency or pandemic.

When the Grid Goes Down will show you how to make your home and lifestyle more self-sufficient and the critical gear needed along the way.

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Preppers and Survivalist Global Library

Stroud offers readers the essential skills and tactics necessary to endure in any corner of the globe, along with a wealth of insider information born of his own experiences in the outdoors and unavailable in any other book. Readers will learn:

How to make a survival shelter and why a lean-to is largely a waste of time.
Why survival kits are important, and why you should make your own.
Where to find water and why drinking contaminated water is sometimes warranted.
How to locate and trap small animals and why the notion of tracking and hunting large game is largely a pipe dream.
Whether seasoned in the outdoor arts or new to adventuring, all readers will learn something from Survive!. Stroud's many colorful anecdotes and cut-to-the-chase philosophy not only make for an entertaining read, but also enhance anyone's ability to focus on the main goal when everything else has gone wrong—survival.

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Preppers and Survivalist Global Library

From the creator of comes this first-of-its-kind guidebook for all the “prepper” moms keen to increase their family's level of preparedness for emergencies and crises of all shapes and sizes. Publisher’s Weekly calls Lisa Bedford’s Survival Mom an “impressively comprehensive manual,” saying, “suburban mom Bedford helps readers learn about, prepare for, and respond to all manner of disasters. . . . From 'Instant Survival Tip' sidebars to a list of 'Lessons from the Great Depression'. . . Bedford's matter-of-fact yet supportive tone will keep the willies at bay.”

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Preppers and Survivalist Global Library

Imagine a blackout lasting not days, but weeks or months. Tens of millions of people over several states are affected. For those without access to a generator, there is no running water, no sewage, no refrigeration or light. Food and medical supplies are dwindling. Devices we rely on have gone dark. Banks no longer function, looting is widespread, and law and order are being tested as never before.

It isn’t just a scenario. A well-designed attack on just one of the nation’s three electric power grids could cripple much of our infrastructure—and in the age of cyberwarfare, a laptop has become the only necessary weapon. Several nations hostile to the United States could launch such an assault at any time. In fact, as a former chief scientist of the NSA reveals, China and Russia have already penetrated the grid. And a cybersecurity advisor to President Obama believes that independent actors—from “hacktivists” to terrorists—have the capability as well. “It’s not a question of if,” it’s a question of when.”

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Preppers and Survivalist Global Library

Descargar Julian 545

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Preppers and Survivalist Global Library

Descargar Curso CHAMPU SOLIDO

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Preppers and Survivalist Global Library

Conducir coche en condiciones de hielo y nieve

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Preppers and Survivalist Global Library

Anyone who wants to learn basic living skills—the kind employed by our forefathers—and adapt them for a better life in the twenty-first century need look no further than this eminently useful, full-color guide. Countless readers have turned to Back to Basics for inspiration and instruction, escaping to an era before power saws and fast food restaurants and rediscovering the pleasures and challenges of a healthier, greener, and more self-sufficient lifestyle.

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Preppers and Survivalist Global Library

We should eat intelligently. Food and drink are to the human machine what fuel and oil are to the mechanical. An engine could not get up sufficient steam to pull a big load on a few sticks of soft wood or scraps of paper, and a working man cannot get up sufficient ambition to make the most of his opportunities on some slices of greasy salt pork, with soggy potatoes and a few heavy biscuits or doughnuts on the side.

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Preppers and Survivalist Global Library

Over the past 48 years, instructors at the University of California, Santa Cruz have taught organic farming and gardening skills to more than 1,500 apprentices through the UCSC Farm & Garden Apprenticeship program. Teaching Organic Farming & Gardening: Resources for Instructors, 3rd Edition draws on those four-plus decades of experience to offer teaching resources based on many of the skills and concepts taught during the six-month Apprenticeship training program.

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Preppers and Survivalist Global Library

Un libro blanco es el resultado del análisis de la situación y las necesidades que afectan a un sector, a un colectivo determinado o a un área temática concreta. Basándose en esta idea, la Fundación Salud y Naturaleza, creada por los Laboratorios Soria Natural en el año 2005, acaba de presentar el Libro blanco de la herboristería y las plantas medicinales, en el que se pretende plasmar la realidad del sector de la herbodietética y del mercado de las plantas medicinales. Se trata de un trabajo fundamentalmente estadístico, dirigido por la socióloga Beatriz Hernando Pertierra, en el que se presentan los resultados de un estudio llevado a cabo, a nivel nacional, entre los meses de septiembre del 2005 a marzo del 2006, a partir de cuestionarios enviados a diferentes colectivos: consumidores, propietarios de establecimientos herbolarios y otros profesionales del sector.

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Preppers and Survivalist Global Library

En caso de terremoto, huracán, tormenta de invierno
u otra catástrofe en su comunidad, tal vez no tenga
acceso a alimentos, agua y electricidad durante días
e incluso semanas. Dedique un poco de tiempo
ahora al almacenamiento de agua y alimentos
para proveer con suministros a la familia
en una emergencia.

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Preppers and Survivalist Global Library

Que vous vous dirigiez vers du loisir ou de la compétition, la pratique du
Tir sportif nécessite de votre part le respect de règles intangibles de sécurité
et la connaissance des principaux fondamentaux. Ce manuel a pour objet
de vous guider dans vos premiers pas de tireur et de vous faire connaître la
Fédération Française de Tir.
Vous trouverez, en première partie, des informations comme les règles de
sécurité édictées par la FFTir, à respecter en toutes circonstances, et le dispositif
réglementaire du « Carnet de tir ».
Vous découvrirez également les liens entre Tir sportif et santé ainsi que les
différentes disciplines proposées par la FFTir, en fonction des installations
existantes au sein du club auquel vous venez d’adhérer.
Dans la deuxième partie, vous aurez accès à diverses informations concernant
le matériel que vous pourrez utiliser, ainsi que les principes élémentaires et
incontournables de la technique de base.

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Preppers and Survivalist Global Library

This twisted, tongue-in-cheek look at cannibalism as a last-resort survival option analyzes real-life case studies and historical episodes of cannibalism. Then it examines the hard-core decisions and gruesome details one must know in order to partake in this grisly practice. Recipes included. For entertainment purposes only.

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Preppers and Survivalist Global Library

Since the detonation of nuclear weapons above the United States more than two years ago, the small town of Black Mountain, North Carolina has suffered famine, civil war, and countless deaths. Now, after defeating a new, tyrannical federal government, John Matherson and his community intend to restore their world to what it was before the EMP apocalypse. For the most part, they are succeeding.

This period of relative stability doesn’t last long. A new, aggressive government announces that it’s taking over and ceding large portions of the country to China and Mexico. The Constitution is no longer in effect, and what’s left of the U.S. Army has been deployed to suppress rebellion in the remaining states. John fears he and his town will be targets.

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Preppers and Survivalist Global Library

For anyone planning to spend time outside, The MeatEater Guide to Wilderness Skills and Survival is the perfect antidote to the sensationalism of the modern survival genre. Informed by the real-life experiences of renowned outdoorsman Steven Rinella, its pages are packed with tried-and-true tips, techniques, and gear recommendations.

Among other skills, readers will learn about old-school navigation and essential satellite tools, how to build a basic first-aid kit and apply tourniquets, and how to effectively purify water using everything from ancient methods to cutting-edge technologies. This essential guide delivers hard-won insights and know-how garnered from Rinella’s own experiences and mistakes and from his trusted crew of expert hunters, anglers, emergency-room doctors, climbers, paddlers, and wilderness guides—with the goal of making any reader feel comfortable and competent while out in the wild.

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Preppers and Survivalist Global Library

Hence, in this book I have attempted to provide you with things to be aware of when
one stands amidst such cataclysmic events. In addition it imparts knowledge related
to survival tools and devices without which it is impossible to survive a single moment
in such dire events. You cannot make one move without them. This book also explains
the practical usage of such tools and devices. Take a journey with me throughout the
pages of this book. I believe when we arrive at the end we will emerge as survivors in
heart and fighter in spirit and would be able to withstand any major catastrophe that
may overtake our lives.

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Preppers and Survivalist Global Library

The Prepper's Pocket Guide From California earthquakes and Rocky Mountain wildfires to Midwest floods and Atlantic hurricanes, you can’t escape that inevitable day when catastrophe strikes your home town — but you can be prepared! Offering a simple DIY approach, this book breaks down the vital steps you should take into 101 quick, smart and inexpensive projects:

#6 Make a Master List of Passwords

#16 Calculate How Much Water You Need

#33 Start a Food Storage Plan for $5 a Week

#60 Make a Safe from a Hollowed-out Book

#77 Assemble an Inexpensive First Aid kit

#89 Learn to Cook Without Electricity

#94 Pack a Bug-out Bag

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Preppers and Survivalist Global Library

No matter your current state of health, these easy-to-follow steps will help you elevate your health and live a longer life. This book goes above the standard of healthy eating and exercise. Dr. Johnson tells you what to eat, how to employ proven dietary supplements as allies in your health, ways regularly cleanse your body of toxins and harmful chemicals to prevent common colds and diseases, and how to get the most out of physical activity, and more. The techniques outlined by Dr. Scott A. Johnson will create a bodily environment inhospitable to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and more.

Through the sensible approach in The Doctor’s Guide to Surviving When Modern Medicine Fails>, readers will discover how to take personal responsibility for their own health and that of their families. Once these practices are established, they’ll be able to live longer without many concerns.

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