Hello, I guess you have noticed that all mock tests in our website are divided into A and B types. For the A, it is similar to the practice questions, but for the B, it is not. We hope you guys can manage the time well when you attend the real exam, so we set the A mock test. And we also hope can help you improve your kind of skills, so the B mock test can do that.
Читать полностью…A. By looking closely at the picture, I can see that it is a (type of graph) which gives information about (title).
The data has been calibrated in____.
It is clear from the (type of graph) that the highest figure/value is which is followed by .
While, the lowest figure/value is ____.
Overall, the picture is very interesting and impressive.
Hi all, pls provide me some advice, where I am making mistakes. As I required 65 in each.
Читать полностью…Does anyone have an exam < before 15th January > ? If you want to join our latest exam center group, please 【DM @apeuni006 】and tell the admin your exact exam date, admin will invite you to our latest group.
In our exam center group, you can ask for strategies, and other PTE exam takes will share their exam memories with everyone. If you have any problems, feel free to contact us.
Hi my subscription is done can anyone share APEUni id and password who have already gave there exam.
Читать полностью…Hi, where can i download/see the prediction files for dec? I have the exam on 26 Dec. Thanks.
Читать полностью…ilide.info-pte-core-offline-practice-test-reading-pr_b33bb02ede6aed055e3f3185799574f5.pdf
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