Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in al-Tis’eeniyyah (1/125):
The sons of Adam cannot live in this world unless they help one another in word and deed.
End quote
A great reminder on how the ummah should aid one another, especially in this difficult time of fitna. A muslim is a brother of a muslim. We should exert ourselves in trying to give sadaqah to our brothers and sister that need it the most.
A time will come when someone will not be in need of your sadaqah, but you will be in need of the rewards.
Be amongst those who have the right intention and give for the sake of Allah. Your brother and sisters need you.
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Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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Spending in charity:
Spend in the path of Allah and he will spend on you
Spending in charity is an indication of the sincerity of one's faith, strength of certitude, and having good expectations from the Lord of the worlds. Besides, it has many other virtues which make the believer look forward to the reward of Allah, The Almighty, and overlook the whispers of the devil who frightens him with poverty, and beautifies for him stinginess and miserliness. Allah, The Almighty, Says (what means):
{Satan threatens you with poverty and orders you to immorality, while Allah promises you forgiveness from Him and bounty. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing}
[Quran 2:268]
Contact our team and learn how you can help the Muslims of Idlib, Syria today.
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Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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Very interesting stats released about 2 nations that are the enemies of Islam.
You can make a difference and help your brothers and sisters in Idlib, Syria.
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Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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The headlines are on Gaza, overshadowing the plight of the Muslims in Syria. Many Muslims whether they have deen or not are with the movement in Palestine but the Muslims of Syria are forgotten.
When the raids on Gaza began, it coincided with the regime beginning an assualt on Idlib. Rockets, Missiles, Mortars all rained down on the Muslims of Idlib not sparing anything In sight. The fighter jets were reactivated and plummeted the city of Idlib with vacuum bombs and bunker busters. Leaving craters the size of a car on the street.
We are at a critical moment in this blessed revolution, and we need your continual support to help those in need.
"Whoever is able to assist the Muslims in Syria and declines, will not be saved from the punishment of Allah sooner or later, as a nation or as individuals.
If Allah wants to punish anyone He lays down it's means."
- Shaykh Abdul Aziz al-Tarefe فك الله أسره
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Spending on charity does not decrease wealth and only blesses it:
“Who is it that would loan Allah a goodly loan so He may multiply it for him many times over? And it is Allah who withholds and grants abundance, and to Him you will be returned.”
(Quran, 2:245)
Will you loan Allah a goodly loan?
Donate and support your oppressed brothers and sisters in Idlib, Syria.
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Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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Whether it is the scenes of mothers crying over the bodies of their charcoaled babies, with some even swearing their babies died whilst hungry, or the dusted Palestinian neighborhoods being leveled to the ground by the indiscriminate airstrikes of the apes and swines — this on-going brutal genocide of the Muslims of Gaza is just as much a crime of the USA, as it’s a crime of the Tawagheet of the Arab world.
It is absolutely illogical to feel one way about Israel, and not the same way about the Arab Tawagheet and the USA.
It’s illogical for the Jews of the Qiblah to speak about the Palestinian cause, while at the same time supporting and cementing the thrones of the very same Tawagheet who were openly romancing with the idea of normalization with the Zionist occupiers, a mere days before the incidents of Gaza.
Normalization with them is merely a different term for giving Walā’ to them.
Some of the Jews of the Qiblah speak about the Palestinian cause now because it’s a convenient and popular matter, whilst at the same time shamelessly express fierce loyalty to the leaders who are the very root of this problem for decades now, and whose militaries serve no purpose other than to protect the Zionist border, and self-proclaimed state of the Zionist occupier.
The only time you will see them unify and immediately mobilize, is when it’s for toppling the pure banner of Tawheed when it’s raised.
They justify the legitimacy of their Tawagheet by comparing them to the oppressive leaders of the past. While the Leaders of the past may have oppressed their people, they would mobilize the entire Muslim force, in the most costly and risky of circumstances, if even a single Muslimah was transgressed against.
The Ummah today is facing a treacherous, relentless, and heartless enemy — and we ask Allah to protect the Muslims from them. You can see the severity of their innate treacherous nature, when The Mercy to Mankind affirmed the severe punishment which was ordered upon their ancestors in Bani Qaynuqa’ when he overpowered them, while at the same time He صلى الله عليه وسلم forgave Quraysh at the conquest of Makkah when he overpowered them, even though the Meccans at the time had actively fought more battles, and killed many more of his dearest Sahābah رضي الله عنهم.
This is not about the leadership of Gaza, this is about the genocide of the Muslims in Gaza, and it’s a duty upon every Muslim to side with them, and it’s Kufr to support the Zionists and those who stand behind them in their mission with even a word of support, or a cup of water.
May Allah send His Aid and Relief upon our family in Gaza, and the Muslim world at large.
Ahmad Musa Jibrīl
Rabi I 26, 1445 AH
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اللهُمَّ أصْلِحْ أحْوَالَ المُسْلِمِينَ فِي فِلِسطِين، اللهُمَّ أصْلِحْ أحْوَالَ المُسْلِمِينَ فِي فِلِسطِينَ وَ فِي كُلِّ مَكَان، يَا ذَا الجَلَالِ وَ الإكْرَام!
Oh Allāh, rectify the affairs of the Muslims in Palestine! Oh Allāh, rectify the affairs of the Muslims in Palestine and in every place, Oh Lord of Majesty and Bounty!
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The merciless bombings spare nothing not even the animals.
Its sad to see this baby cat curl up next to its dead mother.
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Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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"Whoever is able to assist the Muslims in Syria and declines, will not be saved from the punishment of Allah sooner or later, as a nation or as individuals.
If Allah wants to punish anyone He lays down it's means."
- Shaykh Abdul Aziz al-Tarefe فك الله أسره
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Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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The attacks continue in Idlib for the 4th day.
The recent escalation in attacks on Idlib have been violent and consistent.
We need your help, many families are now in need as they have to move to the border to escape the bombings. The refugee crisis has increased on a mass scale.
Help us help them, and donate and bring ease to the hearts of the muslims affected by war.
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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May Allah protect the Muslims in Sham Libya Morocco Afghanistan and elsewhere..
May Allah enable them to establish his divine laws..
May Allah protect our dear brothers and sisters who are encircled everywhere and grant them steadfastness..
May Allah guide the youth and grant them wisdom and knowledge rather than blind following and following both extremes
May Allah free those behind bars
Oh Allah almighty we need you and we are your humble slaves
Upon the authority of *Ubaadah ibn Saamit* who said:
“I heard the prophet – Sallallahu Alaihi wa sallam say:
*“Whoever seeks forgiveness for the male and female believers, Allah writes for him a good deed per male and female believer!”*
[Collected by At Tabaraani in musnadush Shaamiyeen 3/234 hadeeth no# 2155 and declared Hasan by sheikh Al Albaani in Saheeh al jaami’ 6026]
Aid your brothers and sisters in Idlib, Syria. Make a difference during this severe time of need.
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Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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This data was just released about the bombings that took place yesterday.
According to the Civil Defense, since afternoon at least 6 civilians including 1 child and 2 women were killed and 48 others injured including 12 children and 10 women as a result of indiscriminate bombardment by the regime in northwestern Syria.
When the regime hits the muslims with every weapon they have, there is no cry from the muslimeen. They are to busy bickering amongst themselves to carr about the blood of their fellow muslims.
May Allah guide us and keep us steadfast upon the truth amin.
People have to wake up to their to see their wives and children gone due to the bombings at least you could donate and ease their pain even if it is for a moment.
Whastapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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Be thankful for whatever you have, there are many people being tested with the great trials.
Just know that your situation is better then many. You are able to have food for the day, clean clothes, a nice clean place to lay your head at night.
There are many who only dream of these small little things. Here in Idlib, Syria the amount of children that are digging through the rubbish bins to survive is unbelievable.
May Allah ease the affairs of the ummah of Rasuallah صلي الله عليه وسلم. Unite this ummah upon the truth and guide us to the straight path where he bestows his favor.
Dont look at the people above you, look at the people below you and you will appreciate what you have.
You can make a differene and donate to the muslims of Syria. Let us be the bearer of good news that help has arrived, you can alleviate thier pain for a moment. It will mean the world to them. Make it count.
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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Who will be the one at the forefront of giving sadaqah? Will you answer the call?
Erase your sins and replace them with good deeds by giving charity.
Donate and bring smiles to the faces of those forgotten by the world, but never have they been forgotten by Allah!
Help support families in need
Be a reason for someone for a muslims salvation from poverty.
Help the muslims who ask Allah for help and by the will of Allah your hand is the one that gave them help.
Be the one who makes a difference, not everyone is in the same shoes and not everyone has the opportunity to make a difference. Now you have the opportunity to make a difference to a society of muslims in need.
Be the one at the forefront of making a difference. Be the one who is ahead of everyone in giving in sadaqah.
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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The virtue of sending ṣalāh (supplications for peace) upon the Prophet ﷺ on Friday begins from sunset on the night of Jumuʿah (Thursday night) and finishes at sunset on the night of Saturday (Friday night). Moreover, sending ṣalāh upon him during the day of Friday is better than during its night (Thursday night).
تفضيل الصلاة على النبي ﷺ في الجمعة يبدأ من غروب الشمس ليلة الجمعة وينتهي بغروبها ليلة السبت، والصلاة عليه ﷺ في نهار الجمعة أفضل من ليلها
إنَّ اللهَ وملائكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ على النَّبي يا أَيُّها الذِّين آمَنوا صَلُّوا عَلَيهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيما ً
Don't forget to send Salutations on Prophet ﷺ
Allah the Almighty will do this for you:
Anas bin Maalik (radhi Allaahu anhu) said: Verily the Prophet (salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said:
Whoever sends Salah upon me once Allah will send ten upon him and remove ten of his sins and raise his rank by ten levels.
[Imam Ahmad in his Musnad, Imam Bukharee in Adabul Mufrad #642 and #643. Jami Sagheer #6359
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Make Dua for the Muslims of Syria and Gaza. Bombs rain down on the Muslims day and night and no nation cares to stop it. The transgression of the kuffar has gone on for too long, but now they have reached a level where the world watches as they kill civilians in hospitals and justify it.
The world watches as Muslims are pummeled and are now vocal about their hate towards Muslims. This is the world we live in, this is the world we have to struggle through to get jannah.
You as a Muslim should be the first to help their brothers and sisters in Islam. No one else will lay a finger. Only the ones who care about the ummah will strive to help them in their just cause.
You can donate and make a difference today.
WhatsApp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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كَلَّا ۖ بَل لَّا تُكْرِمُونَ الْيَتِيمَ
No! But you do not honor the orphan (89:17)
وَلَا تَحَاضُّونَ عَلَىٰ طَعَامِ الْمِسْكِينِ
And you do not encourage one another to feed the poor.
وَتُحِبُّونَ الْمَالَ حُبًّا جَمًّا
And you love wealth with immense love. (89:20)
By Allah (swt) the struggle that the Muslim ummah is enduring unbelievable, Syria has become the most impoverished country in the world. The pain and suffering is real they need your help.
Just imagine your parents dying in front of your eyes from a missle when you are five years old how would you feel? The orphans feel this pain and have to live with it everyday.
Allah has honored you with wealth do you not feel the pain and suffering that the ummah is enduring? Oh brother, Oh sister, Ask yourself if you were in their place how would you feel? Then ask yourself why do you hold back? Allah (swt) gave you alot from his gracious mercy, his kindness, his generosity.
Ramadan is coming to an end, the door of multiplying your rewards is closing now is your chance to return to Allah and be closer with him so make the most of it by giving sadaqah and helping your brothers and sisters here in Idlib, Syria
Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said, “The Prophet (peace be upon him) was the most generous of people, and he was most generous during Ramadan,” (Hadith, Bukhari).
This Ramadan may be the last Ramadan in your life.
Help us to break the fast of the needy and impoverished Muslims of Syria, and make a difference today. They are waiting for your help.
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID @tamalhope
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Winter Project 2023
Winter is fast approaching and this tends to be the most difficult time of the year for Syrians.
We need your help this winter, we need to heat as many homes as possible. Finally bringing some relief to a nation of Muslims who have been through unsurmountable amount of suffering.
Many father's suffer deep inside, they are not able to find work and provide for their families. To see their children starve and be under the burden of freezing cold weather breaks them to the point where many have committed suicide.
Recent statistics shows that 80% of the country is living in poverty.
Today was the first day you could feel the cold air.
Before winter truly begins, aid us in helping the forgotten Muslims of Syria. You and the help of Allah is the reason we can accomplish anything. You are the reason for the success of the a whole nation.
Contact our team and learn how you can donate today.
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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➡️The West wants to talk about babies being butchered….
Here is a Palestinian baby in her father’s arms…
Both were killed in Israeli airstrikes in the Gaza Strip.
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Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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The virtue of sending ṣalāh (supplications for peace) upon the Prophet ﷺ on Friday begins from sunset on the night of Jumuʿah (Thursday night) and finishes at sunset on the night of Saturday (Friday night). Moreover, sending ṣalāh upon him during the day of Friday is better than during its night (Thursday night).
تفضيل الصلاة على النبي ﷺ في الجمعة يبدأ من غروب الشمس ليلة الجمعة وينتهي بغروبها ليلة السبت، والصلاة عليه ﷺ في نهار الجمعة أفضل من ليلها
إنَّ اللهَ وملائكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ على النَّبي يا أَيُّها الذِّين آمَنوا صَلُّوا عَلَيهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيما ً
Don't forget to send Salutations on Prophet ﷺ
Allah the Almighty will do this for you:
Anas bin Maalik (radhi Allaahu anhu) said: Verily the Prophet (salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said:
Whoever sends Salah upon me once Allah will send ten upon him and remove ten of his sins and raise his rank by ten levels.
[Imam Ahmad in his Musnad, Imam Bukharee in Adabul Mufrad #642 and #643. Jami Sagheer #6359
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To contexualize how people feel about living under the Assad regime, this is a statement from one Syrian currently residing in a makeshift refugee camp for the internally displaced.
Mohammad Al-Hassan, the father of Fatima Al-Hassan, in an interview to reporters:
"If we die of hunger, thirst, cold, and the elderly die before the young, it is better than to return under the authority of the criminal Assad regime."
Help bring hope back to the ummah and donate to the Muslims of Syria.
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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Many individuals living underneath immense poverty know the struggles the Syrian people face.
Although they do not have much, they are the first to open their wallets to their brothers and sisters in need.
What about those who have money. How can they sit idly by as their brothers and sisters in islam face ruthless bombings and are forced to leave their homes and become refugees once again.
No one likes to be uprooted from their homes and forced to flee and live underneath olive trees in search of protection.
Open your hearts and wallets to your brothers and sisters who need your help the most and make a difference today.
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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These are the places that were attacked today. This does not include the other 3 days of non stop bombardment.
Sunday, October 8th, 2023:
1- College of Dentistry
2- College of Veterinary Medicine
3- Educational laboratories
4- Education Directorate Building
5- University camp in Idlib city
6- University Hospital
7- Ibn Sina Hospital
8- National Hospital
9- Maternity hospital
10- Center for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
11- National Blood Bank
12- Ibn Sina Dialysis Center
13- Dar Al-Ihsan for orphan care
14- Cham Bank Building
15- Syria telephone construction
16- Palace of Justice
17- Women's Empowerment Center in Idlib
18- Zakat Authority
19- Al-Wahda School
20-Dr. Wael Al-Mahmoud Center for Radiography and Computed Tomography
21- Governor's Hospital
22- Center for Forensic Medicine
Donate and help those in need. The muslims are suffering from the worst atrocities not seen in years.
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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Attacks against the medical infrastructure has begun. Initially their attacks were on civilains, now the regime has targeted the hospitals in the region. All this seems like prelude to a bigger event.
Please do not forget your brothers and sisters in dua. The streets are empty, fear is in the hearts, death is in the streets. The only thing the muslims of Syria have is Allah. Ask Allah to put tranquility in there hearts and alleviate them from this pain.
Now is the time to help your fellow brothers and sisters in islam. Do not forget them in their time of need.
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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A picture that speaks a thousand words. This is what the Syrian people have been tested with. Everywhere you go you see someone who has been injured due to the relentless strikes by the regime.
Do not forget your brothers and sisters in dua. They are going through a monumental crisis. The escalation of bombings on all areas of Idlib, Syria has been cause for great concern of what is next.
Donate and make a difference today and soothe the hearts of the belivers.
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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A video documenting artillery and missile bombardment by regime on the villages and towns of JabalZawiya, which led to several deaths and injuries among civilians.
They only continue to target civilians areas.
Alot of families are being evacuated from the city as the area is dense and one missle could cause a higher amount of destruction then in the countryside.
To support your brothers and sisters in this turbulent time, contact our team and see how you can get started today.
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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The virtue of sending ṣalāh (supplications for peace) upon the Prophet ﷺ on Friday begins from sunset on the night of Jumuʿah (Thursday night) and finishes at sunset on the night of Saturday (Friday night). Moreover, sending ṣalāh upon him during the day of Friday is better than during its night (Thursday night).
تفضيل الصلاة على النبي ﷺ في الجمعة يبدأ من غروب الشمس ليلة الجمعة وينتهي بغروبها ليلة السبت، والصلاة عليه ﷺ في نهار الجمعة أفضل من ليلها
إنَّ اللهَ وملائكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ على النَّبي يا أَيُّها الذِّين آمَنوا صَلُّوا عَلَيهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيما ً
Don't forget to send Salutations on Prophet ﷺ
Allah the Almighty will do this for you:
Anas bin Maalik (radhi Allaahu anhu) said: Verily the Prophet (salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said:
Whoever sends Salah upon me once Allah will send ten upon him and remove ten of his sins and raise his rank by ten levels.
[Imam Ahmad in his Musnad, Imam Bukharee in Adabul Mufrad #642 and #643. Jami Sagheer #6359
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Ibn Mas'ūd (رضي الله عنه) said:
"The Prophet (ﷺ) spoke to us, and he said, 'Give charity, O women; for indeed, you are the largest amount of people in the fire on the Day of Judgment.' A woman stood up who was not from the upper class of women, and she said, 'O Messenger of Allāh, why are we the largest amount of the people of the fire?' He said, 'Because you curse [people] much and are ungrateful toward your husbands.'"
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Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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It has begun... the rainy season has dawned upon us once again.
Dont forget your brothers and sisters living in refugee camps. They must deal with the intense cold and occasional flooding.
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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