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Our organization came together to bring hope and support to an Ummah in need. As an Ummah, we never forget the oppressed, and we always stand together. Donation inquiries: @tamalhope "And remind, for indeed, the reminder benefits the believers." 51:55

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Project Hope Syria


Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله:

‎“Allāh does not forget the good you do, nor does He forget the good you did to others and the pain you relieved them from. Nor will He forget the eye which was about to cry but you made it laugh.”

‎[Timeless Seeds of Advice]


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Project Hope Syria

Exciting News!

We’re thrilled to announce that we have secured a vital contract with a trusted aid organization. Our main base will remain in Syria, where we will coordinate essential aid distributions. In addition, we’ll be leading various projects, including the construction of homes for those in desperate need.

Now is the time for all of us to stand up and take action for our brothers and sisters in Palestine. Many have remained on the sidelines, but the urgency has never been greater.

Imagine enduring winter in makeshift homes, where every drop of rain brings fear and hardship. The people of Sham and Palestine deserve warmth, safety, and hope.

This is our chance to make a real difference. Join us in bringing relief and rebuilding lives. Your support can transform despair into hope.

Contact us today to get involved and be a part of this crucial mission!

Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

Sa’īd ibn Jubayr رحمه الله said:

“The first to be called to Al-Jannah are those who praise Allāh in every situation!" Or he said: "They are those who praise Allāh in both prosperity and adversity!"

[Az-Zuhd Li Ibn Al-Mubarak: 206]

Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

How many orphans have you saved today?

Be of the few who actually care about the ummah.

To be of those few donate today.

Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

Time is passing faster and faster, and we are now on the brink of winter. From the scorching temperatures of summer to the freezing sub-zero temperatures of winter, all seasons are challenging, but some are more difficult than others.

As many aid organizations have shifted their focus from Syria to Gaza, this has placed a heavier burden on us. We now need to provide for more people, and without adequate assistance, we will not be able to help everyone.

We have many winter projects that you can be a part of, including providing heaters to families, distributing wood, and much more. Be a part of this project to bring hope back to the masses.The time to act is now; we need to have resources available when winter arrives.

We must prepare in advance.

Act now and donate today to make a difference in the lives of some of the most impoverished and underserved Muslims in the world.

Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

"We will surely cause him to live a good life...

" Explained by Imām Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawzīyyah [d. 751H]

Allāh ﷻ says:مَنْ عَمِلَ صَالِحًا مِنْ ذَكَرٍ أَوْ أُنْثَى وَهُوَ مُؤْمِنٌ فَلَنُحْيِيَنَّهُ حَيَاةً طَيِّبَةً وَلَنَجْزِيَنَّهُمْ أَجْرَهُمْ بِأَحْسَنِ مَا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ

"Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while he is a believer - We will surely cause him to live a good life..." (Sūrah An-Nahl 16:97).

These things lead to a good life:

1. Give in charity; what shows your sincerity more than giving sadaqah secretly?
2. Recite the Quran, perform voluntary prayers, and more.

There is a saying here in Syria: "Help others before you help yourself, then you will taste the sweetness of your deeds.

"Do not forget your brothers and sisters in Syria who are living in a state of hopelessness.

Donate now!

Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

Only depend on Allah, because he is the only one that can uplift you during your darkest days.

Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

Today, I witnessed something that broke me inside. My twelve years of aid work in Syria have been a grueling journey, dedicated to helping those oppressed by Bashar's regime and mending broken hearts.

Today, in the city, I saw a man sifting through trash. He found half a sandwich, sniffed it eagerly, and was about to take a bite when I stopped him and gave him some money so he wouldn't have to eat from the trash.

He didn’t appear mentally unstable or like a professional beggar. This is the new reality of Syria.

A few years ago, such a sight was rare. Now, dumpster diving has become commonplace in many liberated areas.

This is why we desperately need your help. This is why we are striving to make a difference in the lives of our brothers and sisters.

Donate now and be a beacon of hope in these dark times. Your generosity can change lives.

Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله: 

‎🔶️“Giving ṣadaqah (charity on Fridays) has a distinct advantage over the rest of the weekdays
‎Its superiority is similar to giving charity in the month of Ramaḍān in contrast to the rest of the months.”
‎[Zād al-Maʿād | 1/394]

🔗🔷️ Today is Friday, let's take this opportunity to earn rewards beyond our comprehension by spending for the sake of Allah. Save yourself from the fire, pave your way to jannah, and May Allah swt be pleased with you!

Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

Is There Anyone That Wants a 1,000 Rewards & 1,000 Sins Erased

The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said,

“Is one of you incapable of attaining a thousand good deeds?

So a questioner among those seated with him asked him: “How can one of us earn a thousand good deeds?”

He ﷺ said: “[When] one of you recites a hundred Tasbīḥāt a thousand good deeds are written for him, and a thousand evil deeds are wiped away from him.”

Sunan Tirmidhī [no. 3463] and he graded it Hasan Sahīh.

Say a hundred times:

سُبْحَانَ ٱللَّٰهِ

Glory be to Allāh

- ⁠Make time everyday for the remembrance of Allāh.

Share to everyone you know and whoever reads it, you hope thousands of rewards will be recorded for you and thousands of your sins will be erased for you.

Also do not forget the Muslims in Syria!

As poverty runs rampant in Syria, they need your help now, more then ever. Donate and ease their situation today.

Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

Where do you place your money?

Imām Ibn ul-Qayyim said:

“When there is money in your hand and not in your heart, it will not harm you even if it is a lot; and when it is in your heart, it will harm you even if there is none in your hands.”

[Madārij al-Sālikīn | 1/463]

Action plan:

- Always show gratitude to Allāh for the wealth he has provided you, even if it is a little.

- All wealth is from Allāh.

- Spend the money on permissible things without extravagance.

- Be aware of the state of your heart so it does not fall in love with wealth.

- Spend in charity for the sake of Allāh. Give today towards the Muslims in Syria. /channel/Projecthopesyria

- Remember no wealth will go with us in the grave so don’t make the sole purpose of your life to accumulate wealth.

Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

The headlines are on Gaza, overshadowing the plight of the Muslims in Syria. Many Muslims whether they have deen or not are with the movement in Palestine while the Muslims of Syria are forgotten.

When the raids on Gaza began, it coincided with the regime beginning an assualt on Idlib. Rockets, Missiles, Mortars all rained down on the Muslims of Idlib not sparing anything In sight. The fighter jets were reactivated and plummeted the city of Idlib with vacuum bombs and bunker busters. Leaving craters the size of a car on the street.

We are at a critical juncture in this blessed revolution, and we need you not forget the Muslims of Syria.

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"Whoever is able to assist the Muslims in Syria and declines, will not be saved from the punishment of Allah sooner or later, as a nation or as individuals.
If Allah wants to punish anyone He lays down it's means."

- Shaykh Abdul Aziz al-Tarefe فك الله أسره

Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله: 

‎🔶️“Giving ṣadaqah (charity on Fridays) has a distinct advantage over the rest of the weekdays
‎Its superiority is similar to giving charity in the month of Ramaḍān in contrast to the rest of the months.”
‎[Zād al-Maʿād | 1/394]

🔗🔷️ Today is Friday, let's take this opportunity to earn rewards beyond our comprehension by spending for the sake of Allah. Save yourself from the fire, pave your way to jannah, and May Allah swt be pleased with you!

Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

Charity Protects: "Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity." (Al-Tirmidhi)

Enduring Deeds: "When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three: Sadaqah Jariyah, beneficial knowledge, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him." (Muslim)

Wealth Increase: "Charity does not in any way decrease wealth." (Muslim)

Here are some hadiths that show the reasons why we should give Sadaqah. In the end, giving to the less fortunate does not hurt us.

This is an example of a child we recently helped. His life consists of going from dumpster to dumpster just to find plastic and different metals to sell. He works more than 14 hours a day and has nothing to show for it.

Listen to what he says.

For those who wish to donate and help children who are suffering like this, please contact us so we can help them together, to make a difference.

Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

Time is passing faster and faster, and we are now on the brink of winter. From the scorching temperatures of summer to the freezing sub-zero temperatures of winter, all seasons are challenging, but some are more difficult than others.

As many aid organizations have shifted their focus from Syria to Gaza, this has placed a heavier burden on us. We now need to provide for more people, and without adequate assistance, we will not be able to help everyone.

We have many winter projects that you can be a part of, including providing heaters to families, distributing wood, and much more. Be a part of this project to bring hope back to the masses.The time to act is now; we need to have resources available when winter arrives.

We must be ready, for what is to come.

Act now and donate today to make a difference in the lives of some of the most impoverished and underserved Muslims in the world.

Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

As the days go by, the difficulties increase. We can only ask Allah; He is the only one who can change our situation.

Many Muslims in Syria feel ashamed to beg, and we hear of their piety and humility through reliable, trusted sources.

Help fulfill the rights of a Muslim upon another by giving sadaqah and helping to change their lives for the better.

Donate and contact us today.

Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

Where do you place your money?

Imām Ibn ul-Qayyim said:

“When there is money in your hand and not in your heart, it will not harm you even if it is a lot; and when it is in your heart, it will harm you even if there is none in your hands.”

[Madārij al-Sālikīn | 1/463]

Action plan:

- Always show gratitude to Allāh for the wealth he has provided you, even if it is a little.

- All wealth is from Allāh.

- Spend the money on permissible things without extravagance.

- Be aware of the state of your heart so it does not fall in love with wealth.

-Remember no wealth will go with us in the grave so don’t make the sole purpose of your life to accumulate wealth.

- Spend in charity for the sake of Allāh. Donate towards your brothers and sisters in Syria. Muslims have forgotten them but you don't have to. /channel/Projecthopesyria

Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria


Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله:

‎“Allāh does not forget the good you do, nor does He forget the good you did to others and the pain you relieved them from. Nor will He forget the eye which was about to cry but you made it laugh.”

‎[Timeless Seeds of Advice]

Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria


3 Types of Tawheed:

1. Tawheed al-Ruboobiyyah (Lordship): It is to single out Allah in creation, sovereignty, and administration, or to single out Allah in His actions.

2. Tawheed al-Uloohiyyah (Divinity or Worship): It is to single out Allah in worship, or in the actions of the worshippers.

3. Tawheed al-Asmaa' wa'l-Sifaat (Names and Attributes): It is to single out Allah in what He has named and described Himself with in His Book or on the tongue of His Messenger ﷺ, by affirming what He has affirmed for Himself and negating what He has negated from Himself, without distorting, denying, or likening His attributes to those of His creation.

Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

Prophets in islam


Knowledge is greatly needed during these times of Fitna. A few years ago I never heard a Shaykh say we are living in times of Fitna, this is a new phenomenon.

The dark days are here and your brothers and sisters in Syria have had their voice silenced.

We need to extend our hands in helping them, as they are lost without the help of the ummah.

To get more information on how you can donate our contact information is below.

Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

Spending on charity does not decrease wealth and only blesses it,

Forget not your brothers and sisters:

“Who is it that would loan Allah a goodly loan so He may multiply it for him many times over? And it is Allah who withholds and grants abundance, and to Him you will be returned.”

(Quran, 2:245)

Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

The virtue of sending ṣalāh (supplications for peace) upon the Prophet ﷺ on Friday begins from sunset on the night of Jumuʿah (Thursday night) and finishes at sunset on the night of Saturday (Friday night). Moreover, sending ṣalāh upon him during the day of Friday is better than during its night (Thursday night).

تفضيل الصلاة على النبي ﷺ في الجمعة يبدأ من غروب الشمس ليلة الجمعة وينتهي بغروبها ليلة السبت، والصلاة عليه ﷺ في نهار الجمعة أفضل من ليلها

إنَّ اللهَ وملائكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ على النَّبي يا أَيُّها الذِّين آمَنوا صَلُّوا عَلَيهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيما ً

Don't forget to send Salutations on Prophet ﷺ

Allah the Almighty will do this for you:

Anas bin Maalik (radhi Allaahu anhu) said:  Verily the Prophet (salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said:

Whoever sends Salah upon me once Allah will send ten upon him and remove ten of his sins and raise his rank by ten levels.

[Imam Ahmad in his Musnad, Imam Bukharee in Adabul Mufrad #642 and #643. Jami Sagheer #6359

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Project Hope Syria

The most beloved acts of worship to Allah:

Ibn ‘Umar, may Allaah be pleased with him, narrated that the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said: 

“The most beloved acts of worship to Allah are: happiness that you bring to a believer’s heart, relieving his distress, paying off his debt or driving away his hunger.” 

[Al-Bayhaqi] [Al-Albaani: Hasan]

Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

The virtue of sending ṣalāh (supplications for peace) upon the Prophet ﷺ on Friday begins from sunset on the night of Jumuʿah (Thursday night) and finishes at sunset on the night of Saturday (Friday night). Moreover, sending ṣalāh upon him during the day of Friday is better than during its night (Thursday night).

تفضيل الصلاة على النبي ﷺ في الجمعة يبدأ من غروب الشمس ليلة الجمعة وينتهي بغروبها ليلة السبت، والصلاة عليه ﷺ في نهار الجمعة أفضل من ليلها

إنَّ اللهَ وملائكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ على النَّبي يا أَيُّها الذِّين آمَنوا صَلُّوا عَلَيهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيما ً

Don't forget to send Salutations on Prophet ﷺ

Allah the Almighty will do this for you:

Anas bin Maalik (radhi Allaahu anhu) said:  Verily the Prophet (salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said:

Whoever sends Salah upon me once Allah will send ten upon him and remove ten of his sins and raise his rank by ten levels.

[Imam Ahmad in his Musnad, Imam Bukharee in Adabul Mufrad #642 and #643. Jami Sagheer #6359

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Project Hope Syria

📌 Showing off

Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله:

“Ostentation, however little, annuls good deeds and (enters by any one of) countless doors. An action incompatible with the observance of the Sunnah is another thing that renders them vain.

Boasting in one's heart to God of some good act done, spoils it. Flaunting one's charity, virtue, generosity, personal virtue or liberality towards one's family, ruins these deeds, as Allāh has said:

'O you who believe, do not render your almsgiving vain by reminders of your generosity or by injury.'

[The Invocation of God | Pg. 6]

The best way to protect yourself from riyaa (Showing off) is to give charity in a place that you are unknown, a wonderful opportunity has presented itself to you, the fact that you can donate through our channel to those in need.

The best place you can give Sadaqah, is to a place where your name is unknown, and the charity is only between you and Allah.

Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

Until now we still have many families that are in need of your assistance.

I will write down a few families and their situations.

1. The sister has no assistance as her family is not in the country. Her husband was killed leaving her with 2 kids. She has racked up debt at all supermarkets in her area and now they are unwilling to extend her debts.

Debt: 732.4$

2. Another sister who is from the region, her brother was taking care of her after her husband was killed, and after her brother was killed the big burden of debt rested on her shoulders. The burden of debt not only for her, but her brothers family as well. All debts now lie on her shoulders as she is the oldest In their family and there are no other males in her family.

Debt: 2650$

These are just a couple sister of the many that are mentioned. In the coming days we will be writing about more people living under the burdening weight of debt.

Contact Now To Donate

Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria


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Project Hope Syria

The virtue of sending ṣalāh (supplications for peace) upon the Prophet ﷺ on Friday begins from sunset on the night of Jumuʿah (Thursday night) and finishes at sunset on the night of Saturday (Friday night). Moreover, sending ṣalāh upon him during the day of Friday is better than during its night (Thursday night).

تفضيل الصلاة على النبي ﷺ في الجمعة يبدأ من غروب الشمس ليلة الجمعة وينتهي بغروبها ليلة السبت، والصلاة عليه ﷺ في نهار الجمعة أفضل من ليلها

إنَّ اللهَ وملائكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ على النَّبي يا أَيُّها الذِّين آمَنوا صَلُّوا عَلَيهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيما ً

Don't forget to send Salutations on Prophet ﷺ

Allah the Almighty will do this for you:

Anas bin Maalik (radhi Allaahu anhu) said:  Verily the Prophet (salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said:

Whoever sends Salah upon me once Allah will send ten upon him and remove ten of his sins and raise his rank by ten levels.

[Imam Ahmad in his Musnad, Imam Bukharee in Adabul Mufrad #642 and #643. Jami Sagheer #6359

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Project Hope Syria

Our next bread distribution is coming up soon and you can be a part of it!!

Sign up now to add your name to the list of donors that are adamant about helping there brothers and sisters in Syria.

Bread is a staple food for the people of Syria, and your support makes all the difference.

There are limited spots available, and they usually fill up quickly.

So, sign up to donate now!!

Whatsapp +30 698 576 0734
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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