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Our organization came together to bring hope and support to an Ummah in need. As an Ummah, we never forget the oppressed, and we always stand together. Donation inquiries: @tamalhope "And remind, for indeed, the reminder benefits the believers." 51:55

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Project Hope Syria

To donate to those affected by the earthquake in Syria.

Contact our management team:

Whatsapp +30 698 576 0734
Telegram ID:@tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

Here is a glimpse of the catastrophic earthquake that took 1000s of lives.

Do you see the severity of the earthquake, do you see that your brothers and sisters in Islam need your help? If there is no help from the ummah where will the help come from?

Allah azza wa jal will facilitate with or without you. The only question is do you want to be written of those who do good or simply stand on the side and look on.

Donate and help the Muslims of Idlib, Syria today.

Whatsapp +30 698 576 0734
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

One of the worst earthquakes to hit the region in over 100 years.

We need your help, the situation is dire families have lost everything in this tragedy and need assistance with shelter, food, clothes, heating equipment.

Donate today and help ease the difficulties of the Muslims in need here in Syria.

Contact our management team:

Whatsapp +30 698 576 0734
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

Victims who lost their houses in the earthquake are being taken to temporary camps which will help for a few months. But the victims will need proper homes.
Project soon will be to build new homes for them.

Contact our management team

Whatsapp +30 698 576 0734
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "The one who looks after a widow or a poor person is like a Mujahid (warrior) who fights for Allah's Cause, or like him who performs prayers all the night and fasts all the day."

Be like a warrior in the path of Allah and help the forgotten Muslims of Syria.

Whatsapp +30 698 576 0734
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

A picture of before and after the earthquake.

Donate and help the Muslims of Syria suffering from one of the greatest tragedies to touch down in the last 100 years.

Whatsapp +30 698 576 0734
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

One of the worst earthquakes to hit the region in over 100 years.

We need your help, the situation is dire families have lost everything in this tragedy and need assistance with shelter, food, clothes, heating equipment.

Donate today and help ease the difficulties of the Muslims in need here in Syria.

Contact our management team:

Whatsapp +30 698 576 0734
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

For the 5th day in a row rescue operations continue to take place. Even though the situation looks grim, by the mercy of Allah azza wa jal people are still being found from underneath the rubble alive.

Everyday bodies are being found, the current statistics are as follows.

2100 dead
5000 injured

The number will continue to rise as rescue operation continue.

We have already started distribution of heating supplies and water to those greatly affected by this tragedy.

"A Muslim is the brother of a muslim"

It's in your hands now, do you want to take action and be written down amongst those who helped the ummah in its time of need, or do you want to continue to be a spectator as the ummah calls upon you for help.

The choice is yours.

Those who wish to take a stand in solidarity with their Muslim brothers and sisters.

Contact our management team and donate today.

Whatsapp +30 698 576 0734
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria


Contact our management team at Project Hope Syria and see how you can get started by helping today!

Whatsapp +30 698 576 0734
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

Spokesperson for the World Food Program to Syria TV:

▪️ Bab Al-Hawa crossing is not fully functioning

▪️ Northwestern Syria is suffering greatly

▪️ We distributed aid in Aleppo, Latakia and #Tartous

▪️ We launched a campaign to help 500,000 people in Syria 

▪️ We have enough food in warehouses in northwestern Syria for 125,000 people

▪️ Northwestern Syria is the place most affected by the earthquake

▪️ We provide aid to the survivors of the earthquake in Syria

▪️ We are working to increase access to those in need in Syria
Aid has been sent to the regime areas but the liberated areas until now have not recieved anything.

The Syrian people have been greatly affected by this tragedy extend your hand in sadaqah now and make a difference for your brothers and sisters In Islam.

Contact our management team at Project Hope Syria

Whatsapp +30 698 576 0734
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

Until now, no Aid convoys or relief has come from Turkey to the Syrian side of this disaster. Making the event more chaotic as families are in need of food, water, heating and shelter.

To those who wish to help and support the Muslims here in Syria contact us as the situation is dire.

"A Muslim is the brother of a muslim"

This is not the time to be a spectator but a person of action.

Whatsapp +30 698 576 0734
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

This is the time the Syrian people really need your help. Extend your hand for the sake of Allah.

We are working on the ground day and night to help those affected by this trial.

The time is now, if you are unable then please make dua for the victims of this earthquake.

Confirmed dead 1350
Injured 4000

With many buildings flattened to the ground.

Contact our management team and earn the pleasure of Allah with your donation.

Giving sadaqah, you benifit yourself for the this life and the hereafter and you help those in dire need.

Nothing lost, only gained.

What'sapp +30 698 576 0734
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

Fulfill Your Zakah Obligation Early

Try to do this especially for our brothers & sisters in Turkey and Syria.

Zakāh is a practical application of our ubūdiyyah (servitude) to Allah. When we give zakāh, we do so in submission to Allah’s commands.

There are many benefits of zakāh. These include:

– Zakāh purifies our wealth and increases the barakah in it.

– Zakāh purifies our hearts. As humans, we are predisposed to loving wealth. Giving zakāh purifies the soul from stinginess, greed and the love of this world.

– Zakāh is a test of the truthfulness of our īmān. By giving away money (something we love) we are being tested: who do we love more? Allah or our money?

– Zakāh is a means to thank Allah for the blessings He has given us.

– Zakāh gives the poor dignity and honours them, so they don’t have to beg.

– Zakāh removes the envy, anger and hatred the poor may have towards the rich.

– Zakāh reduces hoarding, unemployment, poverty, and the chances of a recession.

– Zakāh leads to a fairer society, and reduces crime rates.

– Thus, Zakāh strengthens the ummah and increases the brotherhood and sisterhood within it.

Contact our management team and learn how you can get started today.

Whatsapp +30 698 576 0734
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

The virtue of sending ṣalāh (supplications for peace) upon the Prophet ﷺ on Friday begins from sunset on the night of Jumuʿah (Thursday night) and finishes at sunset on the night of Saturday (Friday night). Moreover, sending ṣalāh upon him during the day of Friday is better than during its night (Thursday night).

تفضيل الصلاة على النبي ﷺ في الجمعة يبدأ من غروب الشمس ليلة الجمعة وينتهي بغروبها ليلة السبت، والصلاة عليه ﷺ في نهار الجمعة أفضل من ليلها

إنَّ اللهَ وملائكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ على النَّبي يا أَيُّها الذِّين آمَنوا صَلُّوا عَلَيهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيما ً

Don't forget to send Salutations on Prophet ﷺ

Allah the Almighty will do this for you:

Anas bin Maalik (radhi Allaahu anhu) said:  Verily the Prophet (salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said:

Whoever sends Salah upon me once Allah will send ten upon him and remove ten of his sins and raise his rank by ten levels.

[Imam Ahmad in his Musnad, Imam Bukharee in Adabul Mufrad #642 and #643. Jami Sagheer #6359 authenticated by Al Abaanee]

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Project Hope Syria

Charity is something should be given in prosperity or adversity (3:134) without fear for one's wealth. We should have faith that a sincere act of giving can only bring abundant rewards.

In the Quran Allah subhanwatallah describes those who prevent the supporting of orphans and the feeding of the poor as "those who reject faith" (107:13)

Above were just a few small reminders from the glorious Quran as to why we should continue to help our brothers and sisters in Syria. As the world has alienated and forgotten them. We the proud ummah of Rasuallah ﷺ do not neglect one another.

Donate and see what rewards lie with Allah subhanwatallah for aiding the ummah.

Whatsapp +30 698 576 0734
Telegram ID: @ tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

There are many families still displaced by the recent earthquake. Some still have not found a way to buy tents or move from crowded schools as tent are not available in abundance, or they are to expensive to purchase.

Although it had been a week, this disaster will play a very profound affect on those affected.  We still need your help even though some aid has Been brought in from various organizations, it will not be enough as those who have been recently affected coupled with families living in refugee camps will create a burden unwarranted.

You can still help the Muslims in need here in Syria and bring joy to their faces as they now much go from living in their homes, to living in cold refugee camps.

Show that you care by donating today.

Whatsapp +30 698 576 0734
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

It's officially been a week since this tragedy took place tht changed the lives of many forever.

Families and hearts are broken and riddled with pain. Their only hope is to return to Allah, that Allah accepts those killed as shuhada and that he eases the pain of those who have been internally displaced a second time.

The sight of tragedy and children dead amongst the rubble a sight that will forever be ingrained in our minds.

Those who wish to donate and support he ummah

Contact our management team

Whatsapp +30 698 576 0734
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

Their faith is never shaken. They only increase in their faith during times of hardships.

Hardships are a blessing that bring you closer to Allah.

The ummah is in need, they need your help.

Answer the call of the Muslims of Syria.

Contact our management team and see how you can get started today.

Whatsapp +30 698 576 0734
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

Even though this earthquake has caused severe damage for multiple families, people have forgotten that this incident took place in the middle of winter. Where cold wind, rain and snow is prevalent. Families are going through one tragedy after another.

Flooding has taken place after a dam broke in turkey causing the orontos river to overflow, flooding multiple villages.

Multiple families have been displaced during the middle of winter, flooding, Earthquakes all in a impoverished country suffering from war.

Will you make a difference today? Will you stand with your brothers and sisters of Syria? Will you answer the call of the needy?

Contact our management team and donate to those in need.

Whatsapp +30 698 576 0734
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

The death toll has been updated to 3,160 and the injured to 5,080 in northwestern Syria.

Donate, and donate forget you brothers in their time of need.

Charity Extinguises the anger from Allah Azza wa Jal.

Contact our management team and learn how you can contribute today.

Whatsapp +30 698 576 0734
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

The days are starting to look more bleak as we've entered the 6th day of searching for families. Ultimately life is in the hands of Allah and if he wills survivors can still be found.

Over 20k volunteers assisted in helping to dig for survivors underneath the rubble, pulling out the dead and alive using primitive tools and their hands.

Although some aid has come in only a limited amount. Not enough to sustain the amount of people displaced through this tragedy.

This is the time the ummah must come together in solidarity. Helping there brothers and sisters in need.

"A Muslim is the brother of a muslim"

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "Give (in charity) and do not give reluctantly lest Allah should give you in a limited amount; and do not withhold your money lest Allah should withhold it from you."

Contact our management team and donate today.

Whatsapp +30 698 576 0734
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

Don't forget the last hour on Friday for making duas dear brothers and sisters..

There are many who were hit by earthquakes in Turkey and Syria

Don't forget to add them in your duas

Don't forget our prisoners, orphans, widows the mujahden, the ummah in your duas barkAllah feekom

@dailydawah (telegram)

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Project Hope Syria

The virtue of sending ṣalāh (supplications for peace) upon the Prophet ﷺ on Friday begins from sunset on the night of Jumuʿah (Thursday night) and finishes at sunset on the night of Saturday (Friday night). Moreover, sending ṣalāh upon him during the day of Friday is better than during its night (Thursday night).

تفضيل الصلاة على النبي ﷺ في الجمعة يبدأ من غروب الشمس ليلة الجمعة وينتهي بغروبها ليلة السبت، والصلاة عليه ﷺ في نهار الجمعة أفضل من ليلها

إنَّ اللهَ وملائكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ على النَّبي يا أَيُّها الذِّين آمَنوا صَلُّوا عَلَيهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيما ً

Don't forget to send Salutations on Prophet ﷺ

Allah the Almighty will do this for you:

Anas bin Maalik (radhi Allaahu anhu) said:  Verily the Prophet (salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said:

Whoever sends Salah upon me once Allah will send ten upon him and remove ten of his sins and raise his rank by ten levels.

[Imam Ahmad in his Musnad, Imam Bukharee in Adabul Mufrad #642 and #643. Jami Sagheer #6359

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Project Hope Syria

Another child saved after 50 hours trapped under the rubbles in Armanaz, west of Idlib.

Contact our management team at Project Hope Syria and see how you can help today.

Whatsapp +30 698 576 0734
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

It is reported that ‘Umar ibn Abdul-Aziz (may Allah be merciful to him) used to write to his employees if there were earthquakes telling them to give charity.

Charity Extinguises the anger from Allah subhanwatallah

Whatsapp +30 698 576 0734
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

Within 50 hours : 1571 deaths and 313 destroyed buildings in the devastating earthquake.

The number of deaths and injured is still increasing each hour.

As the death toll in the Harem region
reached approximately 1,176, inclusive of Salqin 425, Harem 356, Basnya 169, Azmarin 110, Armanaz 108, Talul 34, and Milis 24, and the number of completely demolished buildings throughout the region reached 133.

The number of victims in the northern region reached about 206 people, which includes the city of Atarib 155, Al-Dana 28, Termanin 22, Tal Al-Karamah 6, Hazra 3, and Al-Jina 2, while the number of injured people throughout the region reached 341, and 47 buildings were demolished.

Many other regions also experienced alot of destruction.

Send your aid to those in need and extend the hand of sadaqah to families calling upon Allah asking for help.

Contact our management team.

Donate today
Whatsapp +30 698 576 0734
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

This debilitating earthquake brought ruin to a population already living in poverty and suffering from the remnants of war.

The amount of destruction caused was catastrophic, with the death toll now exceeding more then 1350 confirmed dead.

Rescue teams are pulling out bodies from the rubble. and those who do not have family asking there whereabouts are left forgotten as the rescue workers are overwhelmed.

The rescue workers are working day and night, and until now there is hope. As we should always have hope with Allah. Children are still being pulled out from the rubble alive. Even after 48 hours of being buried underneath a building.

This tragic event requires your sincere dua. We need your help, to help them. Do not forget the ummah as it is bleeding. When a wound is open on the ummah a Muslims rushes to heal it.

Contact out management team and learn how you can donate today.

Whatapp +30 698 576 0734
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

A rose springs forth through the pile of rubble

Contact our management team to see how you can help those in need today.

Whatsapp +30 698 576 0734
Telegram ID: @tamalhope

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Project Hope Syria

A hadith from the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ predicted that one of the signs of the day of judgement would be that the land of Arabia would return to green pastures and rivers.

Reported by Muslim

Brothers and sisters this sign is being witnessed in front of our eyes. We must rectify ourselves with our lord and try to work deeds of righteousness for the sake of Allah.

O you who have believed, let not your wealth and your children divert you from the remembrance of Allāh. And whoever does that - then those are the losers. [63:9]

And spend [in the way of Allāh] from what We have provided you before death approaches one of you and he says, "My Lord, if only You would delay me for a brief term so I would give charity and be of the righteous." [63:10]

Your brothers and sisters in Syria are in dire need of your help. Fortunately there are Muslims who have not forgotten their obligations to their ummah, but can you say the same?

Whatsapp +30 698 508 1046
Telegram @tamalhope


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Project Hope Syria

To participate in our upcoming projects or to donate.

Telegram ID: @tamalhope
Whatsapp +30 698 576 0734

Click the link below for telegram page

Being able to aid your brothers and sisters in Idlib, Syria is a great blessing bestowed only on a few.

and whatever of good you send forth for yourselves before you, you shall find it with Allāh.(Q:2:110

Charity is from the best and most righteous of deeds. The dead believer wishes that he could return to this dunya in order to give charity:

{ رَبِّ لَوْلا أَخَّرْتَنِي إِلَى أَجَلٍ قَرِيبٍ فَأَصَّدَّقَ وَأَكُن مِّنَ الصَّالِحِينَ }

“My Lord, if only You would delay me for a brief term so I would give charity and be among the righteous.” [Al-Munāfiqūn 63:10]

History is being written down. Prophecies are being fulfilled. Would you rather be sitting on the sidelines and watching OR would you rather be amongst those who are actively helping the ummah.

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